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D&D 5E New Unearthed Arcana: Folk of the Feywild!

Wander into the magical realm of the Feywild with our latest Unearthed Arcana: Folk of the Feywild! Your character can be a member of one of the new D&D races: fairy, hobgoblin of the Feywild, owlfolk, or rabbitfolk. Which will you choose? Playtest now: https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthedarcana/folk_feywild

Wander into the magical realm of the Feywild with our latest Unearthed Arcana: Folk of the Feywild!

Your character can be a member of one of the new D&D races: fairy, hobgoblin of the Feywild, owlfolk, or rabbitfolk. Which will you choose?

Playtest now:


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Deluxe Unhuman
The fairy race here is disappointing to me - just kind of dull, especially compared to the other four, which have some neat, new features and seem fun. An AC bonus for their size, or something like Evasion? I don't know.

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I'm not really sure why this thread blew up so fast but figure that after reading page 1 then jumping to read page nine & not getting a clear sense of an issue so guessing it's a debate over the best of /r/eyebleach rather than something substantive?

This UA is surprising in that I think it's the first UA races I've seen where I didn't groan & get annoyed at "default setting" specific stuff or even "I wish it mentioned x & y". It reminds me more of the way 3.x races were written in a setting neutral way that made them easier to import to your setting when I player says "can I play a..."
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Not propose a serious concern?
I posit you this, a Halfling God and a Goliath God fight by fists to the oblivion. Who wins?
Racists like those that are removing ASIs from the game would argue that it's impossible to consider.
I am not a moron and understand basic lever mechanics and know for a fact that equal muscle distribution makes LESS impact on lifting capacity than physical statute. It's why Verne Troyer could never get hacked enough to lift more than The Mountain. You racists just remove what makes people special so you don't feel less than uncompromisingly perfect.
Don’t post again in this thread.


I'm not really sure why this thread blew up so fast but figure that after reading page 1 then jumping to read page nine & not getting a clear sense of an issue so guessing it's a debate over the best of /r/eyebleach rather than something substantive?

This UA is surprising in that I think it's the first UA races I've seen where I didn't groad & get annoyed at "default setting" specific stuff or even "I wish it mentioned x & y". It reminds me more of the way 3.x races were written in a setting neutral way that made them easier to import to your setting when I player says "can I play a..."

Many posts doesn't always mean that there's an issue. Quite a lot of this thread looks to be happy with the options, or discussing improvements.

(I mean, yes, about half of it is also complaining, but people can also agree! I'm sure I've seen it)

I'm not really sure why this thread blew up so fast but figure that after reading page 1 then jumping to read page nine & not getting a clear sense of an issue so guessing it's a debate over the best of /r/eyebleach rather than something substantive?

This UA is surprising in that I think it's the first UA races I've seen where I didn't groad & get annoyed at "default setting" specific stuff or even "I wish it mentioned x & y". It reminds me more of the way 3.x races were written in a setting neutral way that made them easier to import to your setting when I player says "can I play a..."
It's mostly a rehash of the "should races have ASI's?" debate. So far as I can tell, no new ideas have been added to that conversation.

The rest isn't controversial: fairies are underwhelming and many would prefer them be tiny. The jump-bonus mechanic on rabbitfolk is clunky.


The fairy race here is disappointing to me - just kind of dull, especially compared to the other four, which have some neat, new features and seem fun. An AC bonus for their size, or something like Evasion? I don't know.
That's what I do for Small, grant an AC bonus against attacks from larger creatures.


Lawyer by day. Rules lawyer by night.
Incidentally, rabbitfolk would make pretty good assassins with the initiative bonus.

In fact, a rabbitfolk assassin/gloomstalker could cap out at +16 to initiative without magic.
Exactly. Just think of the famous line from Watership Down:

All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.

A rabbitfolk would be perfect for any stealth-based build.


Lawyer by day. Rules lawyer by night.
Drop bears
Chlamydia attack:

Recharge 4,5,6

Drop bears are intrinsically infected with chlamydia. On a successful bite attack, roll 1d6. On 4, 5, or 6, player must make a DC15 constitution save or be infected with chlamydia. If infected, all charisma-based ability checks suffer a -5 penalty.



I crit!
Flying is a balance issue. But it’s typically a thing that is KEPT out of encounters. Mainly to balance to non-flying PCs. Flip the script and open up encounters to flying adversaries and I think the issue won’t be so bad. D&D is rife with flying creatures at all levels. It’s an artifact that they are generally kept OUT of encounters.

thats my 2cents anyway.

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