2020 (mini's) hobbystreak


Oh ...I've also picked up a lot of single sprues (usually from ebay) from most of the Frostgrave and Oathmark ranges - but like my 'bones' most are unassembled and unpainted :(

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#hobbystreak week 8

I almost gave up on the streak last week ...as nothing seemed to go well ...and some stuff even ended up in the bin :(

I would be very interested in seeing what went into your bin as I am below your level of painter.

I see stirges as more mosquito like than the Reaper version. Their versions look more like pseudo dragons to me.


The stuff that went in the bin wasn't anything special ...and yeah, I agree about the stirges*

*I actually had a go at making my own (papercraft-ish) versions not long ago (just so that I could have a ton of the little blighters) ...they're nothing to write home about - but here's how they turned out:



I have the opposite problem. I have about 2 dozen minis I needed to paint this week. For some reason, I really don't like painting bullywogs. By bully wog #8, I began to speed paint and not pay attention to details. I justified this by saying to myself that they wouldn't last long in the game anyway lol.


Yeah, I was pretty excited to paint these chainrasp (undead ghost) guys when I got first them ...but this was chainrasp number 10 (the final one, thankfully) ...and I think that's what's burned me out a little.

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