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Recent content by colinfit20

  1. C

    D&D Movie Takes Cues From GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

    Actually put money into that. Watched the clips they showed thought they were rather good even if far from complete! Didn't expect much the cast certainly did a good job not so sure about all the bad stuff you mentioned shame we probably never see a serial based around T2300!
  2. C

    D&D Movie Takes Cues From GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

    God I actually wanted a sci fi version of that using Traveller 2300's background having those 2 travelling on a small trade ship using their contacts to pay their way keeping the humour but using some of the game idea's for the series!
  3. C

    D&D Movie Takes Cues From GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY

    Dnd movie premise? You know I'd like someone to handle the premise of the Hobbit and LOTR and turn it on its head! For example say you play on their expectations to hint at cliche villains before ripping the veil to reveal what's really going on and why your adventurers are the heroes I like...
  4. C

    If Superman exists and went bad....

    Two words... Mrs Kent. Is it bad I really hate that Man of Steel movie for effectively ruining what I thought was the whole reason for why Superman was the hero he's presumed to be? Even that Red Son book at least demonstrates he was raised over there with moral scruples and the idea he'd go...
  5. C

    TITANSGRAVE Episode 5 - Staff of Forlorn Hope

    Do you think they'll advertise both books on you tube before Gen Con or have it unveiled there so to speak? By that I mean we get to see a copy of the book prior to it going on sale.
  6. C

    Keeping the dead... dead.

    Reg: Keeping the dead, dead Why bother? Use a Magic Jar spell to trap the bad guy's mind outside of his body, place said gem inside a chest particularly Draumaji's Secret Chest, send it off, kill said bad guy's body cremate and then spread ash into a volcano for good measure. The first wish can...
  7. C

    hamper this paladin

    Reg: Hampering a Paladin You could be cruel and play the unusual trick of having his group approached by someone who looks like a well known villain but doesn't radiate evil who if allowed reveals their true body was stolen by the villain who is en route to complete a task of monumental evil...
  8. C

    What is a Rogue to do in an undead-heavy campaign?

    Reg: A Rogue against the Undead The 0th level spell I believe the e-mail was referring to was Disrupt Undead and whilst it only does 1d6 damage against undead (and only undead) it is only one of a number of spells that can be of use. Another is Bless Weapon which belongs to Paladins' alone (and...
  9. C

    I'm not a wizard, druid or ranger. Can I get a Familiar or Animal Companion?

    Reg: Familiar There's a book entitled Book of Familiars where any class can get a familiar the only restriction for classes other than those who normally can get one is to expend a feat and then they can do the same although there are variations of a theme for each character class.
  10. C

    Help me stop my Player!

    Re: Character becoming a shadow Since this is Ravenloft whats to stop you saying he can't revert? Worse still what if he does and they follow him around, he is still treated as the master but lacks any protection from being attacked as he's still alive but they have to follow their "master" and...
  11. C

    How does Cooperative Spell Work?

    Reg: Cooperate spell My original thought was that this feat effects both spells rather than reducing it to one but I did reread (and delay spell too) and have to agree it does sound like each additional caster adds only to the save dc and spell resistance effect rather than having their own...
  12. C

    Core (or nearly) way to See Invisible?

    Reg: See Invisible Lets see you could try for a potion of detect magic or have the ability imbued to your sword so it radiates if someone comes with range particularly good if you've been watching the Fellowship of the Ring although that detected orcs. How about a bag of flour although that...
  13. C

    Hiding fom Magic Missle

    Reg: Magic Missile and Hiding It doesn't matter if there's nothing in a room for them to hide, the point you're forgetting is that if the BBEG doesn't KNOW he/she is there they can still make a Hide roll, remember not every creature has darkvision/tremor sense/whatever! The point about Hide is...
  14. C

    Is there a feat for this?

    Reg: Feat In the Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide there's a feat that allows the player to pick up to their Intelligence modifier in additional class skills or even turn exclusive skills into cross class skills if desired (and you're playing 3.0 rather than 3.5). I believe its called Skill...
  15. C

    How does Cooperative Spell Work?

    How to use Cooperate Spell Feat? I was wondering what if your spellcaster having gained this feat say for example was a multiclass character say a Sorceror/Wizard 4th/2nd level bought a scroll bearing a Burning Hands spell with both Cooperate Spell and Delay spell feats added to it. Now the...