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Professional GM Diary: Final Preparations


Laid back about customers is one thing. Laid back about somebody running a business in space the cafe pays for might be quite a different thing.

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Here's another hint: There are psychological components to GMing that I've discovered as I've worked on developing my professional GMing methodology.

Psychological, not psychic. (just want to make that clear) Although, hmm............ :erm:


I've just revamped multiclassing one last time for the purpose of the campaign. Once I finish up with the new swordmage multiclassing feats, the Character Creation Guidelines thread will be ready. Afterwards, I'm going to finish up the gameplay rules thread and add more lore to the setting. Within the next couple of weeks, I'm adding a lot of goodies such as fiction, setting lore, and two new classes: the dark knight and the dragoon.

I'm also adding some more info about Café 28 later. The place is incredible for gaming purposes. Every kind of food and snack you could want, relatively quiet table area (surprisingly large seating area), and the service is very casual (pay for your food at the counter and sit down at any unoccupied table). Having been there myself, I don't think there is any other place in the city where I could do better. It's perfect.

Here's what I wrote on RPG.net so you guys can get an idea of the current situation. Also, I originally started setting up as a full-time deal, but then I thought I'd found something more stable so I made it part-time, then that fell through so I re-worked it so I work everyday but have time during the day to find a better job. My mother was able to rent out empty rooms in the house so we're sort of okay as long as I can find a better job. This campaign will hoepfully bring some income in to help out while I'm job-hunting.

I wrote on RPG net:
That's why the "Caravan of Blades" campaign is modeled like a localized living campaign, where the consequences of the party's actions can have a big effect on the adventures of the party in the next session. No two sessions will have the same adventures. Exploring the same location more than once may yield different challenges and encounters due to the passage of time in-game.

The party is allowed to do whatever they want and given the freedom to explore the current geographical region in the game world that the session is based in.

There are noted areas of interest and optional missions but nothing particularly railroaded. They can catch a show at the local theatre or hunt for story-affecting artifacts in the ancient ruins.

The sessions are also practically free to try out. I offer a full refund within the first 2 and a half hours if my performance and presentation are unsatisfactory or if you have to leave early for some reason.

Anyway, the first few days aren't too big since this is just starting out and a few things are still being set up (all the basic necessities are up on the website though). If only a few players show up, that's fine. If I'm not at 100% then the players will have their refunds and I can fine tune my methods further. Next week's sessions will be the real litmus test because by then a lot more people will know about this campaign.

I'll post again after my first session with actual players. Again, it's practically free to try out the first half of each session so I should expect somebody to show up to see what I'm bringing to the table.

And yeah if nobody shows up or reserves seats for a session next week I will close the business. I will also be looking for something more stable in the hours before sessions. I had changed the times and schedule from what they were last week so I could more easily look for other work.

In any case, if this fails then anyone who wants to try to be a professional GM in the future will be have a precedent business model to analyze for what works and what doesn't.


First Post
So did you ask the cafe where you are playing for permission to use their space for your own business?

It turns out that they're very laid back when it comes to groups holding all sorts of meetings there as long they're not destructive or disturb the other customers. It's a 24-hour cafe/deli actually. They have A LOT of tables so people just buy food at the counter and go sit down anywhere. It's a very casual, comfortable atmosphere.
So, that's a "no", right?

I brought that up on the previous thread. Its all fun and games until someone learns you are running a business using their property.

I guess it all depends on how much business this brings to the cafe ;)

They have a no-outside-food-and-drink-policy. Buy something when you get there, even if it's just water and a candy bar.

I forgot to mention: I did indeed get permission to hold my games at Café 28 even though normal limit per table is 2 hours. It's apparently fine since I'm not running them during lunch hours and I asked politely.

I'm going to put the first level of Dark Knight up before I go to sleep (sometime within the next 5 hours). It should capture a good "shadow defender" feel. I'm building it as a defender/secondary controller (sort of). This is also in the same board as the campaign.

I added a significant improvement to the scheduling. If nobody shows up for the full 5-1/2 hour session, I will offer a 3-hour short session for $10 per player 30 minutes after the full session was supposed to begin. 4:30 PM-7:30 PM, before prime time TV and after school hours. Full refund offered within the first hour.

People comment on my marketing plan but no one has said anything about my game designing. Sigh.

It may just be me but this whole thing sounds bizarro and a train wreck just waiting to happen. I don't mean this in a mean-spirited way but the whole "business" seems out of touch with reality.

I strongly encourage you to let us know how it goes because I'm genuinely interested.

My initial reaction to the campaign is that it's very loosy-goosy, make-it-up-as-you-go-along, which I wouldn't expect if I'm paying $12 to play.


First Post
Best of luck to you, please let us know how this turns out.

Questions: Did you mention to the cafe that you were charging to run a game? Also, have you considered requiring RSVPs? Do you have any contacts from GM'ing at cons that you could use for endorsements or advice?

This is for those planning to try or observe the session today:

Due to physical exhaustion, I will not be able to perform today. I over-stretched myself the past few days so I need some rest. I'm sorry.

Therefore I am cancelling today's session (March 11). I will still be present at Café 28 today at 4:00 PM-4:30 PM in case players come in unaware of this development. You can at least meet me and I'll answer some questions about the first regular session which is moved to tomorrow (March 12).

I'm in pain right now (my back is killing me) but my suffering has helped me come to an important decision.

When I changed it to a 5 hour session per day 6 days of the week, it was so I'd have the earlier half of the day to get a decent stable job. My mother was able to rent out a couple of empty rooms so I should have enough time to get that job. This campaign is ultimately supposed to buy more time, not solve the problem.

I went through a lot of different price changes over the course of planning this campaign. When I raised the price to $20 per session, I over-exerted myself trying to make the sessions worth that much. I could do so but only at the expense of my health and too much of my time.

Therefore I am halving the entry fees to $10 per full session (5 hours) and eliminating contingency short sessions since no one will come in on the off chance that nobody came in for the $10 entry fee which should be reasonable for the hours of entertainment provided.

I might not give the greatest session in the world but I will perform and prepare professionally to provide a consistently good storytelling and game coordination service.

Oh and the refund time limit is back to first hour of session considering the price now.

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