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Recent content by Meridian

  1. M

    Atlanta, GA: Experienced role-players wanted

    Which statement below best reflects your gaming style? 1. "Yeah, last night's session was so rad! We got some awesome magic items after killing the pyrohydra, and our characters all finally hit the next level with the xp from that adventure so I went ahead and started my prestige class. The...
  2. M

    [OT] Mister Rogers Dead at 74

    My first reaction: "Ohhhh." Children have an infinite capacity for love, given in perfect and total trust, if their immediate environment doesn't crush it out of them. To a poor 6 year old kid living in a Brooklyn tenement, he was pretty much the relative living behind the magic screen. He...
  3. M

    'Origin' of Your User Name

    Meridian comes from an old AD&D character I had by the name of Meridian Flint (a cambion anti-paladin: a half-fiend human blackguard/fallen paladin for 3rd editioners). The origin of the character was pseudo-Biblical, so the name I chose kind of reflected that. There was a phrase I latched...
  4. M

    What's wrong with being good?

    Actually, I believe that, over time, the players are conditioned by the experiences they have with various GMs to regard certain alignments as desirable and others that are not. Most often, one group of players I know usually (given a choice) invariably trends toward playing true...
  5. M

    Half-Para-Elemental Template?

    My other attempt HALF-PARAELEMENTAL (SMOKE) Description: Smoke half-paraelemental creatures can be mistaken for subterranean versions of the base creature. The color of their fur or hair ranges from pale white to ashy grey or charcoal black, with skin achieving similiar shades of grey or...
  6. M

    Half-Para-Elemental Template?

    Ice Half-Paraelemental Template I got bored, so I gave it a shot. :) Keep in mind that I don't have the Manual of the Planes as a handy reference; this is pretty much shooting in the dark, based on the Half-Celestial template in the MM. HALF-PARAELEMENTAL (ICE) Description: Ice...
  7. M

    Half-Para-Elemental Template?

    Hello all: Can anyone direct me to an online resource, thread or d20 gaming sourcebook that has the stats of a template modeled after the Half-Elemental Template in Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil, except that the template is rooted in one of the four paraelemental planes (Ooze, Smoke...
  8. M

    The Level of Roleplaying in a Game

    Let's be careful about attempting to influence the amount of role-play... Tabletop gaming and Live-Action Role-Playing are separate approaches of escapist entertainment. I'll address this in its own thread, but for now, make sure that everyone in your gaming troupe is comfortable with and...
  9. M

    Do You Consider Yourself A Good DM -- If Yes, Why?

    Do I think I'm a good GM? I'm good at originating plots, winging the plot when the characters do something unexpected, creating a dramatic mood, handling characterizations and abstracts, and portraying the various NPCs along the way. I allow characters time to role-play and focus on providing...
  10. M

    Do You Consider Yourself A Good Player, and Why?

    There was a time when I was gaming with one particular group of people that didn't like to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of individual players. Some players were very sensitive about being placed on a scale of measurement or aptitude for a pasttime; they wanted no comparisons of "better"...
  11. M

    Swashbuckling/Seafaring campaigns?

    FYI, I didn't see this mentioned on any of the posts on this thread, but 7th Sea is coming out in d20 format, and from what I understand, it is an excellent swashbuckling/seafaring setting.
  12. M

    Problems at the gaming table.

    Okay. There appear to be at least two common perspectives on this issue. There are those who emphasize that DnD's design is intended to foster team cooperation, therefore all participants ("players") are obliged to design and play game analogs ("characters") that 1) automatically "get along"...
  13. M

    Alignment - just how evil is hiring an assassin?

    Let's break it down: One: Murder is the *unlawful* killing of one sentient being by another (a broader definition than what's in the real-world law books and dictionaries, but not inappropriate). Conversely, in a situation where the law does not rule on killing as an act with punitive...
  14. M

    To Game or not to Game, that is the BIG question!

    Yet another perspective: perhaps the bonds of friendship *aren't" strong enough to keep your group together. Each individual in the group might have quite a different definition and/or perception of friendship, which would in turn affect the depth to which they are tolerant of one another for a...
  15. M

    Players that make you go 'Whoa!'

    Once long ago....The greatest RP moment (Please forgive the system used: VAMPIRE) I ran a VAMPIRE: THE MASQUERADE campaign set in 1920's Chicago eight years ago. The cast of characters (I'll list them by concept first, then Clan for those who actually know this system) A sociopathic Mafioso...