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D&D General Kobold Press Going Down a Dark Road


The actual demographics of the game are besides the point. However it breaks down, I still haven't seen anyone explain why they think they are ignoring us older gamers (however many of us there are).

What does catering to old folk even look like? What is it you are looking for that they are not doing?
Looking at the WotC design team, they have quite the diversity in terms of generational representation: Perkins started playing in the early 80's, whole MacKenzie de Armas started playing D&D because of watching Critical Role and is part of writing the new Core rules now. That's the sort of thing that allows them to service a variety of people, even if they keep on target.

As someone pushing 40 soon enough, I don't care that I like things primarily aimed at teens and tweens: that's just life.

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Morkus from Orkus
but most movie goers are on the younger side though

"Movie polling service PostTrak surveyed 1.25 million consumers for 1,002 films and found that 25% of tickets sold over the last seven years were bought by teens and early twenty-somethings. Those under 25 actually made up about half of sold movie tickets. The other half of tickets belonged to those older than 25, with just 11% of ticket stubs belonging to movie fans over 55."

The article is from 2019 but with Covid I figured this is probably still the most recent relevant statistic

You can obviously argue that 25 is adult, but that still means movies skew younger than D&D players. To me the movie clearly targets teens and twens, just like most movies.
The numbers are all over the place, but no matter how you slice it, a very large percentage of movie goers are in the 35+ age range.



18+ are adults, so 59% + all of the adults over 35 = a huge majority of D&D movie goers being adults.
If for the sake of argument we grant you that point, would you pivot to explaining why it is important? Something more specific than 'They need to target adults too!'?


18+ are adults, so 59% + all of the adults over 35 = a huge majority of D&D movie goers being adults.
to me a 18 year old is much closer to a 15 year old than a 30 or 40 year old, but sure call them adult, it helps beef up the numbers in your favor and you are technically correct ;)

If you draw that line at around 25, which is probably a much better cut off point when you go by where people are in life as opposed to when they can vote, the picture looks much different


If for the sake of argument we grant you that point, would you pivot to explaining why it is important? Something more specific than 'They need to target adults too!'?
If anything it makes that much harder to explain, because now they need to target the 12-15 year olds, since 18 is adult already and therefore no longer a target…


Well, it certainly would be nice if they did.
“Target adults”, you mean? Sure, I’ll even grant that point. Targeting adults is nice. Now can someone please tell me what that looks like and how they are not doing it? It must be something tangible, to get everyone so worked up about them not doing it.

But it’s really hard to discuss, when no one will specify what it is exactly they want!

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