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[4e] The Dustbowl (QA) [Recruitment - OPEN(1)] (OOC)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
And yet some God sees fit to grant him spells.... *Somebody* out there has a twisted sense of humor (and/or knows more than we do). :)

That said, hanging out and whistling at the ladies may be his primary leaning, but it certainly doesn't earn you 5 level worth of XP, or get you on world-shaking quests. I therefore propose (both?) Caden or Mialucus as your get-out-of-bed-and-lets-do-something-constructive/exciting kick in the pants. Caden (and possibly your god) might be motivated by being your childhood friend, getting you to realize your full potential/hate to see you waste it - and needing a healer for his Inquisitive job doesn't hurt either - while Mialucus, after his arrival, would obviously be of the get-you-into-trouble-twice-daily type (and, quite possibly, Rashka could do the same for him). :D

What do you guys think?
Living in interresting times.
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First Post
Sounds great, Rashka could even be assigned to Mialucus. Sune does favor romantic love, and Mialucus, as he is missing a nose, is due for a true love story.


First Post
Caden's motivations are fairly basic.... he has an arrogant and reckless streak that makes it difficult for him to survive in well policed areas.

He also has absolute confidence in his abilities and enjoys the adrenaline rush from the challenge offered through facing all sorts of beasts with only a knife.


First Post
So far Stick's reasons are his own, he is a wanderer and so far has stayed with the group for his own inscrutable reasons.


First Post
A little bit of background about the (as yet unnamed) world:

EDIT - I have created a wiki page regarding The Dustbowl as a source for information for both PCs and myself. All of you are free to create accounts at this website and edit your own personal information. All the local information is posted there too (do a search for "legends" on the main page). If you would like, you may edit the page entitiled "Player Characters" with your biography and information. Here is the site :

The Dustbowl Wiki

The Dustbowl (location you are currently in) stretches on for nearly 3/4 the width of the continent you are currently residing. These current ruins are only a small part of the Dustbowl. Junae (the town you came from) lies near the coast, on the western edge of the continent. So far, you haven't come across many theories as to why this place is here, considering it is surrounded by lush forests to the north and sort of swampy lands to the south, although there are plently of local legends:

1. Some say that The Dustbowl was once part of the great forest, but a large fire began burning on the eastern edge of the continent (probably by some fool wizard, stupid Eastern Mages) and continued burning and destroying everything until a Western Mage put the fire out.

2. Still others have claimed that a 10,000 year war ravaged the land, but was stopped by the entrance of the worlds first (and still only, to this day at least) chromatic dragon. This dragon is named Tiaminos and not much is known about him, other than he chooses to live his life in a cavern to the far south in the swampy region near The Dustbowl.

3. Others have said that subeterrainian creatures have been destroying the land from the bottom up, digging large caverns and holes. For purposes unknown, these creatures have created a vast system of tunnels and small villages underground, and the carnage they create underneath is evidenced by the destruction above ground.

4. Finally, another local legends tells of very powerful but very evil weapons buried beneath the sand, creating "blighted land" where nothing will grow, and all structures put up by any settlers are destroyed within one year.
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First Post
The mini status update is now up! Stick, Rashka and Roithe can now post their actions. Please wait until I do another mini status update after TWO people have posted their actions. You may still do IC chat if you'd like.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Nice Wiki, Eblue! Does this mean the PCs are originally from another continent or is Junae/Jurnae just the furthest outpost of their home civilization?

[The Three]
Legildur said:
He also has absolute confidence in his abilities and enjoys the adrenaline rush from the challenge offered through facing all sorts of beasts with only a knife.
No wonder he gets along well with Mialucus. :) I'm guessing Caden would then have prioritized exterminator and magical ingredient quest jobs, building a prefered client list composed of (shady to bright) mages - "A beholder eyestalk and sweat from a gelatinous cube? Gonna cost you, friend" -, grave-robbing "occult experts" and wealthy to struggling land-owning nobles/merchants/developpers for the Inquisitive agency. Mialucus would have brought the more classical PI jobs to the agency, tailing, protection, stolen/lost items while even Rashka was occasionaly known to bring in a priestly/supernatural/confessing petitioner client. Sounds good?

I think we could also posit we have high-placed noble sponsor (Duke Eugene Raptor, fifth in line for the throne), somebody to bring us the high-paying/weirder jobs and link us to the city/queendom's political intrigues.

That is, assuming you're in favour of the whole Inquisitive agency-Rashka childhood friend thing, of course?

CaBaNa said:
Sounds great, Rashka could even be assigned to Mialucus. Sune does favor romantic love, and Mialucus, as he is missing a nose, is due for a true love story.

Uh.... is Rashka female then (or doesn't it matter for Kalashtars)? Great rp opportunities either way, but still...

In for a penny...

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
So far Stick's reasons are his own, he is a wanderer and so far has stayed with the group for his own inscrutable reasons.

Two mysterious loners in the group, eh? Simplest thing would then be for the three and one and one to have met at the aformentioned Library of Ages, right before the first fragment quest, and have been told our meeting was a fated one. Classics are classics for a reason. ;)

Still, if one of the loners could have at least met some of the others, that would tend to strengthen things somewhat.

Barring that, could it be Stick and/or Roithe have a done some great deed(s), something that the others could have heard about?

Third possibility : an indirect link through blood. Could it be that the "big city" we've been talking about is in fact a dragonborn queendom with all nobles being of that race? Could it further be that the team's sponsor mentionned above (who'll need to change his name to fit his new race) is known to Stick/Stick's father/family, either through descendance (family branches), marriage (his mother was originaly from the queendom?) or acquantaince (the duke was ambasador to Stick's tribe in his young age/was the subject of the regular "royal hostage swap" that keeps the peace between the two countries/stick's brother now works for the duke).

Whatever you decide, I think I *like* the feel of a multicultural dragonborn queendom... What do you think, Eblue?

EDIT = By the by, just what species is Stick's mount? Horse, pony, sabertooth tiger, mammoth maybe?
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Please wait until I do another mini status update after TWO people have posted their actions.
Since there are five PCs, maybe we could go 2 PCs post, DM update, 3 PCs post? Saves us a back and forth.
Just a thought, I'm good either way.

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