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A New Power - OOC


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Feats -
If there's a feat you want to use in a D&D book, I'll allow it if it's mechanically acceptable, pending my approval.

Combat -

Aimed Shots (Ranged) - You can spend a number of rounds up to your dex bonus aiming, and add the number of rounds spent aiming to your attack roll. EX - Kia has a +3 Dex bonus. She may spend up to three rounds aiming and recieve a +3 to her attack roll immeditaly after the last round spent aiming. The target must remain within the attacker's field of vision for this duration, otherwise the time spent aiming is wasted.

Accuracy to Damage - To give the game a more realistic feel and make precise characters just as dangerous as strong ones, I'm going to count any extra points to hit as damage based on accuracy. EX - Kia shoots Jabba the Hutt in the face. His AC is 15, and her attack roll total is 18. Kia deals Jabba damage as her damage roll, +3 for her extra accuracy. This total bonus cannot exceed the attacker's base attack bonus. Since Kia has BAB +1 at the time of her attack, the +3 damage is reduced to +1.

Firing Ship Weapons - Attack bonus = Weapons Firing Control System Bonus + Character's Ranged Attack Bonus.

Lightsaber Deflect (Attack) - The core rulebook shows that to redirect an attack, it must miss the Jedi by 5 or less, and any attack that hits or misses by 6 or more cannot be redirected. In my opinion, this doesn't make much sense. If the Jedi is capable of defending herself against the attack, she should be able to deflect it to a certain degree. If a Jedi has a high enough defense and a number of attacks miss her by 6 or more, she should not be penalized due to her own ability. Changes are made as thus:

A critical miss on the part of the attacker cannot be redirected, since by it's nature it does not go anywhere near the target.

An attack that misses the Jedi by 5 or less cannot be redirected, since the attack is close enough that the Jedi has to expend a degree of effort to avoid being hit, and cannot concentrate on making a redirection attack.

An attack that misses the Jedi by 6 or more can be redirected, since the attack can be blocked with ease, thus allowing the Jedi to concentrate on making a redirection attack. Jedi cannot deflect any more attacks than 1/2 their level rounded up, as standard.
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Super Girl

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I am working on a character history, should be up tonight or tomorrow. The character will be a Pilot/Trader/Scoundral type who feels drawn to the planet through the force, and her force sensitivity. If you want, she could crash land her ship, and then combine the two ships into a working one.

I want her to have a few flashy force powers, so mostly likely Alter, but be in over her head, and very much needing a teacher. The force in its infinite wisdom draws her to the planet and the force users stranded there.
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Sounds like a plan. You just get your history and char ready and I'll take care of the rest. ;)
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I'll try to have a background for my Antarian Ranger up a little later tonight. Even if he's not really in hiding anymore, he'll definitely still be a bit paranoid. :)


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Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
I'll try to have a background for my Antarian Ranger up a little later tonight. Even if he's not really in hiding anymore, he'll definitely still be a bit paranoid. :)
[evil deep voice]


[/evil deep voice]


I'll have the last/second part of the prologue finished in a few hours, BTW.

Super Girl

First Post
Kia Obscura

Before the fall of Couruscant to the New Republic, the Corellian Security Force, or CorSec as it was affectionately or hatingly known, was the best police force in the Galaxy. The CorSec officers had the best training, the best equipment, and were well known and feared for their efficiency. But, that was before the crumbling Empire destroyed the institution and replaced it with the Public Safety Service, a purge that allowed the Dictat to come into power and gain complete control. The Dictat purged the force of those who served on it for the right reasons, leaving only those with links to the Ruling Dictatorship.

One of the officers purged in the takeover was Captain Marin Obscura. Having spent his entire adult life on the force, he knew what was up, he burned all the favors he had gained throughout his years of distinguished service, and arranged for those that were to be purged to get off planet and away from the Empire, towards New Republic Space. Even though they weren't sure that they wanted to join the Rebel Alliance, anything had to be better then the Empire and its Puppet Dictat. A number of Officers actually did make it to the Rebellion and joined in on the restoring of order to the former Imperial Center, combating the wave of Terrorism and the genetically designed Krytos Plague that erupted when Isard let the planet fall.

Unfortunately Obscura was not one of those. He had arranged to get the last group of refugees off Corellia himself in an YT-1300 that CorSec had used for under cover operations. His daughter Kia was to pilot it, and he would get them past the PSS Space Defenses in his X-wing. It didn't go off as planned, the PSS forces arrived before the refugees could board the Transport, and they slew the former CorSec officers as well as destroyed Captain Obscura's X-wing during take off. Kia, guided unconsciously by the force was able to pilot the Transport out of the Atmosphere and into a short hop to the edge of the system. After stopping for a few moments to collect herself and program a true hyperspace jump, Kia left the Corellia system for good with a warrant on her head for the theft of the ship and evading arrest.

Before the escape Kia had been accepted into the CorSec academy at the age of 17 and was only waiting until she turned 18 to attend. She had a purpose, a calling, someone to bounce ideas off of, someone to check her moral compass against, and after the escape, she was a 17 year old without a purpose, without a plan, without a clue. She drifted from system to system on the outer rim, transporting goods from planet to planet, making enough to keep the ship in good repair, and well supplied, she even began to make a profit at trading, working in higher priced items, even occasionally with 'gray' market items. The girl was doing very well for herself, despite running the entire operations herself, but even so, she had a nagging feeling that she could do more. It was always there, in the back of her head, a want, a need to be more then just a simple merchant. She had been surrounded her whole life by a reverence for law, for life, and for putting her own good behind that of others.

The girl, during her drifting, discovered in herself the ability to use the force, at least the flashier aspects of it, and it led her even further from who she had been. She put those abilities to use unknowingly at first, in the card and dice games found in the type of cantina's that even a CorSec officer would have called back up before going into. In one game of dice, Kia won a light saber, from a collector on Tatooine named Huff Darklighter. Over the course of a few months Obscura won something of a reputation for being very lucky, while she never won every toss, she didn’t lose much. The ex-academy girl won enough credits to totally refit the DawnSprinter from a Quarren Mob boss on Ord Mirrit. She used the force to telekinetically toss the gaming table on the mobster and his lieutenant and escaped in the confusion, barely ahead of a volley of blaster bolts. A few bolts even burned holes in her clothing, and one creased temple, leaving a small scar. The gangsters even scrambled a trio of Z-95 Headhunters, to pursue her and shoot her down.

Even with the parts available to upgrade the shields, as well as the crafts sub-light engines, it takes time to do it, and the middle of a light fight was not the time. The DawnSprinter took heavy damage and Kia was forced into a blind hyper-jump, the most suicidal of maneuvers, to escape the snub fighters. Her jump should have been suicidal, but it wasn’t she maneuvered the YT-1300 through the brightness of hyperspace on a course she only subconsciously knew she was following. Her ship barely burst back into sub-light in the gravity shadow of a planet that she hadn’t even know existed. It took all of the skills that she had amassed to keep the heavily damaged ship together, but in the end, it was futile, the DawnSprinter struck the ground hard enough to that it might take her a solid month of repairs to get her flying again. Hopefully between the ships original parts, the replacement parts she had won, and whatever she could scavenge on planet she would be able to put the ship back together again, but she wasn’t sure, and that was not good.

Kia is like every Corellian stereotype that has ever been uttered. Cocky, foolhardy, loud mouthed, and careless about the odds, all of that is definitely her. Although inside she is still the girl who wanted to join CorSec and help people, she doesn’t always act it, and is deeply confused, lacking direction in her life.

Kia has shoulder Length red hair, and sparkling blue eyes. More often then not she wears a green body stocking, and a white vest that show off her trim, athletic form to best advantage, and match CorSec colors. She has a lock of white hair just above her right temple where a blaster scored it, stopping any pigmentation in the hair at that spot. The girl is only 19, and she does look young, something she uses in her dealing to make her trade partners underestimate her.


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First Post
Alright, we've got some characters posted, nice. I'd look them over, but I'm dead tired from finishing up the second part of the Prologue(go read it). I'll take a look at your characters tomorrow and tell you what I think.

Voidrunner's Codex

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