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Adventure: Food of the Gods (DM: ryryguy, Judge: renau1g)


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"Not that I saw," Krassus answers. "But I was inside the stockade the entire time, and inside the hut itself mostly, so I didn't see if they had anything waiting outside the gate."

[sblock=ooc]All the tracks you followed from the plantation to here were people on foot - no animals, no wheels. This second set of tracks approached from a different direction. Both groups appear to have continued along the road - at least, there are no further tracks indicating anyone went in another direction. But you can't find any tracks on the road itself.[/sblock]

[sblock=Jynxx]Still need an endurance roll from you (chainmail is heavy armor).[/sblock]
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Well, do we think they went up the road, or down it? If I were a snakey brigand, I would try and be far away from the central area to prevent people from seeing my snakey dealings, it's safer that way. Though, I don't know if snakey brigands care about safety, so maybe they are south and closer to Fullcrumb. Full of crumbs, mmm... (Stomach gurgle) perhaps a snack or two before we move on? The goliath seems very confident in his profound logic that leads nowhere, but then pauses while pulling a bit of ration from his pack as something in the foliage catches his eye.

[sblock=Rolls]Perception: 1d20+2=14 I found a road!
Nature: 1d20+10=20 has potential[/sblock]


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Azryah doesn't notice the tracks the others are talking about at all, and seems at a loss with how to handle the stone road and figuring out which way the raiders went and what they did with all the heavy beans.

Tracking isn't exactly my thing, so I defer to those with more skill in the area, she said. It's too bad we lost Jaronel. At least he had an idea of this place's layout. I have no idea what could be in either direction to make one seem more or less likely than the other.

[sblock=rolls]Perception: 1d20+9=19 - well drat
Nature: 1d20+4=20[/sblock]


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"I don't think it's them joining somebody or a hand off. These tracks are from yesterday. More likely it's another bunch heading the same direction, but where from? And where to?" Kaeysari looks down the road in the direction that people appear to have been moving. "I guess the road is the way to go in any case."


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Full of crumbs, mmm... (Stomach gurgle) perhaps a snack or two before we move on? The goliath seems very confident in his profound logic that leads nowhere, but then pauses while pulling a bit of ration from his pack as something in the foliage catches his eye.

Papolstaanas whirls around at the sound of Chaku's stomach gurgling, whipping out his little sword. "What was that?" he asks, peering apprehensively into the jungle.


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[sblock=ooc]The road starts (or ends, depending on your point of view) here. So there's only really one way to go along the road. Since it goes up the bay-enclosing cliffs, that means it's heading towards the gate to the Valley of Bone. [/sblock]


Jynxx laughs, "These tracks are indeed older than the others. I do not see the need to follow them, but I do feel the need to sit down for a moment. I am worn from the road."

[sblock=Endurance (or lack of it)]




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[sblock=Nature check results]The Nature check was a group check to determine how quickly you progressed through the jungle. Since only two of you succeeded, the answer was, not all that quickly. ;) Without thinking it through (duh) I didn't wait for the result of the check before posting the last "time check". Because it took longer, I revised the time check from 3:00 to 3:30.[/sblock]
[sblock=Jynxx, Kaeysari]As you probably guessed, 3 was a failure on the Endurance check. :) But 10 was good enough. Jynxx loses one healing surge from the strain of the harsh environment, but Kaeysari is okay this time.[/sblock]
Tracking isn't exactly my thing, so I defer to those with more skill in the area, she said. It's too bad we lost Jaronel. At least he had an idea of this place's layout. I have no idea what could be in either direction to make one seem more or less likely than the other.

Krassus perks up a bit at this comment. "Miss Azryah," he says, "I've never been to this spot before. However, at the end of the cliffs that way" - he points up the road - "is the henge with the gate to the Valley of Bone. I've heard there is a stone road that leads to the henge. My guess is that we're looking at that road, and the madmen were heading back to the Valley."

He turns to face the direction that the second group came from. "And see those hills? I've never seen them from this side, but I'm pretty sure that's Newhill, on the far slope. So why don't we go that way? Like I said before, that's our best bet for finding more zocalti. And it would be foolish to chase the madmen back to their home terrain, where they'd have the advantage..."

He smiles hopefully, but falters when he sees the expression on the deva's face. He shuffles back over to the mules.


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"I guess we have to go after them, even if it means going to the Valley of Bone," says Papolstaanas. "As long as... we can come back again the same way, can't we?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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