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D&D 5E In a (hypothetical) Tales from the Yawning Portal 2, what are the adventures you would want updated for 5E?

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It is considered one of the Holy Grails of D&D for a reason. Not only is it just a wall-to-wall adventure, but it's hard to find an intact copy. You've got numerous chips representing a goblin Siege at the very beginning, then two covers, and a map to boot in addition to another multipiece map. On top of that it's got a pull-out section that's often missing. Intact copies go for about $200, I don't want to even imagine what a mint condition copy goes for
I had to pull my copy out to check on this, but skimming it, I don't see anything about B10 that would prevent it from being done as a hardcover adventure path. The siege map is just a (literally) "blown-up" version of the keep area for Battlesystem, which wouldn't be needed for a TotM game* and the rest of the maps could be spread through the book as needed. The pull-out section could just be incorporated as DM's background or pointed as a player PDF to be downloaded and print off the D&D site.

Now, if you wanted a perfect reproduction, that'd be another thing, but probably beyond the scope we're looking for here.

* For those that did want the big map & tokens, that'd be something a deluxe Beedle & Grimm's collection could do.


Queen of the Demonweb Pits
If Queen is reprinted, I would actually like a change to the demonweb graph map section - have it redone more in line with Expedition to the Demonweb's point-to-point diagram flow instead of a static map on graph paper. For a plane of chaos, that map of the halls is awfully symmetrical, and it just feels "wrong" in the modern day.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
Much as I would like to see Red Hand of Doom re-done for 5e, there is an insuperable obstacle: RHoD was the prototype for the Tiamat adventure, and was the better done of the two. A WotC official release of RHoD would in effect render Rise of Tiamat obsolete and sabotage sales of Hoard of the Dragon Queen. WotC might (read: 'IMHO should') bless a high-quality good-reputation 3PP vendor - Goodman or whoever - producing the update, but cannot take up that task itself.


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the Gates of Firestorm Peak, it's one heck of an adventure.
Considering that it gets namechecked in both the PHB and the DMG for 5E, I've always suspected some sort of retooling of that campaign was part of at least the initial roadmap for the storylines. Mindflayers keep coming up as a leit-motif in them still, so maybe yet...

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