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[3.5] In-game explanations for the revision


I'm curious to see if anyone out there plans on incorporating the 3.5 revisions into the story of their game. ie, will the party wizard wake up one day, and realize that his previously-permanent-polymorph into a pixie has mysteriously worn off? Will he also realize that he can now cast divination spells (as he's a transmuter, and that was one of the three "opposed" schools he had selected)?

I think it might make for some semi-campy fun to deal with this in-game. The PC's would have to go out in search of the cause of the sweeping but often subtle changes in magic. I certainly don't want to deal with it in my campaign (since we're doing a pretty serious rendition of the RttToEE), but I was just wondering if anyone is thinking along the same lines.


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Registered User
I had been thinking about working it in.
Originaly I was going to waite and make the change over after my players completed the "Adventure Path (3.0)" and thell them that their very own actions had caused the gods to change to workings of magic in the Prime/their world.

But now I have decied that I want to switch it over ASAp so if I acknowledge it I'll have to think of another way to work it in.
Then again the current charcaters are "only 3rd level" so it would be an easy change over and they shoudln't really even notice any difference.

I think "the Death of a God" type of thing would work well here. Or maybe some other catastrophic event!

"Fall of Atlantis" type of thing or a "Deep Impact" event (esp.Ref "Mordheim.")


First Post
well, since i'm going to convert my existing dragonlance game to fit better with the new DLCS, tossing the change to 3.5 in the mix isnt really that much more work. The systems are pretty compatible anyway, and all my players are humans so the only real issue will be my girlfriend's rog/ranger/assn character. she took a level of ranger for twf, and suddenly it doesnt work like that =)

Well, I'm rounding off my RttToEE campaign and starting fresh with a Dragonstar campaign so explaining the changes is no problem for me and I've already told my players that we will henceforth use the 3,5 rules (even though I'll probably use the BoHM sorcerer and a combination of the BoHM and PHB 3,5 ranger - but we'll see...).



WotC's bitch
Well see, there's these evil gods, right. And they want to take over the... world, right. So there's this war and all the gods become mortal, right.

Hong "and then smoke came out" Ooi


One game is on hiatus, so we're just going to convert before we restart. I don't think there will be much difference - the Spellsword might grab a couple of levels of eldritch knight, but that's about it. Changes in spells will be swept under the carpet.

The other game, I have some plans for, involving shake-ups in the fabric of time.



First Post


I'm writing an Epic Level Module that uses one of the example Epic Level ideas in the Epic Level Handbook. The PCs will find the Book of Sleep, that will be located in a Citadel that resides in the Far Realm. In the book will have "The Words Once Spoken". the very words that originally created the multiverse.

There's a lot more to the plot than this where the PCs have to seal a planar rip that is starting to open in their home world. The rip connects the Far Realm with their home world. The Epic lore required to seal the rip resides in a Citadel deep within Outside. Of course, getting to it will be an epic feat in itself.

After reading from the Book of Sleep, the PCs will actually create a portal of undefinable origin. Certainly this will probably be an unexpected outcome for the PCs. After venturing through the portal, they meet up with an Over God of Over Gods if you will and for all intents and purposes, the Dungeon Master...and no he's not a short little guy like in the cartoon lol. He is actually Outside the Far Realm in a place lesser minds would call the Black Void.

Of course, throughout the module, the PCs will battle the alien aberrations of Outside and will eventually have to seal the rip.

Well, I just provided far more info than you probably asked for, but alas you asked ;)

- K
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the Jester

Yeah, after a bunch of trouble with multiple-empowered simulacra a powerful wizard is going to try to 'tweak' the source of magic and accidentally trigger the revision.


I plan on taking the "It's always been this way, and if you thought otherwise you are clearly delusional" approach.


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