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Thallok grunts as he slowly makes his way to his feet, visibly showing his frustration. "Forget this, these arrows won't do anything. Perhaps this abomination will come within striking distance." He put away his bow and pulls out Mirios. He speaks to the blade, "what do you say we do some damage on this beast." He readies himself and his sword to attack as soon as the serpent attacks.

OOC: Thallok will delay his attack until the snake moves closer or strikes.

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
The iron behemoth moves forward (westward) 20 feet, and takes another bite at Dewydd.

Attack Roll: (20) = Missed.

The viper, although tall and fearsome, seems almost impotent against Dewydd's superior enchantments. The field of force repels the bite, almost as if the beast had run into a wall.

But Thallok was waiting for just such a chance; on its way to strike at Dewydd, the beast comes within striking distance of Mirios!

THALLOK: Roll your attack against the Viper! You might want to consider calling a small to moderate amount of Power Attack, so that your attack packs a little more punch. Since the Viper is out of position (it had to crane its neck and use its reach to strike at Dewydd) it is considered flat-footed at the moment. AC is 25, rather than the normal 26.


Thallok watches as the snake strikes at Dewydd, thankful it missed him. He then looks up at the snake, who is now right where he wants it. He smiles and attacks.

Thallok will call 10 points power attack, he will also use the Bonecrusher maneuver, Smite Enemy, he will use Iron Guard's Glare stance.

Attack: -10 from power attack, and +2 from Smite Enemy, which will be a total of +14 = 30 (hit)
Damage from attack 2d6+34=42
extra damage from bonecrusher 4d6 = 9
total damage = 51 points
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Mirios is Magical. But it is not made of Adamantine. (It is made of Mithral.)
Therefore, the Viper's DR of "Adamantine and magical" still applies vs. Mirios.

51-15 = 36 pts.
The Viper's iron plating, while stronger than the scales of most Dragons, is simply not enough to deflect the awesome blows of Thallok.

The Viper has suffered 36 pts. of damage.

Thallok waits for the Viper to literally stick its nose too close, and then lets the thing have it! A single blow from Mirios, despite the fact that the blade is not of the correct material, is enough to re-arrange the looks of the Viper's head, by shearing off one of its metal plates! Thallok, you suspect that 2-3 more good blows like that could dismantle this thing in short order.

SYLVAR: It's your turn! What do you do?

Sylvar B.

Things slow down for Sylvar, he sees his friends splayed on the deck of the boat, Thallok swinging mightily at the serpent...the strangely beautiful but deadly, inky darkness that threatens to melt them alive, reflecting light like a million stars.

Sylvar casts Greater Heroism on Kleborn.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Kleborn gains a +4 morale bonus to attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Kleborn gains immunity to fear.
Kleborn gains 13 temporary hit points. (Sylvar's CL =13)

Kleborn was already a tough customer, a dogged and determined warrior with a single-minded ferocity; but after Sylvar's spell, there is a gleam of defiance in his eye, and a spring in his step. Kleborn is READY for literally ANYTHING!

Dewydd: 22 [On The Boat]
Respen: 21
Tam: 20a [On The Boat]
Vale: 20b [On The Boat]
Kleborn: 16a [On The Boat]
Thallok: 11b [On The Boat]
Sylvar: 9a [On The Boat]
Duncan: 9b
Ebony: 9c
Lenny: 9d
Travis: 9e

Buffs from the axe, affecting whole party:

+2 Artifact Bonus (stacks with everything) to saves vs. Fear

Buffs from Khubsheth:
(Affecting: Dewydd, Sylvar, Respen, Vale, Kleborn, and Thallok):

Geas for the duration of the adventure.

+5 bonus to all saves (Guardian Bonus, stacks with everything) for the duration of the adventure.

Within 10 Feet Of Duncan: (Morale Bonus)

+4 Saves vs Fear (Does NOT stack with Sylvar's Greater Heroism.)

DURATIONS: (Original duration) [Current count against duration, in rounds]
Fly: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-35]
Armor: 24 hours (14,400 rounds) [-35]
Shield: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-35]
Alter Self: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-35]
Dragonskin: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-35]
Prot. vs. Evil: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-35]
Blur: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-34]

Duncan & Co: It's your turn! What do you do? If you want to hit the viper with missile fire, he is now at a range of 55 feet from the dock.
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Duncan & Company:

Combat was a strange thing. There are moments during a conflict where everything just whizzes past and it can be over before you know it. Other times the world seems to stand still in the briefest of instances.

Duncans call to his crew to "Hooooooooooooold!" Was one of those time. It was like the world was moving under the effects of the greatest "SLOW" spell ever created. The half second that it actually took Duncan to say "Hold" easily felt like a month... maybe a month and a half! :cool: But finally he calls. "LOOSE!" and the foursome release their missiles.

Duncan doesn't wait to see the results before calling for his crew to get off the dock. "Fall back to the cavern opening. The dock is too exposed."

Travis: Attack= 19 Damage= 2 Non Magic X-Bow
Leonard: Attack=13 Damage= 8 Non Magic X-Bow
Ebony: Attack=26 / Damage=7 Magic Weapon S-Bow
Duncan: Attack=30 / Damage=11 Magic Weapon S-Bow

Lego Archer Dude.jpg

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Travis: Attack= 19 (Miss)
Leonard: Attack=13 (Miss)
Ebony: Attack=26 / Damage=7 Magic Weapon S-Bow = DAMAGE: 0
Duncan: Attack=30 / Damage=11 Magic Weapon S-Bow = DAMAGE: 0

Duncan & Co. let their arrows fly; two of the arrows go wide, missing completely. The other two bounce off of the viper like pebbles thrown against a tree.

A new round has begun.

Dewydd: 22 [On The Boat]
Respen: 21
Tam: 20a [On The Boat]
Vale: 20b [On The Boat]
Kleborn: 16a [On The Boat]
Thallok: 11b [On The Boat]
Sylvar: 9a [On The Boat]
Duncan: 9b
Ebony: 9c
Lenny: 9d
Travis: 9e

Buffs from the axe, affecting whole party:

+2 Artifact Bonus (stacks with everything) to saves vs. Fear

Buffs from Khubsheth:
(Affecting: Dewydd, Sylvar, Respen, Vale, Kleborn, and Thallok):

Geas for the duration of the adventure.

+5 bonus to all saves (Guardian Bonus, stacks with everything) for the duration of the adventure.

Within 10 Feet Of Duncan: (Morale Bonus)

+4 Saves vs Fear (Does NOT stack with Sylvar's Greater Heroism.)

DURATIONS: (Original duration) [Current count against duration, in rounds]
Fly: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-36]
Armor: 24 hours (14,400 rounds) [-36]
Shield: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-36]
Alter Self: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-36]
Dragonskin: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-36]
Prot. vs. Evil: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-36]
Blur: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-35]

DEWYDD: It's your turn! What do you do?

POST EDIT: As per LINE chat: "...Dewydd continues to read the scroll."

The boat moves forward 10 more feet, placing the prow of the boat a mere 15 feet from the wall; the wave from the tremor spell is building again, and it will impact the boat on Vale's turn; if it moves the same distance as last time, that will put the boat dead even against the wall, probably with a vigorous, though not devastating, impact.

RESPEN: It's your turn! What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
GM: Posting on behalf of Tam, who is AWOL

Tam-Tam said:
"... Tam takes a carefully wrapped potion bottle out of his belt pouch, unwraps and uncorks it, and downs its contents. He then moves to the bow of the ship, near Dewydd, as if he is preparing to get a running start for a jump off the ship's strern section..."

Tam gets a running start, using the length of the bolt to build up momentum; he runs at a diagonal slant, launching himself off the port side of the boat, rather than the stern, as it first appeared; Tam easily makes the 5 ft. jump (no roll required for such a short distance) and lands on the north wall, facing east... STICKING TO IT!

Tam uses his Potion of Spider Climbing
Tam makes a Spot check DC 18: (19) = Success!

Tam does not stop, using his momentum to execute a spectacular turn, so that he faces west, in the direction that the boat is traveling. He expends the rest of his movement in a fast sprint (x4 move) to reach the far western wall; as he reaches his destination, he notices something funny about the four, center bricks in the western wall...

Tam shouts: "There's something here! Maybe a secret door!"

At that moment, the wave from Vale's spell propels the boat into the wall, smacking it hard! Tam deftly steps out of the way, avoiding injury.

GM: Boat takes 8 pts. hull damage.

Tam exclaims: "YIKES! That was close!"

VALE: It's your turn! What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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