ZEITGEIST Cultsbane's bizarre D&D adventure: Zeitgeist - 5Eish


Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
Here is another commission, this time of Isabelle. Commission done by Bunnytush. Check out her artwork on Instagram


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Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
Campaign play time: 3 hours, 5 mins, and 0 seconds

All the factory workers and Dockers are getting the day off in preparation to hear the Skyseer's proclamation, The first of its kind in over a century. Many people are calling this to return to traditionalism

Isabelle informs the RHC & Stover about how the doctor escaped, but that we managed to secure some of his critical documents, and even better we stopped and captured one of the arsonists of Ber. The expedition process would begin immediately, and it's going to improve relationships with Ber. Kelik will be getting recognition and something special from his homeland.

Stover is unaware of the properties of which oil, or how they came to be in such abundance.

Hops wants to travel and communicate with the skyseer, while Kelik wants answers about the earthquakes. Hops would get the answer from a surprising source, coming face to face with Gale who is actually talking to the Skyseer Nevard and wants him to make his proclamation

Gale produces a small yellow book and hands it to Hops. Inside is a copy of a ritual that can detect various planar bindings and energy. Can even find the bleak gate and dreaming. Hops later gives the book to Freya as she is more versed in ritual magic

Gale is looking for the doctor as well.
Gale is also incredibly nervous about the faceless man on Caldron Hill and wants us to protect the skyseer during his proclamation and is willing to give us anything in exchange

Anael and Freya trance together to recuperate from the previous fight before the two decide to go shopping

Kelik wants someone to enchant his weapons and bags of holding, so we buy Kelik an oathbow. Freya picks out a sweet Cloak of protection, after realizing the immovable rod she wanted is a bit too pricey at 3,000GP (XP To Lv 3 taught me not to underestimate it)

Anael also unexpectedly caught feelings for the shopkeeper.

The proclamation pre-ceremony begins. Anael and Hops stay by that be one tree, after teasing Freya about it, as Freya intermingles in the crowd, Kelik prowls the rooftops, and Isabelle stands directly guard to Skyseer Nevard.

After a few minutes Anael begins detecting something is a foot. Which combined with Freya's planar spell help them discover every street is being markes with which oil and it tracks directly to a warehouse, which strangely enough echoes with loud feline sounds

We alert them about this and suggest we postpone the ceremony. Maybe move the location, but they insist on having it and we go investigate the warehouse

Inside we see only a bunch of crates, each crate is full of machine parts and witch oil. Freya takes out her trusty acid and destroys the equipment, but this also inadvertently spills the witch oil inside

Kelik breaks into the basement but trips the alarm system, causing a fire failsafe to activate. Inside are four scientists who
have activated a a machine like golem creature as defense as they use a bleak gate teleport

Freya uses pulse wave to stop them from entering the gate, crushing them with the force of gravity, and pulling them closer. This causes the witch oil to detect the souls and sucks them in horrific passion, therefore activating the witch oils very explosive properties. Which combined with the fire spreading means it's very dangerous in there and she suggest everyone runs.

Anael manages to grab a few things and leave. One such document talks about sedating jaguars, removing the blood heart and skin, and turning them into killer cats with metallic skulls. Even more weirdly the documentation is signed off by the mayor

Even still with this explosion, the proclamation begins and only 10% of the crowd disperse. Shortly after, 9 Skeleton people in white robes and hoods begin heading to Navard. Doot Doot

They raise metal rings and purple poisonous smoke smoke comes out. Witch oil spills to the ground, and 5 of those jaguars are unleashed onto the crowd. It seems the goal is an epic sacrifice explosion

Freya recognizes one of these Skeletons to be the same person that attacked them on Caldron Hill and has Gale so nervous

And the fight to protect the Skyseer will begin next session.


Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
Campaign play time - 3 hours, 28 mins, and 45 seconds

Purple smoke has enveloped the stage as the Skeletons and Jaguars approach the Skyseer. Hops ask Skyseer Nevard if this is the best place for the proclamation.

Nevard tells Hops the stars told him this is the place fore the proclamation and so everyone shall hear the truth, no one can stop this coming

Kelik hunters mark the jaguar closest to the stage. Hits it with bow and rushes forward to defend Nevard while Hops casts wall of stone from the golden icon he got at axis Islands

Anael attacks one of the jaguars for 13 damage removing its breast plate and activates a divine smite following that up with a one hand extra attack backswing that hits the cat where it's armour used to be

Freya uses gravity whip as to not kill a lot of people around her, managing to pull one away

Kelik gets absolutely mauled by jaguars, having been pounced on and his neck largely bitten out. Even with silvery barbs. Hops also gets knocked over prone by a jaguar, asking Nevard if this is really the best place to make the proclamation, again he insists

Hops reaches into his bag, rolls over to Kelik one of the healing potions. Now having his hands free, Hops begins removing the armour of the jaguar on top of him

Anael compels dules the jaguar on top of Kelik. She hits it with a divine smite and its skull explodes

Kelik now up shots his bow with colossal slayer taking out one jaguars shoulders before misting stepping away

Freya seeing this opportunity uses pulse wave on that side, killing all the skeletons and the remaining jaguar on that side

Hops gets stabbed by one of the skeletons. Kelik revives him for 11 health. Kelik uses his bow to shoot an arrow directly into the heart of the exposed jaguar

Hops uses his bloodied action against the damaged jaguar and drop heel kicks it into the head. Anael seeing that no deaths have happened, squares herself between two cats casting flames from her cloak. She takes her sword to the healthiest cat using smite

Freya hits another jaguar for another 6 hp with gravity whip

Triple nat 1 one of the skeletons trips and they all trip over each other and crush the almost dead jaguar to death. They also die

A jaguar bites Anael but is unable to bring her prone. Kelik uses his rapier to stab at the cat during this struggle and even swaps at him with his claws

Hops casts sacred flame (a radiant flame so not burning but holy) on one the jaguars and with his last spell slots cast healing word on himself

At this point the remaining Jaguar basically wanted to die and Anael says she'll put the cat out of it's misery and stabs it

The Skyseer speech begins

Dark figure Caldron Hill, cast shadow northwest into the sea, his ultimate goal is elsewhere within the shadow, he was controlled by others. He was made mighty by industry, many drowned and devoured, 3 birds of iron, steel, and most importantly stars . We will be deceived many times. Flint is not safe at all. If you are within this shadow, you must leave. No matter what they say, it'll never be safe

The crowd starts screaming that it's the mayor. Anael tries convincing them to calm down using her fire cloak to make a show

Inspector Stover delft finds out. First time he's been outside of his office

Stover "congratulations on starting a riot, but you calmed it down. In some ways this is great time and in some ways terrible"

It is revealed that this was all made and controlled by one man. Yes, it was the major the whole time

Danor was investigating him too, but everyone in charge of that has disappeared or been murdered.

We got a small window to take him down, about an hour. Stover insist that we need to capture the mayor alive

Kelik is very suspect of Danor to Delft

Weareye is back in business and sends us a care package. We got 9 potions of superior healing. Kelik also gets a vendetta bullet from the anarchist and instructed to take him out instead of capturing alive

Isabelle called it the mayor is a dick

The mayor is in a monologue when we get there. Immediately gets hunters mark by Kelik

We eels the ground shaking. There was an earthquake happening directly there. A deafening crack and a house breaks in half. We watch as Wretched Witch oil comes out and the flower nearby begin to die. At the same time the fedora mafia fucks arrive

Hops casts chaos bolt second level. Dealing 27 psychic damage and it hops to someone else doing 21 lightning damage

Hops still takes some stab wounds from the fedora mafia member. While Kelik rapiers attack the more injured fedora mafia member and claws at them

Sinkhole are coming up and that black witch oil comes bubbling up with it

The mayor's butler opens up a trap door saying we need to do something to avoid an industrial disaster that'll destroy that section of town, which is actually the poorest section of Flint. Hops says he is going to go warn the townspeople about the impending disaster

The mayor walks into a ring with purple smoke and disappears. We go to follow but only Anael gets there at first

She finds herself into a laboratory. Chasing the major who runs by 3 jaguars feasting on a scientist

Isabelle, Kelik, and Freya manage to get into there ourselves.

Freya immediately gets distracted and begins studying the room with all the scientific diagrams.

Mayor misses the first eldritch blast on Anael. The second is a natural 20, pushing her back into the room towards the jaguars eating flesh. He locks the door behind him with some sort of magical effect

Isabelle runs through the jaguars in her chase of the major, but the door is locked. Her sword erupts in flames and is covered with a necrotic undead energy

Knocked over, the jaguars begin completely devouring Anael. Isabelle barely revives her, but misses with her flaming sword

Kelik wrestles with one and rips out it's black heart

Freya isn't paying attention because notes and casts magnify gravity hitting everyone, killing one jaguar and knocking out Anael again

Both jaguars miss on the attack back to back against Kelik and Freya

Isabelle gets a natural 20 and does 35 damage on one jaguar. Kelik blasts the door with a shotgun blast, which does nothing

Freya rolls a nat 1 for gravity whip still distracted with her studies which misses and hits Kelik out the door. Freya dies manage to use silvery barbs to save Isabelle from a jaguar attack, who later kills it with her sword

Anael, now revived, rips a jaguar in half with her sword.

What freya finds - it's a witch oil place that is collected because it's a rift with the bleak gate, shipped to various factories, located next to worker's dock, a diagram of a giant robot with clear indicators, moving items into the bleak gate

Kelik grapplers the mayor however the
Mayor turns into a puff of mist and misty steps away saying I can't let you leave here alive now


Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
Campaign time: 2 hours, 58 mins, 0 seconds

We're done with module 2 and eager to begin module 3. Module 1 was 5 sessions at 15 hours, 22 mins, & 35 seconds

Module 2 was 12 sessions at 35 hours, 57 mins, & 27 seconds

Zeitgeist Campaign Plan v2 (this is our DM plans for whenever he runs the module again, estimating he can get it down to 7-8 sessions)

Anyways here is today's session

We start with Hops who sees a police picket line and officers trying to escort the local population who are screaming "The Skyseer visions are true, calamity is upon us, kill the mayor Reed"

Hops is warning them to get going. He uses predestination to write on Ansel's horse to evocate. Hops looks around seeing sinkholes popping up everywhere, witch oil coming out, and the smell of engine grease. At this moment several gardeners come down.
One gardener has a very strong witch oil smell

"Roger you're not from here are you, you smell, i can tell you visited the bleak gate"

He sighs, takes out a giant black claw and rips a lung out of the horse

"My name isn't Roger, it's Creed, I'm the butler to the mayor and keeper of secrets. Half his face begins to peel off as he smiles"

Hops makes the decision to spend one ki point for step of the wind, dash, and runs away from him cursing under his breath chaos bolt as an action

It lands with 18 force damage. black shadows begin to cover it up as Creed morphs into the ground (we discuss if this is like a Mortal Kombat or supernatural reference)

Hops casts invisibility on himself to make his way back to the mansion and the party

"I'm afraid that's not how it works, sunny" - Creed can see invisibility. The same black claw comes down

He lands twice with one being a nat 20
Hops resists the blindness from the attack but takes 35 damage, who is somehow still up with barely any health points remaining

Hops notices multiple collapsed gardeners all bleeding from different random areas of the body. Some of them the legs, the back, the stomach but they're all deceased

We cut back to the other 4

Anael feels her horse get killed and gains an inspiration. Although it's a celestial horse so it'll come back eventually

Anael uses hold person after teleporting in front of him and he rolls a nat 20 resisting it

Isabelle uses wild shape to transforms into a crocodile, clamping on the leg of the mayor, he manages to get out but the crocodile does 6 damage to him supposedly as She gets the taste of not blood or oil but milk in her mouth

She has to make a wisdom save and rolls a 6. Wondering to themselves what just happened, they don't see in front of them the major, but a pure white crocodile coming at her full force

Turns back to hops, Who now knows the witch oil is prime and ready with the soul

Creed appears again on the hill, smiling as a police cap goes on his head.

Hops uses the icon given to him by Gael and Hops goes flying. Creed is shocked "another one, wait, another one" and at this point hops is 140 feet away

"Sleep with one open hare"
"I always do"

Going back underground

Kelik chambers the vendetta bullet and shoots. Rolls a dirty 20 which is technically a critical hit as a burst of red energy hits him straight in the back. The name written on the shotgun burns out and this time he bleeds red. This causes 27 damage

Anael laughs at this as Freya casts a mirror image after fey stepping closer.

"As a member of the arts, you should understand this is important, it's for the protection of the country against the unseen court" casting suggestions on Freya

Freya barely beats it. Freya has no patriotism and doesn't care what happens as long as her academic pursuits are unimpeded

"Oh my god how bad is the RHC,I can get you funding if you want" - Mayor Reed

Anael, seeing the distraction, plunges his sword deep within him with a thunderous smite.

From his wound comes out another outburst of milk. A certain sweet smell comes out, Anael remember this only yesterday, smelled it near the Skyseer during the ritual to transfer damage

Isabelle is still in an alternate universe fighting the albino crocodile, but manages to fight out of the delusion
She goes to bite the mayor, getting a 17 which hits, getting 9 damage and is forced to make a wisdom save getting another 17 & spitting it out. The mayor is able to break out of the grapple again effortlessly

"If this is truly in the interest of the state, surrender and you can tell us what is going on" - Kelik

"I'm not opposed to the deal if you can guarantee your silence...Are you familiar with geas?" (which begins a discussion about code geass)

Anael refuses this offer wanting and being consumed by vengeance now

Kelik goes to tackle him. Kelik gets a natural 20 and locks him down with special gantlets.

The frequent earthquakes around the lab begin to calm down.

"You don't know what you're doing, if you reveal this the fey titans will invade flint"

Everyone is literally just like "cool" as we start beating him up like it's part 5 of JoJo

Anael puts him over his shoulder pissed about her horse saying I'm leaving to find hops and takes a drink from her flask

We come out of the mansion with the butler asking why the mayor is gagged up like that. Anael intimates him into seeing this is none of his business

"Find if you want to endanger our country like that, you are going against the wrong person and people " and he shadows away leaving a lung behind

Kelik pulls off the gag asking who the hell is that. They debate and he gags him back up. Freya and Kelik discuss some of notes she found

If the witch oil was to explode it would blow up that section of town. Anael drags him to find hops

Some of the people there who remain ask what is going on and cheering we got the mayor. They start to speculate a coup is going on throughout the city

Hops meanwhile keep dashing around the area on the run. If he sees any fires he stomps them out..After a few mins we meet up with hops who warns out about how bad that butler was

Anael begins heading up the hill.
Hops ask Anael where she's going "revenge"

I think she's going to blow the hill - Kelik
Anael lights her match saying yes

Hops is pissed about this. Kelik too. Convincing her not to do it

We take the mayor to the hotel, as
Word has gotten out about the mayor being captured, police try to stop us, but we pull out the RHC badge

Hops warns the police to get everyone off the hill and Cut to Anael heading up the mountain. Who comes face to face with the butler

"My master been taken so I have nothing to do, I'm a patriot to the country"

"You think I am not"


"One day soon you'll be confronted for your ties and your kind. I could take you out rn but I rather not"

Anael doesn't care, saying she'll defeat him, and he smiles turning into two face

Anael pulls out her sword and shield ready for the confrontation, when the shadow figure asks

"Why are you working for the RHC, what are you looking for?"
"In this organization? You've chosen wrong"
"I look for freedom through changing this countries oppression and thus saving my people"

He takes out his glove and a giant shadow claw appears. I don't see the point in debating this, don't worry I won't kill you after I easily win, I've got more honour than that

Anael is now in a 1v1 and tosses off her helmet respecting the honour of the duel

He takes the first turn without hesitation as shadow arms appear trying to restrain her. Anael manages to get out

"There goes the easy way" and he melts into a shadow disappearing

Anael uses a perception check with her amulet to see if she can find him. She senses him and swings with all she got with the sword landing it into him

He is surprised to have been hit as the radiant damage comes straight out of the sword. He suddenly becomes visible again before saying "not bad"

Anael goes with another attack landing it flesh on with 11 damage dealt. He responds with "not bad at all, but it's over now"

Anael gets hit twice by his claw attack having to make two wisdom saves. she is fine from the blindness effects, but takes 31 damage who gets dropped to exactly 0

Back to the rest of the party who are worried about the increasing delay of Anael return. Kelik says he can check up on Anael

Hops says he'll request Delft directly as he trusts Stover, while Kelik says he doesn't actually trust Delft at all. Hops suggested we take the mayor to RHC HQ but begin questioning him before informing Stover

Isabelle goes to Anael. Freya goes with Hops. Isabelle is still a crocodile, while Freya informs Hops about everything and hops requests that she gets mayor ready to be disguised

A police officer drops Anael's unconscious body in front of the two, smiles, and disappears into a shadow. Kelik ties Anael up to the crocodile and begins heading back

We take the mayor to the RHC room. Meeting for the first time in person inspector head of the RHC. Lady chief Inspectress Margaret Saxby, basically our bosses bosses boss, maybe one or two above that.

"We need to put this man into a private room until my manager comes in and I am to talk to no one" - Hops

Margaret says that he can take the mayor, who is her personal friend, to an interrogation room and that she'll find Delft to ask questions about why the RHC in Flint is so bad and that She is actually here to take an audit of this branch of the RHC. Especially since we're the division that lost the Coaltongue

Freya notices that she calls the mayor her friend. We remove his mouth gag. Freya behind asking questions

She finds out the Fey and the dreaming haven't been happy with Flint and he has it on good word that the dreaming will begins attacking flint with Fey titans, & we need to make a giant robot to stop them

Do you have approval of other officials? which he informs that yes many take the threat of Fey Titans very seriously

Hops says they're myths and good bedtime stories for children. Which pisses off the mayor and he refuses to say more

We wait for Stover to arrive as the rest of the party arrives. Finally Kelik healing Anael who is still on the crocodile back (Yes Margaret meets a crocodile)

Kelik ask "did you finally get your vengeance?"


Mayor reveals he is connected to the gardeners and that every time we attacked him, we ended up one of the gardeners. That he got orders from the government and suggests a trial to calm down the people

Margaret walks in with inspector delft who says mayor Reed is being released and a Trial to be held tomorrow. He is to tried under environment hazards, reckless endangerment of the population, and bribery

Stover says "you know as much as I do we haven't had an earthquake in over a century" she quickly shoots that down

Anael asks Margaret if she knows about his second form. Poking the mayor showing milk coming out

"Talk to your boss about that I got a public to address rn"

We lock Mayor Reed up and begin talking to Stover about everything and that we're getting paid 2,500 GP

Stover says he thinks we did a great job actually as he tells us Margaret wants everyone off the case

Freya doesn't trust her, but Stover is like she is the boss

Kelik immediately leaves with his gold and goes to check on the boat price and to buy himself a boat.

Anael goes to interrogate the arsonist before being shipped off to Ber. Who reveals his boss is a shadow man

Kelik writes to his handler and ber contacts

The next day we see a very upset Margaret and Stover saying we got very bad news the mayor committed suicide. Apparently asks for a cig, talked to himself weirdly, and smashed his own head in. They tried to revive him but his soul moved on too fast

We debate if possibly the mayor is without a soul and possessed by someone. Margaret says "The involvement you have with the case is declared over and we'll be taking no other questions"

End of module 2

The party looks for items to buy in the months of downtime. Isabelle finds a scimitar of speed for 3,000GP & Freya has her sights set on an Arcane Grimoire for 14,000GP (so she'll be saving up for a bit)


Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
Campaign time: 3 hours exactly

The beginning of Module 3 woot!

Isabelle's player couldn't make it, but her player did buy that awesome new scimitar

Caldron Hill has been completely shut down, the mayor's mansion mysteriously burned, and the new Mayor appointed from an unpopular family outside of the community

Of course, while we're forbidden from checking out the mayor's mansion, Kelik badly wants to go up there to ask the shadow man why he didn't just kill Anael. What is his play? What are the Fey Titans?

Hops chuckles to himself that it might be amusing if his father's stories about Fey titans are real, though he seriously doubts that. Eventually Kelik decides against going

Meanwhile Freya and Kelik argue about Stover Delft and if they trust him or not, before Kelik gets called into Stover's office for communication with Ber about sensitive matters

We find out we're under audit & that during the next few weeks we're going to be getting assigned guard duty. During one such assignment we find out
From carnival goers that the Skyseer has passed. They have a large gatherings and moment of silence for him

We go to Nevard funeral. Hops goes and meets with Gale asking about everything that had happened recently and finds out that the Fedora mafia has bought out a lot of factories Now and goods have gone missing, about 10% per shipment. Mostly steel and industrial goods, parts and motors. Tungsten. Which tungsten has a lot of applications

The next assignment is guard duty for a technology expo, an industrial revolution tour and show is going to happen in Flint. Clockwork pianos, steam armour, and things that can make commoners beat the wizards. Especially weapons. We are to keep watch of the area and be security while keepinh out of the papers.

We find out about a high speed railway getting built that'll rapidly connect Risur to each other. Freya checks out the new guns including one that shoots out honey Badgers from an alternative dimension and one that fires 7 shots at once

Kelik gets a nat 20 perception check - looking for anything sus. Notices a man outside who is carrying some sort of rod and runs off to a tent after the rod glows green. Kelik and Anael go to investigate

Kelik steps into the tent loudly and asks the man about the staff of the ancient. Like it can summon an ancient slightly larger than average frog, which is awesome. He goes to demonstrate and summons some sort of ancient creature and 3 flying things. One is a ring of flesh and bone with clashing teeth inwards with tentacles covered in eyes

The other 3 are Fleshy dragonflies with elephant trunks with beaks at the end. Translucent brown that seems to not know what colour it wants to be

Hops sees inside the plane they are coming from a weird purple eldritch apocalypse. Rolling for lightning on the chaos bolt, no effect

Kelik grabs the rod away before more portals open, after he goes to use the shotgun at the flesh dragonfly & it bounces right off the dragonfly as it isn't enchanted. Kelik uses his movement to take cover behind some crates

Anael's vow gives her advantage attacking the donut worm monster. Uses word of radiance but the worm thing saves against it unfortunately

The dragonflies blast out a ray of dark light that goes towards hops. He takes 8 necrotic damage and makes the wisdom save. They go to blast him against Hops absorbs elements - becoming resident to the necrotic damage

Freya fey steps to position herself nearby to active a pulse wave damaging them for 16 force without hitting anyone in the crowd. One dragonfly drops to the ground

Hops targets the big one with chaos bolt at second level feeling 18 cold and 4 necrotic damage. It seems to take damage but it does not change colours.

Kelik behind cover with bonus action hunters marks the big one and fires with his oathbow getting a 26 to hit. Getting 14 damage

The worm retaliates by attacking Anael, lifting her into the sky with it's tentacles. Anael is currently being grappled. It feels corporal and other parts of it feel ethereal as it shakes her around smacking her into objects

Anael ignites her cape of flames. It takes a little bit of damage, but doesn't drop her so Anael uses fey step to get away.

The colour of the worm appears as the flames spread but it turns back translucent. Anael sensing opportunity uses her longsword hitting it and cutting off a tentacle before it turns back translucent again.

The one dragonfly on the ground sinks into it. Kelik must make a dex save, getting a 23. Feeling below him a beak rise up from the ground to attack him before becoming translucent again

Dragofly targets hops with the ray of dark light, who barely meets his wisdom save check

Freya once again figures out the perfect angle to hit them With pulse wave for 23 force damage.

The worm goes to attack Anael again and begins to fly off with her in it's tentacles squeezing her. All 4 enemies are back in the air. Big guy got Anael. Kelik manages to do massive damage with his oathbow against the worm for 23 damage

It screams and falls to the ground before disappearing. Anael is free but uses her bloodied action getting a 24 on a prayer roll. Out comes an holyphant, which is a flying gold elephant with Angel wings and diamond tusks

It uses trumpet of sparkles. The enemies roll Nat 1s. Radiants damage washes over them. One turns into a ball, exploding into a ray of light and infecting the others. They're all dead

We named it lulu. It heals everyone and gives spells back

RHC arrives with a bunch of questions
One of the biggest mysteries is it's really weird that these summoned monsters don't disappear when dead. This doesn't follow conventional rules

Merchant lady runs off but gets captured. We find out she purchased it by some lady with the initials k.s (says her name) with a trench coat

Kelik goes to search through the merchant's tent and finds a bunch of familiar looking wands, some with marks All labelled c for Crisillyir and a shipment labeled Ms. K Stewart

K.S we think might be the woman on the boat we exploded. Did she survive somehow? What are these ancients?

Freya knows a bit about the ancients , knowing about how they supposedly influenced ancient planar travel, that a group of people in the past manipulated time and space to end planar travel. They loved goldsmithing but hated steelwork. They seemed to have opened and closed portals. Scholars bitterly debate this though

We find out about Stewart from our bartender informant, her location at the railyard, her 7ft armoured bodyguards. She got turret setups though

Fair is for a week. But we can leave if we want. Since it's something to do and have the police do it. So we decide to check it out

The current season is fall. The rainy season. We managed to sneak through by pretending to be drunkards from the fair. We see them unloading crates from railway tunnels into carriages, Hops dashes to follow them back to what'll be the Fedora fuckers HQ

Well the rest of us prepare to explore the tunnels


Tonight, Freya joins the hunt
One of my favorite things to consider in D&D is the lengths of time that the party has been together in game and how that could change the relationship between them. Like in Tyranny of Dragons the group knew each other for over a year, So that definitely changed the dynamics of interactions, especially when you compare to Curse of Strahd which saw us together at most 2-3 weeks

It seems from Zeitgeist that the party has known each other for a full summer

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