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WotC posting a lot of Star Wars material before the license ends.


I don't have Firefox, so I have to do things the old fashioned way. Thanks for the reminder on the later minis previews.

It's hit and miss. I don't think they did any SW:SE stats for Imperial Entanglements, for example. But for the most part, they did. Just check every mini preview. More often than not, the stat blocks are there.

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See - there are rewards for playing in The Old Republic era. One of the most overlooked rewards is that Naboo has not yet been colonized and the Gungans "don't exist". :p

Of course, looking for a Final Solution to the Gungan Problem in the Galaxy* is another path to take, I suppose.

*(My apologies in advance for using language linked to one of the darkest moments in human history in a comedic context - but I couldn't resist).

Cancelled?!?! Things have changed while I was gone.

I've been out of the loop from the Gaming world since pretty much New Years Day, as I was in Basic Training. Now in AIT, I have computer access and was trying to catch up on things.

Glad I checked and saw this, I had no idea the Star Wars license was expiring. Academically I knew it was due to expire in 2010, but I was a little busy when they apparently announced they weren't re-upping the license.

Time to start downloading everything, and when I get back home to start buying up all those books I had let slide. I have everything published for the OCR & RCR editions (except the first two issues of Star Wars Gamer), and want to have the same level of thoroughness for Saga Edition.

Well, at least a discontinued game means you really can be complete with what you have, and between all the OCR/RCR books, the Saga Edition materials, and everything made for d6, not to mention the non-gaming Star Wars reference books out there (New Essential Chronology, The Essential Atlas) you can have enough materials to game for a lifetime. Compiling a master list of feats, force powers and skill trees for Saga is going to be something to do when I have the time.

It does make me sad though, that the one in-print RPG I play and follow is being canceled.


Hey - you should be THRILLED. If you have never picked up SW:Saga Edition - you are in for a treat.

I have played all of the prior versions of Star Wars and have never been as enthralled with the system as I am with SW:SE. For the first time ever, playing a Jedi really FEELS like playing a Jedi - and all without overshadowing all of the other players.

Yes, SW:SE was the testing ground for a lot of the conventions used in 4th edition. Though Star Wars :SE is not completely 4thified. It sort of feels more like 3.95. More importantly, some aspects of 4E that rub me the wrong way in a FRPG setting feel perfectly cinematic and appropriate in a Star Wars game. They say the right tool for the right job? Star Wars is the right tool for the "encounter" power mechanic and Talent/Feat structure of Saga. My gamgin group is a bunch of 40-something and a few 50-something grognards who didn't warm to 4E at all. But they are all enjoying SW:SE very much!

While the end of the license is disappointing, the Star Wars: Saga Edition system is in a finished state. There really isn't very much missing from the game at all. What I'd like to see more of in the future from a hypothetical SW:SE license renewal is largely a number of books arising out of the forthcoming Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO era setting. Those are at least a year away and you know what? After gaming for longer than most of these RPG authors have been alive, I'm perfectly capable of doing that stuff myself :)

Other than that? The game is remarkably complete and finished in just about every respect. Had the license continued, rules bloat would have inevitably occurred (arguably, with 14 books released, that process had already begun). There are mosre Star Wars minis out there to use in your game than you can literally shake a stick at.

So what's left is complete, playable and is, imo, the best Star Wars RPG I've ever played or run. Like you, I was very late to the party and started my campaign less than a week before the end of the license was announced in January, 2010.

I'm good with that though. I have enough books and material to keep me going for years. As well, the Order 66 Podcast (link in my sig below - skip Episode #1 though! :)) is a tremendous and unique resource and rallying point for the entire online Star Wars:SE community. No other RPG has a community "centre" like the Order 66 Podcast has become for SW:SE. It really is the best damn RPG podcast I've ever listened to (and I've tried dozens). It is the community's weekly Dungeon/Dragon mag rolled into one.

All by way of saying, the community material is not going to stop for this game; rules, adventures, beasts, classes, droids, ships, equipment, talents and feats will continue for years.

In short - the game is complete and in FINE shape, thanks very much. Jump in and enjoy.
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The EN World kitten
Of course, looking for a Final Solution to the Gungan Problem in the Galaxy* is another path to take, I suppose.

It's a little-known fact that after Order 66 came Order 67, the directive to exterminate all gungans.

In hindsight, this wasn't surprising since Emperor Palpatine was a noted hater of non-humans. We also know that this made him so popular that the people of the Empire were willing to overlook almost every subsequent crime he committed while in power for the next twenty years or so; they were just that grateful.
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First Post
Has anyone completed compiling this? Willing to share so that hundreds of us don't have to go sifting through the WOTC website repeating the same work?


I have all of the SW:SE stuff saved off, yes. It's 38.5 megs in Winrar. A friend got all the earlier material from OCR and RCR but I didn't grab it on this pass.

I didn't include the Dawn of Defiance AP in that archive - as those are in .pdfs already and easily downloaded by anybody on one convenient page.

A wee bit larger than can conveniently be attached. If you have a suggestion as to where to post it - I shall do so.


First Post
I have all of the SW:SE stuff saved off, yes. It's 38.5 megs in Winrar. A friend got all the earlier material from OCR and RCR but I didn't grab it on this pass.

I didn't include the Dawn of Defiance AP in that archive - as those are in .pdfs already and easily downloaded by anybody on one convenient page.

A wee bit larger than can conveniently be attached. If you have a suggestion as to where to post it - I shall do so.


This site seems to work for a lot of people:

Free File Hosting Made Simple - MediaFire


Thanks, that's useful. For SWSE latecomers like myself, I'd like to point people to the full archive of articles and web enhancements here. And even if someone never intends to run more than 1 SWSE campaign ever, I think the downloads for Rodney Thompson's "Dawn of Defiance" adventure path is a top resource - either for playing as is, or for inspiration.

This firefox extension (alongside this one for more permanent storage or an alternative) might help save the archive through the link provided by Windjammer

Thanks very much for those links. I don't use Firefox anymore, but still have it installed and was able to use it to create an offline copy of the entire archive page and all the linked articles. Takes up about 100MB uncompressed, but well worth it as a resource.

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