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Day of the Doctor

The Time War is something that should be handed off to Big Finish, where they don't have to worry about blowing a third of an episode's budget in a giant SFX and can still leave imagination in play.
And they can have some more episodic moments, such as going back in time and sabotaging Skarro's star before the planet even forms and the like.

This might be a fun conversation for the Doctor Who RPG game. 1001 ideas for a Time War game.
And the hopeful War Doctor supplement from Cubical 7
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he S
Or - why just between the Time Lords and the Daleks? Are the Sontarans etc. all chump change? Why wasn't it the Daleks vs the Sontarans? Or the Cybermen? Or a thousand other big races?

They mentioned the Zygons' home planet had been destroyed earlier in the Time War, for example, and the Sontarans apparently missed it (Comander Stall's line from The Sontaran Stratagem).

Plus so much of the horrors of the Time War are things better left as vague horrors, where the imaginations of the fans will always be better. They sound better than they would look.

This is quite true - i was disappointed to learn "the Moment" was simply a puzzle box, rather than an actual moment in time the Doctor had stuffed into his pocket. But these things need to be made simple enough for the audience to follow easily and so often become props or something similar.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Or - why just between the Time Lords and the Daleks? Are the Sontarans etc. all chump change? Why wasn't it the Daleks vs the Sontarans? Or the Cybermen? Or a thousand other big races?

I think, in the canon, the others don't have time travel capability. Other than the occasional vortex manipulator, only the Daleks and Time Lords seem to have the tech. I would presume that, across the Time War, the two superpowers would have used the others as pawns, which either get used up or shuffled aside into irrelevance, until only the two remain.

I agree that the way that end was portrayed was still pretty unimaginative. As if, when time is your actual weapon, you'd fight the final battle with laser guns? I think it could have been done better within the same effects budget, with a touch of thought.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I think, in the canon, the others don't have time travel capability. Other than the occasional vortex manipulator, only the Daleks and Time Lords seem to have the tech. I would presume that, across the Time War, the two superpowers would have used the others as pawns, which either get used up or shuffled aside into irrelevance, until only the two remain.

I agree that the way that end was portrayed was still pretty unimaginative. As if, when time is your actual weapon, you'd fight the final battle with laser guns? I think it could have been done better within the same effects budget, with a touch of thought.

Yeah. The whole thing with lots of Dalek ships firing lasers at Gallifrey seemed very sub-Death Star, where the tech is traditionally magnitudes beyond that. I mean, Davros and others have deployed universe-destroying weapons before. Shooting laser at targets on a single planet seems a bit pathetic. And surely a single TARDIS outweighs an infinite number of laser-firing saucers?


Mod Squad
Staff member
If you haven't seen Davison-directed "The Fiveish Doctors" you haven't seen the anniversary episode yet. Stats Davison, Baker, McCoy, Moffat, Tennant, Smith, Peter Jackson, Ian Mckellan, John Barrowman, RTD, various old companions, and more!

Available in red button (and will be on iPlayer). No, I don't know where it's showing in foreign countries.

You can watch it here - it is about half an hour long:


Color me disapointed.

1) after the whole build up of him not being the doctor everyone calls hurt the doctor...then at the end when they tell him he really is a doctor it was meaningless. What did he introduce himself as?

2) It is not the same screwdriver... it has been destroyed at least twice in new who.

3) The lamest battle for a war ever ende dthe time war?!?! Really did they not have any tardis left on galafray? Could no soldiers regenerate?

4)I have pushed for a retuern of the time lords, but what a crappy cop out. Why did tenet risk his life at worlds end to stop them? Oh right no reason....

5) What happened with unit and the talks?

6) If they had Meagan back for a ten min web ep why not give him a min or two here at the end when all 13 docs showed up?

Over all I give it 4 out of10... I want RTD back



4)I have pushed for a retuern of the time lords, but what a crappy cop out. Why did tenet risk his life at worlds end to stop them? Oh right no reason....

That one did bother me - this episode does seem to deflate the tension from the End of Time storyline.

However, bear in mind that Rassilon & co. were planning to literally end time, leaving Gallifrey alone in the universe. If ever Gallifrey is brought back in the future, that will likely need to be a plot point that's dealt with.

On the bright side, if Gallifrey does come back, maybe we'll get to see the Master back as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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