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D&D 5E 10th 5e Survey


So everyone got a working link to the survey on this one? Because I didn't... In fact, the mail didn't have any links whatsoever. Anyone willing to share the link, or is this a personalized affair?

Anyone? I really don't want to have to slug it out with customer service or whoever...

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They stopped sending me surveys after the second packet, It could be because I was very negative of the early packets, but this makes me believe that most info they get from newer surveys are slanted. Thats a shame because the last packet looked to be the best one yet with just some complaints about weapons and armor and some class balance issues.

Greg K

Took the survey about Midnight and finished around 1:30AM.
I have not been a fan of the packets so far and this was no exception. Some of my thoughts were:

Barbarian: Still hate that Barbarian = Berserker. The saving grace for the 3e Barbarian, in my opinion was the UA Crafty Hunter variant which allowed me to replicate both David Howery's revision of the 1e Barbarian found in Dragon (best D&D Barbarian in my opinion), and several of the 2e Barbarian kits. I also dislike most of the class abilities and wish Paths kicked in with effects at first level

Cleric: I dislike that the cleric still have access to all spells, turn undead, and a martial bent (attack bonus, two attacks and 2 of the domains receiving heavy armor) both of which should have died in a fire after the introduction of 2e specialty priests. While not the perfect solution, the 3e DMG at least discussed tailoring spell lists to deity and Unearthed Arcana had a) spontaneous divine casting which severely limited the number of spells that the cleric knew and b) the cloistered cleric. Why do clerics of life and light need heavy armor and an attack bonus with weapons? Nothing to me, necessarily screams martial about either one.

Druid: I like Circle of the Land, but wish the circle kicked in earlier. Don't like Circle of the Moon or that Changing into a bear or feline is tied to it. Why can't Circle of the Land have a bear or feline form if it fits the Land the druid came from?

Fighter: I am mixed on the abilities (e.g. I dislike the mechanic behind Combat Superiority and Gladiator's Cunning), think Martial Paths should have come into play at first level, and think the Gladiator Paths name needs to be changed as it does not scream Gladiator to me.

Magic User: Dislike the Scribe Scroll and Brew Potions are automatic class features. I do like most of the

Monk: As in 1e and 3e, I still find this a poorly designed class. Don't get me wrong, I like the concept of having a monk class (anyone that thinks a Monk does not belong should reach the book Witch Blood by Will Shetterly). My issue is with the implementation. There are, in my opinion, too many prescribed abilities that don't fit everyone's vision of a monk and I think Monastic traditions should start having an affect at first level.

Paladin: Dislike spells not granted at first level and had other dislikes. Best thing, in my opinion was how Detect Evil works.

Ranger: Again, mixed on the abilities, dislike spells not granted at first level and that there was not a spell less version. I also dislike the Ranger Style and Favored Enemy being tied together. On the plus, I like Cultural Lore (Dragon), Cultural Lore (Specific Humanoid culture)

Rogue: Mixed on the abilities, too many prescribed abilities including sneak attack (I want various options) and I want styles playing more of a role at the start.

Lores replacing skills?
a. Hopefully, skills will be back. Just lores? No thanks. I want a skill list some where between 3e and 4e and leaning toward the former. I also want a 3e skill point option!
b. I would like to see Cultural Lore (Dragon) from the Ranger listed as an example of Culture Lore or just moved to its own skill Dragon Lore and give some other monster types their own
c. Political Lore. Politics happens in all societies and at various levels. This is focused on nobility and courtly knowledge. Therefore, can this get a more appropriate name

Greg K

They stopped sending me surveys after the second packet, It could be because I was very negative of the early packets,

I have been very negative of the packets in my feedback and still receive surveys. I have told them in my feedback to several packets that the classes as they exist make me not want to run or play Next.
Overall, I dislike this packet more than several others. However, I do think that the Circle of the Land Druid in this packet is the best thing about this packet. In my opinion, it is almost there. The Mage is getting close although I dislike Brew Potion and Scribe Scroll as set abilities and dislike a few specific abilities.
To be honest, I have not nor do I expect the leads based upon their, overall, past body of work, to produce a game that I like. However, Mearls did the Book of Iron Might (I don't mean Iron Heroes) and Rodney worked on Star Wars: Saga Edition so, maybe, they will surprise me with the game in its final form.

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