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Recent content by mikedidthis

  1. M

    Good drawing - is it just talent or can it be learned?

    I'll second Turanil's recommendation of Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain and also recommend purchasing the workbook that goes with it: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1585421952/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2/104-7307110-3857527?v=glance&s=books It's not absolutely necessary, but it...
  2. M

    Gamma World: Did it have a "Core Story"?

    Very interesting thread. I've found the whole notion of the core story intriguing. I noticed that in Mearls' description of the adventure/core CoC story he said, "The classic haunted house scenario laid the entire game down in 4 pages: characters hear about weird events, go to investigate...
  3. M

    Who was your favorite character in "Angel" (and why)

    Looks like I'll be renting some DVDs :D
  4. M

    Who was your favorite character in "Angel" (and why)

    Felt pretty connected to all of the characters, and I agree with many that Wesley was probably the best defined, but I decided to vote for Lindsey. Probably because his character hinted at definite background motivations which were never really reavealed. Nice little unsolved mystery there. Kept...
  5. M

    Lesser Known Movies Worth Seeing

    Seconding "Dead Man" and "Delicatessan". Adding in "Harold and Maude" and "Time Bandits". These two are probably well-known here, but I find that people in general seem never to have heard of either of them. If you watch Time Bandits, be sure to get the widescreen DVD. Terry Gilliam was using...
  6. M

    24 season finale spoiler

    I think to liven things up, they need to get someone like Quentin Tarantino or Christopher Nolan on board. Do 24 episodes, but don't present them linearly. Make the cliffhangers more about how things are fitting together rather than who's going to survive the first 10 minutes of the next hour...
  7. M

    Myers-Briggs Personality breakdown of ENWorld members

    ISFP (artist) for me: Introverted 67 Sensing 12 Feeling 25 Perceiving 22 Guess it's good I ended up as a graphic designer. Man, I knew I liked to do things on my own, but I thought it was just because all clients are a pain in the a** :D
  8. M

    I want to see D20 <fill-in-the-blank> [Thread from 2002]

    d20 Land of the Lost. The world is waiting...
  9. M

    How did you arrive at D&D?

    Like many others, it was the Basic D&D Holmes blue box that got me started (belonged to my cousin). That was around 1980 when I was in jr. high. During the 80s, I loved just about any boxed set TSR put out (Top Secret, Star Frontiers, Boot Hill, Gamma World, etc.) Got into a few other systems...
  10. M

    What's your favorite way to play D&D over the net?

    PbP for me. I've been playing in a homebrew campaign for about 2 1/2 years now. It's got a one-post a day limit, so it's not too time-consuming, but it does mean things move slowly. However, most everyone takes the time to write deeper characterization in thier posts than you might ordinarily...
  11. M

    Changing to another edition

    True 'nuff. As with so many things D&D, Diaglo got there first. :lol:
  12. M

    Changing to another edition

    Why, thank you. Mostly I look at the stuff I type and just see it as rambling. Nice to know someone was able to make sense out of something I wrote. :) Don't underestimate succinctness, though--the direct approach is often the clearest approach. It'd be nice to have a telecommuting boss. My...
  13. M

    Changing to another edition

    I figured it was implied by the thread title and the context of being posted here on ENWorld. Since the thread is about leaving D&D at the advent of 2e, and this board came into existence specifically because of 3e, to me that suggests that someone responding to the question has a good chance of...
  14. M

    Changing to another edition

    I happened to leave around the time of 2e, but it wasn't really because of 2e. It was more of a timing coincidence. I'd been playing the basic/expert boxed sets and then using the Rules Cyclopedia, but then I got into a new hobby (joined a band) in the early 90s that took up most of my free time...
  15. M

    Do you use Internet Homebrew settings for your games? (include links)

    Heh, heh...wouldn't surprise me a bit if that was intentional. We've got players from all over the world (in our Bloodpack campaign we have players in Germany, Australia, and Canada, as well as the U.S.) and lots of the players have a hand in developing new areas of the homebrew. I'll have to...