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The Slave and Her Sovereign

3/4 Successes (0 Hard DCs available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

The lead scout leans into her viewing of Chanvati's curious song and performance, tail high and behind her for perfect balance. She mulls it heavily for many moments.

Afterward she pulls a token from her neck which has been hidden from view by her jerkin. It is a simple wood totem on creosote-weaved necklace; a crudely carved empty eye-socket. It is the symbol of Gruumsh.

Expressionless, she makes great, earnest effort to contort the features of her lizard jaw, mouth, and vocal means to produce slow utterances:

"One-Eyed demand slaughter, pillage. Take younglings. Maim weak...?"

She trails off. Its almost as if she is posing a question or looking for some council...some alternative way forward to address her God's demands. Its one thing to be physically bested and show deference to outsiders before her clan-mates. Its another still to defy her elders. However, its an entirely different ordeal to defile the Deity of Destruction!

What do you guys do?


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PA'AVU listens to the painstakingly pronounced words of the lead scout in complete silence and stillness. When she has finished her say, the goliath continues staring stolidly at her, seemingly in ponderous thought. In truth, Chanvati's Sahtree is carefully listening to and considering his sent thoughts: <Corellon took Gruumsh eye. Vengeance for village of elf children stew pot. We eat children Gruumsh happy. We keep horses pursuers follow us.>

The warrior takes another moment to put the stilted thoughts of her Gosb'tar into the more elegant (to her mind) nonspoken communication she and the Grimtooths have been using. She makes the signs for the one-eyed God and for Corellon. Following those signs with others depicting elves and children brings historic grief into the eyes of Gruumsh's followers. Then Pa'avu links the signs of vengeance and children together, indicating that she and her goliath tribe - by eating the young ones - will be exacting a kind of vengeance on Gruumsh's behalf.

Aloud the goliath growls, "we will do our part with the young flesh; you do yours with the rest. Since you have no need or want for horses, we will take them. This will also take pursuers off trail of Grimtooths."

Then Pa'avu forcefully strikes her forearm across her breast, a gesture recognized and mirrored by the lizardfolk.

  • Chanvati makes a Secondary Skill Religion check: +15 = Autosuccess vs 13 Easy DC to remember theological suppositions to give a +2 bonus
  • and he uses Adept's Insight (augmented) to give r(1) + 1 =2 additional bonus to
  • Pa'avu's Primary Skill Diplomacy check to close the terms of negotiations with the Grimtooths: r(15) + 5 + 2SS + 2 AI = 24 vs 18 Moderate DC/Success!!
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Goal: Parley with the Grimtooths to allow/facilitate the raid on the Omthalan party, while claiming the children as payment.

4 Successes. Goal of Nested SC achieved. 6th Success in macro-SC so Goal of Outrace the bladeling legions from Dolg Hana to the capital gates (6 successes) met.

6/10 Successes (1 Hard DC Available)/1 Failure/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available.

Goal: Outrace the bladeling legions from Dolg Hana to the capital gates (6 successes) and attain audience with the Empress (10 successes).

XP & Loot will be resolved at end of Heroic Tier conflict (will level up to 11 for Paragon Tier).

Farzin's face is buried into the body of the host rider in front of him as they gallop away. He pulls it away to look back momentarily. His mouth gapes at the site they leave behind.

He looks across at his sister. Para is mirroring him.

<Cut to wide shot as we watch the host of heroes gallop to the hulking gates of Bantouk...where something is amiss>

The drawbridge lies curiously open. Beyond, the sounds of a heated clash of arms set to simultaneous shouts of horror and coordination.

The hooves of your horses clatter upon the wood of the bridge.

Bantouk's soldiers are being overwhelmed not by the Bladeling Horde...at least not yet. On all sides, vulnerable (or perhaps sympathetic?) Bantouk citizenry turned abomination by the Caiphonian Aurora assail them.

From the position of the elevated northern gate you get a good look at the other wards of the city. You can see this very scene playing out all over.

Do you help them with your own blood, sweat, arms, and magic? That would entail a high difficulty, Nested Combat with Level +4 Encounter Budget (featuring all 4 characters) and would net you 1 Success against the remaining HIGH DC (which you can wager your remaining Advantage for 2 x Successes).

Do you use your understanding of the secrets of the city (people, routes) to traverse a labrinthine course that gets you to the Dome of Illumination? MEDIUM DC

Do you rally and bulwark the soldiers (with words or with one of your Daily resources of personnel for an auto-success) as you ride hard to the Dome of Illumination? HIGH DC

Something else (I'll let you know if I'm using my remaining HIGH DC pending your move)?


Do you rally and bulwark the soldiers (with words or with one of your Daily resources of personnel for an auto-success) as you ride hard to the Dome of Illumination? HIGH DC
The riders cross the threshold of the northern gate into a scene of mayhem. What should be an orderly inspection (and taxation) of goods passing into and out of the city is instead a sprawling brawl. The narrow streets are choked with rampaging citizens beset with mania ... or mind control ... and Imperial guards trying to subdue them without undue injury, a losing battle that sees their own numbers dwindling against so numerous a "foe."

Before CHANVATI, the lead rider, a pair of Imperial Guardsmen is overwhelmed by a throng of pyjama-d respected aunties and uncles, disappearing beneath an avalanche of blows.

"We must discover what is responsible for this mayhem! We must make our way to the Dome! Pa'avu, clear us a path!"

The Goliath, fully a head and more taller than any of the other riders, muscles her steed to the front of the throng and gives a ferocious growl. "Out of the way! Get back!" she hollers, kicking recalcitrant malingerers out of their path.

"Members of the Guard, take heart and hold your ground!" Chanvati bellows into the chaos. "I am Chanvati, Merchant-Prince of House Audaseie, returned from my quest in the howling desert with a reinforcing army of Goliaths! We will discover what fell magic is afoot in our beloved capital and confront the rulers of the city for their negligence in allowing this to come about. Hold what control as you can for but another hour yet, for your deliverance is before you!"

Since this is the last remaining Hard DC, we're going to go ahead and wager that last Advantage for two Successes should we succeed.

Pa'avu makes a Secondary Skill Intimidate check to clear the path and halt the violence momentarily, +13 vs 13 Easy DC = Autosuccess, for a +2 bonus to

Chanvati's Primary Skill Diplomacy check to rouse the Guard to keep their path clear for a hard ride to the Dome of Illumination, r(17)+15+2=34 vs 27 Hard DC. Success.
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8/10 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/1 Failure/1 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available.

The Bantouk infantry find heart at Pa'avu's physical presence and Chanvati's moralizing words. Clarion calls trumpet out through upper and middle Bantouk as the soldiers rally, at least for the moment, against the malign spread of the Caiphonian influence that is subverting the citizenry into thralls. Chaos and fear turn order and heart as the clash turns for the better in the wake of our heroes dead-set for the Dome of Illumination.

<Cut to the Dome of Illumination after several small skirmishes are witnessed along the way>

The always-open antechamber is being slowly closed by spectral hands. The weight of the massive doors taxes their propelling magic to its limits so, at the desperate behest of the gathered Guild Lords that are sheltering within, their handmaidens and stewards rush to give a "hand" to the...hands (badoom-tiss).

The crystalline eyes of the Mind on the mezzanine.

The looming Dragon King statue, a specter of terrible but ancient knowledge from an age long past, hanging from the ceiling.

The smell of coal, the sounds of burning embers and stoking bellows as a consultation with the Fire Genasi Oracle is about to be undertaken.

These are what greet the various senses as the doors near shutting when the fellowship arrives.

What do you do to prevent your loss of access as the doors to the Dome near shut? MEDIUM DC

Who, or what, do you consult about the pressing situation? MEDIUM DC


Seeing the doors almost closed, PA'AVU leaps off her horse and begins to run as fast as possible - pushing herself to her limits - down the stone path, bounding onto and up the stairs. Finally, when the goliath is almost out of breath and still about 25 feet away from the enormous doors, now only about three feet apart, she makes a great athletic leap, landing in a crouch, hands up by her shoulders and holding open the doors.

As she slowly stands up, still holding the doors open, Pa'avu says in her deep, gravelly voice, "you have more visitors yet this day."

Pa'avu makes a Secondary Skill Endurance check to push herself beyond exhaustion: r(9) +13 = 22/Success, to gain a bonus to
Her Primary Skill Athletics check to jump and hold the doors open: r(14,11)(Powerful Athlete) + 11 (Training Exhausted) + 2 SS = 27 vs. 19 Moderate DC


CHANVATI dismounts and strides confidently up the stairs, ducking under Pa'avu's arm to enter the antechamber. He calls out behind him, "Beets, look after the little ones for a moment. And keep an eye on that brother of yours." He continues forward.

<Camera cuts to close up of Bita-Bousseh, looking directly into lense with "is-he-effing-kidding-me?!?" look on her face. She grabs her blind twin by his manacles, and the two, along with Hazard the hound--until Pa'avu stops Hazard and motions him back to watch Pari and Farzin--slip beside the mighty Goliath before she enters, allowing the doors to close behind her.>

The Merchant-Prince continues confidently across the room, beneath the suspended statue of that Hoary Ruler, and straight past the Oracle, whom he had said was the object of their consultation. He stops below The Mind, unsettling where it stands nearly motionless on the mezzanine.

"We meet again!" Chanvati calls out. "And I have learned much since that last meeting. Tell me, this creature known as Caiphon is from A Realm Beyond, is it not? And your people were once a living lattice to protect our realm from what lies there. We learned all the stories at Xerxes's when I was there. But what I have just now come to understand," he pauses, his brow wrinkling for a moment, "is your role as an advisor to the Empress in such matters, how some dereliction of duty allows taint from that place to sweep across our lands, infecting Half-Giants in the foothills and our citizenry back home. I demand we speak with Empress Scheherezade and her other advisors immediately, for you to reveal to all of us what you know and how this incursion can be stopped!"

Chanvati makes a Primary Skill Arcana check to elucidate the role of shardminds as purported protectors of the mortal realm from Caiphonian influence, and The Mind's failure here in this regard, r(2) +16 = 18 Moderate DC. Fails. TRIGGERS PHILOSOPHER'S CROWN DAILY POWER: Trigger: You make an Arcana, Dungeoneering, History, Nature, or Religion check and dislike the result.Effect: You reroll the check and use either result. R(10) +16 = 26 vs. 19 Moderate DC. Success.

Alright, 10 Successes met.

Goal: ...and attain audience with the Empress (10 successes).

After this, we'll cut to the gates of the palace, drawbridge pulled up, with the Empress (and her ear...both of them actually) on the ramparts while the Caiphonian thralls of Bantouk pressing in and (when we go to combat), soon, waves of the Bladeling horde doing the same.

But first...

The Mind levitates down from its position on high, its crystalline eyes impossible to read.

Telepathically, a wave of language imports itself into your minds:

"The Empress knows, foolish mortal. And The Empress before her. And again. And again. And again.

The mighty Dread Star punched a hole through the lattice you speak of long, long ago. The celestial entity is drawn to this place like your rats are to their cheese. That breech opens and closes in impossible to infer regimes of great length, the reasoning for such being inscrutable. Perhaps it is when your people and your ways reach their zenith of corruption? This very scene between Caiphon and Vezzuvu has played out repeatedly and will continue until time ceases to record it.

The repair of The Astral breech was beyond our people then as it surely is now. Appeals to your Empress and your psi-crafters for material assistance from their ranks and their coffers fell on deaf ears. Most leaders of your world care only for what is in front of them and balk at what danger lies in the future beyond their mortal tenure and perhaps even the generation after them."

The immortal creature of Astral origin waits a moment for you to digest their telepathic words. There can be no doubt that the offering is true.

"I can immediately begin the preparations for an Astral Sojourn. In an hour, we could be there and attempt to close the breach forever. We have a short window as it can only be repaired from The Far Realm side and will not remain open for much longer. Someone must perform the final works of mending from that side of the breech. I will do this. My people have none of your sentimentality so I do not need your worldly bards to erect a ballad in my name. The odds of success are... <it spits out some stupidly low number out to the ten thousandths place>, but you could fulfill your failed Psi-crafter's Guild obligations.

<head turned to Pa'avu> Your slave could see to entreating your palace-bunkered sovereign to rally and rescue her assailed citizenry. The odds of success are... <again, a stupidly low number>.

Decide quickly, as the hour is nigh."

Alright, so here we're talking about:

* Gain The Mind as a Companion for Chanvati's (and whoever else goes) Astral Sojourn.

* An up-leveled (Level +3 Complexity 1 SC) to journey the Astral Sea with micro-failures meaning combats with denizens therein.

* A wave combat (every 3 rounds another Standard worth of enemies) of base Level +4 with another embedded Level +3 C1 SC to "close the breech" as denizens of The Far Realm pour through.

Meanwhile, at the palace:

* A wave combat (every 2 rounds a Standard worth of Bladeling horde shows up on scene to attack whatever is nearest) of base Level +4 with citizenry as Minions that if you don't successfully protect them (or get them out of the scene via particular squares) from the Caiphonian influence, then they become a Caiphonian Thrall to assail you along with an embedded of-level C1 SC to "beseech The Empress to open the drawbridge and send her guard to aid."

Win Con = successful SC + all enemies defeated. After which, The Empress' Guard will ride through the city and rally the citizenry and the military to victory.

Alternatively, you can bring The Mind to the palace and have a confrontation over the dereliction of duties of the historical line of sovereigns after you put down the force at the palace drawbridge.

But the breech would remain...
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Alright, so here we're talking about:

* Gain The Mind as a Companion for Chanvati's (and whoever else goes) Astral Sojourn.

* An up-leveled (Level +3 Complexity 1 SC) to journey the Astral Sea with micro-failures meaning combats with denizens therein.

* A wave combat (every 3 rounds another Standard worth of enemies) of base Level +4 with another embedded Level +3 C1 SC to "close the breech" as denizens of The Far Realm pour through.
CHANVATI pauses ever so momentarily. "Yes," he says aloud. "Yes, I think the time has come for sealing the breach. My bodyguard here," he gestures at Pa'avu, "will accompany us. She is strong of arm and will, having proven so repeatedly throughout her servitude ... and especially these last weeks. The Empress can wait. In fact, she has proven herself good for little else."

Bita-Bousseh steps forward, clearing her throat rather forcefully. "And what about me?"

"You will stay behind, to guard your brother and the children and carry on our mission to the Empress should we fail in our quest" is what Chanvati begins to say, but Bita-Bousseh cuts him off after the first few words.

"My soul may already be consigned to the Hells, but I'll be damned twice-over if I'm staying here! To the Astral Plane it is, then!"

Our intention should be pretty clear here: we will attempt to seal the breach and then return with that feather in our cap (and, hopefully, a more clement situation with regard to Bantouk's citizenry) to confront the Empress for her dereliction. Possibly with The Mind in tow, should it survive.

Alright, cool, cool. Some clarifications and some particulars to nail down given your choice:

If we're not going to engage in both of these conflicts synchronously, then that will put the situation in Bantouk as more perilous due to the time involved. Mechanically and thematically, the decision-point is intended to be a rough one, so if we're going to make this choice then there will be implications on the combat encounter at The Bantouk Palace. So, the following changes to the palace scene and micro-failure consequences of the Astral Sojourn to the Breech SC:

* Level +5 instead of +4 with the bladeling horde having already arrived once you guys return from The Astral Sea.

* I'll load out that initial encounter with some of the horde (with more bladeling horde showing up every even round as noted in the post).

* The following micro-failure will be on the table for a consequence due to time: The Bladeling Horde Waves show up every odd round starting round 1 (rather than starting round 2).

Further, as noted above, The Mind is going to have to stay behind and enter The Far Realm to perform the final closing of the breach...unless someone else wants to make that sacrifice of course! You guys don't have the Paragon power/means to project/portal out of The Far Realm so whomever goes in ain't coming out! The Mind will have to move into the breech (entering the Far Realm) and make the final success in the embedded Close the Breech SC of that combat.

The immortal, crystalline creature projects telepathically into the minds of all around. Regardless of station, they listen as the instructions are clear:

"Begone from this chamber as I must prepare a volatile, dangerous ritual to The Astral Sea."

They need no more coaxing and all present, from artisan to clergy to military attachment, leave the chamber with haste.

The short work of an hour has you each marked with residiuum and a trail of it from you poured to a central circle. Telepathically:

"This will feel...strange. When we emerge, you will barely detect a faint silver nimbus around yourselves and the rest of us. From you, a ghostly cord connecting you to this location will trail. Wherever you go it will follow until severed either by your death or by entering another planar nexus.

You will be held aloft by your sheer willpower, though you will have insufficient economy and pace of movement for the task before us (you have a fly speed of 2 [clumsy] and can hover). Our first order of business will be locating an Astral Vent. It will imbue us for a short while with the burst of speed (you gain overland flight 20 which is suppressed during combat as you lose all combat-capable motility/motor control) necessary to eliminate the distance between ourselves and the breech. Beware though…there is a foulness to it…its arcane toxicity may disagree with your material body.

Understand, as a creature of Astral origin, I will be unable to detect The Far Realm breech. As such, I will need aid in both locating it. Fear not, as creatures from the mortal realm it will be as a luminous beacon to you, spilling its purple contents like a violent, cascading river. Further, I will need aid in moving my form through the breech (like Teleport or another form of Forced Movement). Once on the other side, I will seal it. This will sever my cord and, soon after (AtEotMNT in combat terms), send you back to your world."

The Mind instructs you all to take a long, controlled breath.

"Let us begin."

The world shifts wildly and suddenly settles. The skin tingles cooly; it is neither hot nor cold here. Nor is it actually a sea, but rather a place of vast clouds of a luminous silver-gray substance that is neither fully a mist nor fully a liquid. Something in between perhaps? Infinite stars glitter in the distance. Prismatic colors of unknown astral dominions glow far beyond the endless expanse of "open sea" between you and them. Far, far away you can see your destination; a great scar pouring a river of eerie purple into The Astral Sea which finds its way into your world by various nexus herein.

As your churning stomachs settle (or perhaps not!), The Mind abruptly interrupts your contemplations and points:

"There! A sundered mote of the divine lattice!"

A small island "floats" directly beneath you. Topographically, it looks like a massive stalactite/stalagmite combo in an earthly cave, but prismatic shimmering races across each nook and cranny of its structure. Spilling violently from the center point of this odd mass is a mercurial vapor not unlike The Astral Sea itself, though this is prismatic.

Near it, like terrestrial animals feeding at a watering hole are 3 large, crystalline dragons, drinking deep of the "stuff."

"An Astral Vent!"

Level +3 (13) Complexity 1 SC. DCs 14/20. Goal: Journey Across the Astral Sea to The Far Realm Breech.

0/4 Successes (0 Hard DC Available)/0 Failures/1 Secondary Skill Available

What do you do?

The threats here are the crystalline dragons and the volatile prismatic mist itself. It gives supernatural speed but that surely could come with cost (like starting the next combat down 1 Healing Surge worth of HPs).
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