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Out of the Frying Pan... (d20 Star Wars)


shadowbloodmoon said:
"Your Mistress was kind enough to give me the codes to these ships, droid. I hope for your sake she doesn't live to regret that decision."
Cognitive Processing
Transmitting report (encrypted channel #782364B)
Datum: The unidentified human female has Mistress Dofina's passcodes.
Tracking target.
Proposition: The human female will use the passcodes to gain access to the Geth Hound.
Establishing target lock.
Fire blaster can...
shadowbloodmoon said:
"X! End report. Do not attempt to approach that woman. She will destroy you and anyone attempting to stop her."
Algorithmic Node: Emergency obeisance override.
Transmission terminated.
Heuristic Node: Override. Mistress Dofina requires critical information.
Algorithmic Node: Override. Obeisance protocols take priority.
Emotive Node: Uncertainty 42.1%, Frustration 30.4%; Anxiety 21.1%; Resolve 6.4%.
Fire blaster cannon (Y/N)?

DRK-1X, having taken cover behind the ductwork above the Sith, has its small blaster cannon trained on the grey skinned woman uncertain of how to proceed. It focuses its sensors on the Sith and the computer console she's working on, deliberately watching the woman work. With the passcodes in hand she'd unlock the ship's controls and attempt to steal its Mistress' vessel. The Geth Hound was it's Mistress' and 1X's allies best chance of escaping the republic occupied planet. From behind cover, the diminutive probe droid opens fire on the Sith desperately trying to penetrate her protective shield.

OOC: Dunno if this is suicide or not, but no guts no glory. :heh:
I'm not familiar with the personal shield generator device the Sith is using, but I'm assuming that it can't be very powerful if it's light enough to be mounted on her belt and generating a field large enough to cover the entire computer console. A DR 3 shield generator built for a droid weighs 10 Kg. DRK-1X will watch attentively (Spot +15) what the Sith is doing on her action and activate its holorecorder (only if it's a free action) and fire its light blaster twice from behind cover (+9/+9, 3d6 damage). To satisfy it's Mistress' order, it'll then end its turn by taking a two meter step towards the south-west while remaining behind some ductwork. (I assume DRK-1X is starting directly above the Sith in her square, 5 meters up). BTW Shadow, is the ship's hatch on the port side (facing south) or on the starboard side?
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Tal grimaces as the woman activates the shield. Damn. Now she'll be even harder to hit, he thinks glumly. Gotta keep her on her toes, though.

He carefully aims and fires off another four shots.

ooc: Fire at +0/+0/+0/+0. I also didn't notice that Tal had moved on the new map, did he?


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A hail of blaster fire from Tal and X is easily deflected by the Sith's new protection. X's recorder zooms in and sees that she has removed a small cylindrical device and inserts it into the access receptacle. Moments later, the shimmering surrounding the Geth Hound disappears as its shield is lowered along with the ramp, which faces towards the blasted wall. X also spots a small timer on the device, which the Sith has apparently decided not to remove as she begins to move towards the open ship.

Outside, Felia and Dofina run towards the hangar, Dofina barely stopping to answer Felia's question. "It means bad female in our language. Your language has no words for it." After taking another breath, Dofina continues. "She doesn't want the ship, she just wants what's on it. That's why I told X to stop. If we don't get in her way, she will leave us alone." Tac gets a feeling that this is not entirely true and that Dofina is definately hiding something.

Meanwhile, on the other side, Ka-Femi heads further down the side of the building, hearing more blaster fire from inside of it. He sees the cargo area and notices that part of the door has been melted open.


Tal (26)- Fires at the Sith, Atk: 17, 9, 13, 11 vs. Def 24. Yes, you actually did move. Since you were going towards the blast crater, some of your movement was diagonal. 10 meters is only two and a half squares on the map.

Dark Jedi (22)- Spot: 9+1= 10 vs. Hide 12(t10+22-20). Activates code. Deactivates ship's shield. Hatch opens.

Tac (17)- Runs 40 meters to keep up with Dofina.

DRK-1X (16)- Note: the personal shield is actually of Sith design. The belt is the main part, the rest is, well, a part of her. It models the one located on certain rollie-pollie droids, but is adjustable. Each size increase decreases the protection it gives. Of course, X would be unaware of this as of yet... X Fires two blasts: 15+9= 24 vs. Def 22. Dmg: 3-DR6= -3. (Note: I was surprised too when I rolled three ones....) Atk2: 11+9= 20 vs. Def 22. Moves 2 meters SW. Spot: 11+15= 26 vs. DC20. Note: The ramp opens like a mouth, towards the front of the ship. Kind of like a Lambda-class shuttle.

Dofina (13)- Keeps moving to hangar. Runs 40 meters.

Femi (13)- Keeps moving along the side of the building.

The clones have been taken care of by Tal. They probably won't be appearing again....



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Cognitive Processing
Datum: DRK-1X has scored a direct hit against the unidentified female human.
Datum: Negligible damage inflicted.
Heuristic Node: Execute tactical analysis.
At current strength, the unidentified female human's energy shield will harmlessly
dissipate an estimated 57.14% of DRK-1X's blaster energy output.
Emotive Node: Frustration 38.7%; Uncertainty 29.1%; Resolve 22.7%; Anxiety 9.5%.
Datum: Female human has successfully gained access to the Geth Hound's computer.
Datum: Female human has successfully deactivated the Geth Hound's shields.
Datum: Female human has successfully deployed the Geth Hound's access ramp.
Proposition: The female human will now attempt to board the Geth Hound.
Proposition: The female human has sabotaged the Geth Hound's external control console.
Proposition: The female human's shortest trajectory to the Geth Hound's access ramp
will bring her into proximity of the human male.
Proposition: The male human will attempt to prevent the female human's theft of the Geth Hound.
Proposition: The female human will once again attempt to engage the male human in melee combat.
Emotive Node: Resolve 41.1%; Desperation 32.9%; Anxiety 26%.
Volition Threshold has been reached.
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=12.3m.,Y=-10.6m., Z=0m., V=5.33m./second]
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=1.2m.,Y=-1.4m., Z=-4.3m., V=5.33m./second]
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=9.6m.,Y=-4.3m., Z=0m., V=5.33m./second]
Uploading directives to repulsorlift unit [X=1.3m.,Y=-1.7m., Z=+1.3m., V=5.33m./second]

DRK-1X abandons its current offensive tactic against the Sith, rotates its external sensor pods to continue watching the woman while simultaneously spinning its entire spherical body around. Keeping to the concealing shadows, the diminutive probe droid heads south-west as it skirts the various ducts and pipes along the ceiling before quickly dropping behind the cargo containers. Stopping a meter short of the ground, 1X continues its south west trajectory, passing the Geth Hound's forward landing strut before angling up into the now open access hatch on the vessel's underbelly (double move action, 30 meters, -5 to Move Silently and Hide skill checks).

OOC: If I understand correctly, the Geth Hound's access hatch is on it's underbelly, somewhere just behind the cockpit. By my count, DRK-1X should be able to reach that spot with a meter or two of movement to spare.


Tal fires once more before retreating further towards the blast-damaged wall.

ooc: Fire once, +6 attack, 3d8 damage, 19 Crit.

Femi will continue down the side of the building towards the door that is partially melted. Hearing the blaster fire, he picks up his pace to get to the opening. He will continue to mask his presence through the force. Once at the melted area he will take a close look at it, trying to determine if it was caused by a lightsaber. Regardless of the answer, he will then cautiously step through the melted opening.


First Post
Felia sprints after the neimodian, her doubt in the chancelor's words mingling in her mind with the suprise of seeing a neimodian run. Swallowing her questions to conserve air as she exerts herself, she remains silent, running into who knows what, and hoping to get out of it alive.

OOC: Tac will run after Dofina and keep his eyes open for those clone soldiers or other threats coming at them as they cross out in the open, under the floodlights. Mental note: aquire a silent way of taking out lightsources for the next time we need to sneak around at night on a hostile world.


First Post
The Sith is caught in Tal's blaster fire as she makes an impossible leap over the crates and breaks into a run towards the awaiting ship. The bolt is absorbed however by the now smaller blue bubble that surrounds her. She then grimaces as the dark droid beats her into the ship.

Dofina and Felia run further, now able to see that the hole in the side of the hangar was indeed caused by some explosion. Dofina simply shakes her head and continues running.

Femi catches a glimpse of the melted doors as he passes into them. No weapon he knows would destroy a door so cleanly, unless it was a lightsaber. As he enters the hangar, he sees a human soldier firing on what appears to be a Jedi woman holding a lit red lightsaber and encased in some sort of glowing shield. She is running inside the sleek looking ship that Femi now sees. He also now notices the gaping hole in the other side of the building.

Tal (26)- Fires at the Sith, Atk: 3+6= 9 vs. Def 22. Moves 10 meters.

Dark Jedi (22)- Spends Dark Side Force Point, gains +23 to all actions this round. Leaps over crates, Jump 11+10+23= 44. Run action towards ship.

Tac (17)- Runs 40 meters to keep up with Dofina.

DRK-1X (16)- Moves 30 meters, Hiding and Moving Silently. Enters ship.

Dofina (13)- Runs 40 meters towards hangar.

Femi (13)- Moves and enters hangar.



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OOC: For Shadow[sblock]Since I'm away on vacation at my parents' place and don't have my Star Wars books with me, I can't read up on force points or dark force points. I'm sorry if I'm in error or am missing something (if so just ignore me) but if the only effect of the dark force point the Sith spent is to grant her a +23 bonus to all actions, like you said, I'm afraid I don't see how she's managing to reach the ship's hatch in one round. There are a few problems as I see it; again please excuse me if I'm missing something.

One can only run in a straight line so it isn't usually possible to perform a full-round run action while also executing a long jump. Also, distance moved by jumping is counted against your normal maximum movement in a round. Effectively, if you take a double move action you can only traverse a distance equal to twice your base speed. Even if your jump skill-check allows you to jump further than double your base speed, you end your turn in the air and have to complete your jump as part of your next turn. The rules are set up like that so that high strength soldiers with full ranks in Jump can't simply circumvent their movement limits by hopping around all the time. Finally, since the Sith was in back of the console and couldn't get a running start she was essentially performing a standing long jump, which doubles the DC of her long jump (or effectively halves the overall distance she can jump). She could cover about 6 or 7 meters with each leap, but would have to leap-frog about three times to bound over all the crates in her way. She could do it all in one round, but she'd be limited to her usual maximum speed of 20 meters as she would in a regular double move action. By my count, she'd end her turn having landed just behind the final crate, but still a few meters away from the ship's hatch. Am I making sense? :heh:

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