D&D 5E What's Your Spell Slot Sweet Spot?

How many spell slots would you like to manage? (Pick closest.)

  • 4 or less

    Votes: 8 12.1%
  • 10

    Votes: 33 50.0%
  • 20

    Votes: 16 24.2%
  • 30

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • 40 or more

    Votes: 3 4.5%


First Post
One spell per level, with both cantrips and rituals in addition.

I didn't vote in the poll, as it didn't give me anything like the option I like.


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First Post
I like small numbers. I hate keeping track of things. Realistically, human working memory usually holds ten items or less at a time, and I prefer to keep my game options under that threshold; more than that and the extras are getting ignored anyway.


First Post
I think 6-8 dailies, one or two per-encounters ("signature" spells), and 2-4 at-wills. You can cut out the signature spells with no real harm done, as long as the at-will spells are still worth a turn at high levels. Starting at fewer is fine, but I think you should reach this level fairly quickly (by 5th level) and stick around there up through level 20.

I've posted it elsewhere, but here's a way wizards could more quickly reach a decent number of spells/day without zooming past it too an overwhelming plethora:

Lvl 1  2  3  4  5
1   2  -  -  -  -
2   4  -  -  -  -
3   4  2  -  -  -
4   4  4  -  -  -
5   2  4  2  -  -
6   -  4  4  -  -
7   -  2  4  2  -
8   -  -  4  4  -
9   -  -  2  4  2
10  -  -  -  4  4

Since spells can be prepped at higher level (and some of them even get a benefit from doing so), this allows wizards to stick at 8 spells per day indefinitely while continuing to increase in power.

9 levels, 3-4 spells max per level. So 27-36, average about 30 for a max-level wizard.

Three per is nice because it allows and offensive, defensive, and utility spell to be prepared at each level.


9 levels, 3-4 spells max per level. So 27-36, average about 30 for a max-level wizard.

Three per is nice because it allows and offensive, defensive, and utility spell to be prepared at each level.

I'm with you, Olgar. This sounds right. It's nice for a Wizard to be alble to diversify spell selection, rather than always chosing the same spells. With too few spell slots, most players will pick only staple spells.


I think 6-8 dailies, one or two per-encounters ("signature" spells), and 2-4 at-wills. You can cut out the signature spells with no real harm done, as long as the at-will spells are still worth a turn at high levels. Starting at fewer is fine, but I think you should reach this level fairly quickly (by 5th level) and stick around there up through level 20.

I've posted it elsewhere, but here's a way wizards could more quickly reach a decent number of spells/day without zooming past it too an overwhelming plethora:

Lvl 1  2  3  4  5
1   2  -  -  -  -
2   4  -  -  -  -
3   4  2  -  -  -
4   4  4  -  -  -
5   2  4  2  -  -
6   -  4  4  -  -
7   -  2  4  2  -
8   -  -  4  4  -
9   -  -  2  4  2
10  -  -  -  4  4
Since spells can be prepped at higher level (and some of them even get a benefit from doing so), this allows wizards to stick at 8 spells per day indefinitely while continuing to increase in power.

I've had a very similar idea, and I think it makes a lot of sense. I particularly like the idea in combination with scalable spells, which scale depending on the slot you use to cast them.

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