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D&D 5E Whatever "lore" is, it isn't "rules."

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Morkus from Orkus
For someone who gets so bent out of shape for others misinterpreting your words you seem to be going rather out of your way here.

I just thought I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. The difference between the two of us, is one of us is serious and the other is not.

I told you how the setting would be if I was king of the world. But since I'm not, all I can do is state my personal preference. But note the lack of value judgment or any attempt to make any claim of objective truth.

Ahh, so YOUR opinions that are judgmental aren't one true way, but mine are. Got it.

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It doesn't alter any other setting. It adds onto them, connecting them through the metasetting. Spelljammer is the same way.

See this is the inconsistency. If adding Planescape elements to a setting is not a change but an addition and adding wildmages is an addition and not a change then why is adding WoHS such a large change?

All three a NOT changes by your definition.

So what's the problem?

If I'm playing in your Greyhawk game, should I expect to meet Athasian Half Giants and Muls? After all, PS makes that possible and you claim that PS is not a change.


Morkus from Orkus
See this is the inconsistency. If adding Planescape elements to a setting is not a change but an addition and adding wildmages is an addition and not a change then why is adding WoHS such a large change?

Nothing is changed about the setting. The settings touched by Planescape act identically from within.


Nothing is changed about the setting. The settings touched by Planescape act identically from within.

So my Greyhawk campaign is based around Neogi ships kidnapping citizens and the PC's fight them off X-Com style and that's perfectly canon?

Iirc you argued that the Isle of Dread belongs in Mystara. Only thing is, in 5e the Isle of Dread is part of the Elemental Plane of Water. So, how is that not canon for Greyhawk? It simply manifests in GH through some sort of planar portal. Poof. Canon.


I just thought I'd give you a taste of your own medicine. The difference between the two of us, is one of us is serious and the other is not.

Ahh, so YOUR opinions that are judgmental aren't one true way, but mine are. Got it.

What value judgements are you referring to? When did I say PS was bad or that anyone running it was making a poor decision?

All I said is I don't like it and would prefer if you kept your chocolate out of my peanut butter.


I've already answered this multiple times. It's about expectations. If someone tells me that they are running a Greyhawk game, I expect Greyhawk and nothing else. If they are going to add other things like Dragonlance, they need to be upfront with me and tell me that they are running a home brew setting mixing both. Then I'd expect things like Gully Dwarves in the Barrier Peaks and Wizards of High Sorcery in the Great Kingdom, so there wouldn't be an issue.
It's barely mixing both though. Nor does the GM need to be "upfront with you," which seemingly implies that if they weren't or gave this addition little mind that somehow the GM would be dishonest in claiming they were running a Greyhawk campaign. I find that an argumentative stretch, to be honest. With the sheer amount of lore content in Greyhawk published throughout the years, complaining about the presence of the Wizards of High Sorcery in Greyhawk is complaining about less than %0.000001 of actual content that is otherwise Greyhawk. It's about like claiming that you are not drinking sweet iced tea because a drop of some impurities (e.g. citrus or peach juice) was added to the mixture. How are you not playing a Greyhawk game? What about the presence of a Wizards of High Sorcery prevents you from playing a Greyhawk game at that table? How would your level one character at that table be any different? I also do not see how the presence of the Wizards of High Sorcery in Greyhawk means that you should expect Gully Dwarves or other things from Greyhawk. That would say something regarding your own wild logical leap of expectations and nothing about the GM's adventure or their establishment of the setting.

Why are you trying to force your One True Way on me? I happen to like it as a metasetting that enfolds the others.
I'll admit that one of the things that I liked most about Eberron when I first sat down reading through the materials (and Keith Baker's previews) was that it stepped away from the Great Wheel and Planescape's own assumptions. That was a breath of fresh air for me.

It doesn't alter any other setting. It adds onto them, connecting them through the metasetting. Spelljammer is the same way.
Additions are changes. If you add a portrait to a room, you have altered the room. If you add a new race to a setting, then the setting changes. If the setting was first self-contained, saying that they are now connected to a larger metasetting alters the setting in question as a natural byproduct. Ideas produced in the metasetting would change the assumptions of the connected settings while things in the connected setting cannot change without first consulting the metasetting. That stifles a lot of potential growth or even novelty. Metasettings are neat, but let's not pretend that they aren't changes when added or don't come at a cost of the individuality or potential innovations of the settings.


From the Dragonlance Nexus http://www.dlnexus.com/fan/rules/11852.aspx


From the Dragonlance Nexus http://dragonlancenexus.com/lexicon/index.php?title=Wild_Sorcery

This is the canon from the setting. Quoted, I believe, for the third time.

Wait a minute... maybe I left that thread before all of this came to light but my argument was against you stating that the gnome was not a canon Dragonlance character. At what point did what age he came from even come into the picture? Did the DM even tell him what age the campaign was set in? At any rate I stand by my assertion that a wild mage gnome is a canon DL character now whether he was canon for whatever age the game was set in... well that's on the DM if he wasn't clear about when the campaign was taking place and instead called it out as a generic DL campign...


Morkus from Orkus
Nowhere is it written that if you announce a certain campaign setting, you may not make any changes to that setting. In fact, the opposite is most likely true since virtually no home run campaign never adds any additional material.

They wrote that statement right next to where I said that nobody could make any changes to the setting. Find one and you'll find the other.

Why do you have such tremendous difficult arguing against what people actually say, Mr. Strawman? Is it because you fear your real arguments won't hold up?


Morkus from Orkus
What value judgements are you referring to? When did I say PS was bad or that anyone running it was making a poor decision?

By judging that the setting should not be able to extend past itself, you are saying that's the way it should be for everyone.

All I said is I don't like it and would prefer if you kept your chocolate out of my peanut butter.
No, you made a blanket statement about it that would result in it applying to everyone if true.

Hang on [MENTION=48965]Imaro[/MENTION]. My issue with Planescape is that it bleeds into other settings. I have zero problem with Planescape in and of itself. My sole issue, and I've been pretty clear here, is that D&D has a singular setting for the planes and any changes to that are met with very strong opposition. I'm in no way saying that anyone who plays Planescape is making a poor decision or that it's badly written or anything like that. I'm arguing that it should remain distinctly within the bounds of that setting.

That's all about you telling us your issue with it and then saying generally that it should remain within the bounds of the setting so that YOU stop having a problem with it. You are trying to force your One True Way on people with that statement.

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