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Post-Apocalyptic Art Thread

Mutant Lord


The Howitzer at Gun Deck Enterprise

Impressive, right? The thing is, rumour has it that the Pitford authorities are down to their last shell. They need excavators to scour the Old War Zone to find more ammo for this beauty. Art from page 126 of:
The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1

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Mutant Lord


Your Grumpy Cellmate
So you’ve ended up in Pitford’s Municipal Jail. Here’s your character’s welcoming committee!
From Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins for The Mutant Epoch tabletop RPG. Grab a sample PDF tonight! The Mutant Epoch RPG Quick Start Rules - Outland Arts | The Mutant Epoch RPG | DriveThruRPG.com


Knife Dealer in the Municipal jail
He’ll trade one rusty blade for almost anything you got to offer, including weed, joy beans, kicker berries, female companionship, or to be included in any escape plot. From page 132 of the Pitford sourcebook.

The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1

Mutant Lord


North Gate of Pitford
This gate actually faces northwest, as does the dusty road which meanders off toward the Arcola Ramps and Great Ruins beyond. Seen here are the flanking forts of the elite Northern Freehold Scouts. Art from page 138 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.

The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1


Questioned by the Gate Officer
A Pitford watchman asks your character a few questions before admitting them into the digger fort. A 2d10 table on pages 134 to 137 offers random questions, with mutant visitors rolling -2 and cyborgs +2 for the resulting inquiring. To be denied admittance means sleeping outside - a dangerous prospect.


South Gate
An armored freight wagon arrives at Pitford before the portal is locked up for the night. Overlooking this busy entrance point are stout fortifications, with musketeers and a belt fed chaingun at the ready.

Mutant Lord


Pitford Bar Fight

Full page ink art for the Assorted Tables section of the Pitford community sourcebook, page 144.
Here you’ll find the Sample Rumour Table, Weather Conditions Table, encounter tables for street level, Basement tier, Topside, camping outside the walls, as well as a vast table for random patrons, staff and events in saloons.

The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1


Airship over the ABO Greenhouse

Visible from afar by the gleam of the sun by day or reclaimed grow lights at night, the municipal greenhouse of Pitford rises above the fort’s topside.
Ink art from page 141 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins


North Gate of Pitford
This gate actually faces northwest, as does the dusty road which meanders off toward the Arcola Ramps and Great Ruins beyond. Seen here are the flanking forts of the elite Northern Freehold Scouts. Art from page 138 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.

Mutant Lord


Pitford Sighted!

“We’re almost there, guys!” Kujkola shouts and points to the looming shape of glorious Pitford. “Them filthy skullocks won’t dare follow us any closer! Soon we’ll be sipping beer in Looter’s Bar and Grill!”


Followed by Street Urchins

The streets of Pitford can sometimes prove as perilous as the wastes and ruins beyond the domed digger fort. Here, an excavator notices she’s being followed by nasty street punks… her relic shotgun their intended prize.
From page 149 of the Pitford sourcebook, ‘Encounter Tables’.



Not everyone likes the idea of new era ‘archeologists’ entering the Great Ruins near Pitford. Purists, and those who see the old city as sacred ground, aim to eliminate excavators… and would nuke the digger fort if they had the means.

Ink art from Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins, a community sourcebook for The Mutant Epoch RPG

The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1

Mutant Lord


Life in Pitford’s Basement
A vast network of tunnels, nooks and businesses are located beneath Pitford’s Main Street level. While accommodations are cheap down here, this area is a crime infested, poverty stricken area where you can expect trouble at every turn. Rat on a stick is a welcome meal, too!


Jaw Worm Attack
Back to a little more Pitford art while I recover from a nasty cold. Here, our heroes encounter a jaw worm while travelling the basement lanes beneath the fortified digger fort.


Pitford Saloon Scene
Grab a seat, excavator, and try some certified clean water, Overpass wine, or the local beer. This is your time to relax, recount your tales of daring-do, and see about enlisting with a team of diggers for the morning expedition.

More art coming soon! Comments welcome!
The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1

Mutant Lord


Rough Characters
Don’t make eye contact, unless you welcome trouble. The bouncers at many Pitford saloons and slop houses are slow to respond to brawls, especially if the crowd cheers on the participants and bets are made on the outcome.


Cyborg Sketch
This friendly fella is off to St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada as part of a mail order bundle order.
Graphite on acid free paper, about 3 or 4 inches tall.


Freshly Shaven Head
From the saloon random encounter table on page 165 of the Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins book. This fella just wants to enjoy his pint of very expensive beer.


Bat Attack!
The topside, junk plated roof of Pitford is off limits, and with good reason! A nightmare bat has snagged itself another fool, and somebody is going to be reaching for a new character sheet!
From the Pitford sourcebook, page 169.

The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1

Mutant Lord

Happy Friday Epochians!



A rare, friendly skullock. Hmmm, what’s her motivation toward your dig team? What’s up her sleeves? Wait… she has no sleeves, and not wearing much else either. Typical rubble goblin attire.

Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG

The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules

#mutantepoch #free #PWYW #quickstart #rules #roleplayinggame #RPG #ttrpg #apocalyptic #postapocalyptic #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame like #gamma-world or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics
#skullock #archer #shemutant #mutantess

Mutant Lord


Camping Outside Pitford
The gates of this domed fortress close at sunset. If your team misses this closure, they’re forced to camp outside the junk walls, and must stay vigilant for all manner of predator and peril. Art from the extensive encounter tables found on page 170 of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins.


Mutants Attack the Wall
Besides events which affect your character and their team, there are situations which involve the whole town of Pitford. You might be called upon to defend a section of roof or wall from humanoids, Mecha, purists, or as shown here, against mutant supremacists.


In The Ruins
A group of excavators spot big trouble while mapping the location of their stash. Stowing empty, drained or duplicated relics, fancy plastic and bullion for later recovery is a smart move.


Freehold Scout
A mutantess in the tunic of the renowned and greatly respected Northern Freehold Scouts. These law keepers work alongside the militia and standing armies of freehold settlements. Three primary communities form this alliance: Pitford, Array, and the vast slum city of Overpass.

The Mutant Epoch:: Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins , community setting TME-CS-1

Mutant Lord


Crawling to Pitford
A wounded excavator pulls herself toward the distant walls of Pitford. She knows she’s got to get there before the gates close at dusk, or else sleep rough outside among the scavengers and creeping things.


Pitford Town Watchman
Protected by studded leather armor and iron helmet, this volunteer soldier is armed with a smooth bore musket and bayonet. Along with Freehold Scouts and visiting dig teams, these law keepers both guard the shadowy streets of the enclosed fort and defend the walls.



Pitford Street Map
Your character can buy a map of this fortified digger support town for a silver coin. It’s probably the first thing your team should do when arriving, although there is no public map for the dangerous basement level.
The second map is for the game master.

This concludes our look back at the interior art from the Pitford Source Book. Next we will be showing art from Muddy Mayhem, the adventure that is included with the free Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch RPG.


Engine Problems
So I’ll now begin to showcase art from Muddy Mayhem, a 43 page free or Pay What You Want adventure included in the Mutant Epoch RPG Quickstart rules book. You can grab a pdf from drivethrurpg or gumroad via the link on our homepage in bio, or go direct here:


Zip line of Peril
Art from Muddy Mayhem, a 1st rank adventure that only requires the use of the free or ‘pay what you want’
Quickstart Rules, which is where you’ll find this dig. Check it out…


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