• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Battlezoo Shares The OGL v1.1

Battlezoo, the YouTube channel which shared the initial leak of the new Open Game License, has shared the PDF of the OGL v1.1 draft which is currently circulating. This draft is, presumably, the same document obtained by Gizmodo last week. It's not currently known if this is the final version of the license.

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I crit!
Teos Abadia talks to Baldman Games about OneD&D. It looks like a regular stream they do. But at one point they talk about the OGL 1.1 and I think this pretty much confirms the rumors too. He pretty much says it's no good.

Baldman Games runs D&D at PAX, GenCon, Origins for WotC. They also run WinterFantasy. I think they are a WotC partner or if not might as well be.



It makes me sad that no one seems to be growing and marketing sparkling wine from Champaign, Illinois - where the University of Illinois is.

(One article makes it sound like it, but its in Peru, IL and not using the name).

Here real Champagne is stupidly expensive (and not even that nice". And it's French!!!!

"Champagne_ usually means some off brand sweet and bubbly Aussie knockoff.

Apparently we make good wine but I'm not a wine fan outside sweet and bubbly from Aussie something and even then gotta be semi desperate.


The movie is called: Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves.

HOLY CRAP....it's like they just told us how the OGL thing was going to go! They think the 3rd parties were stealing, and now they're stealing it back....whoah...forshadowing.

The last D&D tweet goes well with that too.

According to rumour (screenshots of tweets I saw this morning somewhere, I can't find them right now), WoTC are currently in full Fuhrer Bunker mode. No one wants to speak up for fear of getting fired. It sounds as if they're paralysed. Sane people at WoTC know they ought to be issuing a conciliatory press release, but the boss is in Evil Emperor mode and they don't dare tell her. That's the rumour anyway.
Unfortunately good to know. Smfh.


I don't think there is any chance PF2 is the game. Not because it isn't good, or because Paizo isn't a strong company, but because it is too complex for the kind of casual players that have pushed 5E to its current heights. A PF3 would have to severely curtail the very elements that differentiate it from D&D, and even then there would be no guarantee of success.
My thinking is, if PF2 offers an equivalent to an OGL, 5e refugees can use the PRD and modify it to taste for a separate system. It doesnt need to be compatible with PF2. (But it might be, except the 5e Proficiency would be a larger number and so on.)


My thinking is, if PF2 offers an equivalent to an OGL, 5e refugees can use the PRD and modify it to taste for a separate system. It doesnt need to be compatible with PF2. (But it might be, except the 5e Proficiency would be a larger number and so on.)
1) PF2 is derivative of the 3.5 SRD so it might be difficult to put out a "clean" version that would avoid a C&D.
2) PF2 is extremely tightly designed. It isn't as simple as picking it apart. If you tear out feats, for example, you have completely hobbled character generation.

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