TURTLEDOME!: Battle Bone (DM: KenHood, Judge: Lord S.)

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Round 4 and 5

Round 4 (continued)...
Drivan discovers that the rat is indeed a creature made from a folded sheet of paper. Instead of tying the creature with a rope, it is much easier to fold it into a compact shape. (Complete: 1 of 3 standard actions to fold a rat.)

Emral moves to Vaunea's side. The rat resists the effects of the chaos ball.

Round 5
Vocabulary Rat directs a psychic attack at Hadarai, provoking opportunity attacks from Ermal, Vaunea, and Hadarai.

[sblock=Action]Standard: Obfuscate - v. Will (1d20+6=13, 1d6+3=9)[/sblock]
Yet again, Hadarai loses his ability to speak (9 damage). (I'm gonna get you, Hadarai! :p)

Finnian's turn!

[sblock=Status and Initiative]
Origami Rat Swarm
Vocabulary Rat - superior cover
Finnian - HP: 13/26, AP: 1 bloodied (Erlai - HP: 10/16) <== You're up!
Vaunea - HP: 38/38
Impulse Control Rat
Origami Rat 21
Hadarai - HP: 3/31, AP: 1, bloodied, expressive aphasia (save ends)
Memory Rat
Origami Rat 11
Origami Rat 25
Origami Rat 12
Drivan - HP: 20/20, AP: 1
Emral - HP: 16/24


Resources Expended
Drivan - 2 Healing Surges
Emral - Flaming Sphere, 1 Healing Surge, 2 AP
Finnian - 2 Healing Surges, AP, Second Wind
Hadarai - 4 Healing Surges, Inspiring Word (x2), 1 AP, Second Wind
Vaunea - 2 Healing Surges, 2 AP, Passing Attack
Memory Rat - Amnesia (recharge on a 6)
Vocabulary Rat - Word Wall, Alphabetize


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Hadarai swings, enraged, at the opening showed by the rat. He grunts a few very non-eladrin-like words(or rather sounds) of satisfaction when his blade rips a nice piece of paper from the creature's leg.

ooc: OA:24 vs AC, 9 dmg, non-lethal

[sblock=superior cover?]the rat has superior cover? And we don't? How? I think I missed something...[/sblock]


First Post
Vaunea's attack misses. Hadarai's hits.

OOC: The rat is in a hole in the ground. He crawled in it during round 3 or so. I drew a little black square around him to represent the cover. Poor thing is pretty much stuck until you guys pound the bejeesus out of him.

If you want to nullify the cover, you could attempt a grab and pull the rat out of the hole. (2 actions)​


Finnian closes the remaining distance to the final foe and Erlai follows to close in next to his master. Rather than try and pull it out of the hole, the Ranger takes a couple swings with his blades...

Twin Strike (bonus, CA, cover) (1d20+6+2-5=16, 1d10+1=10, 1d20+6+2-5=14, 1d4=3)

Feeling that the rat may be close to going down, Finnian summons all his willpower to force his hands to move around again and make another attack...

Twin Strike (bonus, CA, cover) (1d20+6+2-5=10, 1d10+1=5, 1d20+6+2-5=12, 1d4=4)

HQ Damage (1d10=7)

[sblock=Combat Actions]Move - to E11
Move (Erlai) - to F11
Minor - Hunter's Quarry
Standard - Twin Strike
Action Point - Twin Strike[/sblock]


First Post
Round 5

Round 5 (continued)...
Finnian's first blow all but pulverizes the rat. The creature ducks into its hole, avoiding the next three attacks.

[sblock=Status and Initiative]
Origami Rat Swarm
Vocabulary Rat - superior cover - 26 damage, bloodied
Finnian - HP: 13/26, AP: 1 bloodied (Erlai - HP: 10/16) <== You're up!
Vaunea - HP: 38/38
Impulse Control Rat
Origami Rat 21
Hadarai - HP: 3/31, AP: 1, bloodied, expressive aphasia (save ends)
Memory Rat
Origami Rat 11
Origami Rat 25
Origami Rat 12
Drivan - HP: 20/20, AP: 1
Emral - HP: 16/24


Resources Expended
Drivan - 2 Healing Surges
Emral - Flaming Sphere, 1 Healing Surge, 2 AP
Finnian - 2 Healing Surges, AP, Second Wind
Hadarai - 4 Healing Surges, Inspiring Word (x2), 1 AP, Second Wind
Vaunea - 2 Healing Surges, 2 AP, Passing Attack
Memory Rat - Amnesia (recharge on a 6)
Vocabulary Rat - Word Wall, Alphabetize


First Post
Round 5: Battle Complete!

Round 5
SHHHH-WACK! Vocabulary Rat is down.


Origami Rat XP
4 Minions -- 100 XP
Origami Rat Swarm -- 150 XP
Impulse Control Rat -- 125 XP
Vocabulary Rat -- 150 XP
Memory Rat -- 150 XP

Total: 675 XP
Bonus: 150 XP for not lobotomizing Swillwort

Grand Total: 825 XP (165 XP per player)

Unconscious: Origami Rat (minion), Impulse Control Rat, Vocabulary Rat, Memory Rat



You're stuck inside an old man's head with a bunch of unconscious rats.

Oh, and the ground is starting to collapse under your feet.

Whatcha gonna do?!

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