Search results

  1. AZRogue

    Offhand Attacks

    Other than Rangers there are no real offhand attacks in the game. Rangers, of course, can use at-will abilities to attack with two weapons, and that's fine, but I miss creating Fighters and Rogues with the same ability. The Feats for TWF presented in the PHB are excellent but not enough, in my...
  2. AZRogue

    Rogues and Two Weapon Fighting

    I've heard now, in several places, that the Ranger is the only Class to get a Two Weapon Fighting ability, as in a at-will Power that allows an attack with two weapons, not the supposed feats which add to AC (though I LIKE those feats). Is this truly the case? Let me first say that I'm very...
  3. AZRogue

    Criticals and Magic Weapons

    Magical weapons seem to deal bonus damage on a crit, such as +1d10 per enhancement bonus (so a +3 longsword would do +3d10 on a crit). Is this extra damage rolled or is it maximized like any other damage done on a crit? Do you do max damage and then roll the extra 1d10s, or do you just add 10...
  4. AZRogue

    Succubus and her Kiss ability?

    I can't resist. :) Does anyone who now has the books know the answer to the succubus argument from a while back? The one where we were wondering if those affected by her Kiss are aware that they're throwing themselves in front of her to block attacks and try to get the hell out of Dodge, or...
  5. AZRogue

    Laying out your dungeon - advice?

    I've never been big on using miniatures in combat. Even when we actually had some, way back during BECMI and AD&D, we just used them for marching orders. I did use them a bit more during our flirtation with 3E and both liked and disliked certain things. Well, I've decided to take the plunge and...
  6. AZRogue

    3rd Party Classes - Wish List

    Since the GSL seems to allow new Classes to be created, as per the compilation put up by Morrus HERE, what Classes would you most want to see right away? Which Classes do you want access to in your games, either for PCs or for prominent NPCs? Your wish list does not need to limit itself to 3E...
  7. AZRogue

    Irresistible Force vs. Unmovable Object - Exception Based Rules?

    So, with exception based rules design it seems that the Specific trumps the General. This means, from what I've seen, that a person might, for an example, only be able to make one Save each Turn but if another character has a 'specific' power that grants an ally an additional Save that...
  8. AZRogue

    4E OGL Material?

    Another question that has been mentioned several times but not yet explored (and something different than this eternal "was the OGL good/bad for WotC/Gaming?"): How difficult would it be for someone to release material for 4E using the current OGL? 4E is going to be different, we know that...
  9. AZRogue

    Official Character Sheets

    Okay, the official character sheets from WotC are just awesome. I don't even care about the new edition, I just want to use that sheet! I just need to figure out my server, now.
  10. AZRogue

    D&D 4E 4E Marketing Campaign?

    I remember reading not too long ago in a post on these boards (it was before the DnDXP) that the marketing campaign for DnD 4E would really begin AFTER the DnDXP event. That there were a lot of marketing dollars available for use but not until after the convention. Does anyone know what's been...
  11. AZRogue

    Best Modern Game?

    Hey, guys. I'm a bit out of it when it comes to new products, or some of the OGL products out there on the market. I really kind of stopped paying attention after 3.5 turned me into a bitter, bitter man (I'm not paying for something that's the same as what I own!!! ;) ). In that light, I need a...
  12. AZRogue

    Anyone play yet?

    Sorry, work was a pain today and I haven't had time to read all that's been going on (traffic was such that I couldn't even load enworld at lunch, heh). I notice a ... couple more threads. What I was really wondering is did anyone play today? Did anyone post their actual play experience yet...
  13. AZRogue

    So, what Class are you dying to play?

    So, after pondering deep thoughts the last few months, does anyone know what Class they want to play? I know that I, since I'm usually the DM for most of our games, usually give it a lot of thought. It's not often I get to play but the other, part time, DM of our group is going to be running 4E...
  14. AZRogue

    LFG to join, Phoenix, AZ - west valley: Avondale, Goodyear, Litchfield Park

    Hi, I'm looking for a game to join in the Phoenix metro area, west valley (Avondale, Goodyear, Litchfield Park, Estrella Mountain, or Buckeye). I usually DM a group of close friends and would like to find a game where I could be a player. I'm an adult, early 30's, and would prefer a mature game...
  15. AZRogue

    Static vs. Tailored Encounters

    I'm curious how other DMs handle the distinction between Static vs. Tailored encounters in their games. For clarification, I mean the following: Static Encounter: An ancient dragon lives beneath the old hill east of the village, which is actually the burial mound to an ancient king. If the PCs...
  16. AZRogue

    D&D 4E Will we be able to play 4E without minis?

    Reading up on everything lately i've realized that I and my gaming group are narrative players at heart, with strong gamist leanings. We prefer the dynamic and exciting story that we craft with our sessions and no matter what we say we want, we always through our own choices end up turning the...