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Thoughts of a new Star Wars System


First Post
Right now, the current Star Wars RPG is owned by Fantasy Flight Games.

If Lucasfilm / Disney was going to give the license to another company to make a new RPG, would you rather they give it back to WEG and have them do a new line of Star Wars D6? Use some other established system? Or make a new system entirely?
I'd rather they didn't give it to a different company since I think FFG is doing an amazing job with their RPG.

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Voice Over Artist & Author
I don't really want a new Star Wars RPG system. I loved WEG d6 and was wholly disappointed in the WotC's efforts. They just didn't feel like Star Wars to me. I'm currently playing in an Edge of the Empire game and we all enjoy it very much; most of us prefer the system to Pathfinder.

I think all this talk about the EU being dead is a bit hyperbolic at best. Yes, it's all been declared non-canon, but so what? It still exists under the new Star Wars Legends line, and the writers of the new stuff can port things over into the new films, TV series, or books if they desire, making it canon again. It's just not canon NOW. Really, nothing has changed because Lucas himself pretty much ignored all the written canon unless he wanted to use something from there anyway.

What I would like to see is Disney open up Star Wars Legends into the Kindle Worlds program so I can finally write my Star Wars fiction that doesn't deal with the Skywalkers or Solos. :p


Mod Squad
Staff member
Disney has announced that they're going to completely ignore the EU...

That is factually incorrect.

To quote the relevant press release:

"In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe. While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new Star Wars entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe."

So, no, they are not going to completely ignore the EU. They may use some parts of it, and not use others. Elements of the EU are stated as coming up in "Star Wars Rebels".

Which all amounts to "we are not strictly bound by" does not mean "we are completely ignoring".


First Post
A N.E.W. system, perhaps!

That's one of the things that sold me on your kickstarter. It looks like an awesome game system for running Star Wars.

(I can't bring myself to buy the FFG system because of the custom dice, which makes it hard to play online, and having 3 core rulebooks that will mostly be made up of the same rules, just with different classes. If I'm going to have to buy multiple core books, at $65 (Canadian) a pop and not an ebook option to be seen, at least give me completely fresh content in each. The system does, however, look fun to play.)

Of course, I'll still have the problem I had with Saga Edition... a game system to play, but nobody to play with.


That is factually incorrect.

To quote the relevant press release:

"In order to give maximum creative freedom to the filmmakers and also preserve an element of surprise and discovery for the audience, Star Wars Episodes VII-IX will not tell the same story told in the post-Return of the Jedi Expanded Universe. While the universe that readers knew is changing, it is not being discarded. Creators of new Star Wars entertainment have full access to the rich content of the Expanded Universe."

So, no, they are not going to completely ignore the EU. They may use some parts of it, and not use others. Elements of the EU are stated as coming up in "Star Wars Rebels".

Which all amounts to "we are not strictly bound by" does not mean "we are completely ignoring".

I think the point of the poster was referring to the fact that the EU as a whole IS being entirely ignored as part of the canon. As of now according to disney nothing in the EU ever took place in the star wars universe. Sure they can cherry pick from content that is already out there under the old "Legends" moniker, but the stories are completely and utterly being thrown away. As of now it's simply a giant tool box they can use for the new whole unified EU, which as this point contains absolutely nothing beyond the clone wars cartoon.

Thrawn, Mara Jade, KOTOR, Force Unleashed, Comics, Yuuzhan Vong, Cade Skywalker, Han And Leia's children, Lukes Children, Sun Guard (personal favorite), Shadow of the Empire, Dark Forces, Kyle Katarn, Darth Krayt, Rogue Squadron, New Jedi Order, Hyper Space wars etc etc etc.... it's been completely and utterly gutted, thrown into a box called legends, and now the new guys get to use it for inspiration and ideas but all of the adventures and stories that were released under the EU is completely gone ready to start anew.
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My group and I tried the Edge of the Empire Beginner Game and enjoyed running about in the Star Wars universe. We didn't like the custom dice at all though. We found them slow to read and a bit of a gimmick. I don't mind trying new things and I am open minded but I didn't find reading several player's dice results easy and quite tiring to be honest. I ran 13th Age the following week and it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders...I was able to put my energy into descriptions and imagination.

so...new Star Wars system? Well the biggest problem I have with Sci Fi is writing good adventures. I think D&D is a reasonable fit but maybe I would suggest Paizo and an adapted Pathfinder would be a very good system for Star Wars? I would love adventure paths and modules full of Jedis and droids!



I'd rather they didn't give it to a different company since I think FFG is doing an amazing job with their RPG.

Agreed. Edge of the Empire is an excellent game. I agree with the guys on the Order 66 podcast. The dice mechanic sounds like a bad idea until you actually try it, then it's a lot of fun. That and the obligation mechanic is great. I haven't been this excited about Star Wars since my uncles took me to the opening of The Empire Strikes Back when I was a wee lad.

DM Howard

I was very excited about Star Wars Edge of the Empire and bought the Beginner's Game to give it a go with a friend. We went through the entire mini adventure and at the end, whilst it certainly felt like Star Wars (much more than the WotC stuff did) we couldn't quite wrap our heads around the dice mechanic. I'm waiting for our current campaign to end, then I'll propose running an EotE campaign so we can fully give it a shot before making a rightful decision on it.


First Post
FFG's game is a great Star Wars game. You don't have to buy all three core books - just get the one you want. They both (since the 2nd is in beta and 3rd not out at all) add stuff you can use for either line. You don't have to buy every game line for Warhammer 40k - I don't know why people think they have to buy all three for Star Wars. You can run Rebels with Edge of the Empire - or Fringers with Age of Rebellion or mix and match them ... it's a pretty open system.

The dice mechanic works great if you have creative players that can interpret the rolls how they want instead of getting used to just a hit/miss mechanic. Give the players some time and lee-way with the dice - it'll make the action come alive. Instead of just saying I have an advantage so I'll give the next guy a boost die ... I fire but miss the Stormtrooper. However in ducking my shot he makes himself off balance so the next guy has a better shot at him - then hand him a blue die.

I think they're easier then Warhammer 3rd dice and my group got that pretty quickly in the session. It took longer to make the dice pool then interpret it. Star Wars has an easier mechanic for making the dice pool of upgrading dice instead of adding dice.

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