Again the point, as raised *by you* was a question of comparing the deadliness of knives vs. the deadliness of Medusa.I'm not sure I see that distinction.
If not being afraid of death by a single knife attack equates to not being gritty, then I'd like to know how you consider 1E gritty.
And yet Medusa was SoD in 1E. And the potential for character death was quite high in 1E.
Whether or not you see it, the dichotomy you have challenged was there.
Well, I don't know where "high probability" came from, but I'll just presume you misspoke and meant "high potential".Why would you even want a game with high probability of character death that is not gritty?
My Pathfinder game is pretty WaaHoo. I've run gritty in the past. Pathfinder, not so much. I find these days I just like the high fantasy stuff. That is nothing but personal taste. If the gritty mood strikes me I lean toward GURPS and/or Warhammer (2E).
And yet the current campaign I'm running has seen quite a few PC deaths. Four of the starting five PCs are deceased and a handful of replacements have fallen as well. I think the total is 7 deaths in 16 sessions.
I agree 100%. Of course blindly abandoning things that have worked before is at least equally as foolish.Also I think "We always used to do it like this" is not the best argument for anything
That is why I prefer to actually look at the merits and flaws on a case by case basis.
Big "if" there., especially if the last edition of the game works just fine without it.