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  1. G

    My Warhammer 3E arrived today.

    i like the dice I think they can be read quickly and their "more than just success/failure, also where it came from [training, luck etc.] and side effects" nature makes play more interesting and feel more natural/organic. That they're specialized avoids having to reference tables to interpret...
  2. G

    D&D 4E 4e Dungeon Master's Screen - whoa

    It has other errors There's a thread here noting them. I believe it lists the action for equipping/not a shield as Minor, PHB table says Standard. It says if you receive healing effect but have no surges left, there's no effect. PHB says you go to 1 hp in that case. Rob
  3. G

    Missing DMG Information?

    It's not there Consensus across a couple of boards is that the DMG doesn't have this information. Suggestions generally are to make PC's make checks of your choice (endurance, whatever) to avoid some effect such as loss of healing surge and weakened etc. Rob
  4. G

    Good Narrativist Game Systems?

    For character/story over "5' step, rate of fire" There are an oodle of systems in indie scene that vary wildly but have advantage you can pick up virtually all the worthy ones for price of core books of most games (most are avalable as pdf's). In a Wicked Age, Trollbabe for "fast production of...
  5. G

    Surprise Round Sneak Attack

    One attack You get one attack, only. If your initiative beats the other's, you still get a full round set of attacks while they're flatfooted, since they remain so until they act.
  6. G

    EGG on 'The Spirit of AD&D'

    Normal = Neutral In 3.0/3.5, given the text in PHB I've long ruled that most people are Neutral. They like to think they're Good but they don't reliably rise to that level of conduct when it is truly selfless to do so, tending rather to do so only selectively (with their family, members of...
  7. G

    Keeping control of your game while keeping illusion of liberty

    Dishnonesty Sucks Of course DM's can "lie in the role of an NPC", can maintain that across the ocean live giants when that's not so but is what everyone in the world thinks etc. But to lie about the game's premise - about how much impact Player and Character action and choice can have, is to...
  8. G

    Tips for DMing a solo game

    There are probably much better systems for solo play than D&D. D&D has a whack of assumptions built into its system about a group, about combat being focus etc. Systems that broaden range of conflicts to include social, offer avenues to lose other than death, are better for 1:1. Also for GM...
  9. G

    What setting to use as a base when players have creative powers?

    They also reprinted the maps for Isle of Dread. A nice map with evocative statements and plenty of blank space is good inspiration. I added Freeport above as a d20 setting with lots of "room around its core".
  10. G

    What setting to use as a base when players have creative powers?

    Settings The Armageddon Clock is a neat setting. Made for Sorcerer/Charnel Gods but adaptable to be more generic. Trim down to leave more blank if you want. http://home.earthlink.net/~glepper/tictoc.pdf The Dying Earth is a great setting if you like the tone as "pretty much anything" can be...
  11. G

    Review request: The Blackcloak Watch

    pdf cheaper Pdf is a couple $ cheaper at rpg.now.
  12. G

    when the unimportant details are a little too interesting...

    Is what Players go after ever "Minor"? Players are playing PC "heroes of the story" and their time "on screen" is about what is interesting and important. Should that ever be "minor, not what the adventure or plot is really about"? I'm a fan of the "Story Now" rather than "Hidden Story"...
  13. G

    PCs using their abilities - a favor to the party?

    goes back to party formation The cleric really shouldn't be adventuring with folks they won't heal. This is an issue in creating believable party groups. God of peace cleric shouldn't be adventuring with "merciless athiest".
  14. G

    Spells and Miss Chance

    Don't stack Cumulative miss chances don't stack, so I think that 20%, the same way 6 +1 morale bonuses are +1. Simple and works against power gaming. See the rules on concealment and cover in combat section of PHB etc.
  15. G

    Which species do not dream?

    I'm running a game in which it matters quite a bit who can dream and who can't. That elves enter a quasi-sleep with no dreams is established. I've ruled dragons are the same. Are there any other D&D races/species that canon says do not dream (this would automatically be indicated by not...
  16. G

    "...you all meet at an inn.."

    For campaign play I run players in long-arc campaigns where everyone agrees with a fair amount of "up front investment in what it will all be about", which we discuss and then agree on the basis of PCs connections. For example, the last campaign cycle had them all officers aboard a ship on a...
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    "Story" or "Tactics" or "Simulation" It's about the creative/play agenda at work in them wanting to do this? If it's about "story", having a home and family etc., then don't sweat the costing/taxes and book-keeping stuff. Make sure the household staff have names, go all "upstairs/downstairs"...
  18. G

    FLGS in Toronto

    stores Hairy T does freak some people out apparently (staff are often alternative lifestylers) but it is the only store I've seen stock Burning Wheel in Toronto (re the indie front) and it does sell a wack of old stuff discounted etc. Yes the absence of good 'uber game stores' is sad, over 20...
  19. G

    Villain Escape Plans

    Non-spell approaches Mechanical tricks such as the hidden lever in the wall that causes that section of wall to rotate around (like in all the old movies) leaving villain in escape tunnel, or that drops a portcullis blocking the PC's from following, the slide shute that after one person goes...
  20. G

    On taking power away from the DM

    many types of power An RPG is a system for creating events around characters that are interesting and hopefully tell a story as they face and deal with issues. It is a way of defining who has the authority to do what in that process of creation - how possible events/desired events become...