Post-Apocalyptic Art Thread

Mutant Lord

Sure... HERE it is.

Here's a much older post-apocalypse map of mine (I really don't have that many post-apoc products, just a handful). This one was called Post Apocalypse Motocross - I imagine it like something you could find in a Mad Max world.

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Very cool, I posted this and a link to your drivethrurpg selection at our discord server, twitter and facebook group. Nice stuff! WM

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Mutant Lord


The Swamp Mound of Doom
Big art from Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Take cover! It’s a Winged slasher!
Peril’s in the ruin studded swamp. Art from Muddy Mayhem, for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG
The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules


This cyborg is on its way to Prosser WA, U.S.A. 🇺🇸 as she snuck into a mail order bundle!


Zip line Ride from Hell
Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG



Samson the Slugger
This cyborg is one of 8 pre-generated characters included in Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG



Jen-Gun13 is the cyborg lady from the front cover of the Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules book. You can play her as one of 8 pre-generated characters included in Muddy Mayhem, or your own TME adventure.

Grab your free PDF book now while supplies last!

Mutant Lord


Retrospective time!

I picked 9 that were drawn in 2022 and stuck them on a gird. Anyway, thanks all of you for the best year for The Mutant Epoch RPG so far, and a big shout-out to all of you who have been Epochians since the early days. Also, a huge welcome to all you new arrivals. Thanks for supporting an indie game designer and artist!

There is much, much more coming for 2023 so stay tuned to this space for art, updates and post-apocalyptic gaming goodness. And let's all hope this brutal gaming genre stays as just that, a friggin' game!

Happy New Year!

Sincerely, William McAusland

#illustration #inkart #art #rpgart #postapocalyptic #mutantepoch #outlandarts #outlandsystem #rpg #ttrpg #williammcausland #gameart #indiegame #mutants #mutated #artvartist #artvartist2022 #topnine #top9 #top9of2022

Mutant Lord


Happy New Year from Outland Arts!

Vat Brain, a work in progress for a new character type from the upcoming Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules, for the cover art.

As mentioned back in 2021 with the ‘digital being’ art, I'm doing all the cover characters as separate illustration to make them PC or NPC characters available at release. Sadly, that huge book is still a few months out but we are making excellent, daily progress and working on no other projects for the Mutant Epoch, except rebuilding the lost mailing list for our Outland Arts Insider Newsletter.

All the best to you and yours in 2023!

William McAusland
Creative Director
Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks/ Handcrafted Dungeons

"Putting YOU in the Game"

Mutant Lord

And now back to some art from the Mutant Epoch's Quick Start Rules. These are a few more of the ready to play, pre-gen characters for the included adventure, Muddy Mayhem....



Krank the Crusher

With shell covered skin, 4 arms and a venomous bite, this former work slave is one tough first rank excavator. Just 1 of 8 pre-generated characters included in Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG

The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules



Shokka the Sinful Another fine freak and one of the pre-gen player characters for Muddy Mayhem. The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules



Rusty the Reckless, a pure stock human excavator featured as a pre-generated, ready to play digger in Muddy The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules



Andy the Annihilator This pure stock human was featured on the Quick Start Rules cover with shotgun in hand. The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules



Melissah of Mudville This spine covered mutantess is ready for adventure in the swamps to the east of Sandbarra. Add her to your team as one of 8 pre-generated characters included in Muddy Mayhem, an adventure included in our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules



Billi-Bubba the Mutant This is the green mutant from the cover of the Mutant Epoch RPG Quickstart Rules. He used to be a farmer until the incident, and due to debts, joins the crew of the pig transport raft. Play these fellas in Muddy Mayhem: The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules

Mutant Lord

More art from The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules...


Billi-Bubba original sketch. So this is as far as I drew these fabulous freaks before I painted them in photoshop. I work tighter these days.The Mutant Epoch Quick Start Rules


Andy the Annihilator Original Pencil concept. Huh, look at the bone plates on his head. He started off as a mutie.Design graphite for the cover of the Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG


Graphite drawing of Jen-Gun13 from the cover of our free or ‘Pay What You Want’ Quickstart Rules for The Mutant Epoch TTRPG

So now we’re going to take a look at the art from another of our older published books for The Mutant Epoch RPG: Excavator Monthly Compendium
260 pages
Print Version $26.99 at
Or PDF $11.99
Get all six copies of Excavator Monthly Magazine in one book! Each article, relic, mutant beast, non-player character and other feature has been placed into categories within this hefty tome. Never forget a copy again. Both game masters and players of The Mutant Epoch role playing game can carry all the magazines in one handy book and quickly flip to any resource with ease. Excavator Monthly Compendium includes:
● 27 Nasty Mutant Creatures● 13 Potent Relics● 6 Alternate Character Generation Methods● 2 New Skills: Acrobatics and Archery● 12 Non-Player Character Friends and Foes● 162 Illustrations● 9 Assorted Articles● Short Story: Demon in the Depths● 10 Game Master Only Articles● 8 Players Perspective Articles● 4 Treasure Tables● And much more!Learn more about this 260 page source book here: The Mutant Epoch:: Excavator Monthly Compendium... All Six Magazine Issues in One Book!



Recording Your StatsUsing the Outland System, a gamer records the eight basic stats for a Mutant Epoch RPG character. Endurance (which is also your hit points), Strength, Agility, Accuracy, Intelligence, Perception, and Appearance.There are several new ways to generate characters in the Compendium, check ‘em out here:The Mutant Epoch:: Excavator Monthly Compendium... All Six Magazine Issues in One Book!


Liquid Flesh Healing Compound is sprayed on an excavator’s injury.


SpiderborgThis was the cover art for issue 1, and included as a grayscale image inside the compendium with their stats and write-up. These can be npcs or a playable character ‘race’. Learn more about this 260 page source book here: The Mutant Epoch:: Excavator Monthly Compendium... All Six Magazine Issues in One Book!

Voidrunner's Codex

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