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1001 minor traits for magic swords

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409) Tipsy: When drawn, this weapon causes items such as chairs, tables and other items to upend within 1' of the wielder.

410) Voluptuous: An enemy struck by this weapons gains a bust size of 42", regardless of gender.

411) Black Rain: The weapon exudes a viscous liquid while drawn. The liquid tastes of chocolate.

412) Dull: On a roll of 1 for a hit, it temporarily reduces the wielder's Intelligence by 1.

413) Mind Razor: On a hit roll of nat 20, the wielder gains +1 Intelligence for 24 hours.

414) Ninja: When drawn, the blade magically wraps the wielder in black garb. This is an illusion effect.

415) Spellbound: When touched or struck against a spellbook or scroll, it Wizard Locks the item shut.

416) Glasssteel: The blade appears to be made of colorless glass, but is as hard as steel.

417) Blooddrinker: All free-standing blood within one foot of the blade is drawn into the weapon, which hungerly gulps it down

418) Dreamslicer: The bearer experiences nothing but dreams of sword-fighting all night long. The bearer awakens exhausted, but gains a +1 bonus to BAB for the next 24 hours.

419) Visions: Once every 24 hours, the wielder can gain the mental image of the next individual they will face off against with the blade.

420) Airslicer: The wielder can give up all attacks for the round to make one attack with the weapon with range of 60 ft.


Staff member
421) Informative: this blade can make a bardic knowledge check as a 1st level bard, at will, using the wielder's intelligence bonus. 25% of these weapons are cursed: these Misinformative blades use an intelligence bonus that is the negative of the wielder's- the smarter the owner, the worse the sword will do. They are highly prized by idiots.

422) Cristalsteel- the blade appears to be made of a translucent golden material with bubbles moving inside. The bubbles always move in the opposite direction of gravity, as if they were floating in liquid. When drawn, the sword gives the user a +2 to charisma based skill checks.
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First Post
423) Zane Von Stein
Zane Von Stein was once a Paladin, Vampire hunter. One night, Zane was defeated by its prey but instead of killing him, the Vampire made of Zane what he hated the most, a Vampire. This tragedy did not change Zane's true nature and he continued his work of Vampire hunter. One day, Zane met a sorcerer to whom he asked for a cure. The sorcerer tricked him and extracted his soul and use it to create an Holy Scimitar.

Zane Von Stein, Scimitar
If the weapon goes for more than a week without blood it begins to rust, at this state the weapon is no more than a +1 master work scimitar.

At the fist drop of blood, the weapon becomes clean and sharp and becomes a +1 magical weapon. In the hands of a neutral person it will never be anything else.

In the hand of a good person, the weapon becomes a Good alligned +2 magical weapon.

In the hand of a loyal good person, the weapon becomes a Loyal, Good alligned +3 magical weapon.

In the hand of a Paladin, Zane Von Stein unleashes all its trus power and becomes a Loyal, Good alligned +4 magical weapon with the following powers :
Bless, once a day
Detect Undead, three times a day
Daylight, once a day
Divine Favor +3, against Vampire (just like the spell but only against Vampire and for a +3 bonus), once a day

Holy Sword, for 12 rounds once a week. Using this extraordinary power consumes a +1 magical bonus for one week (the weapons lose a +1 magical bonus for a week)

Vampiric Touch, 5d6
This is a power counter nature for Zane. The weapon will grant this power, by itself, if he thinks this is the last thing to do OR if the wielder requests it.
Zane will grant this power once and at the cost of a +1 magical bonus. For Zane to regain its lost magical bonus, its wielder will have to make an exceptional act of goodness (putting is own life on the line to save someone, for example).

In the hand of any chaotic or evil person, Zane Von Stein will simply refuse to fight at the only exception, if the weapon is currently rusty and just until he drinks a single drop of blood.

P.S. Zane Von Stein is an iltelligent weapon, it can talk, it has knowledge of its own (ie. undeads and or evil creatures). You can consider Zane to be as much as an NPC or simpy a source of knowledge when required.
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424) The stink sword. this sword has black and white Fur around the pommel that lets of a distinct stench. anyone handeling the sword or struck by the sword has their own personal odor increased 10 fold makeing it much easier to track them. -5 to the dc of such checks.

425) The tasty Sword. This weapon is caked with baked on food giblets. Rumor has it this weapon was created by a notoreous canibal. anyone struck becomes extremley tastey. any hungry creatures in the area will go out of their way to try and eat the target of the weapon. a fortitude save dc 12 negates the effect.


First Post
I think we are passed the "minor" traits here!

426) Cyclone Throwing Waraxes
These weapons comes in pair. They look like throwing axes with a twisted wood handle and bearing a cyclone etched in the polish metal blade.

Used separately, they act like +2 called throwing axe, returning to their owner's hand at the end of round providing a swift action.

Used together as melee weapons reveal their true nature. The weapons enhance at each consecutive successfully blow. At the second consecutive hit, you start to feel quicker, the weapons becomes +3 and grant +1 dodge bonus to armor class due to your increase mobility.

At the third consecutive blow, weapons becomes +4 and at the fourth consecutive blow, the weapons act as speed weapons granting an immediate additional attack and one aditionnal attack each round thereafter providing each blow is succesfull (one attack as if affected by Haste spell).

If anywhere along the line you miss, stop attacking or your attack gets blocked, the axes return to their original +2 called weapons (using an attack to feint is not considerd as if you stoped attacking).

Throwing an axe during the sequence doesn't break the combo providing the axe successfully hit and is recalled. (Pathfinder: Throwing both axes would break the combo because only one switft action can be performed thus only one blade can be recalled).


427. Whistling - When this sword is swung, it whistles fiercely through the air. The wielder has a minor bonus to intimidate opponents in combat.

428. Comforting - The sword smells like baked bread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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