• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Slave and Her Sovereign


The disorientation that one typically experiences upon transition to the Astral Sea is minimal for CHANVATI. After all, he spent hours upon hours in the Astral Simulation Tank at Xerxes's, as do all advanced students in Chronotopology.

Slowly and awkwardly, the Psion wills himself closer to the crystalline dragons, which turn at his approach. He manages a profound bow.

<<Greetings, oh noble ones,>> he begins, using the language of dragons that he mastered under private tutors, long before his matriculation at Xerxes's commenced. <<My fellows and I are sojourners here for a brief period of time, and we have need of refreshment to bolster our efforts in our quest. I hesitate even to draw your magnificent attention to such lowly creatures as ourselves, but our need is great and our situation dire. Would you permit us but a moment or two to partake of this prismatic vapor, and so enliven our transit of this strange and wondrous realm?>>

The creatures seem amused at the Merchant-Prince's humility and flattery, as one might be by a domesticated herd animal deferring its meal of hay until after its owner had performed the milking.

<<Partake if you wish,>> offers the eldest, most wizened of the trio, <<but drink not too deeply, for mortals such as yourself are discordant with the ineffable nectars of our home.>>

Chanvati makes a Primary Skill Diplomacy check to negotiate use of the Astral Vent, r(12) +15 = 27 vs 20 Moderate DC. Success.

Below are the stats for The Mind as a Companion Character for this endeavor.

The Mind
The Mind
Medium immortal humanoid (living construct)
Level 10 Controller XP 500
HP 58; Bloodied 29 Initiative +4
AC 23, Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 25 Perception+14
Speed 6
Resist 5 psychic

Standard Actions

(⚔) Shardblade (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d4 + 5 damage, and The Mind slides the target 2 squares.

(➶) Astral Missile (force) ✦ At-Will
Ranged 20 (one or two creature); +14 vs Reflex
Effect: 9 damage

➶ Mesmeric Mind (charm) ✦ At-Will
Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs Will
Hit: Choose one of the following effects:
  • The target uses a free action to make a melee basic attack against a creature of your choice, with a +4 power bonus to the attack roll.
  • You slide the target up to 3 squares.
➶ Psionic Puppet (charm) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Will
Hit: The target is stunned until the start of your next turn. This effect also ends if the target is attacked.
Aftereffect: The target makes a basic attack against a target of your choice as a free action.
Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. This effect also ends if the target is attacked.

✻ Take from the Future (zone) ✦ Encounter
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. When any enemy ends its turn within the zone, The Mind can slide it 3 squares as a free action.

Move Actions
Shardswarm (teleportation) ✦ Encounter
Effect: Each enemy adjacent to The Mind grants combat advantage until the end of The Mind’s next turn. The Mind then teleports 3 squares.

Triggered Actions
Insightful Warning ✦ Encounter
Trigger (Immediate Interrupt): A creature you can see makes an attack roll for an area or a close attack that includes you as a target
Effect: You and each ally included as a target of the triggering attack gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses against it.

Extend Effect ✦ Encounter
Free Action: The Mind can extend an effect on an enemy to end at the end of its next turn, rather than its current turn.

Skills Arcana +14, Dungeoneering +14, Endurance +8, Perception +14

Str 10 (+5) Dex 8 (+4) Wis 18 (+9)
Con 12 (+6) Int 18 (+9) Cha 12 (+6)

Alignment unaligned Languages Common, Deep Speech, telepathy 5

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While her gosb'tar is working his charm on the strange crystalline dragons, PA'AVU studies closely the prismatic vapor pouring out of central meeting of the otherworldly stalactite/stalagmite structure before them. Although she would feel more comfortable enduring its toxins alone, for the rest of the group, the goliath recognizes that this time such a risk cannot be taken solely by herself alone. They must all attempt it, the stronger ones aiding the others.

Pa'avu gives a great sigh, for she is exhausted, her body and mind greatly disoriented by their disconnection from each other. Then, she proposes that they all mentally hold on to one another so that none will be lost. She senses a smirk from the barrister - as per usual - but they all concur, including the Mind. Mentally clasping each other's ... hands, for want of a better word, together they breathe in the prismatic vapors.

Strangely, it is the Mind, the one of their company who should actually be most adept with the challenges of this realm, who almost succombs. In order to keep it from slipping out of her mental grasp, the goliath must reach down into her l'pahb'gin for the last vestiges of access to her primal power and finds enough inner strength - at some cost to herself. Happily she is able somehow to hold all four of them together.

Then, they begin to speed through the interior space of their minds and across the Astral Sea in the direction of the purple breach.

We are making a Group Primary Skill Endurance check to withstand the toxicity of the Astral Vent:
  • Bita-Bousseh: r15 + 6 = 21/Success
  • Chanvati uses Adept's Insight to augment his check: r4 + 1 = +5 bonus; r9 + 9 + 5 = 23/Success
  • The Mind: r11 + 8 = 19/Fails
  • Pa'avu uses Earthen Renewal (Enc) and spends 1 surge to gain +2 bonus: r6 + 12 + 2 = 20/Success
3 out of 4 group check = Success

2/4 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

Like time, space in The Astral Sea is an oddity better left undigested by the mortal mind. The quad fly with swiftness in a manner that, from their vantage, their senses tell them they should reach and surpass various landmarks of silvery murk, of swirling aether, of horizon-traversing earthmote. But its always a surprise when things are just_a_little_bit_off.

Suddenly, as if they’re trapped in a fast-forward sequence of time, multiple features come rushing into view with too much intimacy for liking:

* A Temporal Slipstream where a lensing effect around its circumference brings the distance into crisp, but distorted view. Its like a massive wind tunnel only time is being drawn with incredible speed through its region. The distorting effects make it seem like The Breech is_just_beyond_it...perhaps it is...

* "Anchored" nearby is a huge vessel; an Astral Schooner with fore-and-aft rigging spanning its two great masts. What the mighty vessel lacks in sleekness and speed, it makes up for in cargo and crew-space. Dwarves, native to this strange place, sing songs as they harvest residium from an accreted nebula of material that appears gravitationally bound to the Temporal Slipstream. They work large, unwieldy nets on great stanchions and are aided by inscrutable machines; constructs with burning furnaces as engines.

They have no idea what is bearing down on them...

* Built for terrible speed and looking the part of a dragonfly the way their sails are arrayed around the fuselage, a trio of Astral Skiffs bear down on the dwarves. Githyanki Raiders bring the promise of death and pillage to the unwary, soon-to-be victims.

Perhaps sensing a bristling, The Mind projects its will telepathically to make clear its inclinations; “restrain your heroic tendencies…this is not our fight.”

What do you do?

The scene before you is vast. You could skirt it, but you would have to both (1) skulk by the raiders who would love mortal hostages and (2) deal with the time-and-space distorting Slipstream whose boundaries appear difficult to gauge. Both of those would be MEDIUM DC.

Perhaps you feel lucky or brave...or foolish? Do you want to fly dead into the Temporal Slipstream? There is no HARD DC on this challenge, but if you brave the Slipstream and manage it, you're certain to wind up right at The Far Realm Breech (this would yield 2 successes for braving the HARD DC).

Do you help the dwarves? Perhaps they would ferry you The Far Realm Breech (which they have no idea is there as they are native to this realm) if you give them aid? Drive off the Githyanki with your prowess (Nested Level +1 Combat for 1 success) and open up the prospect of aid from the dwarves.

Something else?
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<<Worry not, Conciliator. The petty disagreements of this realm's denizens, indeed, are none of our concern. If Pa'avu can maneuver us close enough to the Temporal Slipstream, I shall manipulate the psionic field that cuts across the Chronotope. Thus, we shall be propelled across spacetime to the very border of the Breach itself.>>

Pa'avu gathers the others in her arms like so many rag dolls clutched by an impetuous toddler eager for playtime. With a truly incredible effort made possible only by the comparative insubstantiality of their forms in this realm, detached from their physical bodies as they are, Pa'avu soars across the gap between them and the Slipstream, very much like a powerful but graceful avian over a desert oasis. Then Chanvati takes over, harnessing the ki energy into a kind of sleigh, pulled by a mental construction of an astral dreadnought into the Slipstream.

Alas, Chanvati did not anticipate the creature's strength of will. How is that even possible for a construct, he wonders. And then they are sucked into the Slipstream and away ... somewhere ....

As you probably could have anticipated, we're challenging that Hard DC for 2 Successes here, and immediate completion of the SC.

Pa'avu aids Chanvati's efforts by deploying Crane's Wings [Movement Technique], Encounter Power, for a +2 bonus to Chanvati's Primary Skill Arcana check, r(2) +16 +2 = 20 vs 29 Hard DC. FAILURE!
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2/4 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/ Failure/0 Secondary Skill Available

Not going to go with a combat as complication here. Doesn't line up well (low on the consequence-o-meter) and isn't particularly thematically appropriate. The fictional consequence is (a) a Temporal Disjunction that must be escaped by all members and (b) time itself and the impacts on the palace conflict in the material world. Mechanically that means:

* A nested, of-level (10; DCs 13/18), C1 SC RESOLVE THE TEMPRAL DISJUNCTION for all four heroes to return to their own instantiation of time. Micro-failures here are conditions/impacts that will roll forward into the final combat at The Far Realm Breech. Macro-success/failure here is for 1 micro-success/failure in the greater SC.

0/4 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

* At the palace combat in the material world, the waves are going to be bumped up from every even round to every odd round starting at round 1 (then 3 and so forth). That means that the base encounter budget will now be Level +6 (from 5) with a Standard worth of Bladeling horde shows up on scene immediately (then round 3 and so forth).

* CHANVATI has been here before both in his deep past and when confronting Caiphon's influence long ago. His training at the psi-crafter's guild has long prepared him for such temporal discordance (take +2 circumstance bonus for your background). He immediately recognizes an instance of time that is peculiarly off.

He and his tutor are playing a game of Druhon (similar to Checkers) except they're moving the pieces solely with their minds. A triple-jump by his tutor!...the last of which breaks the rules however...his tutor would never! Just as there is no physical manipulation of pieces allowed, there is no physical voicing allowed to communicate.

* PA'AVU has been here before when confronting Caiphon's influence long ago. She instinctively sniffs out the temporal discordance to recognize an instance of time that is peculiarly off.

Her hands are covered in blood. It is her first kill and she must draw forth the heart of the beast and consecrate both its life and death. But there is murk all around her. Swirling fog. Darkness. This cannot be. Her clan-mates would be there to support her! Where are they?

* As an immortal of Astral-kinship, THE MIND is aware of the fluidity of time and that it can, on occasion, "forget itself." The immortal being is at its inception...being carved out of a crystalline mote in the silver sea. The words spoken to it in its mind were intelligible...and the equivalent of "loving"...were they not? But these words?...these words are incomprehensible...and malevolent?

* BITA-BAHLIN (oops…errrr) BITA-BOUSSEH is used to contract law, seasoned argument, and skirting the truth as necessary. The case-to-date was perfect. The pilferer of the horse will become indentured to the merchant for as many seasons necessary to pay off its value thrice over. The magistrate speaks the sentence. Innocent of all charges? Bita-Bahlin is disbarred? What? There must be some piece of evidence and legal decorum that the court officer is misinterpreting wildly? This cannot be! Object, quickly, before the proceedings adjourn!

Resolve everyones' temporal discord! All MEDIUM DC.
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CHANVATI considers his words carefully, for telepathic communication carries more nuance than spoken language.

<<Mistress Jaggriti, excuse my inadvertent telekinetic nudge. I seem to have pushed your marker out of position. Allow me to fix this clumsiness of mine.>>

He shifts her marker off its illegal position. The game resumes according to the rules, just as it has scores of times before. Mistress Jaggriti smiles at him across the table.

The temporal irregularity is healed. The Psion returns to the Timestream.

Chanvati uses Send Thoughts (Encounter Power) for a +2 power bonus to his Primary Skill Diplomacy check, r(3)+15 +2 circumstance +2 power = 22 vs 18 Moderate DC. Success.

THE MIND blinders its physical sensorium and opens instead the crystalline geometries of its brain-structure to apprehend the flowing psionic fields around it. Simulation. Irregularities. Near-congruities but incomplete.

Whatever this experience is, it is not the instantiation of his birth event. The Mind reflexively erects psionic shields to ward off this malevolence from infecting him.

The Mind uses Insightful Warning (Encounter Power) for a +2 power bonus to its Primary Skill Arcana check, r(11)+14 +2=27 vs 18 Moderate DC. Success.

At first, BITA-BOUSSEH is greatly confused. Horse pilferer? Being disbarred? But then she smiles. This is no memory of her own. There is no need to cajole the judge, for these events are not happening to her at all. It was her twin, Bita-Bahlin, who was disbarred and subsequently entered government service in employ to the Empress's spy network.

Bita-Bousseh makes a Primary Skill Insight check to notice that her GM used the wrong name AGAIN ... I mean, to discern that the Timestream has slipped her into her twin's continuity, not her own discontinuity, r(10)+12=22 vs 18 Moderate DC. Success.
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PA'AVU closes her eyes to remove the confusion that her muddled sense of sight is giving her. Her other senses will have to fill in the gaps and complete the true picture.

Ah! There they are, just beyond her. The pungent smell of young warriors; the warmth of fellow bodies; the taste of their sweat in the air; the feeling of the thick oozing blood, the firm yet supple muscle of the heart slowly ceasing to beat, held in her hand: these are all evidence of the true memory.

Then, Pa'avu opens her eyes, finding herself back in the Timestream with her companions all bundled in her arms.

* Pa'avu makes a Primary Skill Perception check to use her other senses to perceive the true memory: +17 = Autosuccess

3/4 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/1 Failure/0 Secondary Skill Available

Shunted back to the Timestream, the three companions...wait...three?

Where is the fourth?...

A hundred meters behind them, THE MIND is ensnared in a terrible hazard. A Magnetmote has the being's iron-flecked, crystalline body caught in a dance of terrible attraction. Spiraling uncontrollably toward the magnet, its deadly embracing lurks like terrestrial quicksand in the material world.

Too far for its telepathic prowess, no plea enters your mind. Whether its teleportation capacity would be enough to thwart the motes' dread pull is unknown, for the immortal shardmind does not employ it. Perhaps eerily, no cry, no sound at all emanates from the strange creature...as if it is just accepting its fate...or perhaps it can peer into the future and knows you will deliver it from its plight?

What do you do?

By default this is MEDIUM DC (and success would resolve the conflict, yielding a smash cut to The Breach). HOWEVER...if you want to risk it for a biscuit and maybe pull some kind of "reverse the polarities" arcane shenanigans or crazy feat of athletic prowess and use the magnetism to increase your collective velocity to The Breach (or whatever), you can attempt it against the HARD DC with the reward being that everyone gets a +2 bonus to Initiative for this final showdown in The Astral Sea.

Failure would cost you in the opposite direction however (-2 Initiative all once that final conflict is engaged) as you are delayed by these events.


At Bita-Bousseh's gasp of horror, PA'AVU looks back over her own shoulder to see what the barrister has seen. The goliath may still be clutching her gosb'tar and his mate in her sturdy grasp, but the thing they call The Mind is now behind them, caught up in a strange sort of whirlpool. Clearly Chanvati has seen as well, for - although he makes no audible sign - his body is filled with tension.

Pa'avu continues to study the situation, trying to see a way to rescue the Entity: in this strangely cerebral place where her material self seems ethereal and somehow less than, she begins to feel a physical pull. Once again uses senses other than sight, the Stoneblessed warrior feels her l'pahb'gin drawn to something in the spiraling whirlpool trap in which The Mind has been ensnared, something familiar and both within and without her. The iron in her blood is attracted to ... are those specks of iron in the whirlpool?

Trusting her instincts, the goliath breathes into her l'pahb'gin, focusing on that iron in her blood, feeling its weight grow heavier. This shifts the trajectory of their passage and allows Pa'avu (and her passengers) to be caught in the magnetic pull of what she hears her gosb'tar murmur cerebrally "A Magnetmote ... very powerful!" Allowing his words to wash over her mind as river water, informing but not distracting her, she focuses on catching The Mind in her grasp (and not losing her other charges at the same time!). The timing must be exactly right.

The magnetic pull becomes stronger as her iron blood engages with the spiraling whirlpool, and the goliath quickly catches up with The Mind and is able to grab it and hold all three of them closely in one strong and stony arm. The other arm she brings up to her bared teeth, prepared to act at the only chance she will get ... before they are
all pulled into the trap.

As the spiraling motion brings them around again, Pa'avu bites into the palm of her hand, releasing a few drops of her iron-heavy blood. At the same time - just as the magnetic pull is suddenly reversed by the invasion of her blood into its vortex - she leaps forward and into the Time Stream once again, managing to hold onto her charges as she navigates her massive jump.

* Pa'avu uses One with the Earth (Recharge 6) in place of a Secondary Skill for an Autosuccess to allow her l'pahb'gin to recognize the iron specks in the Magnetmote's spiraling trap and to transform the iron in her blood (making it heavier) for a +2 bonus to

* Primary Skill Athletics check to leap back into the Time Stream: r9,12 (Powerful Athlete) +16 +2 = 30 vs. 29 Hard DC. Success with biscuit (trademarked) of +2 Bonus to Initiative for This Final Showdown in the Astral Sea (also trademarked)
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4/4 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/1 Failure/0 Secondary Skill Available

Resolved Goal: Journey Across the Astral Sea to The Far Realm Breach.

* A wave combat (every 3 rounds another Standard worth of enemies) of base Level +4 with another embedded Level +3 C1 SC to "Close the Breech" as denizens of The Far Realm pour through.

BOON: +2 Initiative All for this combat.

COMPLICATION: Material World Combat at Palace encounter budget begins at Level +6 with an additional Bladeing Horde Standard at outset as "waves" move to beginning of every odd round (1, 3, 5, etc) rather than every even round.

The Astral Mote floats stably at the base of The Far Realm Breach.

Small, stone walls encircle crystalline gullies. A pair of singularities bend the space and time of the Astral Sea, generating a lensing effect that obscures all beyond their reach. Bipedal horrors skulk about; bodies pleated by exoskeletal hooks, hands and feet ending in claws, alien faces with tentacles, mandibles, horns, and predatory eyes.

The Breach itself spills Caiphon's Corruption into The Astral Sea (unknown to the immortal inhabitants) and it oozes like a translucent river of malovelence.

Something lurks there. A guardian? Who can know this Far Realm denizen's alien machinations. Perhaps it has made a home of The Breach itself. Whatever it is, it is as a barnacle or a mollusk; unmoving...moored...a maw of dripping acid, oozy flesh, and an invitation to gaze within its depths...


* Waves: Rounds 3, 6 (etc) will see a Standard (500 xp) worth of creatures (either 1 Standard or 4 x Minions) pour through the Breach.


LVL 13/COMPLEXITY 1 (4 Success/3 Failure/1 Secondary Skill as Minor Action/DCs 14 and 20)
TRIGGER: The Entity of the Breach is defeated
EFFECT: Seal the Far Realm Breach

✦ Repair the Distortion: Dungeoneer (standard action, range 5).

✦ Heal the Astral Flow: Heal (move action, adjacent, take 5 psychic damage).

✦ Adjure Caiphon's Presence: Arcana, Nature, or Religion (standard action, range 5).

✦ Escort the Mind Across the Breech: Teleport the Mind to the square left of the A file or Perception + (move action, both PC and The Mind are adjacent, take 5 psychic damage).

Effect: The Mind completes the Sealing of the Breach. Your silvery cords sever. Survive one round vs the remaining enemies/waves and then materialize back in your world.

* Illumination: Fully. The Astral Sea is a place well lit by twinkling motes both near and far. However, see Astral Singularity's Effect.

* Altitude: Squares of altitude will be denoted by ^ #. All creatures have fly 2 (clumsy, hover). Note (!): Clumsy tag means a -4 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses (so you take these penalties if you are in the air when attacking or attacked).

* Walls/Cliffs (dark purple; Blocking Terrain): Climb Medium DC 3 squares up (15 ft).

* Caiphon Aurora (Hindering Terrain; its actually purple, but needed to use green for map contrast!): Effect: Caiphon Aurora is difficult terrain and is at altitude 0 to altitude ^4. A creature that enters a Caiphon Aurora square or starts its turn there takes 7 acid damage and is exposed to Caiphon Corruption.

Caiphon Corruption
Stage 0: The target recovers from the disease.
Stage 1: Initial Effect: The target takes a -4 penalty to Will.
Stage 2: The target grants combat advantage.
Stage 3: Final State: Unless prevented from doing so, the target moves toward the Far Realm Breech or the Material World Nexus. The target gains the keyword aberant and is dominated by Caiphon until the disease is cured.
Check: At the end of each extended rest, the target makes an Insight check if it is at stage 1 or 2.
14 or lower: The stage of the disease increases by one.
15-19: No Change
20 or higher: The stage of the disease decreases by one.

* Astral Crystal Nexus (fantastic terrain): A creature in a square can use a move action to teleport to another crystal nexus that corresponds to its size (small x 5 are in northern section of map, large x 4 are in southern section of map). Usage exhausts both nexus nodes.

* Astral Mushroom Patch (fantastic terrain): A creature in a square can use a minor action to gain a +2 power bonus to hit and damage in exchange for -2 defenses all UtEoYNT. Usage exhausts the current patch.

* Astral Singularity x 2 (S1 & S2 on map at altitude ^4)
Large Hazard
Level 10 Elite Obstacle
XP 1000

Initiative +8
Trigger: This hazard begins the encounter active.

Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: All creatures in or within 3 squares of the singularity.
Attack:+13 vs. All
Hit: For each defense hit, the target takes 1d8 damage and is pulled 1 square. If the creature ends within a square of Astral Singularity, it is slowed (SE) at altitude 2.
Effect: The singularity and all squares adjacent to it are difficult terrain. It and the squares of its burst continuously block both line of effect and line of sight.

Triggered Actions
Event Horizon ✦ At-Will
Trigger: An enemy within 3 squares of the singularity willingly moves away from it.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Close burst 10 (the triggering enemy in the burst); +13 vs. Fort
Hit: 5 damage, and the target is immobilized and gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends both).
Aftereffect: 10 damage.

✦ Warp - Arcana DC 21 (Standard Action): You or an adjacent ally gain +4 Defenses against the Astral Singularity's attacks and gain immunity to its line of effect/sight blocking effect UtEoYNT. Sustain Minor.

* The Entity of the Breach (Gargantuan aberrant immortal, standard, controller): 106 HP, AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 23, Init +7.

* Meenlock Stalker x 2 (Small aberrant humanoid, standard, controller/leader): 105 HP, AC 24, Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 22, Init +7.

* Meenlock Spewer x 4 (Small aberrant humanoid, artillery, minion): 1 HP, AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 23, Will 21, Init +8.

* DEFENDER SQUARES: Pick any 4 Y squares (including atop walls/cliffs).

Chanvati (C) in Y17
The Mind (T) in Y14
Bita-Bousseh (B) in Y5
Pa'avu (P) in Y4


Chanvati r18+11+2=(31)
Spewers (27)
Pa'avu r14+10+2=(26)
Bita-Bousseh r10+7+2=(19)
Stalkers (18)
Dread Star Plasmoids (18)
The Mind r8+4+2=(14)
Astral Singularities (14)
The Entity of the Breach (12)



Chanvati Monster Knowledge checks (No Action):

  • Religion vs Entity of the Breach, r20+14=34 Defeats Hard DC.
  • Dungeoneering vs Meenlock Spewers, r16+10=26 Defeats Hard DC.
  • Dungeoneering vs Meelock Stalkers, r13+10=23 Defeats Medium DC.

The Entity of the Breach
Gargantuan aberrant immortal
Level 10 Controller (Leader) XP 500
HP 106; Bloodied 53 Initiative +7
AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 23 Perception+8
Speed 0 Darkvision
Immune dazed

Corrosive Proximity (Aura 1)
Any creature that ends its turn in the aura takes 5 acid damage

Standard Actions
(⚔) Breech Bite (acid) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage and the entity slides the target 2 squares.

➶ Gaze into the Breech (charm, psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +13 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 10 psychic damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls on attacks that include the entity as a target (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target also is dazed (save ends both).

ᗕ Psychic Shackle (psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Close blast 3 (creatures in the blast); +13 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 7 psychic damage, and the target is restrained until the start of the entity's next turn.

Immediate Actions
ᗕ Thrall Sacrifice (Immediate Interrupt) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The entity is hit by a melee attack
Effect: Close burst 5 (one ally in the burst); the entity slides the target to a square adjacent to the entity and the attacker and the target suffers the attack instead of the entity.


Meenlock Spewer x 4
Small aberrant humanoid
Level 10 Minion Artillery XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +8
AC 24, Fortitude 22, Reflex 23, Will 21 Perception+11
Speed 6 5 Fly 2 (clumsy, hover) Darkvision

Standard Actions
(⚔) Puff (acid) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 6 acid damage and the spewer gains concealment.

(➶) Spew (acid) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +17 vs. AC
Hit: 9 acid damage, or 11 acid damage if the spewer has concealment.


Meenlock Stalker x 2
Small aberrant humanoid
Level 10 Controller/Leader Perception+5
Speed 5 Fly 2 (clumsy, hover) Darkvision
Resist 5 Acid, Immune Caiphon Corruption
Keywords: charm, disease, psychic, teleportation, Caiphon Corruption

Recognizing the immensity of the challenge before them, CHANVATI, Merchant-Prince of Bantouk, but also Psionic Sojourner of the Astral Sea, does what comes naturally to him: he activates the crystal nexus at his feet and is transported across the alien mote into another patch of crystal. He withdraws the war horn gifted him by the young Githyanki warrior and blows upon it a single, clarion note.

Instantly, ISHKA AND KUSHKA-VARRA appear, hovering in the alien landscape, the red dragon's mighty wings beating slowly, and largely unnecessarily, in this unearthly realm.

"Young warrior, noble steed, I greet you both!" Chanvati calls out. "When last we met, you spoke to me of finding what is sacred and nurturing, what gives shape and purpose to life in our realm. In truth, I always knew this thing of what you spoke. It is the impetus for an exemplar of her people to stand beside and before me as bodyguard; it is the blind confidence the Helltouched barrister places in me time and time again, despite the many risks to her own safety; it is the immediate answer to my call made by The Mind, finally willing to take action of its own accord in fulfillment of an ancient covenant. And your response, as well. Trust, Ishka, trust and loyalty are the best of our kind, and with it we will defeat Caiphon, the Illithid Empire, and whatever other alien infection might threaten what binds us together!"

Ishka cocks his head curiously. Kushka-varra rears backward, and without a motion, using merely the force of his mind, the Githyanki hurls his silver blade toward the Entity of the Breech, drawing its notice as surely as does the wasp stinging at the beekeeper's flesh.

Meanwhile, THE MERCHANT-PRINCE directs his focus to the Meenlock Stalker upon the bridge. This foe he knows so little about. But perhaps crushing it with telekinetic force will prove effective, at the very least slowing its advance!

Summon Ishka and Kushka-varra
With a mighty blow of the githyanki warhorn, the githyanki and red dragon swoop in to attack.
Single-Use ✦ Summoning
Minor Action Ranged 10
Effect: You summon a large dragon in an unoccupied square within range. The dragon has a speed of 6 and fly 8. It has a +2 bonus to AC and a +2 bonus to Fortitude. You can give the pair the following special commands.

Standard Action (Telekinetic Silverblade): Ranged 10 (no OA); targets one creature; level +3 vs. Will; 1d8 + 1/2 level psychic damage, and the target is marked by the I&K-v until the end of your next turn. Until the Telekinetic Silverblade mark ends, if the target makes any attack that does not include I&K-v as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll and you can spend an immediate reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage.

Standard Action (Breath Weapon): Close Blast 3; creatures; level +3 vs Ref; 1d10 +1/2 fire damage.

Opportunity Attack (Tail Lash): Melee 2; targets one creature in range that makes an attack that doesn't include I&K-v; level +5 vs. AC; 1d8 + 1/2 level damage, and the target is marked by I&K-v until the end of your next turn.

Instinctive Effect: If you haven't given I&K-v any commands by the end of your turn, it uses Breath Weapon if two enemies and no allies are in the blast or, if not, it attacks an enemy with Telekinetic Silverblade if it can. Otherwise, it moves its speed to a square adjacent to an enemy.

* Move: Activate crystal nexus Y17: teleport to crystal nexus L20 (15 ft elevation on cliff). Both crystals exhausted.

* Free: Battle Harness Armor: draw stowed item (Ishka's horn)

* Minor: Daily Consumable Power: Summon Ishka and Kushka-varra in F20 ^6

* Standard: Force Grasp vs. S2, r(10)+13=23 vs 21 Fort. Hit, r(2)+7=9 force damage & S2 Slowed UEoCNT.

* Instinctive Effect: Ishka and Kushka-varra use Telekinetic Silverblade R10 on EotB, r(19)+13=32 vs 23 Will. Hit. r(5)+5=10 psychic damage and EotB is Marked by I&K-v UEoCNT. If it makes an attack that does not include I&K-v, can use Immediate Reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage to EotB.

LOCATION: C in L20 (15 ft elevation on cliff); I&K-v in F20, ^ 6
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 10 to EotB, 9 to S2
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: EotB Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage. S2 Slowed UEoCNT.
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: na; crystal nexuses Y17 and L20 exhausted. Summon Ishka and Kushka-varra Consumable used.
PPs: 5/5

The leering MEENLOCK SPEWERS detect subtle vibrations as the Astral Crystal Nexus is activated. They hear the blare of the warhorn and the mighty, beaten wings of Kushka-varra. Alien faces surveil the landscape. Chanvati's position on high is obstructed by high terrain and Astral Singularity so the creatures hone in on the prey available to them.

Three triangulate the familiar, crystalline presence of a shardmind...a rare delicacy in these Astral outskirts. The charge and fling acid, leaving The Mind to defend itself with its mental might and limited physical prowess.

The fourth rushes the meaty (earthen?...mmmm...tastey morsel...) exterior of the near-giant Pa'avu. She swats its attack trivially as she hones in on her surroundings.

M (R19)

* Standard: Charge to X15 and MBA Puff (M1) vs M's AC; r(6) +15 +1 (charge) = 22. Miss.

M (Q14)

* Standard: Spew (R10) vs T's AC; r(15) +17 = 32. Hit; 9 acid damage to T.

M (X12)

* Standard: Spew (R10) vs T's AC; r(16) +17 = 33. Hit; 9 acid damage to T.

M (Q4)

* Standard: Charge to X5 and MBA Puff (M1) vs P's AC; r(2) +15 +1 (charge) = 18. Miss.

LOCATION: X15, Q14 (15 ft elevation on cliff), X12 (15 ft elevation on cliff), X5

PA'AVU uses her negligent swatting off the spewer to move through its space to a better strategical position. Then, after successfully confusing its attention between the tiefling it still faces and the larger entity that just invaded its space, the goliath swings her trusty Velmech'ti at its tentacled head.

Immediately the head is severed from its strange body of bones, its rolling and bouncing calling Pa'avu's attention to another, sneakier Meenlock beyond, and she lopes over to it, sure that the barrister will give instruction, as she is wont to do.

* Standard Action: Pressing Strike vs. M(X5): Shift 2 squares from Y4 to V3; ATK: r20 +16 = 36 vs. 24 AC/Hit; Damage: M(X5) Killed

* Move Action: 6 squares from V3 to P5

SURGES: 10/11

BITA-BOUSSEH nods approvingly as the Half-giant beside her moves with surprising agility and cuts down the alien entity before it has further opportunity for assault and then advances upon their next foe with similar menace.

"Your master proves wise in placing his trust in you, Goliath!" she exclaims. "Now, follow through with another blow."

Emboldened by the Tiefling's words, Pa'avu slips around the meenlock and strikes it a resounding blow.

The Barrister moves across the astral landscape almost as if in a dream. She turns her infernal gaze against two foes, managing to strike down one of the meenlocks atop the cliffside that struck their bizarre Shardmind ally. But the will of the meenlock at Pa'avu's flank is iron, and she is unable to penetrate its defenses.

* Move: 6 squares Y5 to R5

* Minor: Bedevil the Fray: Slides P 3 squares P5 to M6 and P makes MBA vs S1, r(14)+16 -2 (Cover) = 28 vs 24 AC. Hit, r(7)+9=16 damage.

* Standard: Infernal Glower R10 (one or two enemies): ATK vs S1, r(8)+13=21 vs 22 Will. Miss. ATK vs M(X12), r(18)+13=31 vs 21 Will. Hit. M(X12) KILLED

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: P does 16 damage to S1, M(X12) KILLED
CURRENT HP: 69/69 (heh heh)

Taking abominable delight in the sizzle on the skin of Caiphon's dread aurora, the pair of MEENLOCK STALKERs link themselves psychically to Pa'avu and Chanvati. The suffering is gladly, for generations of successful hunting strategy has foretold that their prey will soon experience the same but amplified multifold!

One even goes so far as to bait the business end of a blade across its bony protrusions for the tradeoff as it slinks into the welcoming embrace of Caiphon's Aurora!

Pa'avu evades the terrible hooked bones flung in her direction as Chanvati momentarily succumbs to maddening whispers invading his mind!


* Minor: Horrid Link on P UtsoS1NT or it uses horrid link again.

➶ Horrid Link (psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
Effect: The stalker forges a link with one creature within 10 squares of it. The link lasts until the start of the stalker's next turn or until the stalker uses horrid link again. The first time the stalker takes damage, the target of its horrid link takes 1d10 + 6 psychic damage, after which the link ends.

* Move: 4 sq to R10 TRIGGER; PROVOKES OA FROM P; MBA vs S1's AC; r(14) +15 = 29. Hit. r(2) +9 = 11 damage. TRIGGER; HORRID LINK ON P; r(4) +6 = 10 psychic damage and Horrid Link ends.

; takes 7 - 5 (Resist) = 2 Acid damage.

* Standard: Bone Fling R5 (one creature) vs P's Ref: r(2)+13=15. Miss.

(➶) Bone Fling ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +13 vs. Ref
Hit: 2d8 + 4 damage, the stalker slides the target 1 square and the target grants CA (SE).


* Start of Turn: Take 7 - 5 (Resist) = 2 Acid from Caiphon Aurora.

* Minor: Horrid Link on C UtsoS1NT or it uses horrid link again.

* Standard: Maddening Whispers R10 (one creature affected by this stalker's horrid link) vs C's Will: r(17)+13=30. Hit. r(3) +5 = 8 psychic damage and C is dazed (SE).

LOCATION: S1 in R10, S2 in F14
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: P takes 10 damage. C takes 8 damage
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: C Horrid Link UtSoSNT (look at interaction with Caiphon Aura!), C is dazed (SE)
CURRENT HP: S1 76/105, S2 94/105
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: S2 Slowed UEoCNT, S1/2 Horrid Link on recharge

The crystal matrix that comprises THE MIND's form is attenuated by the acid spew of the Meenlocks, bringing an acute awareness of its physicality that normally is not part of the shardmind's ontology. So when one of the creatures menaces him directly in close proximity, The Mind reacts with an innate response not usually so primed. It instantly morphs the structure of its arm into a dazzling crystal blade and plunges it through the Spewer, which promptly collapses, sliding off his skewer-arm like a melting jelly.

Then The Mind deliberately navigates across the valley towards the Scylla and Charybdis ahead.

* Standard: Shardblade vs M(X15), r(12)+15=27 vs 24 AC. Hit. M(X15) KILLED

* Move: 6 squares Y14 to R18


The temporal and spatial regions around the ASTRAL SINGULARITIES flex, bend, fold. What is outside of these regions cannot interact with what lies within. What is inside of these regions cannot interact with what lies without.


Standard Action Close burst 3
Target: All creatures in or within 3 squares of the singularity.
Attack:+13 vs. All
Hit: For each defense hit, the target takes 1d8 damage and is pulled 1 square. If the creature ends within a square of Astral Singularity, it is slowed (SE) at altitude 2.
Effect: The singularity and all squares adjacent to it are difficult terrain. It and the squares of its burst continuously block both line of effect and line of sight.

* Chanvati w/in CBu3. Attack vs AC, Fort, Ref, Will: r(19, 11, 2, 3) +13 = Hit AC and Fort. r(1, 5) = 6 damage and pulled 2 squares to L18 at and slowed (SE) at altitude 2. Effect: The singularity and all squares adjacent to it are difficult terrain. It and the squares of its burst continuously block both line of effect and line of sight.


The singularity and all squares adjacent to it are difficult terrain. It and the squares of its burst continuously block both line of effect and line of sight.

DAMAGE TO CREATURES: C takes 5 damage.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: C is pulled 2 squares to L18 at and slowed (SE) at altitude 2. C has no LoE or LoS to creatures outside of the Effect and no creatures have LoE or LoS to C. C is flying w/ clumsy tag; -4 penalty to attack rolls and all defenses.

The ENTITY OF THE BREACH ripples its incomprehensible, stupendous form. Something that a mortal or a creature of the Astral Sea might interpret as a mouth gapes. Ishka and his mighty Red Dragon are forced to gaze into the impossible depths of the Far Realm.

The pair have seen worse in their young lives.

The githyanki rider spits an epithet at the creature "Ushk-vlemt" and the dragon beneath him snorts as if in approval.

* Standard: Gaze into the Breach R10 (one creature) vs I&K-v's Will: r(9)+13=22. Miss.

CURRENT HP: 96/106
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.

EotB 96/106 Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.
MS1 76 /105
MS2 94/105 Slowed UEoCNT


ROUND 2 (Beginning of next round, a Standard xp budget worth of Far Realm enemies emerges from The Breach)

Yuri told CHANVATI repeatedly that he should read The Astral Codicil to the Fables of Genga, but the Psion refused, dismissing the text as apocrypha. But apocrypha or no, perhaps Yuri was correct, for the detailed episode of the eponymous heroine's grapple with and escape from an Astral Singularity would no doubt prove of some use right now.

Desperate, grasping at straws, the Merchant-Prince ponders his options, none of them good. The exterior plane has disappeared from sight in a lacuna of dull, dim black. No one to help him, Pa'avu far across the battlefield. That was unwise. He frowns. Reaches out with ki energy to imbue the blankness with some palpable reality, warping the singularity's vast devouring for a moment, at least. The Astral Plane returns to view, and he struggles to break free of the singularity's awesome gravity. But it pulses at his first movement, an event horizon that paralyzes him, body and mind.

The young Githyanki, mounted upon his terrifying steed, expresses confusion. His ally, the human Psion was there one moment. Now he is gone. So be it. He shall continue his assault upon the Entity of the Breach, for in that action lies honor!

* Starts turn: Dazed (SE), Slowed (SE), Fly (clumsy) ^2; Superior Will grants Save vs Dazed, r(14). Saves.

* Standard: Warp Countermeasure vs AS1, Arcana r(17)+16=33 vs 21 DC. Succeeds. Effect: +4 defenses vs AS and avoid its LoE/LoS effects UtEoYNT (Sustain Minor).

* Minor: Mind Shroud, Superior Cover & Slowed UEoCNT

* Move: Run 4 squares L18 to H22. TRIGGERS OA FROM AS1 Event Horizon, r16+13+2 CA - 5 SC = 26 vs 19 Fort (-4 clumsy negated by Warp). Hit. 5 damage and Immobilized and C gains Vulnerable 5 all (SE both). TRIGGERING MOVE ACTION FOR "RUN" IS LOST BUT DOESN'T RESOLVE (so no CA nor -5 to hit USoCNT debuff for Run action).

* Instinctive Effect: Ishka and Kushka-varra use Telekinetic Silverblade R10 on EotB, r(18)+13=31 vs 23 Will. Hit. r(1)+5=6 psychic damage and EotB is Marked by I&K-v UEoCNT. If it makes an attack that does not include I&K-v, can use Immediate Reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage to EotB.

* Ends turn: Save vs Immobilized & Vulnerable, r(20). Succeeds. Afteraffect: 10 damage to C. Save vs Slowed, r(5). Fails.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: EotB is Marked by I&K-v UEoCNT. If it makes an attack that does not include I&K-v, can use Immediate Reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage to EotB.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Slowed (SE), Warp UtEoYNT (Sustain Minor), Flying ^2 (clumsy), Superior Cover UEoCNT

MEENLOCK SPEWERS hunt in packs, triangulating prey and funneling them into a "kill box" like so many pack hunters on the various cosmological and material planes. What works here works there...and there...and there...and there...

However, with its packmates winnowed entirely, the lone Spewer is left to solitary predation measures...spew at the prey!

The Mind feels the weight of its assault as the crystalline creature works its way across the alien battlefield of the Astral mote, but the acidic volley strikes the intervening cliff terrain instead.

M (Q14)

* Standard: Spew (R10) vs T's AC; r(6) +17 -2 (Cover from The Mind's position relative to The Spewers position and the intervening heigh and Blocking Terrain of the cliff) = 21. Miss.


PA'AVU takes a moment to somehow find her l'pahb'gin in this strange and alien place. As she feels the comfortable familiarity of being one with the Earth they are psychically separate from, the sense of being (almost literally) grounded gives her weight and balance in her thoughts and actions.

Seconds ago she felt the psychic panic of her gosb'tar, and now nothing. Nothing but the plan he put into action before it all went ... well ... crazy and surreal. She feels as if she can see everything and nothing and that seeing here is not always with your eyes. So, she listens to the waves of instinct her l'pahb'gin sends in the vibration of her skin.

Pulling out from her blood, skin, guts, instinct the movement of crane's wings, the goliath soars over everything for a moment: the two singularities (her mind puzzles briefly over the idea of the uniqueness of two before letting it brush past her with the featherweight of one of Chanvati's thoughts), the purple haze of the Caiphon Aurora - beautiful and poisonous, Bita-Bousseh, the besieged Mind, and her targets.

She pierces the Aurora, ignoring much of the acidic sizzle of her stoneskin, and lands next to one of the stalkers. She thwacks it with Velmech'ti, slicing between several of the skeletal protective plates of its skin and severing what she believes are tendons. She has caught its full attention. She will not be ignored.

* Minor: activate One with the Earth (Recharge 6): Resist 5 All UEoPNT

* Move: Crane's Wings Movement: make Athletics check to jump w/ + 5 power bonus/distance of jump not limited to speed: r10,20 (Powerful Athlete) +16 +5 = 41; 8 squares cleared vertically and horizontally (enough to clear both Astral Singularity's Event Horizon and Caiphon Aurora, but land in the latter). Begin in M6, End in G14, triggering Caiphon Aurora: 7 -5 OwtE =2 Damage

* Standard: Rage of the Death Spirit vs. S2: r10 +16 = 26 vs 24 AC/Hit; Damage: r3,3 +9 = 15 Damage & S2 is Weakened (SE); effect: Enter Rage of Death Spirit: 1st action each turn, free action: mark enemies w/in 2 squares UEoPNT. P get +2 ATK vs marked enemies. TRIGGER: S1's Horrid Link w/ C goes off. However, there is no LoE from S1 to C due to Event Horizon as C is not occupying the same spatial/temporal dimensions as S1 presently, so C takes no damage.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 15 Damage to S2
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: One with the Earth: Resist 5 All UEoPNT (Recharge 6)
SURGES: 10/11

The Barrister watches as Pa'avu gives a great leap and is gone, clear over the miasmic aurora of Caiphon's spew, beyond the disturbances in spacetime that warp all reality around them, folding her vision back in on itself. BITA-BOUSSEH looks around her: walls and cliffs hedging her in; the only creatures in sight those disgusting Meenlocks.

"Eff this!" she thinks to herself. "How is it that, time and time again, I am abandoned on the battlefield to face my enemies alone? What does it say about me as a person that I allow this to continue?"

She directs the full force of her Infernal Glower upon her foes, shattering the will to live in the Spewer atop the cliff-face. But the Caiphonian Aurora gives meaning and method to the Meenlock Stalker lurking within, and it is unaffected by the Glare of the Hells.

Then, the Barrister begins to hustle out of Dodge!

* Starts turn: Roll to Recharge Bedevil the Fray, r(1). Fails to Recharge.

* Standard: Infernal Glower R10 (one or two creatures), ATK vs M(Q14), r(15)+13-2 Cover=26 vs 21 Will. Hit. Killed. ATK vs S1, r(6)+13=19 vs 22 Will. Miss.

* Move: 6 squares R5 to K5


The Dread Star's acid sizzle on the bone-spiked, mangled flesh of the MEENLOCK STALKER hunting Bita-Bousseh doesn't even register. It scoops Astral Fungus into its insectoid maw and sprints with drug-induced vigor after the tiefling barrister. As the creature's claws nearly tear out her jugular she thinks "I could be home, sipping tea, rummaging through case files. Why am I being hunted by an abomination in the Astral Sea again?"

Near the converging Event Horizons of the Astral Singularities, Pa'avu is certainly aware at just how near she is to being shunted from this spatial dimension, this timeline, to another...

The creature before her flings bone matter from its forearm at her and her evasion nearly sends Pa'avu to "a place and time out of place and time." Suspended awkwardly in the air, she can feel the dilation of time and the distortion of space tickling at her being.


* Starts Turn: In Caiphon Aurora; 7 acid -5 (Resist) = 2 acid damage. Horrid Link Recharge; r(5) Recharges.

* Minor: Horrid Link on B UtsoS1NT or it uses horrid link again.

➶ Horrid Link (psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
Effect: The stalker forges a link with one creature within 10 squares of it. The link lasts until the start of the stalker's next turn or until the stalker uses horrid link again. The first time the stalker takes damage, the target of its horrid link takes 1d10 + 6 psychic damage, after which the link ends.

* Minor: Use Astral Mushroom Patch (sq R10 exhausts); +2 power bonus to hit and damage in exchange for -2 defenses all UtEoS1NT.

* Standard: Charge to L6 and MBA (Claw) vs B's AC: r(17)+15 +1(Charge) +2 (AMP) =35. Hit. r(6, 6) +8 +2 = 22 damage.

(⚔) Claw ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 2d6 + 8 damage.


* Start of Turn: Take 7 - 5 (Resist) = 2 Acid from Caiphon Aurora. Horrid Link recharge; r(2) Fails to recharge.

* Move: Shift 1 sq to E14.

* Standard: Bone Fling R5 (one creature) vs P's Ref: r(15)+13 =28. Hit. r(6, 4) +4 = 14 - 5 (Resist) = 9/2 (weakened) = 4 damage and the stalker slides P 1 square to H13 (flying w/ hover but clumsy tag until back on ground) and P grants CA (SE).

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Weakened; r(4) Fails.

LOCATION: S1 in L6, S2 in E14
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: B takes 22 damage. P takes 4 damage
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: B Horrid Link w/ S1 UtSoSNT (look at interaction with Caiphon Aura!), P is in sq H13 flying (hover and clumsy) and grants CA (SE)
CURRENT HP: S1 74/105, S2 79/105
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: S1 +2 power bonus hit/damage and -2 defenses UtEoS1NT, S1/2 Horrid Link on recharge, S2 weakened (SE).

THE MIND is no stranger to the phenomenon of Astral Singularities. So when Chanvati disappears in the pulse of gravitational weight, the entity knows it must continue on its task alone for now. Stoically, for it knows no other way, it crosses the alien mote, then discorporates its body into a thousand shards that reappear atop the cliff.

* Move: 6 squares R18 to N21

* Move: Shardsward Encounter Power: Effect: Each enemy adjacent to The Mind (none) grants combat advantage until the end of The Mind’s next turn. The Mind then teleports 3 squares. N21 to K21, elevation 3, atop cliff.

LOCATION: K21, atop cliff

The temporal and spatial regions around the ASTRAL SINGULARITIES flex, bend, fold. What is outside of these regions cannot interact with what lies within. What is inside of these regions cannot interact with what lies without.


* Chanvati w/in CBu3. Attack vs AC, Fort, Ref, Will: r(1, 7, 13, 14) +13 +0 (Warp and Clumsy cancel) -5 (total concealment) = Miss all.
Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

Beset by the dragon-riding githyanki youth, the ENTITY OF THE BREACH again reveals the Far Realm mysteries to its assailants.

Four purple plasmoids of various shape undulate toward the gaping rift, preparing to cross into The Astral Sea by dictate of The Dread Star. The githyanki rider and the dragon regard the creatures and ready for their odd, spasmic "charge," but the insanity of The Far Realm beyond doesn't even give them pause.

* Standard: Gaze into the Breach R10 (one creature) vs I&K-v's Will: r(9)+13=22. Miss.

CURRENT HP: 90/106
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.

Four purple DREAD STAR PLASMOIDS (Minions) undulate through the gaping maw of the rift and the Entity of the Breach!

Initiative r(8) +10 = 18

EotB 90/106 Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.
MS1 74/105
MS2 79/105 Weakened (SE)



Chanvati Monster Knowledge check (No Action):
  • Dungeoneering vs Dread Star Plasmoids, r(8)+10=18 Defeats Medium DC.
Dread Star Plasmoid x 4
Medium aberrant magical beast (blind, cold, ooze)
Level 10 Minion Skirmisher XP 125
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +10
AC 24, Fortitude 23, Reflex 22, Will 22 Perception+6
Speed 6, Fly 6 (hover) Blindsight 10
Immune acid, cold, blinded, gaze, Caiphon Corruption
keywords: acid, cold.

Deep within the Astral Singularity, CHANVATI has an epiphany. He need not rely upon the model of others, even those heroes of his childhood. He is Chanvati, Merchant-Prince of House Audaseie and Psion Varipotent! He shall enact his own escape!

And so, exploiting his own mental warping of the singularity's gravity, he opens a dimensional shortcut between two points in space, one between him and The Mind, a second atop a nearby cliff, beyond the singularity's pull. The two psionic practitioners exchange a glance and moment of relief. "I knew I had this!" Chanvati reassures himself, as much as the shardmind, and shakes any lingering effects of this unfortunate incident from his mind. Won't give it another thought. Definitely won't make his memoirs.

Then, calling upon the potency of the Psistaff, he unleashes two bursts of spatiotemporal distortion. Chanvati, too, masters space and time! Two of the Plasmoids fall to the power of his mind, and the Entity weakens.

ISHKA is glad fate has given him this opportunity to serve Queen Vlaakith in her defense of the githyankis against their alien enemies. He projects his silverblade telekinetically into the Entity of the Breach once again, a resounding blow. KUSHKA-VARRA roars in triumph, and the blade returns to the young gith's hand.

* Begins turn: Slowed (SE), Warp UEoCNT, Flying ^2 (clumsy), Superior Cover UEoCNT

* Move: Dimensional Shortcut Daily: Close burst 3, Target: You and each ally in the burst, Effect: Choose a square within 20 squares of you (F22). Each target can teleport to a square within 3 squares of the square you choose as a free action. C TP to E21, TM TP to E23

* Minor: Inspiring Word on Self, Heals Surge (15) +r(6,6)=27 HP.

* Free + AUG2: Staff of Psicraft Daily to expand burst to 2 and retain Daily power

* Standard: Dimensional Scramble ABU 2 on A18, ATK vs EotB, r(9)+13=22 vs 22 Fort. Hit. ATK vs M(A20), r(6)+13=19 vs 23 Fort. Miss. ATK vs M(A18), r(12)+13=25 vs 23 Fort. Hit. ATK vs M(A16), r(3)+13=16 vs 23 Fort. Miss. Damage=r(5)+7=12 to EotB, M(A18) KILLED

* AP: Dimensional Scramble ABU 1 on A15, ATK vs EotB, r(3)+13=16 vs 22 Fort. Miss. ATK vs M(A16), r(7)+13=20 vs 23 Fort. Miss. ATK vs M(A14), r(20)=CRIT. M(A14) KILLED

* Instinctive Effect: Telekinetic Silverblade R10 vs EotB, r20=CRIT for 13 psychic damage and the target is marked by the I&K-v until the end of your next turn. Until the Telekinetic Silverblade mark ends, if the target makes any attack that does not include I&K-v as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll and you can spend an immediate reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage.

* Ends turn: Save vs Slow, r(12). Succeeds.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: cannot TP EotB, marked by the I&K-v until the end of your next turn. Until the Telekinetic Silverblade mark ends, if the target makes any attack that does not include I&K-v as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll and you can spend an immediate reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Warp ends, Superior Cover ends, no longer Flying
PP: 3/5

PA'AVU lands next to the strange otherworldly beast - a patchwork of all the animals she has ever seen, and then some. But she is of the natural world, and as such she will again be one with the Earth and the Stone and the Water. But for now, she will see her way through the sky and the stars, such as they are here in this strange purple haze.

With the power of the Death Spirit raging through her blood, she can see with great calculation the various components of this pieced-together being. The goliath roars and brings Velmech'ti down upon its boney hide with a flurry of rock-hard blows, slicing and bruising. The Stalker lifts its scaly arms to defend its tentacled face, turning away, but the Stoneblessed warrior presses ever forward, controlling the bridge and its players.

* Begins turn in Caiphon Aurora: takes 7 Acid - 5 Resist All (OwtE) = 2 Damage

* One with the Earth recharge: r4/does not recharge

* Free Action: Rage of the Death Spirit effect: first action of each turn P can mark each enemy within 2 squares of P UEoPNT: Marks S2

* Move: Fly 2 squares from H13 to land at F14

* Standard: Howling Strike vs. S2: r8 +16 +2 RoDS = 26 vs. 24 AC/Hit; Damage r6 +r1 +9 = 16

* No Action: Iron Soul Flurry of Blows Melee 1: Trigger: hit w/attack during turn: target takes 2 + 3 (Con Mod) = 5 additional Damage, and cannot Shift USoPNT

* Minor: Rain of Hammers Daily power: Make an at-will attack against enemy already hit w/attack during this turn: Pressing Strike vs. S2: Shift 2 squares to D14; ATK: r9 +16 +2 RoDS = 27 vs 24 AC/Hit; Damage r2 +r2 +9 = 13 & S2 is BLOODIED & Pushed to F14

* Free Action: CBU 1: Trigger: your attack bloodies an enemy: each enemy in burst (S2): 3 Thunder Damage; TOTAL DAMAGE TO S2: 37

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs CA. r(11) succeeds.

LOCATION: D14, S2: F14
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 37 Damage to S2 & Bloodied
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: S2 Weakened SE, cannot Shift USoPNT, Marked by P UEoPNT
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: One with the Earth ends with turn; In Caiphon Aurora, Rage of Death Spirit: +2 ATK vs. Marked Enemies
SURGES: 10/11

BITA-BOUSSEH is seriously considering her life decisions right now. Sipping tea? She needs something stronger than that! And so, what the hey, she emulates the Meenlock's action, steps back, grabs a handful of astral mushrooms, and feels their expansive effect before her saliva even begins to break them down into component elements. A sizzling ferocity, a neglect of self! She glowers at the Meenlock Stalker, propelling it over the edge of the embankment to hover there in a sparkling astral eddy.

Her head is buzzing now, most painfully, though be it the effect of the mushrooms or the Meenlock's horrid link is hard to say.

* Move: Shift 1 square K5 to L4

* Minor: Consume astral mushrooms (exhausts), +2 ATK & damage, -2 Defenses UEoBBNT

* Standard: Infernal Glower vs S1, r(13)+13+2=28 vs 22 Will. Hit. r3+10+2=15 damage & slides S1 3 squares, L6 to J8. TRIGGERS: Save vs slide off ledge, r3. Fails. TRIGGERS: Horrid Link: BB takes r(1)+6=7 psychic damage; Horrid Link ends.

LOCATION: L4, S1 in J8 Flying (clumsy)
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 15 damage to S1
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: S1 Flying (clumsy, hover)
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: +2 ATK & damage, -2 Defenses USoBBNT

The MEENLOCK STALKER facing Bita-Bousseh flies down to the astral mushroom patch, consumes its empowering essence and charges her with wild abandon again.

Unnerved by the real danger of the Goliath Barbarian before it, the second MEENLOCK STALKER uses its mastery over space to bend it, transporting it instantly next to Chanvati where, like its partner, it consumes empowering mushrooms and leads with a flurry of terrible claws.


* Starts Turn: Horrid Link Recharge; r(3) Fails.

* Move: Fly 2 sq to L7 and land.

* Minor: Use Astral Mushroom Patch (sq L7 exhausts); +2 power bonus to hit and damage in exchange for -2 defenses all UtEoS1NT.

* Standard: Charge to L5 and MBA (Claw) vs B's AC: r(15)+15 +1(Charge) +2 (AMP) =33. Hit. r(3, 2) +8 +2 = 15 damage. B BLOODIED


* Start of Turn: Take 7 - 5 (Resist) = 2 Acid from Caiphon Aurora. Horrid Link recharge; r(3) Fails.

* Move: Dimension Step to Teleport 7 sq to F21

Move Actions
Dimension Step (teleportation) ✦ Recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
Effect: The stalker teleports 8 squares.

* Minor: Use Astral Mushroom Patch (sq F21 exhausts); +2 power bonus to hit and damage in exchange for -2 defenses all UtEoS1NT.

* Standard: Claw vs C's AC: r(10)+15 +2 (AMP) - 2 (marked by P) =25. Hit. r(4, 2) +8 +2 = 16/2 = 8 damage

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Weakened; r(13) Succeeds.

LOCATION: S1 in L5, S2 in F21
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: B takes 15 damage (BLOODIED). C takes 8 damage
CURRENT HP: S1 59/105, S2 40/105
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: S1/S2 +2 power bonus hit/damage and -2 defenses UtEoS1NT, S1/2 Horrid Link on recharge, S2 Dimension Step on recharge, S2 cannot Shift USoPNT, S2 Marked by P UEoPNT

Oozing and undulating with ease through the Astral Sea, the amorphous DREAD STAR PLASMOIDS carry out Caiphon's will, harrying Chanvati and his githyanki and red dragon companions with acid that freezes and scours flesh and blood!

M (A20)

* Move: Fly 3 sq to D21 (hover).

* Standard: Slam (M1) vs C's Fort: r(16) +12 +2 (CA) = 30. Hit. 9 acid and cold damage.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Slam (acid, cold) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 9 acid and cold damage.

M (A16)

* Move: Fly 5 sq (circle to avoid OA) to F18(hover).

* Standard: Slam (M1) vs I&K-v's Fort: r(7) +12 +2 (CA) = 21. Miss.

LOCATION: flying in D21 and F18 (hover)
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: C takes 9 damage.

Impressed by the resourceful Psion's wielding of the Chronotope, THE MIND recognizes the efficacy of spatiotemporal manipulation. The shardmind reaches with its consciousness into a web of strings emanating from the Meenlock besetting Chanvati and withdraws one possible future--wherein the Breach Healers have already won--and inserts it into the Stalker's present. The creature's alien mind reels under the probabilities of this future. The nearby Dread Star Plasmoid cannot withstand such a thing. It implodes in a collapse of plasma and magnetic fields.

* Standard: Take from the Future (ENC, Zone): ABU1 on E21 (enemies in burst), ATK vs S2, r13+14=27 vs 20 Will (mushroom debuff); ATK vs M D21, r11+14-25 vs 22 Will. r7,1+7=15 psychic damage and Dazed (SE). M D21 DESTROYED.
Effect (ORANGE): The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the encounter. When any enemy ends its turn within the zone, The Mind can slide it 3 squares as a free action.


The temporal and spatial regions around the ASTRAL SINGULARITIES flex, bend, fold. What is outside of these regions cannot interact with what lies within. What is inside of these regions cannot interact with what lies without.


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

The depths of The Far Realm are a strange thing to the perception of creatures alien to that unfathomable place. So when The Dread Star's Plasmoids pour through the ENTITY OF THE BREACH's terrible maw, the view of deranging spatial relationships becomes much more potent.

The githyanki rider and his dragon companion momentarily succumb to the impossible things they see within...

* Standard: Gaze into the Breach R10 (one creature) vs I&K-v's Will: r(16)+13=29. Hit. r(2, 4) + 10 = 16 psychic damage, and I&K-v take a –2 penalty to attack rolls on attacks that include the entity as a target (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target also is dazed (save ends both).

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 16 damage to I&K-v (14 HP remaining).
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: I&K-v take a –2 penalty to attack rolls on attacks that include the entity as a target (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target also is dazed (save ends both).
CURRENT HP: 65/106
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.

EotB 65/106 Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.
MS1 59/105
MS2 25/105 Cannot Shift USoPNT, Marked by P UEoPNT



As the young githyanki and his noble steed are assaulted by the mindbreaking realities of the Far Realm, CHANVATI attends to matters nearer to hand: the vile Meenlock to his flank. The Chronotope is fluid here, no doubt the warping influence of these Astral Singularities, and so the Psion has an easy time of folding space in upon itself, shunting the Meenlock deep within the Singularity's pull.

Then, Chanvati draws upon the magic within his healer's sash to break the spell ensorceling Ishka and Kushka-Varra. Their minds are rejuvenated, and Ishka is primed to once again assault the Entity of the Breach, though that moment awaits a further opportunity.

* Free: Staff of Psicraft Daily AUG2 (to retain use) to expand Burst by 1

* Standard: Dimensional Scramble ABU2 on H19, ATK vs S2, r11+13=24 vs 21 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs M, r7+13=20 vs 23 Fortitude. Miss. r5+7=12 damage and S2 teleported to K16 (square adjacent to burst, in DT)

* Minor: Healer's Sash Daily Power on I&KV: C loses 1 surge and I&KV regain 14 HP (C's Healing Surge value)

* Instinctive Effect: Telekinetic SIlverblade R10 (no OA) vs EotB, r6+13 -2 (GitB) =17 vs 23 Will. Miss.

* End of Turn: I&K-v saving throw vs GitB; r(2) Fails. + Dazed (SE)

LOCATION: C in E21, I&KV in F20 ^6, S2 in K16
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 12 damage to S2
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: S2 teleported to K16, in DT and burst effect area, adjacent to AS
CURRENT HP: C 43/60, I&KV 28/30
PP: 1/5

She knows she has a chance in hell, but PA'AVU still likes her chances. After all, has she not already been in hell? Or at least in hellish places?

Taking a deep breath into her l'pahb'gin and hoping that Stoneroot has refreshed his gift to her (he did!), the goliath prepares to leap into the unknown. It seems she will fly here, but does she really know? As her feet leave the surface of the bridge, she can feel her stoneskin harden protectively, her lithoderms growing, the gray color deepening.

Arriving next to the Entity, she finds her mind fighting to comprehend what she is looking at. Pulling her senses back into herself, she becomes one with Velmech'ti, and together they scream and swing and slice into ... whatever the Entity is. The scent of ... blood? Ichor? ... the blade cuts deeper.

And once again Pa'avu hovers, feeling an unfamiliar sense of awkwardness.

* At start of turn, take 7 damage from Caiphon Aurora & roll to recharge One with the Earth: r6. Recharges

* Minor: activates One with the Earth: Resist 5 All UEoPNT (recharges)

* Move: 4 squares to the Entity including Jump: Athletics check: r17,16 (Powerful Athlete) +16 = 33/clears 3 squares. Move from D14 to D15 & jump (clearing C16, B17), landing in A18 (out of the Aurora)

* Standard: Rage Strike Melee (expending Rage of the Crimson Hurricane/5th level Rage) vs. The Entity: r16 +16 -4 = 28 vs. 24 AC/Hit; Damage: r3,3,9,7 +9 =31 to Entity; THE ENTITY BLOODIED

* Ends Turn in EotB Corrosive Proximity (Aura 1): 5 acid damage - 5 (Resist) = 0 damage.

LOCATION: A18 (Flying)
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: One with the Earth UEoPNT; Rage of Death Spirit: +2 ATK vs. Marked Enemies; Clumsy
SURGES: 10/11

BITA-BOUSSEH's head swims. These astral mushrooms are SOMETHING. Her head buzzes with lights, connective tracers between objects. But, then again, these phenomena are typical of the Astral Sea anyway, or so she's been told. But more to the point, she now sees possibility where none was before.

She steps back from the menacing Stalker and reaches down. "Why not? A girl's gotta live a little." She scarfs down a mouthful and the already-luminous terrain is aswim with light and tracers.

"Off with your head, monster! I've got a very important date ... with my consort ... on the other side of reality. ORANGE MARMALADE!"

The Barrister glares at the creature with all the fury of The Hells. It reels and stumbles to the side from her assault.

Move: Shift 1 square L4 to M3

Minor: Consume astral mushrooms (+2 ATK & damage, -2 Defenses UEoBBNT; exhausts M3 square)

Standard: Infernal Glower R10 vs S1, r16+13+2=31 vs 22 Will. Hit, r10+10+2=22 damage and Slides S1 1 square L5 to K4. S1 BLOODIED

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: +2 ATK & damage, -2 Defenses UEoBBNT

The MEENLOCK STALKER facing Bita-Bousseh finds its situation growing increasingly desperate, yet the meal on its mind still overrides its basic survival impulse. It imbues her with the horrid imagery of its abominable mind and twists her psyche, forcing her to reel terribly close to the event horizon of one of the Astral Singularities!

The second MEENLOCK STALKER, lost to time and space, attempts to move away from its impossible predicament on rote proprioception. The Astral Singulartiy swallows it, sending its matter to its fathomless collecting pool.


* Starts Turn: Horrid Link Recharge; r(5) Succeeds.

* Move: Shifts 1 sq to J5.

* Minor: Horrid Link (Psychic) on B. Effect: The stalker forges a link with one creature within 10 squares of it. The link lasts until the start of the stalker's next turn or until the stalker uses horrid link again. The first time the stalker takes damage, the target of its horrid link takes 1d10 + 6 psychic damage, after which the link ends.

* Standard: Twisting Whispers (charm, disease, psychic) R10 (one creature affected by this stalker's horrid link) vs B's Will. r(20) = Crit. 6 +2 (Astral Mushroom) = 8 psychic damage and the stalker slides B 3 squares to I5 (no BA as no target near). The target is then exposed to caiphon corruption.


* Start of Turn: Horrid Link Recharge; r(5) Succeeds. Dimension Step Recharge; r(1) Fails.

* Move: 1 sq to J16 TRIGGERS AS1 EVENT HORIZON OA (Trigger: An enemy within 3 squares of the singularity willingly moves away from it) vs S2'S FORT; r(14) +13 + 27. Hit. Hit: 5 damage, and the target is immobilized and gains vulnerable 5 to all damage (save ends both).
Aftereffect: 10 damage.

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs Event Horizon; r(18) Succeeds. Aftereffect: 10 damage. S2 SLAIN.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: B takes 8 damage.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Slide B 3 squares to I5 and expose to Caiphon's Corruption, Horrid Link with B.
CURRENT HP: S1 37/105
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: S1 Astral Mushroom ends, S1 Horrid Link on recharge.

Perhaps the DREAD STAR PLASMOID hears a telepathic call from the Entity or perhaps it moves upon an alien volition that is too inscrutable to even consider. Nonetheless, it disengages with the dragon-riding githyanki youth and charges Pa'avu and her stone-bulwarked flesh!

M (F18)

* Minor Action: Magnetic Field (Encounter). Shift 2 sq to D17

Minor Actions
Magnetic Field (Encounter)
Effect: The plasmoid shifts 2 squares.

* Standard: Charge to B18 and Slam (M1) vs P's Fort: r(17) +12 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 32. Hit. 9 -5 (Resist) = 4 acid and cold damage.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Slam (acid, cold) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 9 acid and cold damage.

LOCATION: flying in B18 (hover)
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: P takes 4 damage.

Observing the Goliath's furious assault upon The Entity of the Breach, THE MIND recognizes its moment: In those [huge number] possible futures foreseen when Taking from the Future, [large percentage] showed its own debilitating of the Entity to set up a killing blow. The Mind acts. Reaching out with its own, formidable psionic capability, it attempts to stun the Entity and bind it to The Mind's will. It does not succeed ; the Entity's own psychic protections are profound.

Of those manifold possible futures, this unhappy outcome was not absent.

* Standard: Psionic Puppet R10 (one creature) vs EotB, r3+14=17 vs 23 Will. Miss: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn. This effect also ends if the target is attacked. NEGATED by EotB's Immunity to Dazed condition.


The temporal and spatial regions around the ASTRAL SINGULARITIES flex, bend, fold. What is outside of these regions cannot interact with what lies within. What is inside of these regions cannot interact with what lies without.


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

The depths of The Far Realm are a strange thing to the perception of creatures alien to that unfathomable place. So when The Dread Star's Plasmoids pour through the ENTITY OF THE BREACH's terrible maw, the view of deranging spatial relationships becomes much more potent.

The githyanki rider and his dragon companion momentarily succumb to the impossible things they see within...

* Standard: Breach Bite M1 (one creature) vs P's AC: r(10)+15 +2 (CA) -2 (marked) =25. Hit. r(7) +2 -5 (Resist) = 4 psychic damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage and the entity slides P 2 squares to A16 (into Caiphon Aurora). TRIGGER (C iMMEDIATE ACTION) EoTB TAKES r(4) PSYCHIC DAMAGE FROM I&K-v MARK.

(⚔) Breech Bite (acid) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8 + 2 damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage and the entity slides the target 2 squares.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 4 damage to P
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: I&K-v take a –2 penalty to attack rolls on attacks that include the entity as a target (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target also is dazed (save ends both). P in Corosive Proximity (Aura 1), OG 5 acid damage (SE), and slid 2 sq to A16 into Caiphon Aurora.
CURRENT HP: 30/106
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.

EotB 30/106 Marked by I&K-v; if it makes attack that doesn't include I&K-v, take 1d8 psychic damage.
MS1 37/105



Impressed by the mighty attack of his Pa'avu, CHANVATI recognizes he cannot match her sheer output of damage to the Entity of the Breach. But perhaps he can make her job somewhat easier. The Psion folds time in upon itself and outwards again, hoping to damage the Entity and collapse the Plasmoid in an implosion of spacetime. But something goes wrong! The former surely occurs, but the warping proximity of the Astral Singularity foils Chanvati's assault upon the Plasmoid. It lingers, to threaten Pa'avu with its very existence.

To the Psion's great surprise, however, Ishka throws off the enchanting effect of the Entity's presence long enough to pick Chanvati up by blasting the Plasmoid with his telekinetic silverblade, destroying it. Kushka-varra gives another roar.

Chanvati looks over and nods to the young warrior in appreciation, which Ishka returns in kind.

* Standard: Dimensional Scramble ABU1 on A18, ATK vs EotB, r15+13=28 vs 22 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs M, r3+13=16 vs 23 Fortitude. Miss. Damage=r1+7=8, EotB Immune to teleport.

* Instinctive Effect: I&K-V use Telekinetic Silverblade on M, r17+13=30 vs 22 Will. Hit. M DESTROYED

* Ends turn: Ishka & Kushka-Varra Save vs Dazed. r15. Succeeds. No longer Dazed.

LOCATION: C in E21, I&KV in F20 ^6
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: EotB Marked by I&KV UEoCNT. Until the Telekinetic Silverblade mark ends, if the target makes any attack that does not include I&K-V as a target, it takes a -2 penalty to the attack roll and you can spend an immediate reaction to deal 1d8 psychic damage.
CURRENT HP: C 43/60, I&KV 30/30
PP: 1/5

PA'AVU pushes the strange otherness of hovering in liquid purple space and so close to this ... whatever-thing ... to the back of her mind to focus on the task at hand. The Entity is so unbelievably enormous that she can still attack its ... shell? ... though she has been slid back into this Caiphon haze. She breathes deeply into her l'pahb'gin for whatever help Stoneroot can send.

To bypass the confusion and mistrust of her senses, the goliath roars and once again allows Velmech'ti to take the lead, hacking and slicing at whatever dwells within the Breach. And it disintegrates, melts away to nothing.

There is an emptiness that Pa'avu realizes she must reach into, although every ounce of her psyche rebels, ferociously and with great vigor. But she holds her hand there, eyes almost closed, the lithoderms in her stoneskin feeling as hot as molten rock. Her l'pahb'gin is clearly using her body as a conduit of healing from the Primal Magicks of Stoneroot.

Her mind momentarily reels from the attempt to comprehend the possibilities of such a thing. Then, the goliath feels as if someone were calming her as one would a horse, and the moment passes - and the thoughts with it.

* At start of turn, take 7 - 5 Resist All = 2 Damage from Caiphon Aurora & roll to recharge One with the Earth: r3. Does not Recharge.

* Standard: Rage Strike Melee (expending Tyrant's Rage/1st Level Rage) vs. The Entity: r18 +16 -4 Flying = 30 vs. 24 AC/Hit; Damage r5,6,3 +9 +2 GoB = 25 Damage/The Entity KILLED. TRIGGER: The Entity of the Breach is defeated. EFFECT: Seal the Far Realm Breach (SC available).

* Move: Heal the Astral Flow: Primary Skill Heal check: r19 +11 =30 vs. 20 DC, take 5 - 5 Resist All = 0 Psychic Damage. 1 Success in SC; Seal the Far Realm Breach.

* Ends turn no longer in The Entity's Aura because ... Dead; One with the Earth ends.

LOCATION: A16, Flying
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: One with the Earth ends; Rage of Death Spririt: +2 ATK vs. Marked Enemies; Clumsy; in Caiphon Aurora

BITA-BOUSSEH can feel the Meenlock in her mind, projecting its horrid proclamations of suffering and death. She had been warned of the danger of astral mushrooms, but this is definitely turning into an unpleasant sojourn! Time to end this.

And so, with the deft footwork learned among the thronging courtrooms of Bantouk's Justiciars, the Tiefling skips away, beyond the easy grasp of the devouring singularity, shooting the Stalker the most baleful of glowers, her eyes ablaze with the fires of the Hells. The creature staggers back away from her in response, but it moves within the pull of the singularity, caught within its dreadful orbit. Bita-Bousseh reels as the creature's fear at its impending demise reverberates in her own mind, shooting pain and streaks of violet light.

And then her head clears and she has her wits about her once again.

* Starts turn: Rolls to Recharge Bedevil the Fray (I've forgotten this three turns running!), r6. Recharges. Huzzah! Even if she has no allies nearby...

* Move: Lawyer's Dodge, shifts 3 squares I5 to L6.

* Standard: Infernal Glower R10 vs S1, r8+13+2 astral mushrooms=23 vs 22 Will. Hit. r5+10+2 astral mushrooms=17 damage & BB slides S1 3 squares J5 to G8 (within Singularity's burst area). TRIGGERS Horrid Link, r1+6=7 psychic damage to BB. Horrid Link ends.

LOCATION: L6, S1 in G8
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: S1 slid to G8, subject to full range of AS burst aura, Horrid Link ends
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: astral mushrooms buff ends

The MEENLOCK STALKER facing Bita-Bousseh finds itself shrouded in darkness, out of space and time. There is a pull exerted against its entire body from seemingly all directions so it acts on instincts and removes itself from space and time. Stepping out of the dimensional portal, the meenlock scoops a pile of astral fungus at its horrid mandibular region and engulfs them.

A shrill cry later and it has hurled itself violently at a very surprised Bita-Bousseh!


* Start of Turn: Horrid Link Recharge; r(2) Fails.

* Move: Dimension Step; Teleport to L2.

* Minor: Use Astral Mushroom Patch (sq L2 exhausts); +2 power bonus to hit and damage in exchange for -2 defenses all UtEoS1NT.

* Standard: Charge to L5 and MBA (Claw) vs B's AC: r(12)+15 +1(Charge) +2 (AMP) =30. Hit. r(4, 2) +8 +2 = 16 damage. TRIGGER B's INFERNAL WRATH (FREE ACTION; CBU10. TRIGGER: An enemy within 10 squares of her hits Bita-Bousseh): r(7) +8 = 15 fire damage to S1.

The Stalker emerges from the pull of the singularity to the Barrister's great surprise. "I thought I had it!" As it charges her, a fury of claws and whatever passes for spite among the weird of the Beyond, BITA-BOUSSEH returns outrage for injury, allowing the fires of the Hells to flow through her, scorching her foe.

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: B takes 16 damage.
CURRENT HP: S1 5/105
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: S1 Astral Mushroom UtEoS1NT, S1 Horrid Link and Dimension Step on recharge.

Their foes defeated, for now at least, THE MIND cocks its head quizzically at The Breach. The crystal networks of its brain pulse at undetectable frequencies, arcane matrices being read and analyzed at a speed unfathomable to all but the most skilled of mortals.

<<Interesting,>> it projects telepathically to Chanvati. <<Unless I am mistaken, the planar fabric here has been corrupted through inverse piezoelectrical charging. If I can reverse its oscillation, that should allow me to pass through to the other side and close The Breach. Permanently.>>

The Shardmind's head explodes outward some six inches in a rain of crystals yet still retains its general shape and form. Visible pulses of ruby energy reverberate through the astral swirl between The Mind and The Breach.

<<There,>> The Mind notes matter-of-factly. And then launches itself to close the gap between it and The Breach by half.

* Minor: Secondary Skill Arcana check to analyze the breakdown in planar fabric, +14 vs 14 Easy DC = Autosuccess for +2 forward to

* Standard: Primary Skill Dungeoneering check to Repair the Distortion, r9+14+2=25 vs 20 Moderate DC. 2nd Success in SC; Seal the Far Realm Breach.

* Move: Fly 2 squares E23 to C21

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Flying ^2 (clumsy)

The temporal and spatial regions around the ASTRAL SINGULARITIES flex, bend, fold. What is outside of these regions cannot interact with what lies within. What is inside of these regions cannot interact with what lies without.


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:


Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Effect and Event Horizon Effect UtEoE:

Four purple DREAD STAR PLASMOIDS (Minions) undulate through the gaping maw of the rift between the Far Realm and the Astral Sea!

* Same Initiative of 18

MS2 5/105



CHANVATI delays.

As purple clouds of the acidic Aurora swirl around and against her stoneskin, nibbling at the lithoderms within, PA'AVU digs deeply into her l'pahb'gin once more. Caiphon is so vast, so powerful, that she needs the weight of Stoneroot in her refuting its corrosive presence.

She meditates inward for a moment, gaze cast downward, focus soft, palms touching. Then the goliath throws her arms outward and brings her palms together in a thunderous, sweeping CLAP.

The echoes of her clap reverberate for a long moment in the strange purple Aurora. Then the clouds in the Aurora begins to shiver and shake.

* Begins turn in Caiphon Aurora (takes 7 acid damage) & roll to recharge One eith the Earth: r5 (does not recharge).

* Free Action: Rage of the Death Spirit: mark each enemy with 2 squares of P (Ms in A17, A15, & A18) UEoPNT.

* Minor: Earthen Renewal encounter power: spend 1 surge, for +2 power bonus to Primary Skill Nature

* Standard: Primary Skill Nature check to Abjure Caiphon's Presence: r14 +12 +2 = 28 vs. 20 Moderate DC. 3rd Success in SC; Seal the Far Realm Breach.

* Move: Shift 1 Square from A16 to B17

LOCATION B17, Flying
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Rage of the Death Spirit: +2 ATK vs. Marked Enemies; Clumsy, in Caiphon Aurora
Surges: 9/11

CHANVATI knows what is to come, and he does not relish in it. But he accepts that The Mind fulfills its destiny here, and that its sacrifice will spare the lives of many thousands back in the mortal realm.

<<Your kind is alien to mine, Shardmind,>> he sends telepathically. <<But I think in our short time together I have grown to know something of you that I would not have guessed: your patience and equanimity are virtues indicative of your bravery and self-sacrifice. Your actions here will not be forgotten, for I will ensure that the tale of The Mind is known and remembered down across the human ages to come. Thank you for your trust, my friend.>>

And with that, the crystal creature roused by Chanvati's praise, the Psion folds and unfolds space. Two plasmoids are obliterated, and if The Mind could give a gasp of pain, it surely would as it is teleported across The Breach and into the Far Realm Beyond.

Out of the corner of his eye, the Merchant-Prince catches a flash of Ishka's silverblade whizzing past him, but the distorting effects of Caiphon's influence save his targeted plasmoid the worst of the young githyanki's attack. Kushka-Varra roars in frustration.

* Minor: Rousing Words on The Mind; TM spends 2 surges 40 --> 58 HP

* Free: Adept's Insight AUG1 to buff ATK roll vs TM, r1+1=2

* Free: Staff of Psicraft Daily Power to boost burst by 1

* Standard: Dimensional Scramble ABU2 on A19. ATK vs TM, r17+13+2=32 vs 23 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs M A18, r16+13=29 vs 23 Fortitude. Hit. ATK vs MA17, r17+13=30 vs 23 Fortitude. Hit. Damage=r6+7=13. TM takes 13 damage and is teleported across The Breach (4th and final Success in SC; Seal the Far Realm Breach.). M A17 and M A18 DESTROYED.

* Instinctive Effect: I&KV use Telekinetic Silverblade on M A15, r4+13=17 vs 22 Will. Miss.

LOCATION: E21, TM teleported across the Breach
DAMAGE: 13 damage to TM, M 17 & M A18 DESTROYED.
CURRENT HP: C 43/60, I&KV 30/30
PP: 0/5

Alright, that's a wrap. SKILL CHALLENGE RESOLVED AND COMBAT OVER. There are no longer sufficient threats to our heroes and they'll have an Extended Rest (per prior) recharge upon return to the material world. BB will survive this round no matter what happens and the DSP aren't enough of a threat to finish anyone. So, in that case, you guys can just do a quick vignette of your goodbye to The Mind as it crosses, goodbye to I&K-v and tangling with your remaining enemies as your ghostly cords connecting you to The Astral Sea are severed and you all end up back in the barricaded Dome of Illumination with Hazard and the children.

Don't forget your saving throws vs Caiphon Corruption; -4 Will Defense for this final, Heroic Tier encounter and it will also come into play in our next encounter if you contract it!

And (to anyone following along), we are not going to tip our collective 40s to this combat because of all of the various misplays for us. Forgetting recharge rolls and my Minion being 1 square away from CBu5 so I missed out on using Thrall Sacrifice against Pa'avu's big damage attack! Terrible misplay!
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