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    Young Wizards - a Family Friendly Tabletop Roleplaying game!

    The Young Wizards' Kickstarter is live! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/geekfevergames/young-wizards-a-family-tabletop-rpg Aimed at family tabletop gaming, Young Wizards represents the perfect "bridge" for families wishing to approach the tabletop role-playing game (RPG) experience...
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    Young Wizards - a Family Friendly Tabletop Roleplaying game!

    Kickstarter is live! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/geekfevergames/young-wizards-a-family-tabletop-rpg Thought y'all might be interested in checking it out though, as it's a somewhat-ish obscure genre. Plus, many of us oldschool gamers now have kids in their teens or fast approaching...
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    Twin Strike and Weapon Enhancement Damage

    If I'm using a +1 Longbow, does my twin strike damage look like this?: 1d10+1 / 1d10+1
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    FR Preview - Akanul & Impiltur

    Has anyone played with the regional bonuses? It seems to me that all clerics will be from Impiltur and everyone else will be from Akanul? That Akanul resistance to elemental damage seems to be far more useful than a +2 to a skill... especially when you consider what it means against...
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    What is "MAD"?

    I cannot decipher from the few places I've seen it in context... thanks...
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    Sustain Provokes?

    Example: Summons of Khirad, 9th level daily Warlock Since the power is listed as "Ranged 10", you will provoke when you fist use the spell from all adjacent enemies. What about when you sustain the power? Do you provoke then too? Thanks!
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    Wondering waht other DMs do...

    You present this encounter: 1 elite, several "standard" monsters, and a pack of "minions" Do you: 1. clearly tell the players which figs are standard/minion/elite? or 2. let them figure it out for themselves?
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    Ander00 power cards link?

    my link is now busted to his post.. does anyone have the new link? Much appreciated...
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    Magic Item: Healing Surge (Minor)

    Specifically, I'm wondering about Bloodcut armor. The Power is listed as "Healing Surge: Minor Action". However, the description of a "Healing Surge" item on the page before says "Healing Surge: you begin with one use of the power per day, like a daily power..." Does this mean if you use...
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    Cleave Secondary Damage Q

    Do you add damage bonuses from things such as "Weapon Focus" to the secondary damage on Cleave? I'm assuming "no" because there isn't a [W] listed there, but the power does have the "Weapon" keyword... Thanks!
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    Life Spark Summons HP question

    The power brings the creature back with 10 HP. Can it be healed to it's maximum HP during the encounter? Thanks!
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    A lone [W] for damage

    If a power has just 1[W] listed for damage (like rain of steel), do you still add enhancement and feat bonuses to damage? (like weapon specialization) I'm assuming yes, since all other powers are listed like this: 1[W] + Strength modifier But, you still add in Feat bonuses, Enhancement...
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    Fiery Bolt (Warlock) - Needs attack roll?

    Since it is not an "Area" attack, do you need to roll attack rolls for the adjacent "targets"? It's on page 133 -- thanks!
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    Start with TWO 8's?

    When you are purchasing ability scores, the phb says you start with: 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10 Can you lower any of the 10's to 8? Thanks!
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    Warlock Implement + Light Shield?

    Do you use your implement "to attack"? Or, do you merely need it "wielded" to gain the bonus? (pg 131, warlock desc) Light shields let you hold an item in the shield hand, but not attack with it. I was wondering if this is clarified anywhere... thanks!
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    Power Attack Question

    Do you need to make an attack to use power attack? Can I, at the start of my turn, shift BAB into power attack but never make an attack that action? The wording is open to interpretation...