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[LPF] Lost Imperium


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[sblock=OOC]If Mirra lobbed a bomb at the big bad wolf, would the AoO or the other effects (specifically the stinkbomb) hit Tsaaruck? I'm not sure how much cover the floorboards give him, or if it the cloud could creep through or around.[/sblock]

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Tsaaruk's attack splinters wood and the boards creak ominously under the Wolf-King. Mirra's assessment is that the boards have lost enough structural integrity that they won't support the monstrous wolf's weight for long. In fact, there is a loud groan then a crack as the boards collapse and shower splinters of wood down on Garadh.

The Wolf-King falls and lands heavily on his side at Garadh's feet.

Combat Map

GM: Round Five continuing: Mirra & Samad to go.

[sblock=OOC/Combat Info]I meant to update and give the results of Tsaaruk's attack earlier. Sorry, but I've just been really busy. At this point the WK is on the ground, prone. Systole: Tsaaruk is not in danger of being affected by a bomb thrown at the WK and you could avoid Garadh.

Treehouse is roughly 20 ft up in the branches.

Party Stats
Garadh: 45/57 hp remaining
Mirra: 29/35 hp remaining
Pirvinia: 14/32 hp remaining
Samad: 37/37 hp remaining
Tsaaruk: 54/54 hp remaining (15 ft up the tree)

Enemy Stats:
Wolf1: (AC 14, 11 T, 12 FF) 7/37 hp (fled)
Wolf2: (AC 14, 11 T, 12 FF) 7/37 hp (fled)

Wild-man1: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 42/55 hp (hindered 5/6 rnds (half move))
Wild-man2: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 9/55 hp (hindered 2/2 rnds (half move); fleeing)
Wild-man3: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 55/55 hp
Wild-man4: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 36/55 hp
Wolf-King: (AC 18, 10 T, 17 FF; CMD 26) 89/95 hp Prone


First Post

Mirra watches as the Wolf King falls to the ground, then with a calculating eye she looks up at Tsaaruck clinging to the ladder. Stepping back, she hurls a bomb at the wildman. The explosion burns the man badly and singes the Wolf King, and the cloud of noxious vapors stops just in front of Garadh and Mirra, and just underneath Tsaaruck's boots. "With precision," Mirra says to herself. More loudly she adds, "Cough her up, Wolf King, or it will get worse."

Combat Map

[sblock=OOC]5 ft step then Stinkbomb; 10 pts splash (1d20+7=19, 3d6+7=22)

22 points fire to WM1. 10 9 splash damage to WK (EDIT: Added in PBS bonus to splash by mistake). DC 18 Fort or nauseated for both. Mirra is also hoping that a good case of nausea will prevent the WK from keeping his lunch down.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Mirra Weathersmith

AC: 18+2 (13+2 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 35/35
CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Fort: +4 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +3

Bombs: 6/11
Cognatogen Prepared: None
1st Level: 2/5
2nd Level: 1/3
Extracts Prepared: Barkskin x2, Enlarge Person, Shield x2

Current Weapon in Hand: Bomb (+6, x2, 3d6+4+2), Longspear (+4, x2, 1d8, Silver/Reach)
Current Conditions in Effect: Cognatogen (+4 Int, -2 Str, +2 Natural AC)

Used Items:
Alchemist's ice

Last edited:


First Post
The beast was a monster, dwarfing even the Orc from what Samad could see. However, the elf himself could not see much, as the wildling swung his axe repeatedly. Samad nimbly turned out of the way. He considered drawing his sword, but decided he didn't want to waste any time, and so he risked continuing this battle with his bow. He jumped back and launched another volley.

Updated Map

[sblock=OOC]Samad 5-foot steps backwards and looses another two arrers at Wildman 4
Ranged Attack (1d20+10=25, 1d20+10=24)
Damage (1d8+5=6, 1d8+5=13)[/sblock]
[sblock=Samad's Mini Stats]

Samad Salil
AC: 18 (14 flat-footed, 14 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +2 Reflex: +8 Will: +5
Perception: +10, Low Light Vision
Initiative: +5
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow (+10*^, 1d8+5*, 20/x3)
Current Conditions in Effect: Weapon Finesse, Point-Blank Shot, Inspire Courage (+2)*, Haste^
Spells Remaining (1st): 5/5
Spells Remaining (2nd): 1/3

Used Items:
Arrows (8/20)
Abilities Used:
2nd level Spell (Gallant Inspiration)
Battle Dance 5/15 rnds
Haste 5/5 rnds[/sblock]


Pirvinia's spell goes off coating the ground beneath the wild man that Garadh left behind in thick grease. His feet fly out from under him and he lands on his back in the fatty substance with a distinctive squelching sound. He tries to get to his feet but slips and ends up on the ground again, this time face downwards. He growls with frustration as he tries and fails to stand.

There is definite hesitation and a spike of fear in the wildman's face as Samad shoots another pair of arrows into him. Nevertheless, he steps forward and tries again to attack the dancing archer with a swing of the axe and a snapping of unnaturally elongated teeth. The attacks are mis-timed: the axe swings past without a real threat and though Samad can feel the wildman's hot breath he manages to avoid the bite as well.

The fleeing wildman continues towards the edge of the clearing though the residue of Mirra's bomb still slows him and he doesn't make much progress.

There is quite a bit of hacking coming from within the nauseating cloud. The wildman within the cloud stumbles forward spitting and wiping his mouth on his sleeve. He snarls at Mirra and brings his axe around in an arc. A sudden convulsion and wretching throws off his aim and the heavy stone blade scrapes across Mirra's armor leaving only the faintest of scratches.

The Wolf King heaves his heavy body to his feat. He makes a gagging sound deep in his throat and his abdomen writhes but he manages to keep the girl down. He wheels his bulk around and snaps at the warrior. Massive jaws close on Garadh's leg and squeezes causing bruising up and down the leg. The Wolf King tugs and Garadh feels it is only by sheer luck that he manages to remain on his feet.

After several long seconds the stink cloud fades.

Combat Map

GM: Round Six: Everyone is up.
Wolf-King provokes AoO from Garadh when standing up.

[sblock=OOC/Combat Info]Perrin, I appreciate the symbols you have in your ditzie folders. Very useful.
Treehouse is roughly 20 ft up in the branches.

Party Stats
Garadh: 32/57 hp remaining -13 hp from bite
Mirra: 29/35 hp remaining
Pirvinia: 14/32 hp remaining
Samad: 37/37 hp remaining
Tsaaruk: 54/54 hp remaining (15 ft up the tree)

Enemy Stats:
Wild-man1: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 20/55 hp (hindered 4/6 rnds (half move); saved vs. stink)
Wild-man2: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 9/55 hp (hindered 1/2 rnds (half move); fleeing)
Wild-man3: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 55/55 hp Prone
Wild-man4: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 17/55 hp
Wolf-King: (AC 18, 10 T, 17 FF; CMD 26) 80/95 hp (saved vs. stink)


First Post

Mirra backs up, holding another bomb at the ready. "I don't want to have to use this," she warns the wildman. "No one has died yet. Give us the girl and you can walk away." When he continues to advance, the alchemist hurls the bomb at him. The vial hits him in the throat and explodes in a shower of glass and flame. The man staggers forward and drops, bloodied beyond recognition and still burning. The aasimar looks shaken. "I ... I didn't want to ... he was ... it was bigger than I meant ..."

Combat Map

[sblock=OOC]5 ft step then Stinkbomb on WM1 (1d20+7=27, 3d6+7=20) plus Crit confirm (1d20+7=24, 3d6+7=11)

31 points fire to WM1. DC 18 Fort save again for WK.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Mirra Weathersmith

AC: 18+2 (13+2 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 35/35
CMB: +4 CMD: 17
Fort: +4 Reflex: +7 Will: +2

Perception: +8
Initiative: +3

Bombs: 5/11
Cognatogen Prepared: None
1st Level: 2/5
2nd Level: 1/3
Extracts Prepared: Barkskin x2, Enlarge Person, Shield x2

Current Weapon in Hand: Bomb (+6, x2, 3d6+4+2), Longspear (+4, x2, 1d8, Silver/Reach)
Current Conditions in Effect: Cognatogen (+4 Int, -2 Str, +2 Natural AC)

Used Items:
Alchemist's ice



Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia continued to move closer to the main part of the fray as Samad was able to handle the wild man behind her without too much worry. With one wild man slowly fleeing, she was tempted to finish him off. But there was still more deadly foes to take care of first.

She was satisfied the one foe slipped and fell, keeping him from the battle for the moment. She thought samad might be able to take care of him too if the slippery ground kept the wild man occupied for a little longer. “Don’t take too long dancing with that one, Samad. The slippery one over here requires your attention too.”

Letting her invisibility spell drop, Pirvinia summoned a flaming sphere on top of the wolf king to burn him. She quipped sardonically, “I know we should not play with fire in a forest, but…”

[sblock=Actions/Map]Moved & Updated Map for Pirvinia
Cast Flaming Sphere - Fire Damage (Reflex DC18 to avoid) (3d6=8)
[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+8, Perception: +6 (8 with Mazi)
AC: 13 (17 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 13, Flat-footed 11)-> 17 with Mage Armor
32 Current: 14
12, Fort: +3, Ref: +3, Will: +5 (Add +1 to Saves with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect:
Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor, invisibility

Weapon in Hand:
Acid Flask & Wand of Enlarge Person
Spells Remaining:
1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 4/5

+2 Senses: low-light vision; Perception: +13
19 (Touch 16, flat-footed 17) -> 23 with Mage Armor
16 Current: 16
Fort: +0, Ref: +4, Will: +6
Conditions in effect:
Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor
Weapon in Hand:
Bite [Att: +8, dmg: 1d2-5(1 non-lethal)]

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect:
War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand:
2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock] [sblock=OOC Note]No prob, GE. :) Mapping in PbP is one of my things.
If you need anything uploaded, let me know. I have more Token State Icons and objects in my MapTools folder that can be uploaded within a few seconds. Easy enough to do when I update Pirvinia.

After reading Flaming Sphere, I am not sure that it is considered an attack that would break Invisibility. The sphere rolls and burns, stopping if it reaches a target. But the consensus some of the LPF Judges made was that it does count as an attack. If possible, I would rather keep invisibility and start the Sphere away from the WK, then use the Move action to roll it into the wolf King's square.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Not sure of the mechanics. With the stink cloud fading Tsaaruk will drop onto the wolfking and attack with his warhammer as he lands. Could it count as a charge or a normal attack with movement?[/sblock]


First Post
After Tsaaruks attack on the platform the boards give way under the wolfking sending him to the ground. Seeing Mirra's stink bomb engulf the area below, Tsaaruk holds on until the fog dissipates. Privinia adds a sphere of fire to the wolfkings troubles. With another howl Tsaaruk pushes off propelling himself down toward the Wolfking below. As he approaches he gives a mighty overhead swing with his warhammer. The rage burns within fueling Tsaaruks strength and his focused determination to free the girl before it is too late for her.

continue rage
attack from above 1D20+13 = [10]+13 = 23 damage 1D8+8 = [2]+8 = 10+1D6 = [3] = 3 total dam 13
drop from above rolled as normal raging attack.

[sblock=mini stats Raging]
Initiative +1
AC: 18 (with shield/ Flat:17, Touch: 10)
HP: 56 current: 56
CMB: +11 / CMD: 23 Fort: +9 / Ref: +2 / Will: +4
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Shield & Warhammer
Rage: 10/12
Renewed Vigor: 1/1



Mirra's bomb leaves the wildman a burning corpse on the forest floor. The Wolf-King just shakes off the effects of the stinkbomb. And despite the monstrous wolf's size it proves surprisingly agile as it avoids Pirvinia's flaming sphere as the fiery mass rolls towards him.

Tsaaruk drops down from his perch in the tree and brings his warhammer around with force. It thuds into the Wolf-King's shoulder but despite the blow the wolf still stands.

Garadh's sword flicks out twice injuring the Wolf-King at least once. Blood starts to mat the fur.

Samad steps away from his opponent once again. Two arrows fly in rapid succession thudding into the wildman, spinning him around, and dropping him bleeding and unconscious to the ground.

Two of the wildmen are dead and the injured fleeing wildman makes it to the edge of the forest clearing and disappears into the trees. The wildman in the area of grease crawls to where the grease no longer coats the ground and clambers to his feet. He is growling and obviously very angry at having been made a fool of in front of the Wolf-King.

The Wolf-King steps away from the heat of the fiery sphere dogging him and viciously turns on Garadh. He savagely mauls the warrior. Again to Garadh's surprise he is able to keep his feet and the wolf tries to pull him down.

Combat Map

GM: Round Seven: Everyone is up.

[sblock=OOC/Combat Info]Perrin, I'm not entirely convinced by the non-attack argument for Flaming Sphere but I can see where one could reason it like that. I'm willing to play it that way and let Pirvinia keep her invisibility. As for symbols, I think we're good for now. If I need a new one I'll let you know.

BigB, I don't think dropping down like that could count as a charge, particularly since it takes an DC 15 Acrobatics check to negate 10 feet of the fall. I rolled it for you and he made it with flying colors: Tsaaruk Acrobatics (1d20+3=20)

Garadh: AoO (PA): G AoO (1d20+10=11) MISS
- ATK1 (PA): G AoO (1d20+10=27) for Atk1 dmg (1d8+11=15)

Samad: 2 arrows: S arrows (1d20+10=14) & S arrows (1d20+10=15) for dmg (1d8+5=9, 1d8+5=12)

Not good: 1d20+13=33, 1d20+13=23 for 1d8+7=11, 1d8+7=8

Party Stats
Garadh: 13/57 hp remaining
Mirra: 29/35 hp remaining
Pirvinia: 14/32 hp remaining
Samad: 37/37 hp remaining
Tsaaruk: 54/54 hp remaining

Enemy Stats:
Wild-man1: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) -11/55 hp DEAD
Wild-man2: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 9/55 hp FLED

Wild-man3: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) 55/55 hp
Wild-man4: (AC 13, 9 T, 12 FF; CMD 17) -4/55 hp DYING
Wolf-King: (AC 18, 10 T, 17 FF; CMD 26) 67/95 hp (saved vs. stink)

Voidrunner's Codex

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