• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    How about alignment?

    Die in a fire. Alignment is more useful for online arguments than for D&D.
  2. D

    Reclaim the name of Paladin!

    If I can't play a Paladin of the Raven Queen, grim defender of death, then this isn't the Paladin I'm looking for.
  3. D

    D&D 5E Should classes retain traditional alignment restrictions in 5E?

    I don't care if there's alignment in the game, as long as I don't have to use it or care about it. No alignment restrictions on classes. No alignment-based effects. No "Smite Evil" or "Detect Evil." I don't like alignment-based metaphysical underpinnings to the cosmology either, but I'm...
  4. D

    If I could ask WotC for a few reasonable things...

    Given that access to the character builder also gives you access to basically every product WOTC has produced for 4e, I don't think this is really reasonable. Level restrictions aren't the problem--product restriction is. If they could come up with a version of the CB that gave access to a...
  5. D

    Rate the Neverwinter Campaign Guide

    Um, I guess it depends. Neverwinter is pretty different than Fallcrest--it's a port city, it's half-ruined, and it's much bigger. It also has features that clearly use Forgotten Realms lore--floating islands and towers, for example. And the Spelllplague is pretty key to why the city was...
  6. D

    Rate the Neverwinter Campaign Guide

    If you are looking for a bunch of maps of castles, this is probably not your book. I don't know why anyone would buy a Neverwinter book expecting or desiring detailed castle floorplans, but in any case this is not that book. I'm not sure why "lots of detail" is incompatible with "lots of...
  7. D

    Rate the Neverwinter Campaign Guide

    ...not particularly? They might not do it with shapeshifting, but a level 1 character of any class can do a lot of neat. I mean, eladrin can teleport on a regular basis, which is pretty handy even out of combat.
  8. D

    Rate the Neverwinter Campaign Guide

    I like the specificity of Themes. I much prefer them to be a way to tie characters into the gameworld, rather than yet another layer of mechanics to optimize. So in the context of the setting it makes sense to restrict it to humans and shifters. That said, it seems obvious to me that the Pack...
  9. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    I wouldn't go so far as to say it's useless, particularly since Loudwater isn't that far from Neverwinter and probably shares similar enemies. But you are otherwise correct--it's most useful as a starting point for a new campaign, not as something you drop into an existing one.
  10. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    Dude, I really don't care. I'm glad you like Hammerfast. I do too. But this entire thread seems to basically consist of people who haven't read the Neverwinter Campaign Guide criticizing the book (I guess I'll take the OP at his word that he read the book, but his complaints are so vague...
  11. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    No dude, it's not an issue of taste. You're saying Neverwinter doesn't do anything differently than Hammerfast. I pointed out exactly what it does, and you replied that you don't want the extra things that it does. I don't care about which one you like better, I just care that you're not...
  12. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    Hammerfast is basically a backdrop for players to use as a home base as they go off on other adventures. Most of the details are focused on describing the city itself, with a paragraph or so on major businesses, and a lot of color detail that keeps the city interesting enough that it's not just...
  13. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    Um, weird? The book hasn't even officially been out for three full weeks yet. Seriously? I think this is disingenuous. I don't see nearly the need for maps that you do, but that's at least a fair criticism. Suggesting that the book doesn't have more utility for building a campaign than...
  14. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    Um, probably still rubbish. The U.S. Census Bureau indicates that in 2009, just shy of 70% of U.S. households have broadband access. I mean let's be real, it's 2011, not 2000--the audience for RPGs today almost universally has internet access at home. You can barely even apply for a job...
  15. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    Because their research indicates that most games understandably fall within the Heroic tier. And because they wanted to make Neverwinter a tightly focused product. It's not a book about an entire world--it's a campaign focused on one city and the areas immediately surrounding it. Ten levels...
  16. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    I'm sorry to ask, but... have you read the book? Because once your players pick Themes, most of those questions are answered for you. Is one of your players a n Heir of Delzoun? If so, then finding and reclaiming Gauntlegrym is probably going to be a major focus of your campaign. And when...
  17. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    I'm afraid you're mistaken--this is not true. Most of the location writeups are significantly longer than a paragraph. A few are that short, but most are closer to a page or a page and a half. Some are a few pages long. They almost all have a lot more detail than any given feature in...
  18. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    De gustibus non est disputandum, but I don't think you can really dispute that the Neverwinter book goes into more depth. There are more factions and locales, yes, but there is also more information on the factions and locales that exist. Hammerfast itself is described in about 15 pages...
  19. D

    TOC for Dragon 403 & Dungeon 194

    Eh, I'm not going to get excited until they announced Level -1 characters.
  20. D

    underwhelmed with Neverwinter Campaign Setting

    Hammerfast is a good product, and I'd like to see more along those lines. But Hammerfast is 36 pages--Neverwinter is 223. It has depth and player options that Hammerfast couldn't possibly do. You're getting the density that you paid for.