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Thirteenth Doctor - First Season - Thoughts? (SPOILERS WELCOME)


So, the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who was just simulcast around the globe. (If you missed it, BBC America's showing it multiple times for the rest of the day - I'm not sure about BBC.) In any case, what were your thoughts?

(By the way, if you missed it in the thread title, SPOILERS ARE WELCOME.)

I thought Jodie did a fine job in the episode and it seems like she'll be a good Doctor. She had some great lines ("Empty pockets? I hate empty pockets!") and did a good job in the role thus far. Of course, the first episode of any new regeneration of the Doctor tends to be a bit wonky, as the new personality hasn't entirely kicked in yet. It'll be interesting to see how she plays the role once the regeneration has time to finish in its entirety.

As for the story, it seemed kind of "just okay." Not the most exciting of plotlines - kind of a watered-down "Predator," really, with a less interesting alien. And there were a few bits that seemed contrived, like the Doctor whipping up a new sonic screwdriver from scratch. (I know there was alien technology there in that garage, but still.) Also, I was led to believe these were going to be 10 standalone episodes, so ending it on a cliffhanger like that was kind of jarring - added by the fact that on the original broadcast on BBC America at least, we didn't get a set of closing credits, just the shot of the Doctor and her three new "accidental" companions (although apparently they're just going to be referred to as "friends" now) hanging out in space, then a commercial break, and then a discussion panel that made me wonder if the episode was really over or not. Apparently it was. Not really my idea of "standalone."

So, my overall impressions: kind of a weak story line, but a strong first impression by the new Doctor. I have high hopes for the season; after all, Peter Capaldi was a great Doctor but he was burdened with some sub-par story lines as well (and a few that were just outright terrible).

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I never like the new Doctor amnesia stuff. But she was great. She's closest to Tennant, if I were to compare her to previous Doctors, but I'm sure she'll put her own solid stamp on it soon enough.

Loved the old school 60s/70s style theme tune. Still not sold on Bradley Walsh.


A Wicked Kendragon
It was no The Eleventh Hour, but neither was it a Twin Dilemma, so that's good. It was an alright opening and I really like the new Doctor.

Was that really the first time we've seen a sonic screwdriver built from scratch?

The spoon! :p

Her delight at being told she's a woman. And "Does this suit me?" :D


I am the mysterious professor.
Yes spoilers below.

Going in I kept hoping she was chosen because she was the best person for the role, and not some random name drawn from a fez of only actresses. Hard to be sure she is the right one without knowing who else was in the running.
So far none of them are annoying. Donna and Nardol (sp?) being the base line for annoying IMO. The alien hunter could have left the mask on. Would have been much cooler and mysterious. When he took it off, I wasn't shocked, but disappointed. I was amused by her build montage, then it didn't work just right, kinda like her. To me it was a nice analog. Each Doctor has their own. I think this is the first time seeing a Doctor fashion one. Once she was finished, it fizzled, like her.

I was pleased with it over all. She made a grand entrance. There was humor. There was a touch of the feels when Grace died. Some action. The Doctor makes a speech at the alien. Doctor saves the day. Had everything expected from Doctor Who.


A Wicked Kendragon
The alien hunter could have left the mask on. Would have been much cooler and mysterious. When he took it off, I wasn't shocked, but disappointed.
Now that you say that, yeah, you're right. Since we're doing Predator the un-masking has a pretty high bar to get over.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
The initial new-Doctor monsters are always a bit throw-away.

Eccleston -- wheelie bins and a puddle of ooze

Tennant -- pyjamas, sleeps all episode, then sword fighting an alien leader (the best of the intros, I guess)

Smith -- a big eyeball who runs away when he says who he is

Capaldi -- I can't even remember!

Whittaker -- alien with teeth in his face

I'm not fond of the amnesia/confusion thing they usually do. The initial episode is always a throwaway villain, confusion, speech, end.

Can't wait to see her settle into the role. She's off to a great start. I really enjoyed her performance, and she sold me as the Doctor.


I am the mysterious professor.
Wasn't Capaldi running around like a Mad Scot? Madame Vastra doing most of the heavy lifting and a T Rex stomping around London?

I don't mind the confusion because it's a new body and at this point roughly 98% of the fan base would be wanting some sort of explanation or a handwave of some sort if it were done any other way.

It will be fun to watch her grow into the role even if she STILL isn't ginger lol


Whittaker was fine, but I'm not entirely sold on the "friends" - the most interesting one was killed off!

It was a pretty "meh" intro episode, but I've missed the old-skool cliff-hangers, so it was nice to see one again! It'll be interesting to see how this develops.

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