ZEITGEIST Cultsbane's bizarre D&D adventure: Zeitgeist - 5Eish

Yeah, the intent was that after each adventure there's about a season of downtime. So the whole 13 adventure campaign takes 3 years. Which given the scope of what happens in the world honestly isn't that long.

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Yeah, the intent was that after each adventure there's about a season of downtime. So the whole 13 adventure campaign takes 3 years. Which given the scope of what happens in the world honestly isn't that long.

I think that's a reasonable amount of time for everything that happens. It definitely helps with getting the roleplay into context.

We played heavily into the length of Tyranny of Dragons by being friendlier to each other near the end, as well as naming ourselves (cultsbane). Curse of Strahd we kept each other distant, largely untrusting, only really appreciating each other skills in the dreadful situation we found each other in. None of us planned to know each afterwards and it created a very fitting bittersweet ending.

The best part was in both campaigns we left the world in a significantly worse position than when it started. To the point we thought of actually doing a campaign in the post tyranny of dragons world. I can only imagine what Zeitgeist will look like, probably Risur is Danor now and Crisillyir a nation of dragonflying mind flares allied with Ber with the dwarfs having a colony on the moon

Though I am wondering if we'll be able to complete the 13 modules within a 3 year timeframe in real life, only one way to find out. So far though my plan to get everyone so involved into the campaign that despite its length they want to stick it out to the end has been going very successful. Everyone seems to enjoy it very much, especially the mystery of everything & unraveling the world.

Hops player has said that "Yeah this campaign has been fun, no clue how I rank it, but definitely an interesting campaign. You expect combat and get puzzle, expect rp and get combat, expect puzzle and get puzzle combat!!!!! Really a great mood overall as far as campaigns go. Good mix of open world, dedicated paths, combat, puzzles, and RP"

Kelik player has said that he very much enjoys it more than curse of Strahd and he really distrusts Stover

My personal favorite aspect is that it really complements My D&D groups more independent nature and philosophies. Since we're very much prone to acting on our own accord. It feels this time like we all have our independent agendas and goals, along with belief systems that can sometimes contradict each other. Like such as what's better the technocratic industrialized future or the traditional approaches of the Fey that it works for so long

Although considering we're already 50 hours into the campaign and Just starting module 3 I would not be surprised if we go over 3 years. Curse of Strahd and Tyranny of Dragons took about a year each at about 124 hours of campaign time average for both, which would be 41 weeks. So we're on track for a slightly less than 3 year campaign if it takes about a year to completely 4-5 modules depending if we get a decent pacing and rhythm for module 3

Sadly for the DM we're a group known for checking everything trivial and pointless out even if it takes forever, So I'm betting the over for how long it'll take us to get to the end. Going to be a sad but sweet day when we do

Definitely my favorite campaign yet. Has allowed the most character growth and choices. Hoping that it'll only get better and better. Thanks for the hard work and allowing us such an opportunity to experience the campaign

Campaign play time: 3 hours, 3 mins, & 33 seconds

We explore the tunnels, noticing a bunch of tools scattered about. Isabelle notices a bunch of these tool aren't normal as they transform into turrets

Kelik knows that turrets have a field of blind sight, Kelik throws a large rock at one and within 60 ft it turns around and shoots it.

Freya says they should throw the rocks in the middle to get them to shoot each other, but they're much more advanced than that and get through this test effortlessly

Kelik shoots one with his shotgun. Suddenly It elevates itself. It has 4 stumpy legs and heads towards us, as the others activate as well. Roll initiative

Freya uses fire bolt, it burns a bit, but is observed to not do much as though it has resistance. They all aim at Freya, but they miss as she goes diving into a box Metal Gear style

Kelik throws ball bearings down the tunnel (pulling a pilfer). Kelik fires his shotgun at one with colossal slayer and it blows up

Anael sees fire doesn't do that well, so she throws a javelin but misses

Isabelle attempts to use an ice knife spell but misses and it shatters on the wall, the shards come flying out and hit one from behind. The cold doesn't seem to bother it anyways

Freya uses magnifying gravity. They roll nat 1 and 3s. Causing one to explode. The other two come crushed into the ground, but keep moving forward even avoiding the ball bearings on the ground. They take aim at Freya, but she manages to use Silvery barbs to switch a nat 20 and they miss. We say it's Freya's gravity power

Kelik blows another one up with his shotgun. Anael uses the javelin again and hits one, while Isabelle shoots out additional ice knifes

The final robot turret jumps at Freya, beeping like it's going to explode, but she dodges out of the way and it explodes behind her. We didn't take any damage

Kelik investigates the remaining 3 of them and each one has a small carbine in them that can be used to upgrade weapon

Further down the tunnel we see a rusted golem, a decaying person, a ring of rusted iron. Kelik notices it's one of the ones from the bleak gate, while Freya notices it doesn't have the smoke from those active

Kelik medicine check the body and it's definitely been dead a bit, Isabelle estimates it at about two weeks

There is a steel bar wrapped around his wrist and his skull is caved in, black liquid is coming out lighting up as though wanting to be activated but unable.

Nearby is a golden sword, golden amulet, and golden staff. As well as coins that match the ones we found in Axis Island

Kelik repairs the carbines. They'll do 1d12 damage at 150 ft, they don't need to be reloaded, and can be fired twice in one turn. He keeps one, Anael, and Isabelle get others. We go off to test everything out.

No idea what the staff does. Hops uses it. Opening up from the sky is a portal and out comes 15 purple frogs That rained about 18 damage worth of acid on us.

As well Anael begins feeling her face burning, melting, and she feels the area (This is because she's part celestial)

Key features about the staff - Has elemental properties and can cast burning hands of any element. If cast from The Shadow symbol it uses forbiddance, If not it uses an elemental version of Magic missile. It also will create a portal to an alternate dimension with various effects

Anael picks up the sword with serrated edges as though it was one from the Aztecs. Sword has weird cracks of energy. When she hits it into a tree it effortlessly cuts through it serrating it and interesting enough leaving patched of fire, cold, corrosive and other damage

Freya gets the amulet which can store up to 40 elemental damage before releasing itself as a sudden attack, The entire area must make saves or be blown up with it. It can be reassembled after

Freya and Kelik decide to go spy on the theater while Anael and Hops go to RHC

Stover is waiting for them. He suggests that we investigate further into mayor's aid and the golem

They mention a lead about a theater outside town. Stover been ordered not to raid that theater, not because of corruption, but because of the difficulty and you're absolutely forbidden from interfering

Hops touches his nose saying you got it boss

Freya manages to sneak through with Kelik in to the theater they see a bunch of people in hoods and fedoras loading up carts and take off

We decided not to follow the first one. The second one has a large hooded man and we follow that one. They stop at a warehouse. Walking out is a Tiefling with a checklist. Who after surveying it,
Takes a briefcase out and the wagon heads back after checking it over

We go in playing the "gotta use the bathroom" strategy. We ask the Tiefling some questions. We notice a very exquisite chamber and antiques. We see shelves of boxes, items, and rusty swords. Several mineral samples

Kelik says you're a collector sir & they talk about that before We all introduced ourselves to each other. He mentions he is from Danor, Kelik from Ber, and Freya from Crisillyir

A lady walks in. Freya notices her. Doctor Vandra is her name. Tiefling says he is new to town and asks what we're doing. Freya says that she is a university student

Doctor teaches at nearby university, is apparently very pale face and under the weather, so doesn't want to talk and heads away quickly

Anael and Hops goes to a restaurant together & we end the session there

Hope you all have a wonderful week

Campaign time: 3 hours, 1 min, 17 second

Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt

Isabelle couldn't make it (scheduling conflict, hopefully we can get something to work)

We discuss our next moves. Such as do we arrest Xambria and Caius, do we go up to Cauldron Hill and talk with the half faced man, get into contact with Gale, Or go immediately to the university?

Hops & Freya head towards the university campus. Hops partially for the investigation & partially to become a drug dealer on the local college campus.

Freya gets the lead from some local college students to go towards the museum of "Risur" history which is known to host a lot of old exhibitions and artifacts from dig sites. Some like a civilization of orcs, Minotaur shaman group, enslaved goblins, and other groups that were ones native to the area but been pushed back to Ber where there later got enslaved by dragons before being liberated by Risur. We definitely don't make Risur out to be the good guys in this campaign

(I also forget that normal suburban people don't smoke "fey pepper" with strangers irl, rural & urban gang ftw)

We get directed towards Professor Hans. Who is reading about Divinations Magic, has a glass monocle and a ponytail. After Freya bumbles through negotiations, revealing that we're RHC he directs us towards two people that would be able to help. Caius Beregeron, an eccentric rich Tiefling. Xambria Meredith, professor who had recently lost everyone at a dig site. Oh boy

Cut to Anael and Kelik. They decide not to talk to Gale, but to check out the basement that Freya had blown up earlier. Anael casts planar energy. The basement is still there with the scent of bleak gate oil. Kelik uses his crowbar and busts in. The stairways are guarded by a brick wall.

They can hear music down there, metal moving, and footsteps. A single person is making them. Anael decided to bust through the wall with her shield like she was the kool aid man (Oh yeah!)

However smashing through the wall sends her flying down the flight of stairs. Coming face to face with a man standing there in a purple cloak eating a large piece of cheese wheel like it's Skyrim, we note that he looks like William Dafoe, We later find out his name is Sir Leon (Like from Resident Evil?) Upon noticing her Two iron bars slam down. Blocking off the stairwell. Kelik barely manages to get in the room in time.

William Dafoe goes back to eating his cheese. Anael is stunned, as she also loves cheese

At this point they see the desk float and get shoved into a portal that he opened up. Kelik shoots at Dafoe's knee, a medal plate reflects the bullet back at him. Apparently getting shot is not that fun

Anael casts command. He instantly counterspells it, saying his Lord wouldn't like it if he was defeated that easily. At this point he recognizes them as the idiots of the RHC, The most incompetent people ever and he'll probably spare them out of mercy. He starts chastising them for killing the scientist inside as they had families and aspirations. That he'll choose peace though

Anael turns to Kelik and says "imma bash him in the face with my shield" before charging at him, Kelik like "never seen you back down from a fight". Kelik starts with another shot with the carbine

William Dafoe blocks it again with the metal shield. Kelik throws a dagger and it hits his shoulder. The guy starts humming and says guess you've chosen violence then. A small portal opens up. Suddenly 20 pounds of fire gems fall from the sky and litter the room. Several hit Kelik burning him

Anael goes to swing with her longsword and hits. Uses divine smite for a total of 21 damage. Anael hits again with her longsword and does 6 damage.

Kelik tries to find a place free of the fire gems. Fires with the oathbow and
Gets blocked by the metal shield

He tries lifting Anael up into the air (does he also have gravitational powers like Freya) but is unable to as Anael goes for the grapple, but William Dafoe manages to get out of it

Kelik goes for the tackle. Managing to throw him and grapple him to the dloor. He smiles and says

"What I'm not going to kiss you or anything"

Iron bar goes flying out of the wall straight at kelik's Head and he takes 39 damage and makes a con save, fails. Kelik goes limp and passed out

I didn't want to have to do that but you left me no choice.

He pulls out the chaos emeralds..Slams it into the ground, it cracks open, a small gust of steam comes up followed by fire. The fires connect together and becomes a fire elemental. He gives it a simple command

"Blow up the room"

Anael uses her transformation abilities, shining light everywhere and radiant damage onto the man. Who screams "The Ghastly light I hate it"

Anael has an idea. Uses her sword doing a bunch of radiant damage. His skin begins to burn off his face. He goes to jump through the portal but is flinged aside by Anael as she goes to rescue Kelik, barely missing several red hot metal bars coming at her.

Anael throws Kelik through the portal and goes on through right after, hoping the explosion would kill him. She sees a vast chamber of many machines. Cold dark shadows everywhere. See a few people all in gear. Can feel herself suffocating.

Tower of various lanterns. She's realizes she in a giant cavern construction zone
In the middle of the cavern. A thousand foot tall golem.

She hears behind her, "you definitely shouldn't have seen that."

Kelik remains unconscious

Sir William Dafoe is no longer the refined gentleman as before. "Now you cannot leave, now you've all done it, Now before I make my next move what is your loyalty to Risur, you've got 5 seconds

Anael replies that "I'm loyal to myself and no one else"

William Dafoe grows giant metal gloves that become bigger than Anael's torso. They head flying towards her. She holds it back. And deflects then away

Kelik is still knocked out.

Anael swings with her longsword and manages to hit. Using branding smite. With radiant damage. Doing 24 radiant damage. Burning a line through him. He's not looking great rn

He pushes her back with a gravitational force type push before lifting Anael and Kelik up. Who both are unable to resist.

He floats them over the pit. Any last words? Too late. He drops them both. The Golem moves. They plunge a thousand feet down into the abyss

Anael hears a whisper; not yet, more for you to do. In the darkness she can make out this old man's face, who calls himself The Mind Maker

A gust of winds comes flying and purple smoke from the golem. She falls and it still hurts. Taking 35 bludging damage. She is still up though.

They come to In a familiar train construction area. Now that's thinking with portals!

Anael gives Kelik some naughty word for getting knocked out before Anael explains everything that happened. Kelik makes sketches, apologizing for being out so long and scratching the mark on his back of the head..

Anael summons her Celestial horse and apologizes for it getting murdered earlier. But they're friendly

Hops is smoking. Freya is about to join him when she notices notices fire from the direction Anael and Kelik are in. All she can see inside the destruction. Man she would've liked to have smoke

They both thankfully arrive behind us. We discussed going to speak in private Anael gets two bottles of vodka, one for herself, and we go to her place to talk

We noticed we're being followed, We basically demand that they set up a meeting tomorrow at the latest.

Freya & hops knows who the sketch is. Rolling intelligence. The corpse we saw the other day matches the person. Hops goes to investigate Xambria at the college. With Kelik & Freya being seen by her already. Anael decides to meditate for a while.

Reveals that her dig site was compromised by a portal, they've been going for something called the Golden seal, have gotten rods for it. That It wasn't stolen from me but my sponsor. Hops bluffs saying that we can arrange getting the rod for you from the RHC

This isn't true and now we're going to have to talk to the RHC about this.

Have a great week everyone

so i know this
Zeitgeist Campaign Plan v2 (this is our DM plans for whenever he runs the module again, estimating he can get it down to 7-8 sessions)
was a while back, but i gotta thank you for the
Zeitgeist Campaign Plan v2 (bold added for emphasis) said:
King’s Arrival
  • If the dockers weren’t arrested, Docker Violence occurs
  • Prime Minister Harkover Lee chain lightnings them all
because i ran bonds of forced faith for some friends tonight, and one of them played harkover like an absolute menace to society. we call him mr. chain lightning now because of you. thank you so much.

so i know this

was a while back, but i gotta thank you for the

because i ran bonds of forced faith for some friends tonight, and one of them played harkover like an absolute menace to society. we call him mr. chain lightning now because of you. thank you so much.

Anytime. I should have some things & notes for module 3 in a couple weeks. Depends how long we take.

Never underestimate the power chain lightning.

Is "independent nature and philosophies" just a kind way of saying "Let's just buy everyone the Murderhobo T-Shirts...?" It's just surprising that the RHC would foster a bunch of people who would fail the vetting process on day 1...

Honestly I wouldn't mind that shirt lol but no don't know how you got that idea from that but okay, it's a mischaracterization of the party and how we operate

Easy answer to that one, RHC has staffing shortages and needs anyone at this point. Hence why they accepted the prisoners as members thing so readily.

We haven't murdered anyone random though. I mean other than some scientist and accidentally blowing the Coaltongue, but that was story purposes and not random murderhoboing, also basically everyone escaped. Heck we even have multiple sessions in a row where we avoided any and all hostile combat

On the flip we've successfully got the axis Islands back, captured Asbrey, and managed to successfullyish get to the bottom of the wand and Caldron Hill mayor Reed investigation, but we got removed from the investigation (supposed to happen in the module)

The independent nature and philosophies is simply that we have our own ulterior motives that aren't just about helping Risur or even each other, not that we go about randomly offing everyone.

It's why our party splits up constantly and we often have entire sessions focused on one or two players at max. Personally I prefer that sense of independence

Honestly I wouldn't mind that shirt lol but no don't know how you got that idea from that but okay, it's a mischaracterization of the party and how we operate

Easy answer to that one, RHC has staffing shortages and needs anyone at this point. Hence why they accepted the prisoners as members thing so readily.

We haven't murdered anyone random though. I mean other than some scientist and accidentally blowing the Coaltongue, but that was story purposes and not random murderhoboing, also basically everyone escaped. Heck we even have multiple sessions in a row where we avoided any and all hostile combat

On the flip we've successfully got the axis Islands back, captured Asbrey, and managed to successfullyish get to the bottom of the wand and Caldron Hill mayor Reed investigation, but we got removed from the investigation (supposed to happen in the module)

The independent nature and philosophies is simply that we have our own ulterior motives that aren't just about helping Risur or even each other, not that we go about randomly offing everyone.

It's why our party splits up constantly and we often have entire sessions focused on one or two players at max. Personally I prefer that sense of independence
Apologies for the misunderstanding: I think I've been far more used to a group that is more likely to work together as a team in most games for a lot of years now (as we have learnt that being a little too independent can be detrimental quite a few times in our youth). Also we were definitely pointed towards character types that would be more likely to fit within the structure of an FBI-style early campaign. That said, most of our PCs had something other than loyalty to Risur going on as well, to lead into the latter stages...

It's why this particular take on the early campaign - to me - seems to jar more than other accounts on this site (probably because your original setup was quite different, and I am curious as to how finding B***** this early will change things), as I can see points where if we had tried to act in a similar way, our GM might not have been quite so... lenient... Possibly caused by a difference in how Pathfinder and 5E work, and the "Role vs Roll" of how different campaigns can be.

Also interested to see how they will deal with Saxby, and Price-Hill's admonishment/second chance if it lands the same.

Summary: you know your players and they know you, so probably know how far they can push things; so in this campaign, our set of characters, if we ever met (apart from possibly the goblin and the kobold as they would have evolved differently) probably would not be able to work as well in this version of the world.

It would, however, be interesting to see if you were planning to let them play Team B as written, for a couple of weeks, and how they get on with that.

Campaign time: 3 hours, 20 mins, 31 seconds

Anael and Hops head to Stover's office at around 5pm, and people are already starting to pack up for the weekend. Even Stover is doing the same, looking exhausted as ever

Anael clears her throat. Asking if Stover has time to talk. Hops explains the incident with the rod and how they'll be over soon to retrieve it soon.

Stover asked if we had anything on our plates, they said no. He mentions that Caius is a great benefactor benefactor to Risur and very important to the relationships of Danor & Risur but we should find out where the staff came from and how it got in the black market without damaging our relations.

Stover suggest we go as far from Flint as possible for an assignment at the dig site as he had gotten a strange report about us that wasn't favorable. Anael asks about the strange report. Which the report was that they had been seen entering the warehouse that was strictly forbidden to enter and it exploded. That it took 4 hours for the fire to go out.

They mentioned getting assaulted by William Dafoe. That he summoned a fire elemental and went through a portal

Two questions: "what did you see and how did you get out?"

Anael withholds the information for the time being.

Stover says it ain't going to be pretty when we get back, but if we manage to go to the digsite now we can avoid interrogation by wannabe Margaret Thatcher

During the night time we wake up to another earthquake. A significant one. A crack appears down the street. Isabelle almost falling through the crack while sleeping on her favourite bench

Talk on the streets this is a bad omen

We go have dinner with Kelik. Kelik opens up the door rubbing the back of his head. Our plan at 6 we head to get staff and paperwork, return to benefactor and head to the dig site. We wanna be out by 8

Kelik suggests that we drop off the other items we have so doesn't cause an issue. Freya is in agreement

Kelik thinks of a safety deposit box at the Ber embassy. Instead we go buy bag of holding, Each of us Pays 400GP each for a bag holding (ugh I'm trying to save for that near 20,000GP legendary grimoire)

Anael begins to trust Stover. Kelik is starting too. We basically trust him more than anyone else, especially the wannabe Margaret Thatcher.

Anaek wants a bulk order of something called Essences of ether - 1500 gp bulk, 300 each individually. Each a single use only. Imagine chloroform

Hops wants some sweets. Isabelle goes & gets him peach rings. Isabelle also wants to go steal something as a fake rat

Kelik disguises himself and goes shopping at the poison shop. He is looking for Oil of taggit & crawler mucus.
They've rebuilt the roof and building since the last time we were there. People walking throughout the store purchasing new pills that have been released

The apotechary is shocked that we asked for the poison able to kill a bear and not a rat. Kelik mentions gale, deception, and manages to convince them to let them get some poison

She mentions a cheaper alternative diluted essence of ether - only for 50GP. However they'll only stay unconscious for about an hour. DC is the same. Kelik decided to buy 3 of them

Kelik buys 2 crawler mucus, but no more oil of target is remaining. They can't sell that anymore because no medical applications. He also asks about truth serum. Which indeed they do have, 100gp each. So far $400GP

Isabelle goes in rat form and grabs a bag of methadone

Anael and Hops head off to delft office to retrieve the stuff. Anael informs Stover of everything including the golem

So we're heading to the train station and going to this area called the Bol. It's actually decently away from Danor and near Axis islands makes it more sus

Freya and Isabelle head to the train yard. The rest visit Caius and gives him the staff and letter of recommendation.

Caius mentions unsolved cases of disappearing at the digsite, like Xambria crew, find some answers out. They agree, Caius approves of us going.

Mentions K.S, but Caius has never heard of her before, but gets upset when they mentioned her associated with the fedora mafia

Hops wants to give a slight update to Gale because he trusts her before we leave. Gale does mention not to visit the apothecary anymore

Gale has also gotten word the shadow man reed has left flint. Gale is somewhat familiar with the term mindmaker and will look into it further

The train ride is 6 hours long, on the way we get a Pre briefing

We're going to a thing called the ziggeraut. Which is a series of connections to the planes. This one to apet. Xambria was with a team of specialists and found a golden seal. Discovered nothing but bodies for sacrifice for the voice of rot, a fey titan

Just in case we perform a ritualistic sacrifice to the voice of rot is two buffalo to go through the areas without issue

The town nearby is called Agath. About 200 people, satellite town the city of Bol. A hub for silk traffickers and a mining area that is growing in population. That giant spider populations are common

Freya one weakness, fresh air, and immediately goes light heated on the journey. She now has disadvantage on all perception checks for the rest of day.

Survival check as we cross through the mudding waters. Freya and Kelik get stuck with giant leeches

We finally see the ziggurat. bodies are all over. Sacrifices to the god of rot. As though their heads burst from the inside. Kelik goes around them. 7 White rings surround the area & we can't judge distance now

We see orc mummies nearby. Golden bracelets of great warriors with notes saying don't touch them they're worth more then your life

And we enter, immediately going to the left. Kelik investigates but his perception is messed up, nat 1

The walls start glowing orange. All around the pillar fire comes out

Freya gets a nat 1. She takes 9 fire damage. Con nat 1 on top of that So Freya clothes start to catch fire. She starts panicking and runs down the hall North

She hears the click of a pressure plate. A pit falls and she falls 40ft. Taking 17 damage. Freya is really messed up from that, Kelik rescues her

The layout begins to shift as Kelik begins marking the path and we head left

We see a gold mummy in water with a spear inside it

Kelik spots a seem in the wall that can preyed open. A spear comes from the area. A mummy comes out tries to stab at Kelik and stops after a few ssck da

Kelik attempts to pyre open the door and fails. Asks Anael for help. Who easily opens it up and we see inside a pathway to a very colourful room. A pit of spike and water with 5 giant centipede

A bright light comes forth. The 5centipedes start come out and oh boy, a Wall of force around us

Freya drinks healing potion, back up to 30 health

We're all going to hit a button. Do we manage to get through the trap

Anael collapses after hitting a button and sees rainbows. Her body seems to be stretching but doesn't hurt

She Sees 3 orcs. A staff, sword, and amulets. Anael can now speak and understand the language of the ancients

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