• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

1000 more swashbuckling cards


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barsoomcore said:

So instead of making the PC extra-alert for the next hour, just say that the next time (whenever that is) that they get surprised, they were in fact paying close attention.

You think?

Much better and simpler :)

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40. Heroic Quiver
Play: Any time you run out of ammunition
Effect: You do not run out of ammunition until the combat ends.

41. Knife in the Sail
Play: Anytime you fall or jump form a height
Effect: You slow your fall by thrusting your knife into the sail, grabbing previously unnoticed handholds on the wall, making your cloak into a parachute, etc., and take no damage.

42. Cry "Havoc," and Let Slip the Dogs of War
Play: After you have been killed
Effect: An associate of your killer repents for his role in your death, and plots vengeance against the villain on your behalf.

43. Beginner's Luck
Play: When making an opposed check using a skill in which you have no ranks.
Effect: You win the contest
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44. Awww! It's not supposed to end THIS way!
Play: When at 1/4 your hp and in a situation that presents no escape save a fight.
Effect: Gain a +4 morale bonus to AC and the effects of a haste spell for 5 rounds.


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My mind is too tired to keep all these great ideas and mind and offer a list of something different.. or even type coherently.. heheh.


All or Nothing

Play: when you are about to make a skill check or attack
Effect: Instead of rolling, flip a coin. If heads: The result is the best possible result that could happen(example: critical threat & hit or jump check is maximum distance). If tails: The result is the worst possible result that could happen (example: critical miss or trips and falls with jump attempt).

Feel free to change the word. ;)



A couple of Judas Priest-influenced ones:

46. Screaming for vengeance

The last blow dealt against you did little but enrage you further. After taking at least your Con score in damage from a single attack, you get an immediate free attack against your attacker, with a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. For the rest of the combat, as long as you focus on this target to the exclusion of other enemies, you gain a +2 morale bonus to attack and damage. If you're a barbarian and you immediately enter a rage, the rage becomes a Greater Rage as long as you focus on the attacker that damaged you.

47. I will stand...I will fight...you'll never take me alive.

Your cause (or your willpower) is so great that, when you take damage from an attack that would have reduced you to zero hit points, you gain that amount in temporary hit points. Thereafter, your resolve is so strong that you are affected as though a bard was using Inspire Courage on you. If a bard is already using Inspire Courage, you enjoy the effects of Inspire Greatness instead.


I couldn't resist this one...

48. Some call me the gangster of love...

Choose one NPC of the opposite sex; your charming speech about the pompitous of love gives you a +4 circumstance bonus to all Charisma-related checks with the NPC. The circumstance bonus increases to +6 if your name happens to be Maurice.


Okay, here's a Conan one (from the REH stories, not the movies):

(Edit: two Conan ones)

49. Were I still in death and you fighting for life I would come back from the Abyss--

When you're dead or dying and a close companion is in danger, you can get up, temporarily restored to full hit points, and fight at the companions side for 1d4+1 rounds before succumbing to the Abyss once more. If you're a spellcaster, 1d6+2 of your highest-level spells (your choice) are restored and available for casting during this time. After your time is up, you are dead, but you can be raised or resurrected normally.

50. Goddess? Hah!

You automatically see through the next attempt to Bluff you.
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The Tick:

51. ...And then he threw a chimney at us!

Choose a large (at the very top of your max press limit) object in the room. You can pick it up and use it as a ranged weapon with a range increment of 10'. Naturally, you suffer no nonproficiency penalty.

52. Little did Chairface know that the alligator is the cow's natural-born enemy.

An unlikely creature, hostile to an NPC of your choice, suddenly arrives on the scene. How it acts is up to the DM.


53. Mister, would you please help my pony?

A mount of your choice unexpectedly falls sick. You think it's his lung.

Dark Jezter

First Post
derverdammte said:
Okay, here's a Conan one (from the REH stories, not the movies):

49. Were I still in death and you fighting for life I would come back from the Abyss--

When you're dead or dying and a close companion is in danger, you can get up, temporarily restored to full hit points, and fight at the companions side for 1d4+1 rounds before succumbing to the Abyss once more. If you're a spellcaster, 1d6+2 of your highest-level spells (your choice) are restored and available for casting during this time. After your time is up, you are dead, but you can be raised or resurrected normally.

Ooh, a card influenced by Queen of the Black Coast. Most excellent!

50. Goddess? Hah!

You automatically see through the next attempt to Bluff you. [/B]

This would be from Jewels of Gwahlur, where Conan refuses to believe that the actress is the goddess.

Yes, I too am a huge fan of the Conan Stories by REH, I just did movie references because I thought they'd be more recognizable. It's always good to see another Howard fan, though. :D
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What? Me Worry?
54. Harrison Door - when being pursued indoors, there is a door somewhere nearby...but it's closing. You slip through just as it closes, almost becoming stuck in it yourself - but you get away. Your pursuers are slowed for the amount of time it takes to batter down the door.

55. Fruit Cart! - When being pursued outdoors, you are suddenly confronted with an obstacle - a stalled vehicle, a gaggle of nuns, a fruit cart, what have you - but you manage to avoid it. Your pursuers, however, are stymied for 2 full rounds as they circumvent or otherwise disentangle themselves from the obstacle.

Voidrunner's Codex

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