• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    DM Advice: handling 'he can't talk to me like that' ~cuts NPC throat~ players.

    The child in question is the NPCs son. Killing a person for demanding that you turn over his child qualifies as a malign and wicked act in my book. I am certain any parent would be apalled at the thought of anyone, let alone strangers they barely knew, telling them they could not take their...
  2. S

    Would this bother you?

    No, it would not be an issue, as the only reason for objection would be due to metagaming concerns, which is a separate topic that should be dealt with as such. In fact, I would be more interested in going over that, as that would really be the problem that the other players may be having. Are...
  3. S

    DM Advice: handling 'he can't talk to me like that' ~cuts NPC throat~ players.

    You know, this has been gone over many times in many ways in this thread, however, I must ask, does anyone really believe that a person who ends the life of another due simply to the way they addressed them in conversation, is a Hero? Or even a respectable human being? Such actions strike me...
  4. S

    Is this offensive?

    It's not just rowing. In practically any athletic competition which involves the use of strength, the best male athletes, and in many cases, the college level athletes out perform the best of the women. There is a reason virtually every professional sport has different leagues for each gender...
  5. S

    The Shadar-kai are NEVER going to be the next drow

    I have always enjoyed that joke. Humor does not have to be gentle and polite to be amusing. In any case, as far as the original topic goes, the Shadar-Kai are interesting, but I do not believe they, or any race will match the successful races that have filled the role until they are...
  6. S

    Is this offensive?

    No, it would not concern me. Honestly, I fail to see the logic behind the objections towards taking this approach, especially if you are taking this approach to explain or reinforce existing social or biological facts that exist in your world. If the vast majority of the armed forces in your...
  7. S

    To all the other "simulationists" out there...

    The way the original post reads, the poster seems to be complaining that a guard was not dispatched with ease/certaintity when the Rogue successfully gained the drop on his foe. I do not see why this would be an issue, as if the guard is a "level appropiate foe" he is capable of defending...
  8. S

    To all the other "simulationists" out there...

    I'm not really following why a character should automatically be able to slay an opponent he engages when emerging from the shadows. The post initially made seems to imply that if such an attack is made, the opponent should die without fail. Why? Because the player envisioned his character...
  9. S

    DM Advice: handling 'he can't talk to me like that' ~cuts NPC throat~ players.

    I would hesitate to take that stance since it implies that anyone who has difficulty in social situations is automatically going to die when they meet people who are more powerful than they are. Not everyone is polite, not everyone is well cultured and diplomatic, and not everyone is...
  10. S

    DM Advice: handling 'he can't talk to me like that' ~cuts NPC throat~ players.

    I must concur with Hong. The alignment side of this issue is merely ornamentation decorating the core of the situation, which is how the characters interact with the world, and how that world interacts with them. The DM must reach a decision as to whether or not he wishes the world to react to...
  11. S

    DM Advice: handling 'he can't talk to me like that' ~cuts NPC throat~ players.

    Since two of the two characters in question have deities watching over them, have they had any warnings or admonitions against continuing on the path they are treading towards corruption? This is assuming the Paladin is a normal LG Paladin, and the Cleric is following a good deity, of course...
  12. S

    Atonement without repentance?

    I would remove his powers and have him approached by a representative of a church more sympathetic to his chosen method of operation. The race seems to have been a very public affair from what you have said, so his actions should be known and appreciated/criticized by those who concern...
  13. S


    Until shields are given a real, tangible benefit that is not heavily outweighed by other options, I doubt I will see them in use in my campaigns or with my characters. It is simply better to use a two handed weapon, and as I make an effort to model my worlds/characters with practical...
  14. S

    Could Mirage Arcana be used to cause someone to drown themselves?

    Unfortunately, it would seem that this use of the spell would, assuming failed saves and SR checks, work just fine. The spell specifically lists that it changes the tactile sensations of those under its effects. Personally, I would avoid using the spell in this manner, however, as it takes...
  15. S

    What was so bad about DMing 3x?

    I enjoyed 3.X a great deal, however, I welcome the changes to the system outlined in 4E. It becomes annoying to have to spend so much time creating encounters, especially if you wish to truly challenge your party without out right killing them, making it too easy, or giving them too many...
  16. S

    Whiney players....

    The point I and others are making here is that the player in question has reasonable objections that should be addressed. In the first situation, you presented a combat scenario that was heavily slated against the players, with victory only possible through DM fiat, and retreat or escape barred...
  17. S

    Whiney players....

    And that, right there, is the problem. You're taking away what little independence the PCs have by creating situations like this, and that will create discontent. You claim that your friend never admits when he made a mistake, or when he's wrong, yet you seem just as unwilling to evaluate the...
  18. S

    Women and Children first?

    Virtually all of my humanoid species are dominantly male as far as combat goes. As mentioned earlier, females are vital for breeding and it would be natural behavior to keep the women away from the front lines if at all possible.
  19. S

    Whiney players....

    I am honestly baffled that you cannot see why the player in question is becoming so frustrated. In the first example you gave where he complained, you made a critical mistake, which is essentially telling him that he has no say in how his character should react to given situations. Why can't...
  20. S

    What's this so-called MMO influence????

    Personally, I don't see why this is an issue. Supposing the designers are drawing ideas from MMO, the only concern ought to be whether or not those ideas are good and will enhance the game. The source of an idea is not nearly as important as its merit.