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Aust Thale

Sphynx has 4 missiles, not three. I am assuming you shot two at each target.

Sphynx, you said in LINE chat that I failed to move you forward last turn. Your un-modified space is O12. If you moved forward 1 square last turn, you'd be on O13. Moving again this turn would put you at O14, which is where I put you. If this is still wrong, let me know. Although you are in no immediate danger, your character should be placed exactly where you intend him to be.

Skeleton #09 takes 4 pts. force damage. [-3] DESTROYED.
Skeleton #06 takes 6 pts. force damage. [-1] DESTROYED.
Only one skeleton (#12) remains.

4 motes of blue energy slam into skeletons, 2 into each, and blast them apart! Two more skeletons have been destroyed! Only 1 skeleton remains.

QUIXT: It's your turn! What do you do?
Seeing a potential opportunity, Quixt moves 10 feet to flank the skeleton engaged with Hawke (R16). He attacks with his sword twice, the Haste spell powering the attacks.
He hits the skeleton squarely in the head on the first pass and misses on the second, underestimating the skeleton’s lack of a real center of gravity to keep it in place after he hits it. The damage is muted, but definite. The sword leaves a nasty notch squarely in the crown of the skull. It doesn’t “jug” the skeleton, but it definitely draws its attention. (See Attack & Damage Rolls In Rolz).

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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Nimbar, knowing that the clanging helmet will have attracted attention, moves up to get a better look down the length of the hall; he does not attempt to attack the skeleton. He knows that the remaining skeleton is in Hawke's capable hands.

Nimbar takes a double-move to square S11.


Hawke's Full Round Action + Haste:

Primary Hand (Full Attack): +11 / +6
Off-Hand (Full Attack): +11
Primary Hand (Haste Attack): +11
Hawke's Attack Rolls: 31 (Hit) ... Not bothering with remaining attacks.
Damage: 7 pts.
Skeleton #12 has taken 10 pts. damage [-5] DESTROYED.

Hawke smashes the remaining skeleton into flinders, and proceeds to follow Nimbar.

Hawke takes a normal move to square S9.
Hawke then takes a Haste movement to square T14.

Hawke actually gets a little in front of Nimbar, just in case his friend has unknowingly wandered into danger.

As both Hawke and Nimbar approach the long hallway, they hear excited voices somewhere downrange, followed by the clatter of booted feet, running.

Start of Second Round Since The Noise: Coming into view, down the hallway, they see three Wendol, but these tribesmen are not wearing hide armor like their brothers; they are wearing full suits of chainmail armor, and leather boots, probably taken off of the dead patrolmen you encountered some months back, when you first discovered this place.

Each carries a wicked-looking mace with iron flanges on it. Each is wearing a black cape, and a glowing amulet that radiates a purplish light. The Wendol make it to square S26 this round.

Hawke hisses, "Cultists!"

Nimbar nods in agreement, and spits, "Acolyte cultists, to be precise. Those are amulets of Set. The snake deity of emptiness."

New Initiative Count:
Wendol: 17
Sphynx: 16a
Quixt: 16b
Nimbar: 3a
Hawke: 3b


SPHYNX: It's your turn! Three Wendol in chainmail are running down the hall, toward the party's position. What do you do?
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Not being in a position where he can see the cultists, Sphynx moves toward Hawke and Nimbar as far as he is able to do so in the hopes of giving the Wendol a taste of their own magic.
OOC: If he cannot cast and move, he will still move, trying to get to the right of Nimbar.

d6 + 3 = 3 + 3 = 6

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Cast on the Move [GENERAL]
Int 13, Run feat, 5th caster level

Benefit: You can take a double-move, and cast a spell simultaneously, during either of your move actions. (You must declare which move action you will cast in before casting your spell.) Your spell can still be interrupted, and all normal penalties to movement still apply, including attacks of opportunity, movement penalties from terrain, etc. Note that spells cast while on the move must be standard action spells; full round spells cannot be cast in this manner.

Normal: Normally you can only take a single move during a round, and then use your remaining standard action to cast your spell.

Cast on the Run [GENERAL]
Run, Cast on the Move

Benefit: As Cast on the Move, except that you can take a full run action before casting your spell.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sphynx, the range of you spell is short (40 ft.) and the cultists are too far away. If you take a run action (x4 movement) you can position yourself pretty much anywhere on the map. I am going to put Sphynx in square V12, where he will be in a good position to cast at them, after they move next round. You will be between Hawke and Nimbar, in a position where either of them can easily help you if necessary, and/or you could help either one of them quite easily. V12 also offers a good corner; instead being surrounded by 8 foes, you can only be surrounded by 4 (if it even comes to that, which it probably won't.)

Sphynx moves up, picking a nice, nestled corner to cast from (V12.)


QUIXT: You're up! What do you do?

Aust Thale

Sphynx, the range of you spell is short (40 ft.) and the cultists are too far away. If you take a run action (x4 movement) you can position yourself pretty much anywhere on the map. I am going to put Sphynx in square V12, where he will be in a good position to cast at them, after they move next round. You will be between Hawke and Nimbar, in a position where either of them can easily help you if necessary, and/or you could help either one of them quite easily. V12 also offers a good corner; instead being surrounded by 8 foes, you can only be surrounded by 4 (if it even comes to that, which it probably won't.)

Sphynx moves up, picking a nice, nestled corner to cast from (V12.)

QUIXT: You're up! What do you do?
Moves to S17 while sheathing his sword and uses Summon Monster (Giant Fire Beetle) scroll to appear in square T24 and then moves 20 ft to R13 to get out of the way of Nimbar.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Normal move action: Move and sheath sword.
Normal standard action: Cast spell.
Haste action: Move again.

In the spell description, it says "appears where you designate, and attacks immediately." Since you made it appear 10 ft. away, it takes a 1-square (5 ft.) adjustment, and attacks Cultist #2.

Cultists are running (no Dex bonus to AC)
Fire Beetle attack: (18) = Hits!
Damage: 6 pts.

The fire beetle appears suddenly, and moves forward with blinding speed, snapping at the running cultist. The beetle manages to bite his leg, causing him to stumble.

Dex Check DC 10: (7) = Failed.
Cultist #2 falls and is prone.

The cultist does a face plant into the stone floor, while his companions ignore him, and continue to run towards the party.

Cultist #2: Moderately Injured [6 pts.]

Nimbar and Hawke are up next! Stay tuned!

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
New Initiative Count:
Wendol Cultists: 17
Sphynx: 16a
Quixt: 16b
Nimbar: 3a
Hawke: 3b

Sphynx's Adjusted AC: 23
Nimbar's Adjusted AC: 22
Hawke's Adjusted AC: 25

Nimbar moves 60 ft. to square #U22.
Nimbar casts Magic Missile at Cultist #2.
Damage: 17 pts.
Cultist #2 has taken a total of 23 pts. of damage.
Cultist #2 is Gravely Wounded!
Nimbar moves to square #W18, drawing his Rapier as he does so.

Nimbar moves up a great distance, probably more than was necessary, and casts Magic Missile at Cultist #2, hoping to finish him off. The Cultist grunts in pain, as four motes of blue light slam into him, but somehow, he remains standing! Nimbar backs up a few paces, drawing his Rapier as he does so, knowing that Cultist #3 will probably come after him.

Distance to Cultist #1: 60 ft.
Hawke can easily charge that distance;
Normal move = 30 ft.; Hasted move: +30 = 60 ft.
Charging distance is x2 movement (120 ft. while hasted.)

Normal Action: Charge using Pounce ability.
Primary Hand (Base Charge) (+13)
Primary Hand (Pounce Full Attack) (+13 / +8)
Off-Hand (Pounce Full Attack) (+13)
Haste Action: Extra attack @ +13
Attack Rolls: 32,15,13,32,15 = 2 hits (both with primary wpn.)
Damage: 8,13 = 21 pts. Total.
Dex Check, DC 10: (15) = Made it.

Cultist #1 takes 21 pts. damage.

Hawke rushes forward, moving incredibly fast under the effects of the Haste spell. He hits Cultist #1 in mid-stride, whacking him once on the shoulder (and more than likely, dislocating it) and once on the left side of the head, causing the Cultist to spit teeth! The Cultist bumbles and stumbles, almost falling to the floor, but not quite; however, his wobbling and staggering causes Hawke's remaining attacks to miss, which is fortunate for him.

Cultist #1 will attack Hawke.
Cultist #2 will attack the Beetle.
Cultist #3 will charge Nimbar.
The Beetle will get an AoO vs. Cultist #3

Cultist #1 takes a step backwards, and casts a spell.
(Ray of Evil): Ray that normally does 1d3 damage (neg energy.)
Amplified by evil amulet to 1d8.
Hawke's normal Touch AC: 14; Charging: 12;
Haste bonus: +1 (13); Force shield bonus: +5 (18)
Ranged touch attack: (16) = Missed! (Deflected)

Cultist #2 casts a spell at the beetle;
Beetle AoO vs. Prone opponent: (11) = Missed!
Cultist #2 attack roll: (23) -4 for Prone: 19 (Hit!)
Damage: 7 pts. [-3] Fire Beetle disappears!

Cultist #3 charges Nimbar.
Cultist Crits! 16 pts. damage!

Current Damage:
Nimbar has taken 22 pts. damage. [SERIOUSLY Wounded!]
Quixt has taken 3 pts. damage.
Cultist #1 has taken 21 pts. damage. [GRAVELY Wounded!]
Cultist #2 has taken 23 pts. damage. [GRAVELY Wounded!

Cultist #1 takes a step backwards, seemingly out of fear; however, his expression then hardens, and he shouts angrily at Hawke.

The Cultist Shouts, "DIE!"

The ray should have struck Hawke, for all intents and purposes; but it is deflected by Hawke's force shield. The Cultist stares blankly, clearly non-plussed, and then begins looking around the battlefield, somewhat nervously.

Cultist #2 does not try to get up; instead, he chants a quick spell, while fending off the beetle with his off-hand. His hands begin to glow an eerie black, and he grabs one of the beetle's legs! A surge of negative energy flows over the creature, and it disappears in a puff of smoke! Everyone in the party knows that this is the result of a summoned creature being killed. Summoned creatures do not die on the Prime Material plane; they simply vanish in a puff of smoke, instantly teleported back to their own plane of existence.

Cultist #3 charges; since the beetle used its AoO on the prone Cultist, it cannot get another attack of opportunity. The Cultist strikes with the fury of a true, evil madman, shattering Nimbar's defenses, and braining him with a savage blow from the big, knotted club that he carries! The blow would have killed a normal man, but to his credit, Nimbar remains standing!

Cultist Battle 004a.png

SPHYNX: Nimbar is in SERIOUS TROUBLE! What do you do?
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Seeing that Nimbar is in dire need of assistance, Sphynx moves as far forward as he can. He rubs his forefingers against his thumbs as he moves, perhaps grinding some fine residue. When he points his hands at the cultist who hit Nimbar, a two thin lines of flame shoot forward, racing at his target.
OOC: Cast Scorching Ray

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Sphynx advances to square #V17, within touching range of Nimbar, should he need to cast any curative spells; but his intent at the moment is quite different. He sends TWO scorching rays of fire into Nimbar's opponent, burning the hapless Cultist VERY BADLY. The Cultist SCREAMS in pain, as his flesh begins to MELT. How he is still standing, is anyone's guess.

Sphynx's ranged touch attacks: 21, 24 (Both hit)
Damage per ray: 4d6: 14, 13 (27 damage total)
Current Damage:
Nimbar has taken 22 pts. damage. [SERIOUSLY Wounded!]
Quixt has taken 3 pts. damage.
Cultist #1 has taken 21 pts. damage. [GRAVELY Wounded!]
Cultist #2 has taken 23 pts. damage. [GRAVELY Wounded!]
Cultist #3 has taken 27 pts. damage. [GRAVELY Wounded!]
Listen check with bonus: (+6) = 21. LOL. Yep, someone heard that.

QUIXT: It's now YOUR TURN! What do you do?

Voidrunner's Codex

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