• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    D&D 5E I guess no D&D day this summer?

    i look forward to the announcement of new adventures and more importantly, the next batch of GF9 collector's series miniatures. havent seen anything about that, even before this corona stuff hit. anyone hear anything? Sanjay
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    Maybe my expectation was off - Dungeon of the mad mage doesnt use the full maps for undermountain....

    hi all, just a comment. when this was announced as having maps for each level for first time, etc. i was expecting the full maps. seeing the maps, and comparing to the old 2e boxed sets, etc, the maps of levels 1-4 (and crystal caverns, etc) are about 1/10 of the actual full map. I know the...
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    Question on acererak art piece in Art & Arcana book

    hello, just wondering... for acererak in the art and arcana book. where is that 1998 art shot from? its not from return to tomb of horror. REgards, Sanjay
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    GF9 'Rage of Demons' Demonlords - couple pics from Dragon+

    haven't seen these anywhere online ... Zuggtmoy and Grazz't it would appear. I hope they do a whole bunch of them based on the art and to that scale: http://image.welovefine.com/img/cnt/desc_1437519592.jpg love Baphomet and Demogorgon
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    Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder, optional armour rules, and energy drain

    Hello, Question: we use the optional armour rules for Pathfinder where the armour absorbs impact (acts as DR). My question is, do energy draining attacks such as specific undead, or demogorgon's tail/tentacle rott need to touch the actual character's skin, or is hitting the armour but not...
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    Faction War - adventure question - time paradox

    Hello, Thinking of using this for my 3.5e/pathfinder group....i read a summary i found of events (in order) and want to confirm since i'm confused: is this a closed or open loop? (ie. is the time paradox continuous so it will happen forever in alternate timelines, or whatever), or is it closed...
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    Are there any Artifacts/Relic which can seal off/send away an entire Plane?

    For the expected finale of a long running (17 years so far) campaign -- still a couple years away prob, looking into if there are any published ("official") artifacts/relics, etc that would allow ...well, anyone, to seal off a plane completely such that any gods that exist in that realm can no...
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    Do you add the magical bonus 2x in 2[W]?

    Hello, Don't have the PHB with me, and we have an email discussion while at work on this for tonight's game. if I have a weapon, 2d8+1 ..if I had to do 2[W], does that mean 4d8+2 or 4d8+1? We are using it 4d8+2... Regards. Sanjay
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    D&D 4E yay - 4E DMG just arrived!!!

    Chapters ships stuff once it reaches warehouse so normally get stuff earlier. DMG arrievd just now to my work. Other 2 books not yet. I am away with wife in Montreal the next few days but at night should be logging online via laptop (hotel should have wireless)...if so, I can answer stuff...
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    Bodak/boneclaw - are these pages 'from' the MM? Is that how the new layout will be?

    So did anyone find out at Xperience, if that is really how the layout will be? Even the page with the SKILLS on it had a large colour picture on it that was quite nice. If so I like it. Having a monster or 2 per page, with a nice full colour picture of each is beautiful...and the quality of...
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    FR - details on the spellplague

    I got this from Grand History of the Realms...I haven't seen it posted here, unless it was within a huge thread that I missed... (paraphrased as to not type word for word what it says) *** Cyruic with aid from Shar, kill Mystra within Dweomerheart, which causes the plane to collapse on itself...
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    Is memorization totally gone? Can't remember and can't find the reference

    Hello, I was wondering if, in addition to: * at will * per encounter * per day * rituals (which may fit under per day OR under per time of ritual) will there still be spells that will be using a spell point or memorization system for players to choose if they want to use them maybe 3 in one...
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    Post 30th level - If/When Wizards reaches 'beyond epic', what will happen?

    What do people think, for those who want levels beyond, will be done? Just continue epic tier? or make a special type of epic tier for ultra planar type adventurers/servants of gods/angels/demons/devils? or something totally unique? Epic Destinies does sound kinda cool. What could they do at...
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    Forgotten Realms changes - The Orc King novel prelude's 'facts'

    I didn't see this discussed in the past few weeks, unless I missed it so thought I would post. I just read the prelude in The Orc King (borrowed from friend to read) and it is actually discussing 100 years ahead of the timeline of the Drizzt & friends characters current timeline. * mild...
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    gods in the PHB and custom clerics/special powers based on them?

    I'm not sure if this has been discussed, but do people think they will go to the extent of having clerics gain different feats, powers, abilities, and even have access to special spells only associated to their gods in the PHB, based on the gods they choose? Maybe to help make them more unique...
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    hint for new Forgotten Realms/Spellplague in Unsolved Mysteries of Dragon magazine?

    A blog (forgot who did it at wizards) stated that someone at the FR forum, discovered the hint they put there, that explains how the spellplague occurs. I am trying to find that post in the forums but am not having any luck. Does anyone know what exactly it was? Sanjay
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    races & hp; what do people think of a more...well, real/logical approach to HP?

    Just wondering, a coworker and I were discussing and it appeared to us, that HP in general should be based more on race than class? we think that makes sense (example to follow) but what do others think? here was our reasoning: (kinda extreme case but it gets point across) race/species: blue...
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    Wild Mage/Chronomancer - any spells/new content in ANY issue of Dragon or Dungeon?

    Hello, A friend wants a wild mage for a 3.5E campaign. What I've decided to to is combine the 2E and 3.5E version to make it more how we both envision it. However, along with converting the old 2E Tome of Magic wild magic spells over to 3.XE, are there any other Wild Mage articles in any...