Thanks for that spell. I was stuck in an extradimensional space for a few days, with no way to access ENWorld, and that summoning spell was just the thing I needed to find a way out!
The attack skunk from Polyhedron 48 was reprinted again in the
Encyclopedia Magica, Volume IV (p1503). It comes from an article title
Wand of Wondrousness which expands the effects of the wand of wonder. An "attack" creature is just an ordinary creature which attacks because the wand effect summons it to attack. As well as the attack skunk, there is also an attack doggie, an attack kitty, an attack rat, an attack chicken, an attack viper, an attack grizzy cub, attack butterflies (!), an attack shark, an attack pugilist (!!), an attack giant ant, an attack tyrannosaurus rex (just a baby), an attack rabbit, an attack octopus, and three different varieties of attack lowlives.
Just in case that list doesn't dissuade you from tackling the attack skunk, its stats are: HD 1; hp 1; AC 6;
[URL=]#AT [/URL] 1; Dmg nil; THAC0 19; SA
stinking cloud on one creature, flees after delivering cloud.