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D&D General #Dungeon23


Gotten off-track on the dungeon again to focus more on populating the world - been drawing maps for the homesteads/family compounds in the Great Black Swamp...
I've marked out numbers 2-7 on the larger map of the swamp as the homesteads of the swampfolk (larger islands or clusters of smaller ones, most of them around three to five miles from their neighbors) with three of the locations having mixed/multiple families, so nine extended families totaling about 120-150 swampfolk total...
The lizardfolk tribe will number about 100 or so.
I figure a hundred square miles of temperate swamp is enough to support 250 beings subsistence hunting/fishing and trapping for furs, right? Especially since I'm backgrounding it so that the ancient magical cataclysm in the adjacent Stonelands to the north has had long-term magical effects on the flora and fauna of the swamp as well as the area itself.
The swampfolk enclave occupies roughly the easternmost quarter of the swamp while the lizardfolk tribe occupies the western third, although the two cultures have peacefully coexisted* for so long (nearly four hundred years) that the distinction is solely geographical rather than territorial, especially as the lizardfolk are tangentially involved in the swampfolks' smuggling operation... At the far end of the swampfolk enclave is a place called Red Hand Island, which symbolically serves as neutral ground and a trading post between the two. All of the swampfolk wear small stonewood amulets carved into the shape of a hand and painted red to symbolize the peace between the swampfolk and the lizardfolk (who wear one as well when entering the human territory, especially in town), and the standard swamp greeting involves raising an open hand.

* There's a lizardfolk trader who permanently lives in End-Of-The-Line (and one or two of the lizardfolk wander into town on some sort of business at least every other week or so), so even the "civilized townsfolk" are used to them and don't treat them any differently than the elves or dwarves passing through. Quite a few of the lizardfolk are willing to toss a heavy barrel into a wagon in exchange for a handful of butcher's scraps or fish guts if asked respectfully.
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Day 113 - Mainhall of Bathhouse



Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
Whew, got it done!

Week 16, Branch 1 from Week 15. Single hex

This is a single hex, branching off from the hex of last week. Imagine if you will a dry flat plain, with huge towering mountains. These "mountains" are actually gigantic termite mounds - if the termites were the size of humans, as in Thri-kreen. In the past, this was a peaceful kingdom - the Hegemony; ruled by the NG Thri-kreen Queen Alnikta. The arcane class studied all the schools of magic, and all the various alignments were in harmony. But something happened! And there was the fracturing. Now there are 7 Suzerainties, each with a predominant alignment and magical specialty. They vie for the Viscous Throne beneath the rubble of Alnikta's palatial tower. Little do they know (or do they?) that there is a downgate there, guarded by an ancient gold dragon elder. The dragon has been sleeping for the past few decades once the tower was brought down around her. Will she welcome the conquerer of the hex? Or ignore them? Or lash out in revenge? No one knows. Below is a capsule of each land:
  1. Cha-drik - Lawful Neutral, Necromancy. There is no longer a queen, only the Lich-King Gul-tak and his legions of zombie Thri-kreen
  2. Kachtha - Lawful Good, Abjuration. The home of the refugees of all the other warring states. Queen Tik-nik mostly controls the branch-gate to last week's hex, and trades with the Firbolg Druids described perviously. She has loyal vassals, and attempts to negotiate peace - so far to no avail
  3. Al-ik-nak - Chatoic Good, Evocation. Led by powerful evoker Queen Tikacht, they have been the closest to taking the capital; however internal strife prevented them from the focus to complete the capture
  4. Tal'cha - Lawful Evil, Illusion. An authoritarian state where the citizens are controlled by propoganda supported by illusion magic. The battle front between Tal'cha and Al-ik-nak is the most violent and most ongoing conflict in the war.
  5. Kst'drik - Neutral Evil, Conjuration. Queen Alcha-ptak has many elementals and even higher elemental powers conjured into her service. But she also shifts her alliances among her neighbors as she is beset on multiple sides. She is just trying to survive and hope whomever wins she can ride their abdomens to security
  6. Gul-ik-we - Chaotic Neutral, Divination. Queen Gul-ik-til knows how this war will end. Do her warriors fight so savagely because that is the pre-destined path to victory? Or out of despair of known crushing defeat? No one knows, and Gul-ik-til isn't telling
  7. Kikta - Chaotic Evil, Enchantment. King Kwikik and his twelve vassal queens have enslaved their populace into savagery and atrocity. It is not a nice place to be for most.
  • What happened to Alnikta, the benevolent ruler?
  • If any faction takes the center, what will be the fate of the down-gate?
  • What would it take for Gul-ik-til to reveal what she knows?
  • What is traded with the Firbolg Druids? What is the relationship between them and the Thri-kreen?



Whew, got it done!

Week 16, Branch 1 from Week 15. Single hex

This is a single hex, branching off from the hex of last week. Imagine if you will a dry flat plain, with huge towering mountains. These "mountains" are actually gigantic termite mounds - if the termites were the size of humans, as in Thri-kreen. In the past, this was a peaceful kingdom - the Hegemony; ruled by the NG Thri-kreen Queen Alnikta. The arcane class studied all the schools of magic, and all the various alignments were in harmony. But something happened! And there was the fracturing. Now there are 7 Suzerainties, each with a predominant alignment and magical specialty. They vie for the Viscous Throne beneath the rubble of Alnikta's palatial tower. Little do they know (or do they?) that there is a downgate there, guarded by an ancient gold dragon elder. The dragon has been sleeping for the past few decades once the tower was brought down around her. Will she welcome the conquerer of the hex? Or ignore them? Or lash out in revenge? No one knows. Below is a capsule of each land:
  1. Cha-drik - Lawful Neutral, Necromancy. There is no longer a queen, only the Lich-King Gul-tak and his legions of zombie Thri-kreen
  2. Kachtha - Lawful Good, Abjuration. The home of the refugees of all the other warring states. Queen Tik-nik mostly controls the branch-gate to last week's hex, and trades with the Firbolg Druids described perviously. She has loyal vassals, and attempts to negotiate peace - so far to no avail
  3. Al-ik-nak - Chatoic Good, Evocation. Led by powerful evoker Queen Tikacht, they have been the closest to taking the capital; however internal strife prevented them from the focus to complete the capture
  4. Tal'cha - Lawful Evil, Illusion. An authoritarian state where the citizens are controlled by propoganda supported by illusion magic. The battle front between Tal'cha and Al-ik-nak is the most violent and most ongoing conflict in the war.
  5. Kst'drik - Neutral Evil, Conjuration. Queen Alcha-ptak has many elementals and even higher elemental powers conjured into her service. But she also shifts her alliances among her neighbors as she is beset on multiple sides. She is just trying to survive and hope whomever wins she can ride their abdomens to security
  6. Gul-ik-we - Chaotic Neutral, Divination. Queen Gul-ik-til knows how this war will end. Do her warriors fight so savagely because that is the pre-destined path to victory? Or out of despair of known crushing defeat? No one knows, and Gul-ik-til isn't telling
  7. Kikta - Chaotic Evil, Enchantment. King Kwikik and his twelve vassal queens have enslaved their populace into savagery and atrocity. It is not a nice place to be for most.
  • What happened to Alnikta, the benevolent ruler?
  • If any faction takes the center, what will be the fate of the down-gate?
  • What would it take for Gul-ik-til to reveal what she knows?
  • What is traded with the Firbolg Druids? What is the relationship between them and the Thri-kreen?
View attachment 282719
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I'm thoroughly sick of most demihumans, but I'll always have a soft spot for insect people. I just think they're neat!

Mountainous termite mounds is also an evocative image. Are they wreathed in mist? What do the people eat?

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine
I'm thoroughly sick of most demihumans, but I'll always have a soft spot for insect people. I just think they're neat!

Mountainous termite mounds is also an evocative image. Are they wreathed in mist? What do the people eat?
Good question on what they eat! Maybe that's what they trade with the Firbolg Druids from the quite fertile adjacent hex. And unfortunately, they probably also eat each other. I can imagine they would also have a robust agriculture, like some insects (ants definitely do - they harvest aphids for their nectar) - although that might be disrupted by the war in some parts


Day 115 – Bathhouse changing room 2

View attachment 282938

Day 116 – Market of Wonders – Entrance​


The entrance to the fabled Market of Wonders beckons with a certain air of mystery and danger, as though it is a place where the brave and the bold may find adventure, but the unprepared might be doomed to their fate.

The outer wall, a formidable structure of solid stone blocks, stands as a testament to the city’s ancient and mighty past. The passageway is broad and welcoming, yet it also seems to hold a certain degree of apprehension, as if warning those who dare enter to tread carefully.

Once past the outer wall, the inner wall reveals itself in all its arcane glory. Every inch of its surface is covered in intricate and powerful symbols, pulsing with a sickly yellowish aura that hints at the incredible magic that once flowed through these walls. The very air hums with energy, as if the very fabric of reality is strained by the mystical forces at play.

Between the two walls lies a small courtyard, desolate and empty save for a giant demonic broken skeleton and some shattered stalls. The atmosphere is eerie, as if the spirits of those who once inhabited the market are still present, watching from the shadows and whispering secrets to those who have the courage to listen.


So I tried to visualize the sickly aura. Also reaching the limit of the paper with the water based markers. Making several layers makes it really moist and it starts to warp.
Also with my Water-Based Markers, I can't really fill areas. I always get streaks. I googled the problem and the solution would be alcohol based markers. They seem to blend way better and you can fill areas without streaks. But that has to wait a little, because Money.

Eyes of Nine

Everything's Fine

Day 116 – Market of Wonders – Entrance​

View attachment 283038
The entrance to the fabled Market of Wonders beckons with a certain air of mystery and danger, as though it is a place where the brave and the bold may find adventure, but the unprepared might be doomed to their fate.

The outer wall, a formidable structure of solid stone blocks, stands as a testament to the city’s ancient and mighty past. The passageway is broad and welcoming, yet it also seems to hold a certain degree of apprehension, as if warning those who dare enter to tread carefully.

Once past the outer wall, the inner wall reveals itself in all its arcane glory. Every inch of its surface is covered in intricate and powerful symbols, pulsing with a sickly yellowish aura that hints at the incredible magic that once flowed through these walls. The very air hums with energy, as if the very fabric of reality is strained by the mystical forces at play.

Between the two walls lies a small courtyard, desolate and empty save for a giant demonic broken skeleton and some shattered stalls. The atmosphere is eerie, as if the spirits of those who once inhabited the market are still present, watching from the shadows and whispering secrets to those who have the courage to listen.

View attachment 283039
So I tried to visualize the sickly aura. Also reaching the limit of the paper with the water based markers. Making several layers makes it really moist and it starts to warp.
Also with my Water-Based Markers, I can't really fill areas. I always get streaks. I googled the problem and the solution would be alcohol based markers. They seem to blend way better and you can fill areas without streaks. But that has to wait a little, because Money.
Looking forward to whatever you build out with this. Cool gif too


Looking forward to whatever you build out with this. Cool gif too
Thanks, Gifs are the fastest and easiest way to show a little bit of how I'm creating the stuff :).
And here continues the Market:

Day 117 – Market of Wonders – Stalls​


The market stalls within the inner walls of the Market of Wonders stand like ghostly remnants of a bygone era, arranged in neat rows that once bustled with activity. Thin walls separate the individual stalls, each measuring 10 feet deep and 15 feet wide. While some of the stalls still retain their tented roofs, many have been stripped of their coverings, leaving only their wooden frames exposed to the elements.

As if the occupants fled in a hurry, the stalls are littered with debris and refuse, broken items and shattered pieces of pottery. Here and there, a rusted weapon or a piece of jewelry gleams in the sunlight that filters through the open space above. The ground is dusty and littered with dry leaves and debris, and the air is thick with the musty scent of disuse and decay.

Amidst this abandoned scene, the body of an old corpse lies motionless, a grim reminder of the fate that may await any who venture too deeply into this place of eerie stillness. The market is silent, save for the occasional rustling of the wind, and any sounds that may have once echoed through these halls have long since faded into the past.

And the Workflow again:

I'm thinking of maybe doing only partial colours until I get the Alcohol Markers and leave the ground be and add shadows with the pencil again. I'm also considering increasing the resolution. At the Moment, my Grid is 5 mm = 5 ft. If I go to 1 cm = 5 ft. I will increase my resolution by 4 times. And If I go to 2 cm = 5 ft. I'm getting close to a 1-Inch Grid (and 16 times the resolution). The details could improve drastically. At the moment they are mostly noise.
But my biggest concern is the time restraints. With full colouring, I doubled my drawing time already. At the moment when I have big maps like the one above, I make the pencil sketch in the morning, the Ink during Lunch Break and the colouring in the evening.
But for some small maps in May I will try out a higher resolution and see what I can do with that.

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