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Omega Pathfinders Game Thread

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The surprise of seeing Cyrill’s bullet wiz past his face, slam into Bishop’s thigh and spray blood across his visor causing Carl to jump backwards. Landing on his butt he shouts “F%$# Hell Cyrill watch where your shooting, last thing we need is a few extra holes punched into us.” :confused:

Carl then struggles to his feet in as dignified a manner as possible and helps Bishop up before making his way up the stairs. Once up the stairs Carl will take up a defensive position behind some of the boxes and ready an attack with his Morita on any Worms that may follow them up the stairs.
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First Post
Mel steps back in front of Jacob and sprays a burst of ammo at the oncoming Worm 2. As she does, she comms, "Pull back to the barricade! Repeat, fall back and regroup at the barricade!"

(5 round burst at worm 2)


Mission 3, Day 1, Encounter 1, Round 25.

The flammable liquid Carl fired will burn for this round still.

Worm #10
Worm #11
Worm #7
Worm #3
Worm #2
Worm #8
Worm #9

FT 1: Bishop stands up and moves towards the stairwell readying the SAW as he goes. Carl moves up the stairwell and takes up a defensive position behind the barricade.

FT 2: Cyrill throws a grenade, (Modified ranged attack roll of 18 + 9 (AB) – 4 (Range 25’) = 23 vs Defense of 10, a hit landing in the upper left corner of Worm #9’s cell. The grenade detonates doing a possible 14hp damage! Worm #9 REF save of 27 vs DC 18, takes 7hp damage, Worm #10 REF save of 30 vs DC 18, takes 7hp damage, Worm #11 REF save of 21 vs DC 18, takes 7hp damage.), and moves up the stairwell. Jacob reloads his TGL.

FT 3: Dave moves into the airlock chamber and starts to argue with Sarge about the door being closed. The situation looks like it is bordering on a riot as the civilians still on the Songbird begin shouting and start shoving each other jostling for position. Before Mel has time to squeeze past Jacob the slicer worm is snapping at his feet, she leans past him and fires a controlled burst at the creature, (Modified ranged attack roll of 9 + 10 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 4 (Burst) – 2 (Cover) = 14, a miss), but the slugs ricochet off the floor bouncing just over the worms head.

FT 4: Jonass watches as the civilians rush by, he is pleased that they horror seems to be almost over. Zane comes running up the corridor behind the last of the civilians towards the airlock.

Sarge: Sarge watches in amazement as the stream of civilians seems never ending. Just as another civilian is about to enter the airlock Sarge steps in his way rifle raised and yells, “Just hold up a moment!”. He then asks Kate, “Kate what is the status with the passenger space, don't forget we need 6 seats open?”, while locking the airlock door.

Worm #2: The slicer worm “runs” towards Jacob, covering the 125’ in the blink of an eye. It remains low on the ground ready to snap at his feet as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

Worm #3: Is dying.

Worm #4: Is dying.

Worm #7: Is dying.

Worm #8: Is dying.

Worm #9: Remains behind the wall of flames.

Worm #10: Remains behind the wall of flames.

Worm #11: Remains behind the wall of flames.

Squad actions please.


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Cyrill jumps over the barricade and readies an action to open fire at any (hopefully flat-footed ;) ) hosepipe of speed coming up the stairs.

Yelling: "I said I'm sorry, Bishop! Consider it collateral damage. Mel, we are nearly in postion!!! I hope this trap thing doesn't kill us all..."


First Post
"I hear you Cyrill. Make it fast. We've got a worm situation out here too..."

She tilts her Morita down and fires a single shot at the worm, not daring to burst so close to Jacob and his amazing wonderful highly explosive armament.

"Sarge, we're just about ready to beat cheeks for the ship! What's the status?"


Mission 3, Day 1, Encounter 1, Round 26.

The flames die down from the burning fluid on the floor.

FT 1: Bishop sees worms all around and not wanting to give them an opportunity to catch him off guard decides to step 5’ East and smack slicer worm #11 again, (Modified melee attack roll of 4 + 10 (AB) = 14, a miss), but fails to hit the agile worm. By the time Carl gets to act there are multiple targets and he fires a round as the most wounded looking worm at his feet, (Modified ranged attack roll of 9 + 10 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 0 (Precise Shot) – 4 (Longarm) = 16, a miss) but shoots into the ground sending a bullet ricocheting into the far wall.

FT 2: Cyrill leaps over the barricade erected and readies a shot. Jacob draws his flamer and lights up the area containing the worm. The flammable liquid spews out over the floor (Potential damage of 8, Slicer worm #2 REF save of 24 vs DC 18, success and takes 4hp damage) and will continue to burn for another 2 rounds.

FT 3: Dave starts yelling at Sarge, “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM MAN! OPEN THE DOOR!”, but Sarge just keeps his defensive stance in front of the door. Dave is getting agitated and reaches for his side arm… Mel follows the slicer worm #2 as it ducks and weaves out of the corridor and takes a shot, (Modified ranged attack roll of 11 + 10 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 0 (Precise Shot) – 4 (Longarm) = 18, a hit doing 12hp damage!), hitting the worm directly in the right eye inflicting a gruesome wound!

FT 4: Jonass not quite sure what is happening at the airlock leaves his position at the entrance and moves to the airlock. Through the throng of civilians he can’t progress much closer though. Zane runs into the airlock chamber and is amazed to see the huge crowd pushing and shoving around the airlock.

Sarge: Sarge yells, “BACK UP I TELL YOU!”, and shoves a civilian in the chest with the side of his rifle. “We can take another 14 people max, sir”, comes the reply from Kate via the squad intercom. “Sir, we have another problem… the proximity of the adhesive jelly ball is getting dangerously close… I estimate another couple of minutes and we won’t be able to break free.” “Who is closest to the airlock? I need some assistance here!”, request Sarge via the squad intercom.

Worm #2: Not enjoying the heat the worm slithers 5’ out of the flames and snaps at Jacob, (Modified melee touch attack roll of 12 vs Defense 18, a miss), but bites fresh air.

Worm #9: The slicer worm sails up the stairwell and enters the barricaded room. Looking around it decided that Cyrill looked like the most juicy target and starts to gnaw into the barricade to get to him.

Worm #10: The angry hissing of this worm can be heard coming from downstairs. The worm slithers up the stairs with the finesse of an acrobat and rears up to snap at Bishop standing between the barricades. Cyrill, who was ready, fires a round at the foul creature, (Modified ranged attack roll of 5 + 9 (AB) + 1 (PB) – 0 (Precise Shot) = 15, a miss), but shoots into the panelling beside the door.

Worm #11: Following close behind the previous worm this slicer races up the stairs tries to squeeze past Bishop, (Bishop gets AOO, Modified melee attack roll of 19 + 10 (AB) = 29, a hit doing 9hp damage!), but as the worm pushes against his leg he brings the butt of the SAW firmly down on its head breaking several of the creatures teeth in the process.

Squad actions please.


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