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Rate the Star Wars Movies

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
What they did to Anakin is just as bad. Instead of giving us a good man struggling to control his darker impulses, we get a whiny brat with so little self-control that it's hard to conceive how he ever earned the status of Jedi in the first place, Chosen One or not. This should have been a sympathetic character that we grieve to see corrupted to the dark side, so that we can cheer to see his ultimate redemption.

Or, Youth Anakin should have been presented as something other than a cute helpful little kid. He was born a slave and his mother has no husband / boyfriend; he ought to be:
- trying to be the man of the house (but has to learn it by observation and trial-and-error)
- has a strong attachment to his mother, so much so that even blinded-by-the-prophecy Qui-Jon must think carefully about separating them
- sullen and suspicious, tries to figure out how / if somebody is taking advantage of him
- has Wild Force User talent that just screams out to any trained user. He cannot summon a lightsaber to his hand by thought alone, but when he wants something it just is where he needs it to be; people who get into a fight with him end up with fractures sprains and strains; him angry is like a whirlwind; and he feels a powerful inexplicable draw to anybody who can train his talent.


Or, Youth Anakin should have been presented as something other than a cute helpful little kid. He was born a slave and his mother has no husband / boyfriend; he ought to be:
- trying to be the man of the house (but has to learn it by observation and trial-and-error)
- has a strong attachment to his mother, so much so that even blinded-by-the-prophecy Qui-Jon must think carefully about separating them
- sullen and suspicious, tries to figure out how / if somebody is taking advantage of him
- has Wild Force User talent that just screams out to any trained user. He cannot summon a lightsaber to his hand by thought alone, but when he wants something it just is where he needs it to be; people who get into a fight with him end up with fractures sprains and strains; him angry is like a whirlwind; and he feels a powerful inexplicable draw to anybody who can train his talent.

I always thought that TPM was unneeded and you see Anakin as a young man skipping the childhood thing. Attack of the Clones could have been Pt I just write it better- see previous comment about The Clone Wars cartoon + RoTS.

The Force Awakens is better than original Star Wars. I mean, it's the same as original Star Wars, but with better acting and choreography, more emotion, arguably better music. The only thing it really lacks is an extra scene or two with Poe so we're more invested in his run on Starkiller at the end, and a bit more context and worldbuilding about why the First Order was opposed to the Republic.

Yeah, I feel like I half-agree. Of course... yes, it copies the original Star Wars, yet it also has a more diverse cast, a villain with more depth, and an unexpected twist at the end. It does a lot of things better than the original Star Wars. However, apart from Rey's Theme I feel most of the music is forgettable (the Last Jedi's music is much better). I also feel the attack on the Starkiller Base feels incredibly tacked on. It did not invoke nearly the same excitement as the Deathstar Run. But I do like the world building. There's a lot to like about TFA.

However, my appreciation of TFA has gone down slightly, due to the Last Jedi. I've often said in my reviews of TFA, that I am willing to turn a blind eye to plot holes in it, considering it is part of a trilogy. I expected all those answers to some of TFA's questions to come with the later movies. Because surely they would have planned all of this out... right? RIGHT? Wait... there was no plan? Disney, what the hell?!

See, that lowers TFA a bit in my view.

The Droids are a bit hit or miss for me. K-2SO was great, BB-8 was just a merchandising product and the Solo one was hilariously bad.

The only reason K-2SO was great, is because they gave him every funny line in the script, and made the rest of the characters dull cardboard cutouts.

BB8 had a few funny moments, like him sticking out his torch in TFA. But what they did with him in Last Jedi is extremely cringe. Yes, he is definitely a product to market to kids. One big R2D2 wannabe rolling toy. But I enjoyed him in TFA. I agree that L3-37 was pretty terri... wait... seriously... her name is L337 ?! Now I hate her more!
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Yeah, I feel like I half-agree. Of course... yes, it copies the original Star Wars, yet it also has a more diverse cast, a villain with more depth, and an unexpected twist at the end. It does a lot of things better than the original Star Wars. However, apart from Rey's Theme I feel most of the music is forgettable (the Last Jedi's music is much better). I also feel the attack on the Starkiller Base feels incredibly tacked on. It did not invoke nearly the same excitement as the Deathstar Run. But I do like the world building. There's a lot to like about TFA.

However, my appreciatrion of TFA has gone down slightly, due to the Last Jedi. I've often said in my reviews of TFA, that I am willing to turn a blind eye to plot holes in it, considering it is part of a trilogy. I expected all those answers to some of TFA's questions to come with the later movies. Because surely they would have planned all of this out... right? RIGHT? Wait... there was no plan? Disney, what the hell?!

See, that lowers TFA a bit in my view.

The only reason K-2SO was great, is because they gave him every funny line in the script, and made the rest of the characters dull cardboard cutouts.

BB8 had a few funny moments, like him sticking out his torch in TFA. But what they did with him in Last Jedi is extremely cringe. Yes, he is definitely a product to market to kids. One big R2D2 wannabe rolling toy. But I enjoyed him in TFA. I agree that L3-37 was pretty terri... wait... seriously... her name is L337 ?! Now I hate her more!

Generally I liked the Driods. BB-8 a lot more in TFA than TLJ.

TFA was really good, but its essentially a remake of ANH for a new generation with the logic bigger is better. As I said Star Wars probably needed it though but perhaps a new trilogy in a different era could have kept things more original but with more Jedi/Sith or whatever.


However, my appreciatrion of TFA has gone down slightly, due to the Last Jedi. I've often said in my reviews of TFA, that I am willing to turn a blind eye to plot holes in it, considering it is part of a trilogy. I expected all those answers to some of TFA's questions to come with the later movies. Because surely they would have planned all of this out... right? RIGHT? Wait... there was no plan? Disney, what the hell?!
My appreciation for TFA has gone down (a bit), too, but for the opposite reason. I think The Last Jedi is a much better movie, for a number of reasons, so TFA loses out in comparison. TFA still has it's 'instantly likable characters' thing going for it, and a thrilling pace, so credit where credit's due to Abrams and the cast.

My concern is the final movie will waste time and energy answering questions that don't need addressing, or worse, giving different answers to questions TLJ answered brilliantly, namely, 'who are Rey's parents?'.
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My appreciation for TFA has gone down (a bit), too, but for the opposite reason. I think The Last Jedi is a much better movie, for a number of reasons, so TFA loses out in comparison. TFA still has it's 'instantly likely characters' thing going for it, and a thrilling pace, so credit where credit's due to Abrams and the cast.

My concern is the final movie will waste time and energy answering questions that don't need addressing, or worse, giving different answers to questions TLJ answered brilliantly, namely, 'who are Rey's parents?'.

I'm kind of fine if Reys parents are nobodies but they should not have made an issue with it in the vision scene in TFA. It sets expectations for example and if you swerve the audience you get the reactions to it that TLJ didn't need. Plenty of the old EU have Jedi characters that are "nobodies" but they don't recycle Lukes back ground for them where it is implied that it is a big deal.

And there are other back grounds that are not a rehash of Lukes they could have giving her and if they wanted a twist perhaps look at Revan from KoToR and make an original back ground with a clever twist rather than imply one thing and pull a swerve. Or just don't make her back ground that relevant to begin with.

I'm kind of fine if Reys parents are nobodies but they should not have made an issue with it in the vision scene in TFA. It sets expectations for example and if you swerve the audience you get the reactions to it that TLJ didn't need. Plenty of the old EU have Jedi characters that are "nobodies" but they don't recycle Lukes back ground for them where it is implied that it is a big deal.
That problem wasn't with the film but with the fans. It works just fine in the film: she was counting down the time she was alone, she wanted to go back to Jakku, and she had a vision of being abandoned. That was her arc: learning to live with the fact she had been left on her own and they were never coming back. Which Maz Kanata says outright.
At no point does it imply her parents were anyone special.

That was all us. Again, the problem comes from the fans. Not the film. The fans.
The expectation that she was somebody was what people read into the movie. Largely because of the parental twist of Empire Strikes Back. People expected them to do the same thing again. Again.
Then the sequel came out and didn't cater to the wild theories everyone had been fan waking themselves raw over for a full two years and somehow that made it a bad film....

We set the expectations. It's not the responsibility of the film to pat us on the head, give us a lollipop, and reward us for wildly speculating.

It's not like the film would have been better if Rey had been a named character's child or grandchild. At best that just creates more questions and continuity problems.
The most interesting part of The Force Awakens wasn't the revelation of Kylo Ren's parentage. Because everyone had guessed beforehand. No one was surprised, as there were literally two options.

And there are other back grounds that are not a rehash of Lukes they could have giving her and if they wanted a twist perhaps look at Revan from KoToR and make an original back ground with a clever twist rather than imply one thing and pull a swerve. Or just don't make her back ground that relevant to begin with.
Because 90% of that movie was a giant rehash of A New Hope.


Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
Here's my probably unpopular take (Not including Solo, as I couldn't watch it. Star wars movies are supposed to last at least a month in exhibition. How was I to know this time would be different? No holiday Special as I never watched it)

First let's start by the middle of the road

The enjoyable movies.- Movies I like, that I could watch on a loop.
6 The Eewooks.- Fun light-hearted movie where everybody lives, almost like a fairy tale.
5 The Phantom Menace.- This was my actual intro to the franchise.
4 Return of the Jedi.- An idealistic tale, redemption, victory, happy endings, the light at the end of the tunnel

The Meh movies.- Movies I don't particularly care for
7 Attack of the Clones.- Ok, this one is Obi-wan's adventure, and a great Eureka moment, but not something I want to watch often.
8 The Last Jedi.- I can't say I didn't enjoy it. But the casino subplot and pacing hurt the overall movie.

Now the best ones and the worst ones.

My top three
3 Revenge of the Sith.- The best of the prequels.
2 Rogue one.- An amazing war movie that let's the Empire be scary and ups the stakes for a New Hope. Has the best droid -sorry chopper- and I can't anybody say the word hope without breaking into tears after it.
1 Empire Strikes Back.- The best movie ever.

The bottom of the barrel
9 A New Hope.- Slow, formulaic, this thing hasn't aged up well for me. Way better in a post-Rogue One world
10 The Force Awakens.- Too derivative, too formulaic. Robbed Han and Leia of a happy ending, made Luke a worse person. Many claim the Last Jedi mocked their childhood, well this movie did that for me with all those gotcha moments thrown at the prequel trilogy.
11 Battle for Endor.-A grimdark sequel to a lighthearted movie that basically undoes the happy ending.

Voidrunner's Codex

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