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Search results

  1. L

    The Most Powerful Item

    If any of you have seen the movie Heavy Metal you have heard of the Locnar, the green orb of evil. I created a artifact based around this which had the power to animate any dead creature in the vacinity with no maximum to the number of hit dice. I thought it would be interesting for the party...
  2. L

    Deck of Many things: Your best and worst moments

    My first experince with the Deck was not a very good experience. I was a dwarven Cleric/fighter of the god Tempus in forgotten realms. I decided to draw only one card and sure enough I got the eminity of an outsider. Can we guess who the outsider was. Needless to say my character spent the...
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    Turnabout Is Fair Play - Female Gamers

    I have played with several female gamers and I must say that I actually prefer to have atleast one in my gaming group. I dated a girl once and she was already an avid gamer. She continued to play with us even after we broke up and only stopped after she was married.
  4. L

    Railroading... but not really

    I dont run an Eberron campaign but in my homebrew world Dwarves have harnessed the use of elementals to power underground trains. My party had invaded a abandoned mine being used as a hideout for bandits. The bandits had restored the disabled train and the party had an incredible battle on a...
  5. L

    After years of gaming...

    That stinks man, I have been a DM for almost 10 years and I cannot remember a time when I just said no in a jerk manner. I have had a few times when I was forced to tell a party member no but I would always explain the reasoning. In circumstances such as that I would even let the player change...
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    Player Enablement

    I agree with robberbaron and would place myself in the "consider" DM group. I don't think sam500 got the point of my earlier post. I am not opposed to a player doing something off the wall. I had an Assassin character pour all of his poisons onto himself and then let a giant toad eat him. If...
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    Player Enablement

    I don't think telling a player no is a bad thing. If I ran my games by your rule the party would fall by the wayside to one dominant player. How can a player not try to take advantage of the game if there are no rules to keep his desires in check. Almost everybody has played with a person who...
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    Wizard seeking Wizard

    I once played a mage/cleric and was required to find a master to be able to have easier access to spells. The campaign world was only inhabited by a handful of master wizards. In an unusual twist of fate I ended up being appenticed to a Silver Dragon. They are extremely powerful spellcasters...
  9. L

    One-Shots or Campaigns?

    I usually play campaigns for the most part, but sometimes I play one shot adventures were characters from previous campaigns get to come out of retirement for one more foray.
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    Looking for a Game in the Somerset, Richmond, Lexington area

    I was the DM for the group that has unfortunately come apart. When I play characters I tend to like playing rogue characters cause I love all the rank points they get. I have played pretty much every type of class except paladin. As a Dm my strengths would be depth of the world around the...
  11. L

    Stupidest things PCs/DMs have done

    It has taken me a while to read through all of this but I have to admit in my 15 years of gaming experience I have had a few moments of gaming stupidity. 1) Very similar to some earlier posts. The party was traveling through a underground passage into a Giants castle. As they are going down...
  12. L

    Naming Drow characters

    Valandria Del'Viru is a drow priestess of considerable power in my campaign world and Zell MaeZarkin, who is very chaotic magic user who blasted a few powerful people in dust and managed to get the blame placed on the party's Sorcerer.
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    Plot hooks for Dwarves (stay out Halivar)

    One way to get him more involved into the campaign would be to create a dwarven villian of unspeakable evil. This dwarf could be from the same clan and the character might feel obligated to go along with the party in an attempt to get at this evil kinsman. In my campaign world, Dwarves are a...
  14. L

    Truly "secret" languages?

    I have altered Draconic into three different forms. The lowest form is that spoken by kobolds, elves, etc. The middle version is more complicated version used in aracane magic. The last form is the true version of draconic and is spoken by dragons. A person who speaks the lowest form can...
  15. L

    how to create evil

    My last campaign was based around a party of all evil characters working towards the goal of becoming the rulers of the world. It was a great idea and actually served to create a stronger sense of party loyalty than when they were good alighned. They killed all who stood in their way and even...
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    What is a Paladin?

    I agree with this idea of what a paladin is meant to be and have incorporated this into my campaign. The typical D&D paladin serves as the warrior to a lawful good deity and upholds this diety's beliefs. In my homebrew campaign world, every diety has paladins to serve as the warriors upholding...
  17. L

    Looking for a Game in the Somerset, Richmond, Lexington area

    I sent you an email, you will have to let me know what your friends think
  18. L

    Gaming Hoaxes

    I have had a few of these moments in my gaming history but the best was during a tabletop game several years back. I had been playing a fairly sneaky thief and had only caused minor trouble for the party. Then a new character joined the group and decided he too would be a theif. The DM...
  19. L


    In one memorable campaign the fighter bought a hunting cat. This cat seemed to be the better of the two at fighting. The fighter eventually decided to give the cat a ring to improve the its AC. The party got really upset over this. A short time later the party joins with a paladin, a ranger...
  20. L

    Worst/Funniest Character Names of all time

    I had a group of characters playing an upstart thieve's guild and one player decided he was gonna be called "The Master" and never use his real name. Needless to say he failed to live up to his name and was dead in the streets long before the others. I played with a guy named Gary, who we all...