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RPG Evolution: When Gaming Bleeds

Monte Cook Games recently released Consent in Gaming, a sensitive topic that addresses subjects that make some players uncomfortable. Central to the understanding of why there's a debate at all involves the concept of "bleed" in role-play.

Monte Cook Games recently released Consent in Gaming, a sensitive topic that addresses subjects that make some players uncomfortable. Central to the understanding of why there's a debate at all involves the concept of "bleed" in role-play.


Picture courtesy of Pixabay.​

Bleed Basics

Courtney Kraft explains bleed:
It’s a phenomenon where the emotions from a character affect the player out of the game and vice versa. Part of the joy of roleplay comes from diving into the fantasy of being something we’re not. When we play a character for a long time, it’s easy to get swept up in the highs of victorious battle and the lows of character death. When these feelings persist after the game is over, that’s when bleed occurs.
Bleed isn't inherently bad. Like actors in a movie, players sometimes draw on experiences to fuel their role-playing, consciously or subconsciously, and this bleed can happen organically. What's of concern in gaming is when bleed has detrimental consequences to the player.

Consent in Gaming explains the risks of negative bleed:
There’s nothing wrong with bleed—in fact, it’s part of the reason we play games. We want to be excited when our character is excited, to feel the loss when our characters do. However, bleed can cause negative experiences if not handled carefully. For example, maybe a character acted in a way that your character didn’t like, and it made you angry at the player too. Or maybe your character is flirting with another character, and you’re worried that it’s also making you have feelings for the player. It’s important to talk about these distinctions between characters and players early and often, before things take an unexpected turn.
There are several aspects that create bleed, and it's central to understanding why someone would need consent in a game at all. Bleed is a result of immersion, and the level of immersion dictates the social contract of how the game is played. This isn't limited to rules alone, but rests as much on the other players as it is on the subject matter.

One of the experiences that create bleed is a player's association with the game's subject matter. For some players, less realistic games (like Dungeons & Dragons) have a lower chance of the game's experiences bleeding into real life, because it's fantasy and not analogous to real life. Modern games might have the opposite effect, mirroring real life situations a player has experience with. There are plenty of players who feel otherwise of course, particularly those deeply involved in role-playing their characters for some time -- I've experienced bleed role-playing a character on a spaceship just as easily as a modern game.

The other element that can affect bleed is how the game is played. Storytelling games often encourage deeper emotional involvement from a player, while more gamist tabletop games create a situational remove from the character by their nature -- miniatures, tactical combat, and other logistics that are less about role-playing and more about tactics. Live Action Role-Playing games (LARPs) have the player physically inhabit their role and are thus provide more opportunities for bleed. Conversely, Massive Multi-Player Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) might seem like they make bleed unlikely because the player is at a computer, experiencing the game through a virtual avatar -- and yet it can still happen. Players who play a game for a long time can experience more bleed than someone who just joined a game.

Dungeons & Dragons is a particular flashpoint for discussions of bleed, because while it is a fantasy game that can easily be played with disposable characters navigating a dungeon, it can also have surprisingly emotional depth and complexity -- as many live streams of tabletop play have demonstrated.

These two factors determine the "magic circle," where the reality of the world is replaced by the structure of another reality. The magic circle is not a magic wall -- it's porous, and players can easily have discussions about what's happening in the real world, make jokes derived from popular culture their characters would never know, or even just be influenced by their real life surroundings.

The deeper a player engages in the magic circle, the more immersed that player becomes. Governing the player's social contract within the magic circle is something Nordic LARP calls this "the alibi," in which the player accepts the premise that their actions don't reflect on them but rather their character:
Rather than playing a character who is very much like you (“close to home”), deliberately make character choices that separates the character from you and provides some differentiation. If your character has a very similar job to your ideal or actual job, find a reason for your character to change jobs. If your character has a very similar personality to you, find aspects of their personality that are different from yours to play up and focus on. Or play an alternate character that is deliberately “further from home”.

Bleeding Out

Where things get sticky is when real life circumstances apply to imaginary concepts. Bleed exists within the mind of each player but is influenced by the other players. It is fungible and can be highly personal. Additionally, what constitutes bleed can be an unconscious process. This isn't necessarily a problem -- after all, the rush of playing an awesome superhero can be a positive influence for someone who doesn't feel empowered in real life -- unless the bleed touches on negative subjects that makes the player uncomfortable. These psychological triggers are a form of "bleed-in," in which the player's psychology affects the character experience. Not all bleed moments are triggers, but they can be significantly distressing for players who have suffered some form of abuse or trauma.

Consent in Gaming attempts to address these issues by using a variety of tools to define the social contract. For players who are friends, those social contracts have likely been established over years through both in- and out-of-game experiences. But for players who are new to each other, social contracts can be difficult to determine up front, and tools like x-cards can go a long way in preventing misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Thanks to the increasing popularity of tabletop role-playing games, players are coming from more diverse backgrounds with a wide range of experiences. An influx of new players means those experiences will not always be compatible with established social contracts. The recent incident at the UK Gaming Expo, as reported by Darryl is an egregious example of what happens when a game master's expectations of what's appropriate for a "mature" game doesn't match the assumed social contract of players at the table.

This sort of social contract reinforcement can seem intrusive to gamers who have long-suffered from suspicion that they are out of touch with reality, or that if they play an evil character, they are evil (an allegation propagated during the Satanic Panic). This need to perform under a "cover" in their "real" life has made the entire concept of bleed and its associated risks a particularly sensitive topic of discussion.

X-cards and consent discussions may not be for everyone, but as we welcome new players with new experiences into the hobby, those tools will help us all negotiate the social contract that makes every game's magic circle a magical experience.

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Michael Tresca

Michael Tresca


Well, I'm one of them.

As I mentioned before, the notion of romance in the game made me very, very uncomfortable.

But, it kept coming back up, session after session.

So, yeah, having a way that I could just have touched a card, knowing that I wouldn't have to explain myself, because, honestly, I'm not entirely sure what all was bothering me that much and, well, I had zero interest in dissecting my brain in front of my gaming group, would have saved a ton of problems.

And do you think it wouldn't come up again when you tap the X-Card the first time, when no one not even yourself knew what actually bothered you? How do you expect everyone else round the table to pick up what part of the scene bothered you?

I would have continued with the group quite happily (maybe - there were some other things that were bugging me, but, probably I would have continued) and everything would have been hunky dory.

Until it came up again, you touched the X-Card again and people had to try and figure out what was similar in these scene that matched with the last scene you touched it, but not in other scenes when you didn't. "Was there a cat? I can't remember."

How could I have communicated to the group that I had zero interest in playing out a romance with another player and it was making me so extremely uncomfortable that I was hating the session?

How about "Sorry, I'm not interested." said in character? Then made clear by saying it out of character if it continues to be an issue. You don't have to mention anything that exposes anxieties.

How do I communicate that to the group in such a way that I don't have to justify my anxieties to anyone else, but, rather, know beforehand that my anxieties will be respected and every effort will be made to just move on, rather than trying to psychoanalyze me?

With words.

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
I liked things better when we had OPINIONS about ISSUES like "Kirk v. Picard"or "Star Trek v. Star Wars" or "Who is the best Doctor?"

The more recent OPINIONS about ISSUES make me uncomfortable and very unhappy about a certain toxic undercurrent in our community. Light, disinfectant, and all that, but still. :(

(This is supposed to be fun! You know, dragons and star ships and elves, oh my!)

Yeah, it's always the same handful of people who feel like they speak for an entire host of silent majority behind them. Turns out most people are actually reasonable. Of course, being reasonable means they are likely to stay far away from threads like these.

PS: Picard, Wars, and 9, obviously.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Just how many RPG gamers who can be traumatized by make believe so that they can't even speak about it do you think are out there?

I think you have failed to understand much about this. Let us try an example...

15% to 20% of women in the US have experienced rape at least once in their lives so far. 90% or more of those who experience rape have symptoms of PTSD afterwards. 33% of those survivors contemplate suicide afterwards. This last statistic is there to drive home that the issues after trauma are serious.

So, basically 15% to 20% of women at your table are apt to have trauma in their past bad enough to cause great distress if you remind them of it.

It is not that they are traumatized by make believe. It is that they have been traumatized in real life, and other things they experience can make them recall this in really horrible ways.

I suggest that unless you drop the dismissive language, you will continue to not understand. Your focus on continuing to express your personal disbelief will probably strengthen your disbelief. So long as your basic stance is to disprove the need, you will continue to express your disbelief - and your position becomes armored against information given to you.

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