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Damn it! Han shot first!!!!

Relique du Madde

Yet again Lucas is trolling star wars fans through the media today.

The Hollywood Reporter said:
THR: People can get fanatical about the movies — how does that make you feel? The puppet vs. CGI Yoda ruckus, and the who-shot-first, Han Solo or Greedo furor come to mind.

Lucas: Well, it’s not a religious event. I hate to tell people that. It’s a movie, just a movie. The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in Episode IV, what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn’t. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down.


Doesn't Lucas know that the shooting first doesn't mean cold blooded killer WHEN YOU ARE ATTACKING A BOUNTY HUNTER WHO IS POINTING A GUN AT YOUR FACE AND IS THREATENING YOU?!?!?!

According to Lucas's logic Obi Wan Kinobi is a cold blooded killer because of what he did in the cantina. If only the interviewer brought that up.

I REALLY hope the re-release of Star Wars in 3D BOMBS in the box office because of that interview.
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Dire Bare

Sorry, I'm with Lucas on this one. Too many fans take this kind of thing waaaay to seriously.

1) Lucas is RIGHT (that Han shot second) because he WROTE the damned film. It's also true that in the original theatrical release, it DID appear that Han shot first, despite the FACT that was not Lucas' intent.

2) The change is so freakin' minor . . . upon seeing the special edition for the first time (actually, for the first of many times), I didn't even notice the scene looked different. When (certain) fans started bitching about "Han Shot First!", I didn't even know what they were talking about until a friend explained it to me. Even then, I had to watch the scene a couple of times before I agreed that it seemed to have changed. Then I promptly forgot about it as it didn't matter at all in the larger context of the story.

The only part of the special edition of "A New Hope" that I didn't care for was the added in scene with Jabba, where Han walks around him and steps over his tail. While I found what Lucas was trying to do interesting, Jabba was too different in appearance (and personality) between "A New Hope" and "Return of the Jedi". It was the only scene that took me "out" of the viewing experience. Even then, I wasn't overly concerned that there was ONE scene in a "special edition" of a classic movie, didn't disrupt my life or enjoyment of Star Wars at all.

I love these movies, grew up with them, and have spent tons of my parent's money, and then my own, on more Star Wars "stuff" . . . but I'm with Lucas, the films aren't freakin' religious events!


1) Lucas is RIGHT (that Han shot second) because he WROTE the damned film. It's also true that in the original theatrical release, it DID appear that Han shot first, despite the FACT that was not Lucas' intent.

2) The change is so freakin' minor . . . upon seeing the special edition for the first time (actually, for the first of many times), I didn't even notice the scene looked different. When (certain) fans started bitching about "Han Shot First!", I didn't even know what they were talking about until a friend explained it to me. Even then, I had to watch the scene a couple of times before I agreed that it seemed to have changed. Then I promptly forgot about it as it didn't matter at all in the larger context of the story.

1) Wrong.

2) Wrong.

I'd bother to explain why, but you wouldn't care anyway so why should I?

Dire Bare

Yet again Lucas is trolling star wars fans through the media today.

No, he was answering a question in an interview about how he felt about fan overreactions.

I REALLY hope the re-release of Star Wars in 3D BOMBS in the box office because of that interview.

Really? I am not so mean-spirited that I hope someone elses film fails because the filmmaker didn't cater to MY perceived needs.

I personally don't care for Lucas' constant re-tinkering of his breakout films . . . I loved the idea behind the initial "special edition" releases, but was disappointed that Lucas never released DVDs that included both the original theatrical release and the special editions. I certainly don't care for his continued tinkering with each major release. But to wish him failure because he isn't making HIS films with MY needs in mind? Seems childish to me.

I probably won't go see the new 3D versions in the theatres for full price . . . unless a friend wants to go and asks me, then why not? I will likely see them at the second-run cheapie theatres, and certainly on DVD/Blu-Ray when they finally hit that format. I won't buy them on disc, but again, don't wish for Lucas to fail.

Plus, I know he WON'T fail. The films will do well at the box office, and they'll do well on DVD/Blu-Ray, because most Star Wars fans aren't crazily obsessed with the "sanctity" of the original films. My nephews LOVE the prequels, the updated originals, and the Clone Wars TV show . . . and THAT'S who Lucas is making (and re-making) his films for.

Sorry to jump all over you . . . but you jumped all over Lucas first and I'm soooo tired of cranky fan entitlement . . . . except now I'm cranky . . .

Dire Bare

1) Wrong.

2) Wrong.

I'd bother to explain why, but you wouldn't care anyway so why should I?

Your eloquent arguments have swayed me. I'm wrong, and I was very upset when Lucas changed holy text. Thank you.

Damn Lucas, the creator and destroyer of all that is good in a galaxy far, far away.
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With Star Wars, Lucas tried to re-create the movies he loved as a kid - the old serials.

And yet by his constant tinkering with the movies, he's messing up the childhood of millions of people.

I wish he'd see that people feel about his movies (the first 3 anyway) the say way he feels about the old serials.

(Ironically though, I would say the prequel trilogy captures the true spirit of old serials - lots and lots of bad acting and smack your head moments, but still fun)


A Wicked Kendragon
1) Lucas is RIGHT (that Han shot second) because he WROTE the damned film. It's also true that in the original theatrical release, it DID appear that Han shot first, despite the FACT that was not Lucas' intent.
The problem here is that you don't know that. Nobody knows it. I don't think even Lucas knows anymore what his intent WAS. I'm sure he knows what it is now. But he seems to keep changing his view on what his view was.

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