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False Equivalencies in the Edition Wars

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I never jumped on the edition war bandwagon, though I read them a lot. I personally don't have a problem with gamers playing other editions than the one I play. I play Pathfinder, someone plays OSRIC, someone plays OD&D, someone plays 1e, 2e, 3.x, and 4e. I hope everyone has a good time and has friends to play with. I have no criticisms of the different editions. If Pathfinder closes and goes away, I'll play something else, but I have no gripes against other edition players, designers, or WotC.

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Let's see if we can't put everything into perspective here....snip

Very well stated. There is also the fact that this whole fiasco has more than two sides. For some of us 4E or Pathfinder isn't the system we would like to see supported. I am ever so thankful for the OGL, the retro-clone movement, and the people that took the effort to keep old school gaming materials alive and in circulation. The majority of the bile from a lot of fans of the old school comes not from hating a new rules system as much as it does from the company producing those rules for its efforts to try and erase other systems (especially ones that they own:rant:)

How much hate would there be if you could walk into a game store, see a shelf full of D&D goodness consisting of 4E, 3E, 2E, 1E, Basic & OD&D sets and shiny new supplements for it all:angel: Its a dream of a gamers heaven and if any company were to do that then I can't imagine the amount of goodwill they would enjoy.



I think the real issue with any edition war is that value judgments are made about the people based on what given flavor of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS they play.

I - speaking for myself, just me, all alone, not painting with a broad brush* - saw that leveled at people who stuck with 2nd and 1st edition AD&D by a lot of early 3e adapters, mostly on Usenet.


*- your mileage may vary, you may have seen it coming from the other direction, etc ad nauseam.

Storm Raven

First Post
How much hate would there be if you could walk into a game store, see a shelf full of D&D goodness consisting of 4E, 3E, 2E, 1E, Basic & OD&D sets and shiny new supplements for it all:angel: Its a dream of a gamers heaven and if any company were to do that then I can't imagine the amount of goodwill they would enjoy.

You probably also can't imagine the rapidity with which such a company would go out of business.


You're fairly new to these parts, so I'm going to forgive you this calumny.


Anyway, all this is just by way of explanation, so that when you hear guffaws prompted by your chosen example, you'll know why.

Well, call me a guy with a rather loose definition of "civil". I've been reading these boards since a good two years before my join date. I simply don't post all too often.

My statement stands. You participate in the edition wars, so by definition a certain degree of emotion is going to exist. You don't descend into religious zealotry. Most of the time the only thing I agree with in your posts is your post count, but that's irrelevant to the matter at hand.

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