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Monitor Duty (Freedomverse OOC)


First Post
Super duper MEGA final sheet! Now with new improved spellbook who is actually portable!

Supername: Hex
Real Name: Sandra Connor
PL 10 (150)
Hero Points: 1
Exp: 0

[sblock=Background]Sandra's always had a bit of tension with her folks. Her father's an actual priest, while she always considered herself an empiricist. They both have a stubborn streak a mile wide too, leaving her mother to try to keep the peace between them. She embraced the gospel of Hawking and Hawkins and DeGrasse Tyson, seeing the march of science as the only true miracle in the world.

Imagine her surprise when she learned otherwise.

She worked at the university library as a student, helping ease tuition costs a bit, and one night she let herself in after hours to get a book for a project she was doing. While hunting down the aisles, she realized the numbers were wrong. Had she taken a wrong turn? A few rows over, they weren't even numbers anymore...more like some kind of cuneiform script! All the while there was a pressure growing between her temples, like a hum in her skull. It was getting louder, no matter which turns she took...even trying at random.

Then it stopped. Sandra was leaning against a shelf, taking off her glasses to wipe at her eyes, and it stopped. She put her glasses back on slowly, and directly in front of her was the book. Untitled. Alone on its shelf of ancient wood (wood? the libraries shelves were metal!). Bound in rough-textured leather with glimmers of gold-colored thread, and inlaid with a pattern of lapis and other colorful stones she didn't recognize to create a sort of symbol. Without thinking about why, Sandra reached out and drew it off the shelf.

She walked the library aimlessly, absorbed in what she was reading. It wasn't until she heard people talking that Sandra looked up, startled. She was emerging from the stacks in the university library...and it was daytime! Had she been back there all night?! Her project!

So great was her consternation that Sandra completely forgot about the book she was still holding. It didn't set off any alarms, so no one tried to stop her. Later on she would realize that she hadn't taken that book from the school library at all...but that would be later.

After the book spoke to her.[/sblock]

Abilities 32
Strength 0
Stamina 0
Agility 2
Dexterity 2
Fighting 0
Intellect 6
Awareness 5
Presence 1

Defenses 24
Dodge 10 (2 base + 8)
Fortitude 7 (0 base + 7)
Parry 4 (0 base + 4)
Toughness 10 (0 base)
Will 10 (5 base + 5)
Initiative +2

Skills 16 (8)
Expertise: Magic +8 (2)
Expertise: Science +10 (4)
Expertise: History +8 (2)
Insight +9 (4)
Investigation +8 (2)
Technology +8 (2)

Soul Spells (33pp)
- Magnus Warding - Create (Selective, Affects Insubstantial 2, Subtle 1) +9, 30pp
- Soul Hand - Move Object (Perception, Split 2, Precise 1) +9
- Soul Avatar - Summon (Active +1/rnk, Controlled +1/rnk, Mental link +1) +7
- Manifest Soul (all powers are Sustained)
Enhanced Trait: Strength +7 (14)
Enhanced Trait: Fighting +6 (12)
Enhanced Trait: Fortitude +3 (3)
Enhanced Trait: Athletics +2 (1)

Book Spells (Easily Removeable -14pp) 23pp (37pp)
- One Hundred Ways to Die - Damage (Ranged, Multiattack, PF Variable (Magic) 2, PF Accurate 2) +10, 34pp
- Hexat - Affliction (Perception vs Will, Ext Condition, PF Rvrsble; Impaired-Vuln/Disabled-Defenseless/Controlled-Unaware) +8
- Disjoin - Nullify (Broad (magic), Perception, Simultaneous) +8
- Thunder Road - Teleport (Accurate, Extended, Easy, Limited to Extended, PF Change Dir, PF Change Vel, PF Inc Mass +4) +7 (+6 from extended; about 30 miles)

Enduring Effects
Barrier Warding - Protection 10, 10pts
Accio Costume! - Morph (Continuuous duration) 1, 6pts
Mystically Sensitive - Super Sense (Mental - Magic Awareness, Extended 1) 2pp

Ritualist, 1
Equipment (5), 1
Ranged Attack, 4
Sidekick: The Grimoire (30pts), 6

Smartphone, 2
Comm-link, 1
Mini-tracer, 1
Rebreather, 1

Attributes: 32
Defenses: 24
Skills: 8
Advantages: 12
Powers: 74

Motivation: I wanna try everything! Sandra is enthralled with the strange and mysterious, drawn to new experiences and new ideas. Being a superhero is in some ways a 'testbed' for her explorations of magic...giving her a socially-positive way to use abilities and techniques that would otherwise be very hard to ethically experiment with.

Secret Identity: There are several reasons she protects her true identity. Insulating her family and friends is one, but also she's unsure how using magic will affect her desire to be a scientist...and she's hedging her bets on that, keeping it compartmentalized.

Shoulder-Devil: The Grimoire was not a nice guy in his human existence. While he has resigned himself to his current state, he doesn't hold the lives of those who cannot use magic in very high regard. As such, his lessons and advice for Sandra, while forced by his geas to be honest, often reflect a callous disregard for the well-being of others.

Power Loss: Incantations: The spells cast from the Grimoire require the book to be in her hand, but also require incantations to be made in a clear voice. Background sound that drowns her out won't stop the spell from working, but anything that actually prevents her from vocalizing will. Her Soul magic has no such limitation however.

Enemies: It's certain that an artifact like the Grimoire is being sought by beings of power now that it is no longer hidden away outside of space and time...

Sidekick: Grim
Sentient Construct

Ages ago, and perhaps in a different world entirely, a master sorcerer attempted to divest himself of his mortality...and what was left of his humanity...to become immortal. He did this by preparing a ritual that would invest his spirit into a virtually indestructible magical construct; a sort of golem of unspeakable power. He was stopped from this goal however, and while the ritual was not completely disrupted it's target was shifted from the golem to his very own book of spells. In the aftermath it was decided that an eternity of being able to gaze futilely at the instruments of his power while never being able to use them was a fitting punishment. A powerful geas was laid over the book, forcing it to answer the questions of those who held it honestly, in hopes he could still serve a useful function.

For many years, the Grimoire served to assist sages and wizards who sought knowledge in its pages of notes and spells and magical theories. In time though, the study of magic waned, and the book was left in a library, then the library and the book both lost to history. The Grimoire eventually fell into a dormant state until it was awakened by the latent magical potential of someone picking it up; something it hadn't felt for...even it didn't know how long.

Attributes (10)
Dexterity 0
Fighting 0
Intellect 5
Awareness 0
Presence 0

Skills 8 (4)
Expertise: Magic +13 (8)

Advantages (2)

Abilities (44)
Protection 5
Shrinking (permanent, innate; about 12" in size) 8, 9
Immunity to Fortitude Effects 30

Flaws (-30)
Lack 3 Attributes -30

RP Quirk - "Magic is the solution to every problem!"
Total: 30pts

Summon: Soul Avatar
Construct Minion
This is not so much a creature as a construct of pure magical force, knitted together by the force of Sandra's will and soul.

Attributes (32)
Strength 10
Agility 0
Dexterity 0
Fighting 10
Presence 0

+10 atk, DC25 damage, Affects Insubstantial 2

Defenses (10)
Dodge 6
Parry 6
Toughness 14 (impervious 13)

Abilities (93)
Strength Affects Insubstantial, 2
Protection (Impervious 13) +10, 23
Growth (Permanent, 10' tall) +4, 8

Immunity to Fortitude Effects 30
Immunity to Will Effects 30

Flaws (-30)
Lack 3 Attributes -30

Total: 105pts
Last edited:

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EDIT x7: Finishing touches...
  • Revised "Dim Mak" alternate effect to be in line with PL limits.
  • Boosted Protection "Iron Shirt Chi Gung" to raise Toughness a little, since [MENTION=20711]hero4hire[/MENTION] mentioned our defenses being too low.
  • Added "Breaking Blow" alternate effect to his Legendary Fist, removing Deception ranks to pay for 1 pt.
  • Merged Movement and Leaping into same power "Grasshopper Step / Wire-Fu" for simplicity, and removing Dimensional & Water-walking effects, thus freeing up points.
  • Removed Counter Illusions from Senses "Eyes of the Jade Dragon", re-investing those 2 pts into boosting Fortitude and Will defenses.
  • Uploaded updated PDF character sheet.

[SBLOCK=Edit History]
EDIT x6: After reading the rules further – including Power Profile: Martial Powers – I made a few changes:
  • Simplified his Leaping power.
  • Created a "Grasshopper Step" Movement power to portray classic Wuxia moves.
  • Added Agile Feint advantage (and redirected some skill points from Deception into Acrobatics).
  • Reduced Presence by 1 rank to pay for the difference.
  • Added Features (esoteric style, hands as weapons) to Li Po's Legendary Fist power, reducing Penetrating to pay for them.
  • Added Descriptors to his powers.
  • Added comic book style logo thanks to [MENTION=6801242]GreenKarl[/MENTION]

EDIT x5: Overhauled "Dim Mak" Weakening power after advice from [MENTION=6810779]jonathonhawke[/MENTION].

EDIT x4: Revised the Deflect point-buy on "Heavenly White Tara's Mudra" with Limited flaw to reflect how kung-fu movie monks can deflect/redirect/reflect punches, kicks, thrown weapon, blowguns, and arrows – but not firearms or energy blasts.

EDIT x3: Turned out I was miscalculating how the Strength-based modifier to Damage works for point buy. Fixed now!

EDIT x2: Looks like I did the point-buy for his Abilities wrong. :( It comes out to 60 instead of 50 like I'd thought. So I need to rework things substantially... Sigh. On the plus side I've found an auto-calculating M&M3e editable PDF sheet! OK, all fixed now!

EDIT x1: I changed a few things around, most importantly:
  • Differentiated my character from [MENTION=6801242]GreenKarl[/MENTION]'s Tarantula by selecting different Advantages, changing Dim Mak to be a Weaken effect (which AFAIK no one else has taken yet), and tweaking his Leaping power a whole lot.
  • Incorporated [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION]'s advice about making the staff its own power.
  • Changed his hero name to Legendary Fist Mythic Fist Mystic Fist (thanks [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] :) )

Mystic Fist

Kevin Zhang is the 21st earthly incarnation of the legendary Li Po known also as the Immortal Grasshopper or the Mystic Fist. However, on the streets of Freedom City he sometimes goes by the name of Nightstick (his persona before gaining powers), or by less-than-sympathetic sensationalist magazines as the Kung-Fu Killer.

Totals: Abilities 54 + Defenses 19 + Skills 20 + Advantages (inc. Equipment) 15 + Powers 42 = 150

Abilities [54 pts]

Defenses [19 pts]
Dodge 9 Toughness 8 (see Iron Shirt Chi Gung) Parry 9 Fortitude 9 Will 9

Initiative +8

Unarmed, powerless +10 (Close, Damage +3, Crit 20)

Bola +7 (Ranged, Snare 3)
Boomerang +7 (Ranged, Damage +4, Crit 20)

Legendary Fist +10 (Close, Damage +9 (STR), Crit 20, Multiattack, Penetrating 1)
Boot to the Head +14 and DC 11/16 Fortitude (Close, Damage +6 (STR) and Special, Crit 20, Split 1)
Breaking Blow objects only, +7 OR routine 17 and auto-crit on hit (Close, Damage +13 (STR), Penetrating 13)
Dim Mak requires grab, Fortitude DC 20 (Close, Special)
Nine Palms Diagram Dodge DC 16 (Close Area Burst 30’, Selective, Damage +6, half damage)
Forced Astral Projection Will DC 15 (Close, Special)

Frenzied Demon Staff +10 (Reach, Damage +10, Crit 20, Split 1)

Skills [20 pts]
Acrobatics (AGL) 5 (+9), Athletics (STR) 3 (+6), Close Combat (FGT) (Unarmed) 5 (+10), Close Combat (FGT) (Bludgeoning) 5 (+10), Expertise (INT) (Photography) 2 (+4), Insight (AWE) 1 (+5), Intimidation (PRE) 2 (+4), Investigation (INT) 4 (+6), Perception (AWE) 4 (+8), Persuasion (PRE) 2 (+4), Ranged Combat (DEX) (Throwing) 4 (+7), Stealth (AGL) 1 (+5), Vehicles (DEX) 2 (+5)

Advantages [15 pts]
Agile Feint – use Acrobatics bonus in place of Deception to feint and trick in combat
Improved Disarm – no penalty to attempt a disarm, and target doesn’t get opportunity attack
Improved Grab – grab and maintain grab with one arm & not vulnerable while grabbing
Improved Initiative [1] – gain +4 initiative
Improved Smash – no penalty to attack objects held by another creature
Move by Action – move both before and after your action
Redirect – if you trick an opponent using Deception, you can redirect a missed attack against you from that opponent to another target adjacent to you as a reaction
*Equipment [4] – gain 20 points of equipment
Instant Up – rise from prone as a free action
Trance – through a minute and DC 15 Awareness check, enter a death-like trance
Favored Foe (Martial Artists) – gain +2 Deception, Intimidation, Insight, and Perception vs.
Languages [1] – Tibetan (in addition to starting with English & Mandarin)

Powers [42 pts] (Origin – Chi/Mystical)

Eye of the Jade Tiger
Senses rank 2 (Danger Sense (sixth sense) 1 + Mystic/Chi Awareness (sixth sense) 1) + Modifier: Dimensional +1/rank [4 points]
Training, Chi/Mystical
  • When you would be surprised, make a DC 10 (GM may raise) Perception check. One degree of success means you’re not surprised, but can’t act. Two or more degrees of success mean you’re not surprised and may act during the surprise round.
  • Sense the use of Mystic/Chi effects at close range, even Subtle [1] ones, with a DC 10 (-1 per 10-feet) Perception check.
  • Can sense into Mystic Dimensions.

Grasshopper Step / Wire-Fu
Leaping rank 1 + Movement rank 2 (Slow Fall, Trackless) + Flaws: Limited (solid surfaces) -1/rank, Tiring -1/rank [2 points]
Training, Chi/Mystical
  • Leap 15 feet as a free action.
  • By using Extra Effort or incurring a level of fatigue, you can use a free action to…
  • Fall any distance without harm or arrest fall on a handhold, so long as you’re near a solid surface like a building.
  • Cross over any solid surface without disturbing it or leaving a trace.

Iron Shirt Chi Gung
Protection rank 4 + Extra: Feature 1 [5 points]
Training, Chi/Mystical
  • Gain +4 Toughness.
  • The Feature allows him to root to the Earth, applying this +4 bonus to resist attempts to knock him down or forcibly move him.

Li Po's Legendary Fist
Damage rank 6 (Strength-based 9) + Extras: Alternate Effects +6, Features (esoteric style, hands as weapons) +2, Multiattack +1/rank, Penetrating +1 [24 points]
Training, Chi/Mystical
  • Toughness DC #: -1 resistance / dazed & -1 resistance / staggered & -1 resistance / incapacitated.
  • Multiattack vs. Single Target: for two degrees success resistance DC +2, for three or more +5.
  • Multiattack vs. Multiple Targets: target up to 6 creatures, with corresponding penalty to each attack.
  • Covering Attack: ally within sight (but not in close combat) receives benefits of Cover vs. enemies within line of sight and Close Range of you; enemy can ignore the cover but you gain a free attack against that enemy.
  • Bypasses Impervious Resistance 7 or less.
  • Esoteric Style: Only those familiar with Shambala Vale can recognize your martial arts style or use Assessment or Analyze Style on you.
  • Hands as Weapons: In situations where being armed is important, you are always considered armed, even when you have no weapons in-hand.
  • Switch between >>“styles” (Alternate Effects) 1/turn as a free action.

>>BOOT TO THE HEAD (Damage rank 3 (Strength-based 6) + Extras: Accurate +2, Split +1, Subtle +2 ##LINKED## Leaping rank 1 + Effects: Attack 0, Split +1 ##LINKED## Affliction rank 6 + Extras: Extra Condition +1/rank, Split +1 + Flaws: Limited Degree -1/rank) [17]
Training, Chi/Mystical, Esoteric Style (Tae Kwon Leap)
  • May be used as a surprise attack completely undetectable to all but masters of Tae Kwon Leap.
  • A target hit must make a DC 11 Fortitude check or be pushed up to 15 feet away, knocked Prone, and be Compelled to attack you. If the Fortitude check succeeds but doesn’t reach DC 16, the target is Dazed and Hindered instead.
  • You may split the damage, push effect, and Affliction conditions between two targets as you wish.

>>BREAKING BLOW (Damage 10 (STR 13) + Extras: Penetrating 13 + Flaws: Affects Only Objects -1/rank, Inaccurate -1) [17]
Training, Chi/Mystical, Esoteric Style (Fa Jin One-Inch Punch)
  • Toughness DC 28, bypasses Impervious 24 or less.

>>DIM MAK (Weaken rank 10 + Extras: Incurable +1, Progressive +2/rank, Reversible +1 + Flaws: Grab-based -1/rank, Side Effect -1/rank) [18]
Training, Chi/Mystical, Esoteric Style (Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique)
  • You must successfully grab a creature before using Dim Mak, the effect occurring automatically as a Reaction.
  • Target must make a DC 20 Fortitude check. On a failure, target loses ranks from Stamina equal to the difference between the check result and the DC divided by 2, up to a maximum of -5.
  • If Stamina is reduced to -5, it is Debilitated, leaving target dying with -5 Fortitude vs. death.
  • Dim Mak strikes are cumulative (max -5), cannot have its effects countered by another power without the Persistent modifier, and lost Stamina points recover naturally 1 point per turn.
  • Progressive Weaken effect reduces Stamina each round until the target successfully resists. Make a new resistance check for the target at the end of each turn; failure weakens the target’s Stamina further, while success stops the Progressive Weaken.
  • Side Effect: When Dim Mak is used in anger, dishonorably, or in any way the GM judges to be a “dark arts” application, you suffer a Complication (e.g. Disability, Power Loss, or Weakness).

>>REDIRECT ATTACKS (Deflect rank 9 + Extras: Reflect +1/rank, Redirect +1/rank + Flaws: Limited (melee/thrown/primitive projectiles only) -1/rank) [18]
Training, Chi/Mystical, Esoteric Style (Heavenly White Tara's Mudra)
  • When taking the Defend action vs. melee or primitive projectile attacks targeting Dodge/Parry, you can use Deflect 9 in place of an active Defense for others as well as yourself (on a roll of 10 or less add 10).
  • Reflect: You can reflect attacks back at the attacker as a free action. First, you must successfully deflect the attack, then make a normal attack check using your own attack modifier to hit with the reflected attack. It has its normal effect if it hits.
  • Redirect: You can redirect attacks you successfully deflect at any target within the attack’s normal range, as Reflect, above. You must have the Reflect extra to take this one.

>>NINE PALMS DIAGRAM (Damage rank 6 + Extras: Burst Area +1/rank, Selective Attack +1/rank) [18]
Training, Chi/Mystical, Esoteric Style (Nine Palms Diagram)
  • Close Area (30 feet), target whoever you want.
  • Dodge DC 16 to “take half effect rank” (i.e. rank 3).

>>FORCED ASTRAL PROJECTION (Movement 5 ranks (Dimension Travel mystic 2, Permeate 3) + Extras: Affects Insubstantial +2, Affects Others +1/rank, Attack +0, Mystic Dimensional +2, Reach +1, Reversible +1) [16]
Training, Chi/Mystical, Esoteric Style (No-Touch Ghost Finger)
  • Make an attack to touch a target at Reach, who gains a DC 15 Will resistance check. The target can be in this world, in a mystic dimension like Shambala Vale, or insubstantial. An affected target has an out-of-body experience (i.e. forced astral projection) corresponding with one of these effects:
  • The target is shifted across dimensional boundaries (e.g. from a mystic dimension into the world or from the world to a mystic dimenion). If the entity is extradimensional in nature, this works like a banishment. Against creatures of the normal world, however, their body remains behind but cannot be targeted until they return to it – which happens automatically if someone tries to target them.
  • The target is pushed through physical objects in a direction of your choosing, forcibly moved up to their speed, phasing through intervening objects as if insubstantial.
  • The target receives a momentary vision of a mystic dimension as their soul leaves their body. The effects of this are left up to role-playing and the GM.

Grandfather of Flowers (Pei Min’s “Frenzied Demon Staff”)
Damage rank 10 + Extras: Reach +1, Split +1 + Flaws: Activation -1, Easily Removable -2 per 5 points, Quirk -2 [7 points]
Equipment, Magical
  • The staff must be activated with a Move action, causing it to extend from both sides and causing the floral Tibetan runes engraved on its surface to glow a pale green.
  • The spirit of Pei Min, a Tang Dynasty general known for his peerless swordplay, inhabits Fen Mo Gun (“Frenzied Demon Staff”) and may subtly influence you to fight on against overwhelming odds, to answer a slight to your honor with a duel, or to take other potentially brave but foolhardy action. The spirit of Pei Min can also increase the Damage rank (left up to GM), as well, potentially turning a blow intended to be non-lethal into a killing blow, but when this happens is entirely up to the GM.
  • Additionally, possession of the staff is a status symbol that others from Shambala Vale may consider you to be unworthy of and seek to challenge you for possession of the staff.

*Equipment (20 pts)
Costume [2] (Comm-link, Night vision goggles)

Motorcycle [10] (Kawasaki Ninja)

Utility Belt [8]
Audio recorder • 1 point.
Bolas: Snare 3 (Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized) • 1 point.
Boomerangs: Ranged Damage 1, Strength-based • 1 point.
Camera • 1 point.
Flash-Bangs: Ranged Burst Area Dazzle 4 (Resisted by Fortitude; Vision Impaired, Vision Disabled, Vision Unaware). • 1 point.
Mini-tracer • 1 point.
Restraints • 1 point.
Smoke Pellets: Ranged Cloud Area Visual Concealment Attack • 1 point.

...work in progress...


Motivation: Acceptance: Being trained in the Shambala Vale and awakened to mystical powers of Chi, Kevin feels alientated from those around him even when in the midst of the city he calls home. Finding a sense of belonging has been a struggle his entire life, only amplified by the traumatic training he underwent in Shambala. Moreover, he is struggling to clear his name of association with the “Kung-Fu Killer” that sensationalist journalists are running with, hoping to earn the acceptance of Freedom City as one of its heroes.

Motivation: Responsibility: Though the monks of Shambala Vale advocated withdrawing from the world, Kevin feels he has a responsibility to defend Freedom City from the ###evil ninja cult###. At the same time, he is torn by his responsibility to defend Shambala as keeper of the Grandfather of Flowers staff.

Bad Reputation: The so-called “Kung-Fu Killer” is wanted for questioning in a string of murders involving a vigilante master of martial arts. While Kevin probably is guilty of killing someone (see “Secret” below), the media and cops are going after the wrong guy, and he intends to clear his name.

Honor: The way of the peaceful warrior is bound to a code of honor. Never to kill except in a duel to the death or in self-defense. To cause harm only as a last resort. To announce oneself and martial lineage when facing an enemy for the first time.

Identity: Kevin once prowled the streets under the codename “Nightstick” as an independent photographer belonging to a citizen watchdog/witness group. Only his closest friends and family know he was “Nightstick” – an identity which earned him enmity among organized crime. However, since returning from Shambala Vale, no one knows his identity as the “Mystic Fist.”

Secret: Though the way of Shambala is not to kill except in the most extreme of circumstances, Kevin violated this precept when he became lost to a battle rage while wielding the Grandfather of Flowers staff…the details are foggy even to Kevin…but he fears that the bloody memories are of him killing someone who didn’t deserve to die…

Potential PC Connections

[MENTION=6810779]jonathonhawke[/MENTION] Prometheus (as detective Luke Papadopoulos) might be partnered with the crooked beat detective Jimmy Pham, my PC’s uncle?

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] Sandra's Grimoire may have once been kept in a library in Shambala Vale for safe-keeping... maybe there's information in there that my PC wants access to, and despite being tasked by mystics of Shambala with retrieving lost artifacts, he's more interested in other concerns pertaining to the campaign villain(s)? Or maybe you want to translate a certain magical passage only a "disciple of Shambala" can read?

[MENTION=6801242]GreenKarl[/MENTION] Tarantula’s eight-limbed nemesis the Widower might have been the NPC “killed” by my PC’s improper use of the Nine Palms Diagram or Dim Mak (see his "Secret" complication)…maybe accidentally struck during some kind of gang fight and fell into the same river that Tarantula fell into? Some kind of cosmic fate thing?

[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] Hawk might be a different breed of billionaire from his father, but that doesn’t mean that media didn’t thoroughly drag his name through the press in regards to that R&D accident which spewed toxic chemicals. What if my character was the photographer on a story that created a lot of bad press for Hawk, with behind-the-scenes photos my PC took illegally?

Okay I tried to preserve most of what you wanted, but shore up your defenses and skills to superhero martial artist levels. I had to shave expensive equipment (flash bang is 16 ep) but you have 2 ep left.
I could not justify the staff. While flavorful...it was a duplicate damage attack that was not as good and could screw you over for 7pp. Some of the flaws on powers were more Complications then Limits (see Dim Mak). I am sure I am forgetting something.
If you have any questions or arent happy please let me know.

Mythic Fist - PL 10

Strength 3, Stamina 4, Agility 4, Dexterity 1, Fighting 10, Intellect 2, Awareness 4, Presence 1

Agile Feint, Equipment 5, Favored Foe: Martial Artists, Improved Disarm, Improved Grab, Improved Initiative, Improved Smash, Languages 2, Move-by Action, Redirect, Trance

Acrobatics 8 (+12), Athletics 5 (+8), Expertise: Photography 1 (+3), Insight 1 (+5), Intimidation 2 (+3), Investigation 3 (+5), Perception 4 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+5), Ranged Combat: Throw 9 (+10), Stealth 1 (+5), Vehicles 4 (+5)

Eye of the Jade Tiger: Senses 4 (Accurate: Choose Sense, Danger Sense: Mental, Detect: Chi 1; Dimensional: dimension - Astral)
Iron Shirt Gung Chi
. . Protection: Protection 4 (+4 Toughness; Feature: +4 vs Being Moved/Knockback)
Martial Arts
. . Boot to the Head
. . . . Affliction: Affliction 6 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, Hindered, 2nd degree: Compelled, Prone, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Accurate 2: +4, Extra Condition, Linked: Damage: Strength-based Damage 3, Split: 2 targets, Subtle: subtle; Limited Degree)
. . . . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (Linked; DC 21; Accurate 2: +4, Linked: Affliction: Affliction 6, Split: 2 targets, Subtle: subtle)
. . Breaking Blow: Strength-based Damage 9 (DC 27, Advantages: Improved Smash; Penetrating 12; Inaccurate: -2, Limited: Objects only)
. . Nine Palms Diagram: Strength-based Shapeable Area Damage 7 (DC 25; Shapeable Area: 30 cft., DC 17 [3 extra ranks])
. . Dim Mak: Progressive Affliction 8 (1st degree: Fatigued, Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, Exhausted, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Extra Condition, Progressive, Reversible; Grab-based, Tiring)
. . Li Po's Legendary Fist: Strength-based Damage 7 (DC 25; Multiattack [3 extra ranks])
. . No Touch Ghost Finger: Movement Attack 5 (Dimensional: Mystic 2: group, 50 lbs., Permeate 3: full speed, DC 15; Accurate 2: +4, Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Attack: Parry, Reach (melee): 5 ft., Reversible)
. . Redirect Attack: Deflect 9 (Redirection, Reflect; Quirk: No energy attacks, Reduced Range: close)
Way of the Grasshopper
. . Feather Step: Movement 2 (Trackless: Visual 1, Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: solid surfaces)
. . Wire-Fu: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour)

Audio Recorder, Camera, Commlink, Mini-tracer, Motorcycle, Night Vision Goggles, Restraints
Weapon Array (Bolos, Boomerang)

Initiative +8

Boot to the Head: Affliction 6 and Strength-based Damage 3, +14 (DC Fort 16, DC 21 Dmg)
Bolos, +10 (DC Dog 13)
Boomerang, +10 (DC 19)
Breaking Blow: Strength-based Damage 9, +8 (DC 27)
Nine Diagram: Strength-based Shapeable Area Damage 7 (DC 25)
Dim Mak: Progressive Affliction 8, +10 (DC Fort 18)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 13)
Li Po's Legendary Fist: Strength-based Damage 7, +10 (DC 25)
No Touch Ghost Finger: Movement Attack 5, +14 (DC Will 15)
Throw, +10 (DC 18)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 18)


Chinese (Mandarin), Native Language, Tibetan

Dodge 12, Parry 12, Fortitude 9, Toughness 8, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 58 + Powers 36 + Advantages 15 + Skills 21 (42 ranks) + Defenses 20 = 150
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First Post
She has 1pp to spare. I add a total 149.

Okay. Made some changes. And just because you dared correct me, one of the changes requires more math. Bwahahaha!

First change, easy. I replaced Subtle 2 on the Move Object power with Split 2. Sandra's 'soul magic' involves some magical special effects...none of her powers are invisible anymore. Being able to split the TK between up to 3 targets makes it more versatile by far. No point change there, of course.

So I added another power to the Soul Magic Array.

Sandra can already manifest her soul energy around herself to bolster the ability and durability of her body. She has ALSO learned to gather and collect that same energy into an 'avatar.' A creature of light and spirit and magical force that exists as an extension of her will. It is physically powerful, but can only react to things Sandra can see (it has no Awareness of its own). It's also a Minion, so attacks that get through its formidable toughness can take it down fairly easily. But because its body is just a vaguely humanoid blot of magical force, and it has no mind of its own...pretty much ONLY physical damage can take it down.

Or one could target Sandra with mental or fortitude effects, since if she can't Sustain it, the avatar vanishes. Also valid. :)


[MENTION=20711]hero4hire[/MENTION] Thanks for tightening things up for me. One question I have off the bat – Why did you increase Fighting so much and remove Close Combat (Unarmed) skill? I see a lot of builds like that and don't understand it. Attack roll is d20 + Unarmed Combat skill + Fighting, right? And skills are cheaper in point-buy than abilities? So what am I missing?

Similarly, a related question, why did you opt to reduce Dexterity to 1 and pump up Ranged Combat (Throw)?

I'm trying to do "gaming forensics" and reverse engineer what you've done and the point-costs so I can have a clearer understanding of your thinking, but I'll admit it's a challenge as a new player to M&M.

EDIT: And why does he need equipment 5? I'm counting 18/20 equipments points in your build, so that would be Equipment 4, right?

EDIT EDIT: And do you have point totals for each power?

For example...

hero4hire said:
Eye of the Jade Tiger: Senses 4 (Accurate: Choose Sense, Danger Sense: Mental, Detect: Chi 1; Dimensional: dimension - Astral)

OK...so 2 ranks for Accurate, 1 for Danger Sense, 1 for Detect...for a total of 4 ranks...and then Dimensional which is +1 pt/rank...so altogether this costs 8 points?

I'd like to find a way to include the staff, which is why I'm asking about the point costs of the powers.

Feather Step: Movement 2 (Trackless: Visual 1, Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: solid surfaces)

For this one, I want to model the wuxia thing of running across a length of bamboo, not running on water necessarily. Similarly, whether or not I leave footprints isnt important to me; what's important is the ability to, say, run over a pressure plate or landmine without triggering it. "Light Step" might be a better way to describe what I'm looking for.

I mention this because I feel like Slow Fall (which you cut) is also a core conceit of the concept and I'm wondering whether I need BOTH Trackless and Water Walking for what I outlined above, or whether just one (or making up one) will do? And that would let me pick up Slow Fall...without tinkering with points elsewhere in the character build...

. . Li Po's Legendary Fist: Strength-based Damage 7 (DC 25; Multiattack [3 extra ranks])
Was your removal of the Features (esoteric style & hands as weapons) your way of saying those features were superfluous and probably wouldn't come up in the game?
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First Post
I'm not him, but I have a notion about why he did some of these things.

Thanks for tightening things up for me. One question I have off the bat – Why did you increase Fighting so much and remove Close Combat (Unarmed) skill? I see a lot of builds like that and don't understand it. Attack roll is d20 + Unarmed Combat skill + Fighting, right? And skills are cheaper in point-buy than abilities? So what am I missing?

Parry. Fighting raises your attack bonus with -all- melee attacks, not just Unarmed, and it raises your Parry. So if you want to be really good in melee, focusing on Close Combat skill is only worthwhile if you only EVER want to use that one type of attack. And even then doesn't save you much. The cost works out as follows:

Fighting is 2pp/rank. Each rank gives you a rank of attack bonus (1pp/rank if taken as an advantage) and a rank of Parry defense (also 1pp/rank if taken separately).

Close Combat Skill costs 1pp for 2 ranks, but it only applies to a single type of attack, and has no effect on defenses.

So have 10 attack and 10 parry costs 20 points if you buy up Fighting to 10. It works on any melee attack.

Having 10 attack and 10 parry costs 20 points if you buy 10 ranks of Close Combat advantage and 10 ranks of Parry defense. It's functionally identical.

Having 10 attack and 10 parry costs 15 points if you have 10 ranks of Close Combat (type) skill, and 10 ranks of Parry defense. You save 5 points, but are limited to a single type of attack. If you want to add a single other type, that's another 5 points...and you just broke even with the Fighting increase that gives you ALL types of attack.

So it's often a little less point effective to go full Fighting, but a LOT less limiting in terms of your options to use the environment, weapons, and attack types other than a single kind.

Similarly, a related question, why did you opt to reduce Dexterity to 1 and pump up Ranged Combat (Throw)?

A similar answer too! Only opposite!

So Dexterity governs a few skills and Ranged attack rolls and that's pretty much it. Unlike Fighting, it's not tied to a Defense. Agility is, but not Dexterity. This means that unless you have a fair number of Dexterity skills, it's often more efficient to focus on Ranged Combat advantage (for a general bonus to hit at range) or specific Ranged Combat skills (if you don't mind being limited).

An example is Hex's 100 Ways to Die spell. The spell itself is Accurate (which is basically just ranks of Ranged Combat: This Spell that's part of the power rather than a skill), and she has ranks of Ranged Combat advantage, and a Dexterity of merely 2. Honestly, if I was clever, I'd probably reduce Dexterity, cuz it doesn't benefit her skills much...but I feel like her ninja handsigns need some coordination so I'm sacrificing in the name of 'meh, why not?' :)

EDIT: And why does he need equipment 5? I'm counting 18/20 equipments points in your build, so that would be Equipment 4, right?

Er, yes. You're right. I think he hiccuped. Equipment 5 is 25 points, not 20. :)

EDIT EDIT: And do you have point totals for each power?

Just makes things easier when tallying up, and making sure APs come in at legal costs, I expect.


I'm not him, but I have a notion about why he did some of these things.
Thanks :)

Thanks for tightening things up for me. One question I have off the bat – Why did you increase Fighting so much and remove Close Combat (Unarmed) skill? I see a lot of builds like that and don't understand it. Attack roll is d20 + Unarmed Combat skill + Fighting, right? And skills are cheaper in point-buy than abilities? So what am I missing?

Parry. Fighting raises your attack bonus with -all- melee attacks, not just Unarmed, and it raises your Parry. So if you want to be really good in melee, focusing on Close Combat skill is only worthwhile if you only EVER want to use that one type of attack. And even then doesn't save you much. The cost works out as follows:

Fighting is 2pp/rank. Each rank gives you a rank of attack bonus (1pp/rank if taken as an advantage) and a rank of Parry defense (also 1pp/rank if taken separately).

Close Combat Skill costs 1pp for 2 ranks, but it only applies to a single type of attack, and has no effect on defenses.

So have 10 attack and 10 parry costs 20 points if you buy up Fighting to 10. It works on any melee attack.

Having 10 attack and 10 parry costs 20 points if you buy 10 ranks of Close Combat advantage and 10 ranks of Parry defense. It's functionally identical.

Having 10 attack and 10 parry costs 15 points if you have 10 ranks of Close Combat (type) skill, and 10 ranks of Parry defense. You save 5 points, but are limited to a single type of attack. If you want to add a single other type, that's another 5 points...and you just broke even with the Fighting increase that gives you ALL types of attack.

So it's often a little less point effective to go full Fighting, but a LOT less limiting in terms of your options to use the environment, weapons, and attack types other than a single kind.

So the reason to boost Fighting instead of Close Combat is....having multiple modes of melee combat available more point-efficiently? Makes sense. Now that I get that, I really feel like I need to include some kind of staff power to use the build well.

I guess I was picturing the Fighting ability as something innate rather than trained, but I guess it doesn't make a difference. Unless someone has a Weakness power to reduce Fighting or something.

Similarly, a related question, why did you opt to reduce Dexterity to 1 and pump up Ranged Combat (Throw)?

A similar answer too! Only opposite!

So Dexterity governs a few skills and Ranged attack rolls and that's pretty much it. Unlike Fighting, it's not tied to a Defense. Agility is, but not Dexterity. This means that unless you have a fair number of Dexterity skills, it's often more efficient to focus on Ranged Combat advantage (for a general bonus to hit at range) or specific Ranged Combat skills (if you don't mind being limited).

An example is Hex's 100 Ways to Die spell. The spell itself is Accurate (which is basically just ranks of Ranged Combat: This Spell that's part of the power rather than a skill), and she has ranks of Ranged Combat advantage, and a Dexterity of merely 2. Honestly, if I was clever, I'd probably reduce Dexterity, cuz it doesn't benefit her skills much...but I feel like her ninja handsigns need some coordination so I'm sacrificing in the name of 'meh, why not?' :)

Gotcha. I guess you're saying there's really no substantive difference in terms of gameplay when it comes to buying Ability vs. buying a combat Skill?

EDIT: And why does he need equipment 5? I'm counting 18/20 equipments points in your build, so that would be Equipment 4, right?

Er, yes. You're right. I think he hiccuped. Equipment 5 is 25 points, not 20. :)

I thought so! Arigato!

EDIT EDIT: And do you have point totals for each power?

Just makes things easier when tallying up, and making sure APs come in at legal costs, I expect.

No, I meant... what are the power point costs for each power in [MENTION=20711]hero4hire[/MENTION]'s build? He doesn't list the point costs for each power...I'm left to try to figure it out using the SRD...and my judgment of power point costs apparently has been rocky so far.


Okay I tried to preserve most of what you wanted, but shore up your defenses and skills to superhero martial artist levels. I had to shave expensive equipment (flash bang is 16 ep) but you have 2 ep left.

Quick clarification...I got the Hero's Handbook and was going off the 1 equipment point cost for flashbangs listed under the utility belt in the Gadgets & Gear chapter...

Is the book in err?

EDIT: Ahhh...so it's an Alternate Effect thing. Got it.



First Post
Remember you will be earning exp. :) You don't have to start with the staff. If you really want it to begin with, you'll need to carve the points out of something else.

Also, yes...Mutants and Masterminds doesn't really care how you spend your points; it only cares about what you wind up with as far as bonuses and ranks. Having Fighting 10 is pointwise identical to Close Combat and Parry 10, because the EFFECT of having either of those is the same: You have +10 to attack with all melee attacks, and have an active melee defense of 10.

You are free to define your Fighting skill, or Close Combat/Parry ranks...or whatever...as you see fit. Hex, for example, doesn't become a martial artist when she Manifests Soul. Rather, she gains a kind of magical force that helps her block and avoid incoming attacks.

Oh oh, totally misread you on that last. One moment:

Eye of the Jade Tiger: Senses 4 (Accurate: Choose Sense, Danger Sense: Mental, Detect: Chi 1; Dimensional: dimension - Astral): 4pp

Iron Shirt Gung Chi
. . Protection: Protection 4 (+4 Toughness; Feature: +4 vs Being Moved/Knockback) 5pp

Martial Arts
. . Boot to the Head
. . . . Affliction: Affliction 6 (Linked; 1st degree: Dazed, Hindered, 2nd degree: Compelled, Prone, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Accurate 2: +4, Extra Condition, Linked: Damage: Strength-based Damage 3, Split: 2 targets, Subtle: subtle; Limited Degree) 11pp if I tally correctly.

. . . . Damage: Strength-based Damage 3 (Linked; DC 21; Accurate 2: +4, Linked: Affliction: Affliction 6, Split: 2 targets, Subtle: subtle) 7pp

Total cost of that slot (both linked powers) is 18pp.

. . Breaking Blow: Strength-based Damage 9 (DC 27, Advantages: Improved Smash; Penetrating 12; Inaccurate: -2, Limited: Objects only) 15pp (this one's complicated, but the cost before Limit is 21, and the Limit reduces the cost of the 'damage rank' to half, which is -6)

. . Nine Palms Diagram: Strength-based Shapeable Area Damage 7 (DC 25; Shapeable Area: 30 cft., DC 17 [3 extra ranks]) 14pp Not sure what the 3 extra ranks are.

. . Dim Mak: Progressive Affliction 8 (1st degree: Fatigued, Impaired, 2nd degree: Disabled, Exhausted, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 18; Extra Condition, Progressive, Reversible; Grab-based, Tiring) 17pp

. . Li Po's Legendary Fist: Strength-based Damage 7 (DC 25; Multiattack [3 extra ranks]) 14pp ...not sure what the '3 extra ranks' signifies. Seems like you could get this base damage up to 9.

. . No Touch Ghost Finger: Movement Attack 5 (Dimensional: Mystic 2: group, 50 lbs., Permeate 3: full speed, DC 15; Accurate 2: +4, Affects Insubstantial 2: full rank, Attack: Parry, Reach (melee): 5 ft., Reversible) 17pp

. . Redirect Attack: Deflect 9 (Redirection, Reflect; Quirk: No energy attacks, Reduced Range: close) 17pp

Way of the Grasshopper
. . Feather Step: Movement 2 (Trackless: Visual 1, Water Walking 1: you sink if you are prone; Limited: solid surfaces) 4pp
. . Wire-Fu: Leaping 2 (Leap 30 feet at 8 miles/hour) 2pp
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