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D&D General #Dungeon23


May is complete!

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Day 151 – Sternenschweif- Spelljammer-Helm

Deep within the shipwreck, a cabin unfolds, a small sanctuary of wonder and mysteries. Surprisingly, this space remains untouched by the waters that should have flooded its surroundings. An impenetrable barrier seems to repel the intrusion of the river, preserving a mysterious atmosphere of magic.

At the center of this pristine cabin rises a golden chair, resembling a forgotten throne. Its shimmering surface casts sparkling reflections on the walls as it majestically watches over the affairs of its realm. Surrounding the chair is a magical circle of pure gold, adorned with enigmatic symbols and runes meticulously carved with masterful precision. This enchanting circle exudes an aura of ancient wisdom and unfathomable power, as if it holds the essence of the past and the secret forces of the universe within its bounds.
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Day 152 - Underground River - Exit

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Day 152 - Underground River - Exit
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Day 153 – the barrier in the sea

We follow the underground river to its exit, where the sea should begin. However, it is cut off by a massive wall. Smooth and unyielding, it stands as a barrier, separating the city of Kyrthar Tahlketh from the outside world. Constructed a thousand years ago to imprison demons and devils within the city, it continues to serve its purpose to this day.

But it has also trapped the inhabitants, subjecting them to the demons, making them slaves, and rendering escape impossible. We stand before the powerful wall, its imposing presence blocking our view of the majestic sea. It is a double-edged sword, for while it keeps the darkness contained, it has transformed the once-thriving city of Kyrthar Tahlketh into an isolated stronghold. Fear of the creatures of the abyss pervades every corner, as the residents live in a grim captivity, surrounded by the menacing presence of evil confined within the walls.

The mighty barrier of Kyrthar Tahlketh stands as a symbol of the inhabitants' despair and, simultaneously, their hope for redemption. It is a somber reminder of times past when the wall was erected to contain the forces of evil. Yet, it remains a burdensome witness to the city's suffering, trapped in its own history. As we stand before this majestic wall, we realize that it not only seals off the city but also holds within it the secrets and fate of Kyrthar Tahlketh.


Day 153 – the barrier in the sea

We follow the underground river to its exit, where the sea should begin. However, it is cut off by a massive wall. Smooth and unyielding, it stands as a barrier, separating the city of Kyrthar Tahlketh from the outside world. Constructed a thousand years ago to imprison demons and devils within the city, it continues to serve its purpose to this day.

But it has also trapped the inhabitants, subjecting them to the demons, making them slaves, and rendering escape impossible. We stand before the powerful wall, its imposing presence blocking our view of the majestic sea. It is a double-edged sword, for while it keeps the darkness contained, it has transformed the once-thriving city of Kyrthar Tahlketh into an isolated stronghold. Fear of the creatures of the abyss pervades every corner, as the residents live in a grim captivity, surrounded by the menacing presence of evil confined within the walls.

The mighty barrier of Kyrthar Tahlketh stands as a symbol of the inhabitants' despair and, simultaneously, their hope for redemption. It is a somber reminder of times past when the wall was erected to contain the forces of evil. Yet, it remains a burdensome witness to the city's suffering, trapped in its own history. As we stand before this majestic wall, we realize that it not only seals off the city but also holds within it the secrets and fate of Kyrthar Tahlketh.
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Day 154 - Shed by the sea



A day late, but here it is: week 1 of level 2. A giant, ancient garden, overgrown into a forest. I'm enjoying the change of scenery.

1: Stair Cupola
  • The top of the great stair that connects to the fortress of doors.
  • An airy, domed room, guarded by…
  • (!) Forest knight, a giant, beetle-like thing with heavy chitin armour, wielding an immense bladed polearm. The knight is sworn to attack intruders in the dome, but does not pursue. It cannot speak.
  • (?) A brass wheel in this room can be turned to rotate the panels of the great stair so that it is an actual stair.

2: Forest
  • A high canopy of strange and sturdy trees throws everything into gloom. Beneath, a labyrinthine tangle of trunks and overgrown hedges and feral spined blackberries.

3: Canals
  • Canals of slimy stone run East and West to the sluice gates, waist deep with dirty water (unless the sluices are opened).
  • (!) Drinking the water without boiling it risks unpleasant parasite infections.

4: Aquifer Pipes
  • The canals begin here, in 2 bowl-shaped ponds surrounded by fist-sized black tulips.
  • (?) Each pond has a large pipe at its base that runs all the way down to the aquifer in the water roads. The pipe automatically releases more water when the pressure above becomes low, keeping the canals filled.

5: Wyvern’s Stoop
  • (!) The wyvern that lives in the upper levels likes to land in this clearing to drink from the canal.
  • Enormous, taloned footprints among a field of wildflowers.

6: Menhir Bog
  • A swamp, pierced by swordgrass and 20 foot menhir fungi, pockmarked with holes, broad as ancient trees, and crawling with moss and insects. Gloomy under the dense canopy.
  • (!) The swamp is treacherous with unseen deep areas, and the swordgrass is sharp.
  • (!) The honeycombed menhir fungi are home to many small insects, and a pair of hungry, giant moray lizards in the larger holes.
  • (?) The menhirs are slightly soft to the touch, but quite sturdy. Some of the holes are large enough to fit your arm or head in.

7: Court of Snails
  • Circular stone courtyard with mossy and uneven flags, home to 3’ snails with gilt and gem-encrusted shells.
  • (!) The snails are docile unless disturbed (e.g. by someone trying to pry the gems off their shells), at which point they release a cloud of asphyxiating poison.


The perfect tactic If you didn't have anything prepared for the session.
"This island seems empty. It doesn't look like their is anything in this room. You don't notice anything suspicious."

Especially after low perception or investigation roles :D

Back in the 3.5 days, one of my players in one game kept looking behind the party and asking to make Spot checks. (I guess his last DM was a high-ranking member of the Church of Gotcha...)
There was nothing to see, but he kept asking anyway. Since he kept rolling really low on his Spot checks, I'd started telling him every time, "You see Spots."
The party thought I was just being sarcastic, right up until I finally got annoyed by the guy and they suddenly got ambushed by the Spots that had been following them...

(Yes, I statted out "Spots" ("on the spot", <cue rimshot>) because one of the players was being irritating...)


Day 155 – empty island
Having some catching up to do after a nasty stomach bug. Also need to prepare my spelljammer game I run next Sunday... so here we go:

Day 156 to 165 - Asteroid field

Day 156: Stonewall: Stonewall appears as a solid, grayish-brown asteroid composed entirely of rugged, weathered stone. It has a pockmarked surface, revealing the countless impacts it has endured over the ages.
Day 157: Frostbite: This asteroid is covered in a thick layer of glacial ice, giving it a glistening, frozen appearance. Frigid winds whip across its surface, making it inhospitable to most forms of life.
Day 158: Dustwhisper: Dustwhisper is a dusty asteroid with a dry, barren surface. Fine particles of dust and sand constantly swirl in the asteroid’s thin atmosphere, creating an eerie haze that obscures vision.
Day 159: Cobblestone: Cobblestone is a medium-sized asteroid featuring a patchwork of various types of stone, forming a mosaic-like terrain. The stones range in size and color, giving it a unique and uneven appearance.
Day 160: Iceberg Haven: This large asteroid resembles a massive floating iceberg, with only a fraction of its icy bulk visible above the surface. It has an intricate network of tunnels and caves carved into the ice, providing shelter for hardy explorers.
Day 161: Slatewind: Slatewind appears as a flat, slate-gray asteroid with a few scattered boulders dotting its surface. It is frequently buffeted by strong winds, which make eerie, haunting sounds as they whistle through narrow crevices.
Day 162: Crystal Hollow: This asteroid appears unremarkable from the outside, but within its core lies a vast network of crystal caverns. The caverns are filled with stunning formations, radiating soft, colorful hues when illuminated.
Day 163: Ironhide: Ironhide is a dense asteroid composed primarily of iron ore, giving it a dark, metallic appearance. Its magnetic field is unusually strong, affecting nearby metallic objects and causing compasses to go haywire.
Day 164: Quicksilver: Quicksilver is a small, shimmering asteroid covered in a layer of liquid mercury. The mercury constantly ripples and shifts, reflecting light in a mesmerizing manner, but caution is advised due to its toxic nature.
Day 165: Granite Fields: This asteroid is characterized by vast fields of rugged granite boulders scattered across its surface. It resembles a rocky wasteland, offering limited resources but serving as a potential hiding place for those seeking solitude.

Hidden Secrets:

Havenstead: Within one of the seemingly mundane asteroids lies a hidden Thorp called Havenstead. Disguised as an ordinary rock, it conceals a small community of space-faring individuals who have carved out a humble living in the depths of the asteroid.
Nebula’s Bounty: A seemingly unremarkable farming asteroid hides a secret farm cultivating rare and exotic space crops. The farmers utilize advanced technology and controlled environments to grow peculiar alien fruits and vegetables.
Frostvine Manor: Concealed within an icy asteroid is Frostvine Manor, an isolated estate where an enigmatic noble family dwells. They have developed a unique technique to farm an otherworldly plant that thrives in the harsh cold, possessing rare and valuable properties.


Having some catching up to do after a nasty stomach bug. Also need to prepare my spelljammer game I run next Sunday... so here we go:

Day 156 to 165 - Asteroid field

Day 156: Stonewall: Stonewall appears as a solid, grayish-brown asteroid composed entirely of rugged, weathered stone. It has a pockmarked surface, revealing the countless impacts it has endured over the ages.
Day 157: Frostbite: This asteroid is covered in a thick layer of glacial ice, giving it a glistening, frozen appearance. Frigid winds whip across its surface, making it inhospitable to most forms of life.
Day 158: Dustwhisper: Dustwhisper is a dusty asteroid with a dry, barren surface. Fine particles of dust and sand constantly swirl in the asteroid’s thin atmosphere, creating an eerie haze that obscures vision.
Day 159: Cobblestone: Cobblestone is a medium-sized asteroid featuring a patchwork of various types of stone, forming a mosaic-like terrain. The stones range in size and color, giving it a unique and uneven appearance.
Day 160: Iceberg Haven: This large asteroid resembles a massive floating iceberg, with only a fraction of its icy bulk visible above the surface. It has an intricate network of tunnels and caves carved into the ice, providing shelter for hardy explorers.
Day 161: Slatewind: Slatewind appears as a flat, slate-gray asteroid with a few scattered boulders dotting its surface. It is frequently buffeted by strong winds, which make eerie, haunting sounds as they whistle through narrow crevices.
Day 162: Crystal Hollow: This asteroid appears unremarkable from the outside, but within its core lies a vast network of crystal caverns. The caverns are filled with stunning formations, radiating soft, colorful hues when illuminated.
Day 163: Ironhide: Ironhide is a dense asteroid composed primarily of iron ore, giving it a dark, metallic appearance. Its magnetic field is unusually strong, affecting nearby metallic objects and causing compasses to go haywire.
Day 164: Quicksilver: Quicksilver is a small, shimmering asteroid covered in a layer of liquid mercury. The mercury constantly ripples and shifts, reflecting light in a mesmerizing manner, but caution is advised due to its toxic nature.
Day 165: Granite Fields: This asteroid is characterized by vast fields of rugged granite boulders scattered across its surface. It resembles a rocky wasteland, offering limited resources but serving as a potential hiding place for those seeking solitude.

Hidden Secrets:

Havenstead: Within one of the seemingly mundane asteroids lies a hidden Thorp called Havenstead. Disguised as an ordinary rock, it conceals a small community of space-faring individuals who have carved out a humble living in the depths of the asteroid.
Nebula’s Bounty: A seemingly unremarkable farming asteroid hides a secret farm cultivating rare and exotic space crops. The farmers utilize advanced technology and controlled environments to grow peculiar alien fruits and vegetables.
Frostvine Manor: Concealed within an icy asteroid is Frostvine Manor, an isolated estate where an enigmatic noble family dwells. They have developed a unique technique to farm an otherworldly plant that thrives in the harsh cold, possessing rare and valuable properties.
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Hope you're feeling better!

I'm running late, as usual, but should have my next week in tomorrow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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